CData Power BI Connector for NetSuite ビュー
Name | Description |
account | The account table. |
AccountContextSearch | The AccountContextSearch table. |
accountingbook | The accountingbook table. |
accountingcontext | The accountingcontext table. |
accountingperiod | The accountingperiod table. |
accountingperiodfiscalcalendars | The accountingperiodfiscalcalendars table. |
accountingtransaction | The accountingtransaction table. |
accountLocalization | The accountLocalization table. |
AccountSubsidiaryMap | The AccountSubsidiaryMap table. |
accountType | The accountType table. |
activity | The activity table. |
address | The address table. |
addressType | The addressType table. |
AdmissibilityPackageType | The AdmissibilityPackageType table. |
advintercompanyjournalentry | The advintercompanyjournalentry table. |
aggregateItemLocation | The aggregateItemLocation table. |
alignOrHide | The alignOrHide table. |
allocationDetail | The allocationDetail table. |
allocationDetailJournalMap | The allocationDetailJournalMap table. |
AllocationMethod | The AllocationMethod table. |
allocationschedule | The allocationschedule table. |
allocationScheduleAllocationDetail | The allocationScheduleAllocationDetail table. |
allocationScheduleAllocationDetailGeneralDetailDestination | The allocationScheduleAllocationDetailGeneralDetailDestination table. |
allocationScheduleAllocationDetailGeneralDetailSource | The allocationScheduleAllocationDetailGeneralDetailSource table. |
allocationScheduleAllocationDetailJournalMap | The allocationScheduleAllocationDetailJournalMap table. |
AllocationScheduleDestination | The AllocationScheduleDestination table. |
AllocationScheduleSource | The AllocationScheduleSource table. |
amortizationschedule | The amortizationschedule table. |
amortizationtemplate | The amortizationtemplate table. |
AmortizationType | The AmortizationType table. |
ApplicabilityModeType | The ApplicabilityModeType table. |
ApplicabilityReasonType | The ApplicabilityReasonType table. |
ApplicabilityStatusType | The ApplicabilityStatusType table. |
applyDiscountTo | The applyDiscountTo table. |
ApprovalStatus | The ApprovalStatus table. |
assemblybuild | The assemblybuild table. |
assemblyitem | The assemblyitem table. |
assemblyitembom | The assemblyitembom table. |
assemblyItemCorrelateditem | The assemblyItemCorrelateditem table. |
assemblyItemItemAccountingBookDetail | The assemblyItemItemAccountingBookDetail table. |
assemblyItemItemQuantityPricingDiscount | The assemblyItemItemQuantityPricingDiscount table. |
assemblyItemItemQuantityPricingLevel | The assemblyItemItemQuantityPricingLevel table. |
assemblyItemItemVendor | The assemblyItemItemVendor table. |
assemblyItemLocations | The assemblyItemLocations table. |
assemblyItemMember | The assemblyItemMember table. |
assemblyItemPresentationItem | The assemblyItemPresentationItem table. |
assemblyItemPrice | The assemblyItemPrice table. |
assemblyItemQuantity | The assemblyItemQuantity table. |
assemblyItemSiteCategory | The assemblyItemSiteCategory table. |
assemblyItemSubsidiaryMap | The assemblyItemSubsidiaryMap table. |
assemblyItemTranslation | The assemblyItemTranslation table. |
assemblyunbuild | The assemblyunbuild table. |
ATPMethodType | The ATPMethodType table. |
Attendee | The Attendee table. |
audienceDepartmentMap | The audienceDepartmentMap table. |
audienceDepartmentMapClient | The audienceDepartmentMapClient table. |
audienceDepartmentMapMassUpdate | The audienceDepartmentMapMassUpdate table. |
audienceDepartmentMapPortlet | The audienceDepartmentMapPortlet table. |
audienceDepartmentMapRestlet | The audienceDepartmentMapRestlet table. |
audienceDepartmentMapSuitelet | The audienceDepartmentMapSuitelet table. |
audienceDepartmentMapUserEvent | The audienceDepartmentMapUserEvent table. |
audienceDepartmentMapWorkflow | The audienceDepartmentMapWorkflow table. |
audienceEmployeeMap | The audienceEmployeeMap table. |
audienceEmployeeMapClient | The audienceEmployeeMapClient table. |
audienceEmployeeMapMassUpdate | The audienceEmployeeMapMassUpdate table. |
audienceEmployeeMapPortlet | The audienceEmployeeMapPortlet table. |
audienceEmployeeMapRestlet | The audienceEmployeeMapRestlet table. |
audienceEmployeeMapSuitelet | The audienceEmployeeMapSuitelet table. |
audienceEmployeeMapUserEvent | The audienceEmployeeMapUserEvent table. |
audienceEmployeeMapWorkflow | The audienceEmployeeMapWorkflow table. |
audienceGroupMap | The audienceGroupMap table. |
audienceGroupMapClient | The audienceGroupMapClient table. |
audienceGroupMapMassUpdate | The audienceGroupMapMassUpdate table. |
audienceGroupMapPortlet | The audienceGroupMapPortlet table. |
audienceGroupMapRestlet | The audienceGroupMapRestlet table. |
audienceGroupMapSuitelet | The audienceGroupMapSuitelet table. |
audienceGroupMapUserEvent | The audienceGroupMapUserEvent table. |
audienceGroupMapWorkflow | The audienceGroupMapWorkflow table. |
audiencePartnerMap | The audiencePartnerMap table. |
audiencePartnerMapClient | The audiencePartnerMapClient table. |
audiencePartnerMapMassUpdate | The audiencePartnerMapMassUpdate table. |
audiencePartnerMapPortlet | The audiencePartnerMapPortlet table. |
audiencePartnerMapRestlet | The audiencePartnerMapRestlet table. |
audiencePartnerMapSuitelet | The audiencePartnerMapSuitelet table. |
audiencePartnerMapUserEvent | The audiencePartnerMapUserEvent table. |
audiencePartnerMapWorkflow | The audiencePartnerMapWorkflow table. |
audienceRoleMap | The audienceRoleMap table. |
audienceRoleMapClient | The audienceRoleMapClient table. |
audienceRoleMapMassUpdate | The audienceRoleMapMassUpdate table. |
audienceRoleMapPortlet | The audienceRoleMapPortlet table. |
audienceRoleMapRestlet | The audienceRoleMapRestlet table. |
audienceRoleMapSuitelet | The audienceRoleMapSuitelet table. |
audienceRoleMapUserEvent | The audienceRoleMapUserEvent table. |
audienceRoleMapWorkflow | The audienceRoleMapWorkflow table. |
audienceSubsidiaryMap | The audienceSubsidiaryMap table. |
audienceSubsidiaryMapClient | The audienceSubsidiaryMapClient table. |
audienceSubsidiaryMapMassUpdate | The audienceSubsidiaryMapMassUpdate table. |
audienceSubsidiaryMapPortlet | The audienceSubsidiaryMapPortlet table. |
audienceSubsidiaryMapRestlet | The audienceSubsidiaryMapRestlet table. |
audienceSubsidiaryMapSuitelet | The audienceSubsidiaryMapSuitelet table. |
audienceSubsidiaryMapUserEvent | The audienceSubsidiaryMapUserEvent table. |
audienceSubsidiaryMapWorkflow | The audienceSubsidiaryMapWorkflow table. |
AuthenticateDeviceInput | The AuthenticateDeviceInput table. |
AuthenticateDeviceResult | The AuthenticateDeviceResult table. |
AuthenticationField | The AuthenticationField table. |
automatedclearinghouse | The automatedclearinghouse table. |
balancetrxbysegments | The balancetrxbysegments table. |
billingaccount | The billingaccount table. |
billingclass | The billingclass table. |
billingClassPriceCost | The billingClassPriceCost table. |
BillingMilestone | The BillingMilestone table. |
billingratecard | The billingratecard table. |
BillingRateCardPriceMultiForSearch | The BillingRateCardPriceMultiForSearch table. |
BillingRateCardVersion | The BillingRateCardVersion table. |
billingrevenueevent | The billingrevenueevent table. |
billingschedule | The billingschedule table. |
billingScheduleMilestone | The billingScheduleMilestone table. |
billingScheduleRecurrence | The billingScheduleRecurrence table. |
billingScheduleRecurrencePattern | The billingScheduleRecurrencePattern table. |
BillingScheduleType | The BillingScheduleType table. |
billOfDistribution | The billOfDistribution table. |
billOfDistributionDistributionSource | The billOfDistributionDistributionSource table. |
BillVarianceStatus | The BillVarianceStatus table. |
bin | The bin table. |
bintransfer | The bintransfer table. |
binworksheet | The binworksheet table. |
blanketpurchaseorder | The blanketpurchaseorder table. |
blanketPurchaseOrderExpenseMachine | The blanketPurchaseOrderExpenseMachine table. |
bom | The bom table. |
bomAssembly | The bomAssembly table. |
bomrevision | The bomrevision table. |
bomrevisioncomponent | The bomrevisioncomponent table. |
bonus | The bonus table. |
bonustype | The bonustype table. |
budgetcategory | The budgetcategory table. |
budgetexchangerate | The budgetexchangerate table. |
budgetimport | The BudgetImport table. |
budgetlegacy | The budgetlegacy table. |
budgets | The budgets table. |
budgetsMachine | The budgetsMachine table. |
bulkownershiptransfer | The bulkownershiptransfer table. |
bundleinstallationscript | The bundleinstallationscript table. |
BusinessEventHandler | The BusinessEventHandler table. |
BusinessEventHandlerFeedDetailType | The BusinessEventHandlerFeedDetailType table. |
BusinessEventHandlerFeedStatus | The BusinessEventHandlerFeedStatus table. |
BusinessEventType | The BusinessEventType table. |
button | The button table. |
CalculateDiscountType | The CalculateDiscountType table. |
calendarevent | The calendarevent table. |
campaign | The campaign table. |
campaignevent | The campaignevent table. |
campaignEventResponse | The campaignEventResponse table. |
campaignresponse | The campaignresponse table. |
campaignResponseHistoryEntry | The campaignResponseHistoryEntry table. |
campaigntemplate | The campaigntemplate table. |
CardholderAuthBillAddress | The CardholderAuthBillAddress table. |
cardholderauthentication | The cardholderauthentication table. |
CardholderAuthenticationEvent | The CardholderAuthenticationEvent table. |
CardholderAuthenticationEventList | The CardholderAuthenticationEventList table. |
CardholderAuthenticationStatus | The CardholderAuthenticationStatus table. |
CardholderAuthShipAddress | The CardholderAuthShipAddress table. |
CartSortOrder | The CartSortOrder table. |
cashrefund | The cashrefund table. |
cashRefundBillingAddress | The cashRefundBillingAddress table. |
cashRefundPartner | The cashRefundPartner table. |
cashRefundSalesTeam | The cashRefundSalesTeam table. |
cashRefundShippingAddress | The cashRefundShippingAddress table. |
cashRefundTranPromotion | The cashRefundTranPromotion table. |
cashsale | The cashsale table. |
cashSaleBillingAddress | The cashSaleBillingAddress table. |
cashSaleGiftCertRedemption | The cashSaleGiftCertRedemption table. |
cashSaleItemShippingAddress | The cashSaleItemShippingAddress table. |
cashSalePartner | The cashSalePartner table. |
cashSaleSalesTeam | The cashSaleSalesTeam table. |
cashSaleShippingAddress | The cashSaleShippingAddress table. |
cashSaleTrackingNumberMap | The cashSaleTrackingNumberMap table. |
cashSaleTranPromotion | The cashSaleTranPromotion table. |
category1099misc | The category1099misc table. |
CcBccRecipient | The CcBccRecipient table. |
CenterType | The CenterType table. |
ChallengeShopperInput | The ChallengeShopperInput table. |
ChallengeShopperResult | The ChallengeShopperResult table. |
ChallengeWindowSize | The ChallengeWindowSize table. |
charge | The charge table. |
Chargebillingmodetype | The Chargebillingmodetype table. |
chargerule | The chargerule table. |
ChargeRun | The ChargeRun table. |
Chargestagetype | The Chargestagetype table. |
chargeType | The chargeType table. |
chargeTypeTranslations | The chargeTypeTranslations table. |
Chargeuse | The Chargeuse table. |
check | The check table. |
CheckExpenseMachine | The CheckExpenseMachine table. |
checkPayeeAddress | The checkPayeeAddress table. |
classification | The classification table. |
clientscript | The clientscript table. |
cmscontent | The cmscontent table. |
cmscontenttype | The cmscontenttype table. |
cmspage | The cmspage table. |
commercecategory | The commercecategory table. |
CommissionPaymentType | The CommissionPaymentType table. |
CompanyAddressbook | The CompanyAddressbook table. |
CompanyAddressbookEntityAddress | The CompanyAddressbookEntityAddress table. |
CompanyBulkMerge | The CompanyBulkMerge table. |
CompanyCampaigns | The CompanyCampaigns table. |
CompanyCompanyContact | The CompanyCompanyContact table. |
competitor | The competitor table. |
CompetitorOpportunity | The CompetitorOpportunity table. |
consolidatedexchangerate | The consolidatedexchangerate table. |
ConsolidatedRateType | The ConsolidatedRateType table. |
contact | The contact table. |
ContactAddressbook | The ContactAddressbook table. |
ContactAddressbookEntityAddress | The ContactAddressbookEntityAddress table. |
ContactBulkMerge | The ContactBulkMerge table. |
contactcategory | The contactcategory table. |
ContactContactCampaigns | The ContactContactCampaigns table. |
ContactContactTypeMap | The ContactContactTypeMap table. |
contactrole | The contactrole table. |
ContactSubscriptionMessageHistory | The ContactSubscriptionMessageHistory table. |
ContactSubscriptions | The ContactSubscriptions table. |
ContactSubsidiaryRelationship | The ContactSubsidiaryRelationship table. |
controlTowerSourceType | The controlTowerSourceType table. |
costcategory | The costcategory table. |
CostCategoryType | The CostCategoryType table. |
CostEstimateType | The CostEstimateType table. |
CostingMethodType | The CostingMethodType table. |
couponcode | The couponcode table. |
CreditCardCharge | The CreditCardCharge table. |
CreditCardChargeExpenseMachine | The CreditCardChargeExpenseMachine table. |
CreditCardRefund | The CreditCardRefund table. |
CreditCardRefundExpenseMachine | The CreditCardRefundExpenseMachine table. |
Creditholdoverridetype | The Creditholdoverridetype table. |
creditmemo | The creditmemo table. |
creditMemoBillingAddress | The creditMemoBillingAddress table. |
creditMemoItemShippingAddress | The creditMemoItemShippingAddress table. |
creditMemoPartner | The creditMemoPartner table. |
creditMemoSalesTeam | The creditMemoSalesTeam table. |
creditMemoShipGroup | The creditMemoShipGroup table. |
creditMemoShippingAddress | The creditMemoShippingAddress table. |
creditMemoTranPromotion | The creditMemoTranPromotion table. |
CrmTemplateType | The CrmTemplateType table. |
currency | The currency table. |
currencyrate | The currencyrate table. |
CurrencyRateType | The CurrencyRateType table. |
CurrencySymbolPlacement | The CurrencySymbolPlacement table. |
customer | The customer table. |
customerAddressbook | The customerAddressbook table. |
customerAddressbookEntityAddress | The customerAddressbookEntityAddress table. |
customerBulkMerge | The customerBulkMerge table. |
customerCampaigns | The customerCampaigns table. |
customercategory | The customercategory table. |
customerCompanyContact | The customerCompanyContact table. |
customerContactRole | The customerContactRole table. |
customerCurrencyBalance | The customerCurrencyBalance table. |
customerdeposit | The customerdeposit table. |
customerEftAcct | The customerEftAcct table. |
CustomerGroupPricing | The CustomerGroupPricing table. |
customerItemPricing | The customerItemPricing table. |
customermessage | The customermessage table. |
CustomerPartner | The CustomerPartner table. |
customerpayment | The customerpayment table. |
customerpaymentauthorization | The customerpaymentauthorization table. |
customerrefund | The customerrefund table. |
customerRefundPayeeAddress | The customerRefundPayeeAddress table. |
customerSalesTeam | The customerSalesTeam table. |
CustomerSegmentCustomer | The CustomerSegmentCustomer table. |
customerstatus | The customerstatus table. |
customerSubscriptionMessageHistory | The customerSubscriptionMessageHistory table. |
customerSubscriptions | The customerSubscriptions table. |
customersubsidiaryrelationship | The customersubsidiaryrelationship table. |
CustomField | The CustomField table. |
CustomField2 | The CustomField2 table. |
customInstallmentPercent | The customInstallmentPercent table. |
customlist | The customlist table. |
customPluginTypesAction | The customPluginTypesAction table. |
customPluginTypesBundleInstallation | The customPluginTypesBundleInstallation table. |
customPluginTypesMapReduce | The customPluginTypesMapReduce table. |
customPluginTypesPortlet | The customPluginTypesPortlet table. |
customPluginTypesRestlet | The customPluginTypesRestlet table. |
customPluginTypesScheduled | The customPluginTypesScheduled table. |
customPluginTypesSuitelet | The customPluginTypesSuitelet table. |
customPluginTypesUserEvent | The customPluginTypesUserEvent table. |
custompurchase | The custompurchase table. |
customrecordtype | The customrecordtype table. |
customsale | The customsale table. |
customsegment | The customsegment table. |
CustomTransactionType | The CustomTransactionType table. |
DayOfWeek | The DayOfWeek table. |
deletedrecord | The deletedrecord table. |
department | The department table. |
departmentSubsidiaryMap | The departmentSubsidiaryMap table. |
deploymentsAction | The deploymentsAction table. |
deploymentsBundleInstallation | The deploymentsBundleInstallation table. |
deploymentsClient | The deploymentsClient table. |
deploymentsMapReduce | The deploymentsMapReduce table. |
deploymentsMassUpdate | The deploymentsMassUpdate table. |
deploymentsPortlet | The deploymentsPortlet table. |
deploymentsRestlet | The deploymentsRestlet table. |
deploymentsScheduled | The deploymentsScheduled table. |
deploymentsScript | The deploymentsScript table. |
deploymentsSuitelet | The deploymentsSuitelet table. |
deploymentsUserEvent | The deploymentsUserEvent table. |
deposit | The deposit table. |
depositapplication | The depositapplication table. |
descriptionitem | The descriptionitem table. |
descriptionItemSubsidiaryMap | The descriptionItemSubsidiaryMap table. |
descriptionItemTranslation | The descriptionItemTranslation table. |
discountitem | The discountitem table. |
discountItemSubsidiaryMap | The discountItemSubsidiaryMap table. |
discountItemTranslation | The discountItemTranslation table. |
distributionCategory | The distributionCategory table. |
distributionNetwork | The distributionNetwork table. |
distributionNetworkDistributionCategory | The distributionNetworkDistributionCategory table. |
distributionnetworksubsidiary | The distributionnetworksubsidiary table. |
downloaditem | The downloaditem table. |
downloadItemCorrelateditem | The downloadItemCorrelateditem table. |
downloadItemItemAccountingBookDetail | The downloadItemItemAccountingBookDetail table. |
downloadItemItemQuantityPricingDiscount | The downloadItemItemQuantityPricingDiscount table. |
downloadItemItemQuantityPricingLevel | The downloadItemItemQuantityPricingLevel table. |
downloadItemPresentationItem | The downloadItemPresentationItem table. |
downloadItemPrice | The downloadItemPrice table. |
downloadItemQuantity | The downloadItemQuantity table. |
downloadItemSiteCategory | The downloadItemSiteCategory table. |
downloadItemSubsidiaryMap | The downloadItemSubsidiaryMap table. |
downloadItemTranslation | The downloadItemTranslation table. |
EffectivityBasedOnType | The EffectivityBasedOnType table. |
EmailPreferenceType | The EmailPreferenceType table. |
emailtemplate | The emailtemplate table. |
employee | The employee table. |
employeeAccruedTime | The employeeAccruedTime table. |
employeeAddressbook | The employeeAddressbook table. |
employeeAddressbookEntityAddress | The employeeAddressbookEntityAddress table. |
employeeBulkMerge | The employeeBulkMerge table. |
employeeCampaigns | The employeeCampaigns table. |
employeechangerequest | The employeechangerequest table. |
employeechangerequesttype | The employeechangerequesttype table. |
employeeCompanyContribution | The employeeCompanyContribution table. |
employeeDeduction | The employeeDeduction table. |
employeeEarning | The employeeEarning table. |
employeeEmergencyContact | The employeeEmergencyContact table. |
employeeEmpPerms | The employeeEmpPerms table. |
EmployeeExpenseReportCurrencies | The EmployeeExpenseReportCurrencies table. |
employeeexpensesourcetype | The employeeexpensesourcetype table. |
EmployeeFilingStatus | The EmployeeFilingStatus table. |
employeeHCMPosition | The employeeHCMPosition table. |
employeeHrEducation | The employeeHrEducation table. |
employeeListPresItemPresCategory | The employeeListPresItemPresCategory table. |
employeeListSiteCategoryTagSubstitution | The employeeListSiteCategoryTagSubstitution table. |
employeeListSiteCategoryTranslationEmployeeList | The employeeListSiteCategoryTranslationEmployeeList table. |
employeeroles | The employeeroles table. |
employeerolesforsearch | The employeerolesforsearch table. |
employeestatus | The employeestatus table. |
employeeSubscriptionMessageHistory | The employeeSubscriptionMessageHistory table. |
employeeSubscriptions | The employeeSubscriptions table. |
EmployeeSubsidiaryRelationship | The EmployeeSubsidiaryRelationship table. |
employeeTaxOptions | The employeeTaxOptions table. |
employeetype | The employeetype table. |
entity | The entity table. |
entityaccountmapping | The entityaccountmapping table. |
EntityAddress | The EntityAddress table. |
entityAddressbook | The entityAddressbook table. |
entityBulkMerge | The entityBulkMerge table. |
entitygroup | The entitygroup table. |
entityGroupBulkMerge | The entityGroupBulkMerge table. |
entityGroupCampaigns | The entityGroupCampaigns table. |
entityGroupMember | The entityGroupMember table. |
entityGroupType | The entityGroupType table. |
entityListType | The entityListType table. |
entityRate | The entityRate table. |
EntityStage | The EntityStage table. |
EntityStatus | The EntityStatus table. |
EntitySubsidiaryRelationship | The EntitySubsidiaryRelationship table. |
estimate | The estimate table. |
estimateBillingAddress | The estimateBillingAddress table. |
estimateItemShippingAddress | The estimateItemShippingAddress table. |
estimatePartner | The estimatePartner table. |
estimateSalesTeam | The estimateSalesTeam table. |
estimateShipGroup | The estimateShipGroup table. |
estimateShippingAddress | The estimateShippingAddress table. |
estimateTranPromotion | The estimateTranPromotion table. |
EventDowim | The EventDowim table. |
EventFrequency | The EventFrequency table. |
EventPriority | The EventPriority table. |
EventType | The EventType table. |
excludeLocationRegionItem | The excludeLocationRegionItem table. |
executionContext | The executionContext table. |
expenseamortizationevent | The expenseamortizationevent table. |
expensecategory | The expensecategory table. |
ExpenseCategoryRate | The ExpenseCategoryRate table. |
ExpenseCategoryTranslation | The ExpenseCategoryTranslation table. |
expenseItemSubsidiaryMap | The expenseItemSubsidiaryMap table. |
expenseItemTranslation | The expenseItemTranslation table. |
expenseMachine | The expenseMachine table. |
expenseplan | The expenseplan table. |
expensereport | The expensereport table. |
expensereportpolicy | The expensereportpolicy table. |
fairvalueprice | The fairvalueprice table. |
FairValueRangePolicy | The FairValueRangePolicy table. |
FaxTemplate | The FaxTemplate table. |
file | The file table. |
FileHits | The FileHits table. |
financialinstitution | The financialinstitution table. |
FirstRunTimeSelect | The FirstRunTimeSelect table. |
fixedamountprojectrevenuerule | The fixedamountprojectrevenuerule table. |
folder | The folder table. |
FolderType | The FolderType table. |
Forecast | The Forecast table. |
ForecastType | The ForecastType table. |
formatprofile | The formatprofile table. |
FrequencyType | The FrequencyType table. |
FulfillmentChoice | The FulfillmentChoice table. |
FulfillmentExceptionType | The FulfillmentExceptionType table. |
fulfillmentrequest | The fulfillmentrequest table. |
FulfillmentRequestType | The FulfillmentRequestType table. |
gatewayNotification | The gatewayNotification table. |
gatewayTokenFamily | The gatewayTokenFamily table. |
generalAllocationSchedule | The generalAllocationSchedule table. |
generalAllocationScheduleJournalCreatedByAllocation | The generalAllocationScheduleJournalCreatedByAllocation table. |
GeneralDetailDestination | The GeneralDetailDestination table. |
GeneralDetailSource | The GeneralDetailSource table. |
generalizedItem | The generalizedItem table. |
GeneralScheduleDestination | The GeneralScheduleDestination table. |
GeneralScheduleSource | The GeneralScheduleSource table. |
generaltoken | The generaltoken table. |
generalTokenPaymentOperationMap | The generalTokenPaymentOperationMap table. |
genericCampaignEventResponse | The genericCampaignEventResponse table. |
genericCampaignItem | The genericCampaignItem table. |
genericresource | The genericresource table. |
GenericResourceSubsidiaryRelationship | The GenericResourceSubsidiaryRelationship table. |
giftcertificate | The giftcertificate table. |
giftcertificateitem | The giftcertificateitem table. |
GiftCertificateItemAuthorizationCodes | The GiftCertificateItemAuthorizationCodes table. |
giftCertificateItemCorrelateditem | The giftCertificateItemCorrelateditem table. |
giftCertificateItemPresentationItem | The giftCertificateItemPresentationItem table. |
giftCertificateItemPrice | The giftCertificateItemPrice table. |
giftCertificateItemQuantity | The giftCertificateItemQuantity table. |
giftCertificateItemSiteCategory | The giftCertificateItemSiteCategory table. |
giftCertificateItemSubsidiaryMap | The giftCertificateItemSubsidiaryMap table. |
giftCertificateItemTranslation | The giftCertificateItemTranslation table. |
glnumberingsequence | The glnumberingsequence table. |
globalaccountmapping | The globalaccountmapping table. |
globalinventoryrelationship | The globalinventoryrelationship table. |
goal | The goal table. |
Hcmterminationcategory | The Hcmterminationcategory table. |
importedemployeeexpense | The importedemployeeexpense table. |
inboundshipment | The inboundshipment table. |
InboundShipmentItem | The InboundShipmentItem table. |
InboundShipmentLandedCost | The InboundShipmentLandedCost table. |
IncoTerm | The IncoTerm table. |
IncoTermType | The IncoTermType table. |
intercompallocationschedule | The intercompallocationschedule table. |
IntercompanyAllocationScheduleAllocationDetail | The IntercompanyAllocationScheduleAllocationDetail table. |
IntercompanyAllocationScheduleAllocationDetailGeneralDetailDestination | The IntercompanyAllocationScheduleAllocationDetailGeneralDetailDestination table. |
IntercompanyAllocationScheduleAllocationDetailGeneralDetailSource | The IntercompanyAllocationScheduleAllocationDetailGeneralDetailSource table. |
IntercompanyDestination | The IntercompanyDestination table. |
intercompanyjournalentry | The intercompanyjournalentry table. |
IntercompanySource | The IntercompanySource table. |
intercompanytransferorder | The intercompanytransferorder table. |
intercompanyTransferOrderLinkedTrackingNumberMap | The intercompanyTransferOrderLinkedTrackingNumberMap table. |
intercompanyTransferOrderShippingAddress | The intercompanyTransferOrderShippingAddress table. |
intercompanyTransferOrderTrackingNumberMap | The intercompanyTransferOrderTrackingNumberMap table. |
inventoryadjustment | The inventoryadjustment table. |
inventoryAssignment | The inventoryAssignment table. |
InventoryBalance | The InventoryBalance table. |
inventorycostrevaluation | The inventorycostrevaluation table. |
InventoryCostTemplate | The InventoryCostTemplate table. |
InventoryCostTemplateCostDetail | The InventoryCostTemplateCostDetail table. |
inventorycount | The inventorycount table. |
inventorydetail | The inventorydetail table. |
inventoryitem | The inventoryitem table. |
inventoryItemCorrelateditem | The inventoryItemCorrelateditem table. |
inventoryItemItemAccountingBookDetail | The inventoryItemItemAccountingBookDetail table. |
inventoryItemItemQuantityPricingDiscount | The inventoryItemItemQuantityPricingDiscount table. |
inventoryItemItemQuantityPricingLevel | The inventoryItemItemQuantityPricingLevel table. |
inventoryItemItemVendor | The inventoryItemItemVendor table. |
inventoryItemLocations | The inventoryItemLocations table. |
inventoryItemPresentationItem | The inventoryItemPresentationItem table. |
inventoryItemPrice | The inventoryItemPrice table. |
inventoryItemQuantity | The inventoryItemQuantity table. |
inventoryItemSiteCategory | The inventoryItemSiteCategory table. |
inventoryItemSubsidiaryMap | The inventoryItemSubsidiaryMap table. |
inventoryItemTranslation | The inventoryItemTranslation table. |
inventorynumber | The inventorynumber table. |
inventorynumberbin | The inventorynumberbin table. |
InventoryNumberLocation | The InventoryNumberLocation table. |
inventorystatus | The inventorystatus table. |
inventorystatuschange | The inventorystatuschange table. |
inventorytransfer | The inventorytransfer table. |
invoice | The invoice table. |
invoiceBillingAddress | The invoiceBillingAddress table. |
invoiceGiftCertRedemption | The invoiceGiftCertRedemption table. |
invoicegroup | The invoicegroup table. |
InvoiceItemShippingAddress | The InvoiceItemShippingAddress table. |
invoiceLinkedTrackingNumberMap | The invoiceLinkedTrackingNumberMap table. |
invoicePartner | The invoicePartner table. |
invoiceSalesTeam | The invoiceSalesTeam table. |
invoiceShipGroup | The invoiceShipGroup table. |
invoiceShippingAddress | The invoiceShippingAddress table. |
invoiceTrackingNumberMap | The invoiceTrackingNumberMap table. |
invoiceTranPromotion | The invoiceTranPromotion table. |
InvtCommit | The InvtCommit table. |
InvtItemPriceHistory | The InvtItemPriceHistory table. |
IPRestrictions | The IPRestrictions table. |
issue | The issue table. |
issueproduct | The issueproduct table. |
issueproductversion | The issueproductversion table. |
IssueVersionRelation | The IssueVersionRelation table. |
item | The item table. |
itemAccountingBookDetail | The itemAccountingBookDetail table. |
itemaccountmapping | The itemaccountmapping table. |
itemBaseSubsidiaryMap | The itemBaseSubsidiaryMap table. |
itembinnumber | The itembinnumber table. |
itemBinQuantity | The itemBinQuantity table. |
itemcollection | The itemcollection table. |
ItemCollectionCustomerSegmentMap | The ItemCollectionCustomerSegmentMap table. |
itemcollectionitemmap | The itemcollectionitemmap table. |
ItemCollectionItemSimpleMap | The ItemCollectionItemSimpleMap table. |
itemCorrelatedItem | The itemCorrelatedItem table. |
itemdemandplan | The itemdemandplan table. |
ItemDemandPlanDemandplandetail | The ItemDemandPlanDemandplandetail table. |
ItemDemandSource | The ItemDemandSource table. |
itemfulfillment | The itemfulfillment table. |
ItemFulfillmentPackage | The ItemFulfillmentPackage table. |
ItemFulfillmentPackageFedex | The ItemFulfillmentPackageFedex table. |
ItemFulfillmentPackageUps | The ItemFulfillmentPackageUps table. |
ItemFulfillmentPackageUsps | The ItemFulfillmentPackageUsps table. |
itemFulfillmentReturnAddress | The itemFulfillmentReturnAddress table. |
itemFulfillmentShippingAddress | The itemFulfillmentShippingAddress table. |
itemgroup | The itemgroup table. |
itemGroupMember | The itemGroupMember table. |
itemGroupSubsidiaryMap | The itemGroupSubsidiaryMap table. |
itemGroupTranslation | The itemGroupTranslation table. |
itemlocationconfiguration | The itemlocationconfiguration table. |
itemMember | The itemMember table. |
ItemPeriodicLotSizeType | The ItemPeriodicLotSizeType table. |
itemPresentationItem | The itemPresentationItem table. |
itemPrice | The itemPrice table. |
itempricing | The itempricing table. |
ItemPricingDiscount | The ItemPricingDiscount table. |
itemprocessfamily | The itemprocessfamily table. |
itemprocessgroup | The itemprocessgroup table. |
itemQuantity | The itemQuantity table. |
itemQuantityPricingDiscount | The itemQuantityPricingDiscount table. |
itemQuantityPricingLevel | The itemQuantityPricingLevel table. |
itemreceipt | The itemreceipt table. |
itemrevision | The itemrevision table. |
ItemSegmentIncludingSyntheticInclsynthitem | The ItemSegmentIncludingSyntheticInclsynthitem table. |
ItemSegmentItem | The ItemSegmentItem table. |
ItemSegmentType | The ItemSegmentType table. |
itemSiteCategory | The itemSiteCategory table. |
ItemSource | The ItemSource table. |
itemSubsidiaryMap | The itemSubsidiaryMap table. |
ItemSubtype | The ItemSubtype table. |
ItemSupplyLotSizingType | The ItemSupplyLotSizingType table. |
itemsupplyplan | The itemsupplyplan table. |
ItemSupplyPlanOrder | The ItemSupplyPlanOrder table. |
ItemSupplyPlanPlanningmessage | The ItemSupplyPlanPlanningmessage table. |
ItemSupplyType | The ItemSupplyType table. |
itemTranslation | The itemTranslation table. |
itemType | The itemType table. |
ItemUnit | The ItemUnit table. |
itemVendor | The itemVendor table. |
job | The job table. |
jobAddressbook | The jobAddressbook table. |
jobAddressbookEntityAddress | The jobAddressbookEntityAddress table. |
jobBulkMerge | The jobBulkMerge table. |
jobCompanyContact | The jobCompanyContact table. |
JobRequisitionPostingType | The JobRequisitionPostingType table. |
JobRequisitionStatus | The JobRequisitionStatus table. |
jobResourceJobResourceMap | The jobResourceJobResourceMap table. |
JobResourceRole | The JobResourceRole table. |
jobResources | The jobResources table. |
jobstatus | The jobstatus table. |
jobtype | The jobtype table. |
journalentry | The journalentry table. |
kititem | The kititem table. |
kitItemCorrelateditem | The kitItemCorrelateditem table. |
kitItemItemAccountingBookDetail | The kitItemItemAccountingBookDetail table. |
kitItemItemQuantityPricingDiscount | The kitItemItemQuantityPricingDiscount table. |
kitItemItemQuantityPricingLevel | The kitItemItemQuantityPricingLevel table. |
kitItemMember | The kitItemMember table. |
kitItemPresentationItem | The kitItemPresentationItem table. |
kitItemPrice | The kitItemPrice table. |
kitItemQuantity | The kitItemQuantity table. |
kitItemSiteCategory | The kitItemSiteCategory table. |
kitItemSubsidiaryMap | The kitItemSubsidiaryMap table. |
kitItemTranslation | The kitItemTranslation table. |
knowledgeBaseSiteCategoryTranslation | The knowledgeBaseSiteCategoryTranslation table. |
laborbasedprojectrevenuerule | The laborbasedprojectrevenuerule table. |
LagType | The LagType table. |
landedcost | The landedcost table. |
LandedCostShipmentItemMap | The LandedCostShipmentItemMap table. |
lead | The lead table. |
librariesAction | The librariesAction table. |
librariesAdvancedRevRec | The librariesAdvancedRevRec table. |
librariesBundleInstallation | The librariesBundleInstallation table. |
librariesClient | The librariesClient table. |
librariesConsolRateAdjustor | The librariesConsolRateAdjustor table. |
librariesCustomGlLines | The librariesCustomGlLines table. |
librariesEmailCapture | The librariesEmailCapture table. |
librariesMassUpdate | The librariesMassUpdate table. |
librariesPaymentGateway | The librariesPaymentGateway table. |
librariesPlugInType | The librariesPlugInType table. |
librariesPlugInTypeImpl | The librariesPlugInTypeImpl table. |
librariesPortlet | The librariesPortlet table. |
librariesPromotions | The librariesPromotions table. |
librariesRestlet | The librariesRestlet table. |
librariesScheduled | The librariesScheduled table. |
librariesShippingPartners | The librariesShippingPartners table. |
librariesSuitelet | The librariesSuitelet table. |
librariesTaxCalculation | The librariesTaxCalculation table. |
librariesTestPlugin | The librariesTestPlugin table. |
librariesUserEvent | The librariesUserEvent table. |
librariesWebApp | The librariesWebApp table. |
LinkedTrackingNumberMap | The LinkedTrackingNumberMap table. |
LocalizedTemplate | The LocalizedTemplate table. |
locAssignConfBackorderRulesItem | The locAssignConfBackorderRulesItem table. |
location | The location table. |
LocationMainAddress | The LocationMainAddress table. |
LocationReturnAddress | The LocationReturnAddress table. |
locationSubsidiaryMap | The locationSubsidiaryMap table. |
LocationType | The LocationType table. |
LoginAudit | The LoginAudit table. |
lotnumberedassemblyitem | The lotnumberedassemblyitem table. |
lotnumberedinventoryitem | The lotnumberedinventoryitem table. |
MailTemplate | The MailTemplate table. |
manufacturingComponent | The manufacturingComponent table. |
manufacturingcosttemplate | The manufacturingcosttemplate table. |
ManufacturingCostTemplateCostDetail | The ManufacturingCostTemplateCostDetail table. |
manufacturingoperationtask | The manufacturingoperationtask table. |
ManufacturingOperationTaskCostDetail | The ManufacturingOperationTaskCostDetail table. |
manufacturingOperationTaskPredecessor | The manufacturingOperationTaskPredecessor table. |
manufacturingrouting | The manufacturingrouting table. |
ManufacturingRoutingComponent | The ManufacturingRoutingComponent table. |
ManufacturingRoutingLocationMap | The ManufacturingRoutingLocationMap table. |
ManufacturingRoutingRoutingStep | The ManufacturingRoutingRoutingStep table. |
manufacturingTransaction | The manufacturingTransaction table. |
mapreducescript | The mapreducescript table. |
markupitem | The markupitem table. |
markupItemSubsidiaryMap | The markupItemSubsidiaryMap table. |
markupItemTranslation | The markupItemTranslation table. |
massupdatescript | The massupdatescript table. |
MediaItemFolder | The MediaItemFolder table. |
MediaType | The MediaType table. |
memdoc | The memdoc table. |
MemDocCustomRecurrence | The MemDocCustomRecurrence table. |
memDocTransactionTemplate | The memDocTransactionTemplate table. |
MemDocTransactionTemplateAccountingLine | The MemDocTransactionTemplateAccountingLine table. |
memDocTransactionTemplateLine | The memDocTransactionTemplateLine table. |
memDocTransactionTemplatePartner | The memDocTransactionTemplatePartner table. |
memDocTransactionTemplateSalesTeam | The memDocTransactionTemplateSalesTeam table. |
memDocTransactionTemplateTranPromotion | The memDocTransactionTemplateTranPromotion table. |
merchandisehierarchylevel | The merchandisehierarchylevel table. |
merchandisehierarchynode | The merchandisehierarchynode table. |
merchandisehierarchyversion | The merchandisehierarchyversion table. |
message | The message table. |
MessageFile | The MessageFile table. |
MessageType | The MessageType table. |
methods | The methods table. |
mfgplannedtime | The mfgplannedtime table. |
MfgProjectAddressbook | The MfgProjectAddressbook table. |
MfgProjectAddressbookEntityAddress | The MfgProjectAddressbookEntityAddress table. |
MfgProjectBulkMerge | The MfgProjectBulkMerge table. |
MfgProjectCompanyContact | The MfgProjectCompanyContact table. |
MfgProjectJobResources | The MfgProjectJobResources table. |
MfgProjectJobResourcesJobResourceJobResourceMap | The MfgProjectJobResourcesJobResourceJobResourceMap table. |
mitPurpose | The mitPurpose table. |
MonthsOfYear | The MonthsOfYear table. |
msesubsidiary | The msesubsidiary table. |
NegativeNumberFormat | The NegativeNumberFormat table. |
NextTransactionLineLink | The NextTransactionLineLink table. |
nexus | The nexus table. |
noninventoryitem | The noninventoryitem table. |
nonInventoryItemCorrelateditem | The nonInventoryItemCorrelateditem table. |
nonInventoryItemItemAccountingBookDetail | The nonInventoryItemItemAccountingBookDetail table. |
nonInventoryItemItemQuantityPricingDiscount | The nonInventoryItemItemQuantityPricingDiscount table. |
nonInventoryItemItemQuantityPricingLevel | The nonInventoryItemItemQuantityPricingLevel table. |
nonInventoryItemItemVendor | The nonInventoryItemItemVendor table. |
nonInventoryItemPresentationItem | The nonInventoryItemPresentationItem table. |
nonInventoryItemPrice | The nonInventoryItemPrice table. |
nonInventoryItemQuantity | The nonInventoryItemQuantity table. |
nonInventoryItemSiteCategory | The nonInventoryItemSiteCategory table. |
nonInventoryItemSubsidiaryMap | The nonInventoryItemSubsidiaryMap table. |
nonInventoryItemTranslation | The nonInventoryItemTranslation table. |
nonInventoryPurchaseItemItemAccountingBookDetail | The nonInventoryPurchaseItemItemAccountingBookDetail table. |
nonInventoryPurchaseItemItemVendor | The nonInventoryPurchaseItemItemVendor table. |
nonInventoryPurchaseItemSubsidiaryMap | The nonInventoryPurchaseItemSubsidiaryMap table. |
nonInventoryPurchaseItemTranslation | The nonInventoryPurchaseItemTranslation table. |
nonInventoryResaleItemCorrelateditem | The nonInventoryResaleItemCorrelateditem table. |
nonInventoryResaleItemItemAccountingBookDetail | The nonInventoryResaleItemItemAccountingBookDetail table. |
nonInventoryResaleItemItemQuantityPricingDiscount | The nonInventoryResaleItemItemQuantityPricingDiscount table. |
nonInventoryResaleItemItemQuantityPricingLevel | The nonInventoryResaleItemItemQuantityPricingLevel table. |
nonInventoryResaleItemItemVendor | The nonInventoryResaleItemItemVendor table. |
nonInventoryResaleItemPresentationItem | The nonInventoryResaleItemPresentationItem table. |
nonInventoryResaleItemPrice | The nonInventoryResaleItemPrice table. |
nonInventoryResaleItemQuantity | The nonInventoryResaleItemQuantity table. |
nonInventoryResaleItemSiteCategory | The nonInventoryResaleItemSiteCategory table. |
nonInventoryResaleItemSubsidiaryMap | The nonInventoryResaleItemSubsidiaryMap table. |
nonInventoryResaleItemTranslation | The nonInventoryResaleItemTranslation table. |
nonInventorySaleItemCorrelateditem | The nonInventorySaleItemCorrelateditem table. |
nonInventorySaleItemItemAccountingBookDetail | The nonInventorySaleItemItemAccountingBookDetail table. |
nonInventorySaleItemItemQuantityPricingDiscount | The nonInventorySaleItemItemQuantityPricingDiscount table. |
nonInventorySaleItemItemQuantityPricingLevel | The nonInventorySaleItemItemQuantityPricingLevel table. |
nonInventorySaleItemPresentationItem | The nonInventorySaleItemPresentationItem table. |
nonInventorySaleItemPrice | The nonInventorySaleItemPrice table. |
nonInventorySaleItemQuantity | The nonInventorySaleItemQuantity table. |
nonInventorySaleItemSiteCategory | The nonInventorySaleItemSiteCategory table. |
nonInventorySaleItemSubsidiaryMap | The nonInventorySaleItemSubsidiaryMap table. |
nonInventorySaleItemTranslation | The nonInventorySaleItemTranslation table. |
note | The note table. |
NoteDirectionType | The NoteDirectionType table. |
notetype | The notetype table. |
NumberFormat | The NumberFormat table. |
NumberingSequenceSubsidMap | The NumberingSequenceSubsidMap table. |
OAuthToken | The OAuthToken table. |
onlineFormTemplate | The onlineFormTemplate table. |
onlineLeadFormEvent | The onlineLeadFormEvent table. |
onlineLeadFormField | The onlineLeadFormField table. |
opportunity | The opportunity table. |
opportunityBillingAddress | The opportunityBillingAddress table. |
OpportunityCompetitor | The OpportunityCompetitor table. |
opportunityPartner | The opportunityPartner table. |
opportunitySalesTeam | The opportunitySalesTeam table. |
opportunityShippingAddress | The opportunityShippingAddress table. |
orderFrequencyType | The orderFrequencyType table. |
orderreservation | The orderreservation table. |
orderschedule | The orderschedule table. |
ordertype | The ordertype table. |
originatinglead | The originatinglead table. |
otherchargeitem | The otherchargeitem table. |
otherChargeItemItemAccountingBookDetail | The otherChargeItemItemAccountingBookDetail table. |
otherChargeItemItemQuantityPricingDiscount | The otherChargeItemItemQuantityPricingDiscount table. |
otherChargeItemItemQuantityPricingLevel | The otherChargeItemItemQuantityPricingLevel table. |
otherChargeItemItemVendor | The otherChargeItemItemVendor table. |
otherChargeItemPrice | The otherChargeItemPrice table. |
otherChargeItemQuantity | The otherChargeItemQuantity table. |
otherChargeItemSubsidiaryMap | The otherChargeItemSubsidiaryMap table. |
otherChargeItemTranslation | The otherChargeItemTranslation table. |
otherChargePurchaseItemItemAccountingBookDetail | The otherChargePurchaseItemItemAccountingBookDetail table. |
otherChargePurchaseItemItemVendor | The otherChargePurchaseItemItemVendor table. |
otherChargePurchaseItemSubsidiaryMap | The otherChargePurchaseItemSubsidiaryMap table. |
otherChargePurchaseItemTranslation | The otherChargePurchaseItemTranslation table. |
otherChargeResaleItemItemAccountingBookDetail | The otherChargeResaleItemItemAccountingBookDetail table. |
otherChargeResaleItemItemQuantityPricingDiscount | The otherChargeResaleItemItemQuantityPricingDiscount table. |
otherChargeResaleItemItemQuantityPricingLevel | The otherChargeResaleItemItemQuantityPricingLevel table. |
otherChargeResaleItemItemVendor | The otherChargeResaleItemItemVendor table. |
otherChargeResaleItemPrice | The otherChargeResaleItemPrice table. |
otherChargeResaleItemQuantity | The otherChargeResaleItemQuantity table. |
otherChargeResaleItemSubsidiaryMap | The otherChargeResaleItemSubsidiaryMap table. |
otherChargeResaleItemTranslation | The otherChargeResaleItemTranslation table. |
otherChargeSaleItemItemAccountingBookDetail | The otherChargeSaleItemItemAccountingBookDetail table. |
otherChargeSaleItemItemQuantityPricingDiscount | The otherChargeSaleItemItemQuantityPricingDiscount table. |
otherChargeSaleItemItemQuantityPricingLevel | The otherChargeSaleItemItemQuantityPricingLevel table. |
otherChargeSaleItemPrice | The otherChargeSaleItemPrice table. |
otherChargeSaleItemQuantity | The otherChargeSaleItemQuantity table. |
otherChargeSaleItemSubsidiaryMap | The otherChargeSaleItemSubsidiaryMap table. |
otherChargeSaleItemTranslation | The otherChargeSaleItemTranslation table. |
othername | The othername table. |
otherNameAddressbook | The otherNameAddressbook table. |
otherNameAddressbookEntityAddress | The otherNameAddressbookEntityAddress table. |
otherNameBulkMerge | The otherNameBulkMerge table. |
otherNameCampaigns | The otherNameCampaigns table. |
othernamecategory | The othernamecategory table. |
otherNameCompanyContact | The otherNameCompanyContact table. |
otherNameSubscriptionMessageHistory | The otherNameSubscriptionMessageHistory table. |
otherNameSubscriptions | The otherNameSubscriptions table. |
OtherNameSubsidiaryRelationship | The OtherNameSubsidiaryRelationship table. |
outboundRequest | The outboundRequest table. |
overallQuantityPricingType | The overallQuantityPricingType table. |
overheadType | The overheadType table. |
parametersAction | The parametersAction table. |
parametersBundleInstallation | The parametersBundleInstallation table. |
parametersClient | The parametersClient table. |
parametersMapReduce | The parametersMapReduce table. |
parametersMassUpdate | The parametersMassUpdate table. |
parametersPortlet | The parametersPortlet table. |
parametersRestlet | The parametersRestlet table. |
parametersScheduled | The parametersScheduled table. |
parametersScript | The parametersScript table. |
parametersSuitelet | The parametersSuitelet table. |
parametersUserEvent | The parametersUserEvent table. |
partner | The partner table. |
PartnerAddressbook | The PartnerAddressbook table. |
PartnerAddressbookEntityAddress | The PartnerAddressbookEntityAddress table. |
PartnerBulkMerge | The PartnerBulkMerge table. |
PartnerCampaigns | The PartnerCampaigns table. |
partnercategory | The partnercategory table. |
partnerCategoryMap | The partnerCategoryMap table. |
PartnerCompanyContact | The PartnerCompanyContact table. |
partnerContactRole | The partnerContactRole table. |
PartnerSubscriptionMessageHistory | The PartnerSubscriptionMessageHistory table. |
PartnerSubscriptions | The PartnerSubscriptions table. |
PartnerSubsidiaryRelationship | The PartnerSubsidiaryRelationship table. |
PartnerSystem | The PartnerSystem table. |
paycheck | The paycheck table. |
paycheckjournal | The paycheckjournal table. |
payItemType | The payItemType table. |
paymentcard | The paymentcard table. |
paymentCardBin | The paymentCardBin table. |
paymentCardBrand | The paymentCardBrand table. |
paymentCardPaymentOperationMap | The paymentCardPaymentOperationMap table. |
paymentcardtoken | The paymentcardtoken table. |
paymentCardTokenPaymentOperationMap | The paymentCardTokenPaymentOperationMap table. |
paymentevent | The paymentevent table. |
paymentHandlingMode | The paymentHandlingMode table. |
paymentInitiator | The paymentInitiator table. |
paymentinstrument | The paymentinstrument table. |
paymentInstrumentListPaymentOperationMap | The paymentInstrumentListPaymentOperationMap table. |
paymentInstrumentPaymentOperationMap | The paymentInstrumentPaymentOperationMap table. |
paymentInstrumentStateType | The paymentInstrumentStateType table. |
paymentInstrumentType | The paymentInstrumentType table. |
paymentitem | The paymentitem table. |
paymentItemSubsidiaryMap | The paymentItemSubsidiaryMap table. |
paymentItemTranslation | The paymentItemTranslation table. |
paymentmethod | The paymentmethod table. |
paymentMethodVisual | The paymentMethodVisual table. |
paymentOperation | The paymentOperation table. |
paymentResultPreview | The paymentResultPreview table. |
paymentStatus | The paymentStatus table. |
paymentStatusReason | The paymentStatusReason table. |
payrollbatch | The payrollbatch table. |
payrollitem | The payrollitem table. |
payrollItemEmployeeTaxOptions | The payrollItemEmployeeTaxOptions table. |
pctcompleteprojectrevenuerule | The pctcompleteprojectrevenuerule table. |
PdfTemplate | The PdfTemplate table. |
periodendjournal | The periodendjournal table. |
permissionLevel | The permissionLevel table. |
PermissionType | The PermissionType table. |
phonecall | The phonecall table. |
PickActionInventoryDetail | The PickActionInventoryDetail table. |
pickstrategy | The pickstrategy table. |
picktask | The picktask table. |
plannedorder | The plannedorder table. |
plannedRevenueType | The plannedRevenueType table. |
plannedStandardCost | The plannedStandardCost table. |
plannedStandardCostComponents | The plannedStandardCostComponents table. |
planningitemcategory | The planningitemcategory table. |
planningitemgroup | The planningitemgroup table. |
planningrulegroup | The planningrulegroup table. |
planningview | The planningview table. |
platformExtensionPluginLibrariesAdvancedRevRec | The platformExtensionPluginLibrariesAdvancedRevRec table. |
portlet | The portlet table. |
predictedRiskTrainEvalHistory | The predictedRiskTrainEvalHistory table. |
presentationItemType | The presentationItemType table. |
PreviousTransactionLineLink | The PreviousTransactionLineLink table. |
PreviousTransactionLink | The PreviousTransactionLink table. |
pricebook | The pricebook table. |
pricelevel | The pricelevel table. |
PriceModelType | The PriceModelType table. |
priceplan | The priceplan table. |
priceUsingType | The priceUsingType table. |
pricing | The pricing table. |
pricinggroup | The pricinggroup table. |
ProjectBudgetAmount | The ProjectBudgetAmount table. |
projectexpensetype | The projectexpensetype table. |
projecticchargerequest | The projecticchargerequest table. |
ProjectSubsidiaryRelationship | The ProjectSubsidiaryRelationship table. |
projecttask | The projecttask table. |
projectTaskAssignee | The projectTaskAssignee table. |
projecttaskassignment | The projecttaskassignment table. |
projectTaskConstraintType | The projectTaskConstraintType table. |
projectTaskPredecessor | The projectTaskPredecessor table. |
projecttemplate | The projecttemplate table. |
projectTemplateJobResource | The projectTemplateJobResource table. |
ProjectTemplateSubsidiaryRelationship | The ProjectTemplateSubsidiaryRelationship table. |
ProjectTimeApprovalType | The ProjectTimeApprovalType table. |
promocodediscounttype | The promocodediscounttype table. |
promotioncode | The promotioncode table. |
promotionCodeCampaigns | The promotionCodeCampaigns table. |
promotionCodeCouponInstances | The promotionCodeCouponInstances table. |
promotionCodeCurrency | The promotionCodeCurrency table. |
promotionCodeItems | The promotionCodeItems table. |
promotioncodelocationmap | The promotioncodelocationmap table. |
promotionCodePartnerMap | The promotionCodePartnerMap table. |
promotionCodeWebsiteMap | The promotionCodeWebsiteMap table. |
prospect | The prospect table. |
publishedSavedSearch | The publishedSavedSearch table. |
publishedSavedSearchPresItemPresCategory | The publishedSavedSearchPresItemPresCategory table. |
publishedSavedSearchSiteCategoryTagSubstitution | The publishedSavedSearchSiteCategoryTagSubstitution table. |
publishedSavedSearchSiteCategoryTranslationPublishedSavedSearch | The publishedSavedSearchSiteCategoryTranslationPublishedSavedSearch table. |
purchasecontract | The purchasecontract table. |
purchaseorder | The purchaseorder table. |
purchaseOrderBillingAddress | The purchaseOrderBillingAddress table. |
purchaseOrderExpenseMachine | The purchaseOrderExpenseMachine table. |
purchaseOrderShippingAddress | The purchaseOrderShippingAddress table. |
purchaseOrderTrackingNumberMap | The purchaseOrderTrackingNumberMap table. |
purchaserequisition | The purchaserequisition table. |
purchaseRequisitionTrackingNumberMap | The purchaseRequisitionTrackingNumberMap table. |
quantityPricingSchedule | The quantityPricingSchedule table. |
quantityPricingScheduleLevelEdit | The quantityPricingScheduleLevelEdit table. |
quantityPricingScheduleLevelSpreadsheet | The quantityPricingScheduleLevelSpreadsheet table. |
Quota | The Quota table. |
reallocateitem | The reallocateitem table. |
receiveinboundshipment | The receiveinboundshipment table. |
RecentRecord | The RecentRecord table. |
redeemedAtTransaction | The redeemedAtTransaction table. |
reforecastMethod | The reforecastMethod table. |
reportingSection | The reportingSection table. |
requestForQuoteItemItemPricing | The requestForQuoteItemItemPricing table. |
requestForQuoteItemItemPricingDiscount | The requestForQuoteItemItemPricingDiscount table. |
resourceallocation | The resourceallocation table. |
resourceAllocationType | The resourceAllocationType table. |
resourceGroup | The resourceGroup table. |
resourceGroupMembers | The resourceGroupMembers table. |
restlet | The restlet table. |
returnauthorization | The returnauthorization table. |
returnAuthorizationBillingAddress | The returnAuthorizationBillingAddress table. |
returnAuthorizationPartner | The returnAuthorizationPartner table. |
returnAuthorizationSalesTeam | The returnAuthorizationSalesTeam table. |
returnAuthorizationShippingAddress | The returnAuthorizationShippingAddress table. |
returnAuthorizationTranPromotion | The returnAuthorizationTranPromotion table. |
RevenueArrangment | The RevenueArrangment table. |
revenuecommitment | The revenuecommitment table. |
revenueCommitmentBillingAddress | The revenueCommitmentBillingAddress table. |
revenueCommitmentPartner | The revenueCommitmentPartner table. |
revenuecommitmentreversal | The revenuecommitmentreversal table. |
revenueCommitmentReversalBillingAddress | The revenueCommitmentReversalBillingAddress table. |
revenueCommitmentReversalPartner | The revenueCommitmentReversalPartner table. |
revenueCommitmentReversalSalesTeam | The revenueCommitmentReversalSalesTeam table. |
revenueCommitmentReversalShippingAddress | The revenueCommitmentReversalShippingAddress table. |
revenueCommitmentReversalTrackingNumberMap | The revenueCommitmentReversalTrackingNumberMap table. |
revenueCommitmentSalesTeam | The revenueCommitmentSalesTeam table. |
revenueCommitmentShippingAddress | The revenueCommitmentShippingAddress table. |
revenueCommitmentTrackingNumberMap | The revenueCommitmentTrackingNumberMap table. |
revenueContractSalesTeam | The revenueContractSalesTeam table. |
RevenueElement | The RevenueElement table. |
revenueElementSourceType | The revenueElementSourceType table. |
RevenuePlan | The RevenuePlan table. |
revenuePlanSource | The revenuePlanSource table. |
revenuePlanStatus | The revenuePlanStatus table. |
revenuePlanType | The revenuePlanType table. |
revRecAmountSourceType | The revRecAmountSourceType table. |
revRecChangeImpactType | The revRecChangeImpactType table. |
revRecDateSourceType | The revRecDateSourceType table. |
revRecEventPRevRule | The revRecEventPRevRule table. |
revRecEventTranLine | The revRecEventTranLine table. |
revRecRecurrenceType | The revRecRecurrenceType table. |
revrecschedule | The revrecschedule table. |
revrectemplate | The revrectemplate table. |
role | The role table. |
rolepermissions | The RolePermissions table. |
rolerestrictions | The RoleRestrictions table. |
saleschannel | The saleschannel table. |
salesInvoiced | The salesInvoiced table. |
salesorder | The salesorder table. |
salesOrderBillingAddress | The salesOrderBillingAddress table. |
salesOrdered | The salesOrdered table. |
salesOrderGiftCertRedemption | The salesOrderGiftCertRedemption table. |
salesOrderItemShippingAddress | The salesOrderItemShippingAddress table. |
salesOrderLinkedTrackingNumberMap | The salesOrderLinkedTrackingNumberMap table. |
salesOrderPartner | The salesOrderPartner table. |
salesOrderSalesTeam | The salesOrderSalesTeam table. |
salesOrderShipGroup | The salesOrderShipGroup table. |
salesOrderShippingAddress | The salesOrderShippingAddress table. |
salesOrderTranPromotion | The salesOrderTranPromotion table. |
salesrole | The salesrole table. |
salestaxitem | The salestaxitem table. |
scheduledscript | The Scheduled Script table. |
scheduledscriptinstance | The Scheduled Script Instance table. |
schedulingMethod | The schedulingMethod table. |
scriptButton | The scriptButton table. |
scriptdeployment | The Script Deployment table. |
scriptEventType | The scriptEventType table. |
scriptExecutionContextMap | The scriptExecutionContextMap table. |
scriptExecutionContextMapClient | The scriptExecutionContextMapClient table. |
scriptExecutionContextMapUserEvent | The scriptExecutionContextMapUserEvent table. |
scriptFieldType | The scriptFieldType table. |
scriptLocalizationContextMap | The scriptLocalizationContextMap table. |
scriptLocalizationContextMapClient | The scriptLocalizationContextMapClient table. |
scriptMethods | The scriptMethods table. |
scriptNoteType | The scriptNoteType table. |
scriptPortletType | The scriptPortletType table. |
scriptStatus | The scriptStatus table. |
scriptType | The scriptType table. |
scriptVersion | The scriptVersion table. |
searchCampaign | The searchCampaign table. |
searchCampaignItem | The searchCampaignItem table. |
sentEmail | The sentEmail table. |
sentemailrecipient | The sentemailrecipient table. |
serializedassemblyitem | The serializedassemblyitem table. |
serializedinventoryitem | The serializedinventoryitem table. |
serviceitem | The serviceitem table. |
serviceItemBillingRate | The serviceItemBillingRate table. |
serviceItemCorrelateditem | The serviceItemCorrelateditem table. |
serviceItemItemAccountingBookDetail | The serviceItemItemAccountingBookDetail table. |
serviceItemItemQuantityPricingDiscount | The serviceItemItemQuantityPricingDiscount table. |
serviceItemItemQuantityPricingLevel | The serviceItemItemQuantityPricingLevel table. |
serviceItemItemVendor | The serviceItemItemVendor table. |
serviceItemPresentationItem | The serviceItemPresentationItem table. |
serviceItemPrice | The serviceItemPrice table. |
serviceItemQuantity | The serviceItemQuantity table. |
serviceItemSiteCategory | The serviceItemSiteCategory table. |
serviceItemSubsidiaryMap | The serviceItemSubsidiaryMap table. |
serviceItemTaskTemplate | The serviceItemTaskTemplate table. |
serviceItemTranslation | The serviceItemTranslation table. |
servicePurchaseItemItemAccountingBookDetail | The servicePurchaseItemItemAccountingBookDetail table. |
servicePurchaseItemItemVendor | The servicePurchaseItemItemVendor table. |
servicePurchaseItemSubsidiaryMap | The servicePurchaseItemSubsidiaryMap table. |
servicePurchaseItemTranslation | The servicePurchaseItemTranslation table. |
serviceResaleItemBillingRate | The serviceResaleItemBillingRate table. |
serviceResaleItemCorrelateditem | The serviceResaleItemCorrelateditem table. |
serviceResaleItemItemAccountingBookDetail | The serviceResaleItemItemAccountingBookDetail table. |
serviceResaleItemItemQuantityPricingDiscount | The serviceResaleItemItemQuantityPricingDiscount table. |
serviceResaleItemItemQuantityPricingLevel | The serviceResaleItemItemQuantityPricingLevel table. |
serviceResaleItemItemVendor | The serviceResaleItemItemVendor table. |
serviceResaleItemPresentationItem | The serviceResaleItemPresentationItem table. |
serviceResaleItemPrice | The serviceResaleItemPrice table. |
serviceResaleItemQuantity | The serviceResaleItemQuantity table. |
serviceResaleItemSiteCategory | The serviceResaleItemSiteCategory table. |
serviceResaleItemSubsidiaryMap | The serviceResaleItemSubsidiaryMap table. |
serviceResaleItemTaskTemplate | The serviceResaleItemTaskTemplate table. |
serviceResaleItemTranslation | The serviceResaleItemTranslation table. |
serviceSaleItemCorrelateditem | The serviceSaleItemCorrelateditem table. |
serviceSaleItemItemAccountingBookDetail | The serviceSaleItemItemAccountingBookDetail table. |
serviceSaleItemItemQuantityPricingDiscount | The serviceSaleItemItemQuantityPricingDiscount table. |
serviceSaleItemItemQuantityPricingLevel | The serviceSaleItemItemQuantityPricingLevel table. |
serviceSaleItemPresentationItem | The serviceSaleItemPresentationItem table. |
serviceSaleItemPrice | The serviceSaleItemPrice table. |
serviceSaleItemQuantity | The serviceSaleItemQuantity table. |
serviceSaleItemSiteCategory | The serviceSaleItemSiteCategory table. |
serviceSaleItemSubsidiaryMap | The serviceSaleItemSubsidiaryMap table. |
serviceSaleItemTaskTemplate | The serviceSaleItemTaskTemplate table. |
serviceSaleItemTranslation | The serviceSaleItemTranslation table. |
ShipGroup | The ShipGroup table. |
shipitem | The shipitem table. |
ShipItemFreeShippingItem | The ShipItemFreeShippingItem table. |
ShipItemHandlingRate | The ShipItemHandlingRate table. |
ShipItemShippingRate | The ShipItemShippingRate table. |
ShipItemTranslation | The ShipItemTranslation table. |
ShipmentPackage | The ShipmentPackage table. |
ShipperPackageTypeCode | The ShipperPackageTypeCode table. |
shippingMethodRuleRelation | The shippingMethodRuleRelation table. |
ShippingPackage | The ShippingPackage table. |
shoppingcart | The shoppingcart table. |
ShoppingCartLine | The ShoppingCartLine table. |
siteAudience | The siteAudience table. |
siteAudienceCustomer | The siteAudienceCustomer table. |
siteAudienceDepartment | The siteAudienceDepartment table. |
siteAudienceEmployee | The siteAudienceEmployee table. |
siteAudienceGroup | The siteAudienceGroup table. |
siteAudiencePartner | The siteAudiencePartner table. |
siteAudienceRole | The siteAudienceRole table. |
siteAudienceSubsidiary | The siteAudienceSubsidiary table. |
siteAudienceVendor | The siteAudienceVendor table. |
sitecategory | The sitecategory table. |
siteCategoryPresItemPresCategory | The siteCategoryPresItemPresCategory table. |
siteCategoryTagSubstitution | The siteCategoryTagSubstitution table. |
siteCategoryTranslation | The siteCategoryTranslation table. |
siteCategoryType | The siteCategoryType table. |
sitetheme | The sitetheme table. |
softDescriptor | The softDescriptor table. |
soldOnTransaction | The soldOnTransaction table. |
solution | The solution table. |
solutionSolutionMap | The solutionSolutionMap table. |
solutiontopicmap | The solutiontopicmap table. |
specialAccountType | The specialAccountType table. |
standardcostdefaulttype | The standardcostdefaulttype table. |
standardCostVersion | The standardCostVersion table. |
standardCostVersionLocationMap | The standardCostVersionLocationMap table. |
statisticaljournalentry | The statisticaljournalentry table. |
statisticalScheduleDetail | The statisticalScheduleDetail table. |
stockBehaviorType | The stockBehaviorType table. |
storepickupfulfillment | The storepickupfulfillment table. |
storeTab | The storeTab table. |
storeTabPresItem | The storeTabPresItem table. |
storeTabSiteCategoryTranslationStoreTab | The storeTabSiteCategoryTranslationStoreTab table. |
storeTabTagSubstitution | The storeTabTagSubstitution table. |
storeTabType | The storeTabType table. |
sublist | The sublist table. |
subscription | The subscription table. |
subscriptionchangeorder | The subscriptionchangeorder table. |
subscriptionChangeOrderNewLine | The subscriptionChangeOrderNewLine table. |
subscriptionline | The subscriptionline table. |
subscriptionLineStatus | The subscriptionLineStatus table. |
subscriptionMessageType | The subscriptionMessageType table. |
subscriptionplan | The subscriptionplan table. |
subscriptionPlanSubsidiaryMap | The subscriptionPlanSubsidiaryMap table. |
subscriptionterm | The subscriptionterm table. |
subscriptiontermunit | The subscriptiontermunit table. |
subsidiary | The subsidiary table. |
SubsidiaryMainAddress | The SubsidiaryMainAddress table. |
SubsidiaryReturnAddress | The SubsidiaryReturnAddress table. |
subsidiarysettings | The subsidiarysettings table. |
SubsidiaryShippingAddress | The SubsidiaryShippingAddress table. |
subsidiaryTaxRegistration | The subsidiaryTaxRegistration table. |
subtotalitem | The subtotalitem table. |
subtotalItemSubsidiaryMap | The subtotalItemSubsidiaryMap table. |
subtotalItemTranslation | The subtotalItemTranslation table. |
suitelet | The suitelet table. |
SuiteScriptDetail | The SuiteScriptDetail table. |
supplychainsnapshot | The supplychainsnapshot table. |
supplyChainSnapshotDetails | The supplyChainSnapshotDetails table. |
supplychainsnapshotsimulation | The supplychainsnapshotsimulation table. |
supplychangeorder | The supplychangeorder table. |
supplyplandefinition | The supplyplandefinition table. |
SupplyReplenishmentType | The SupplyReplenishmentType table. |
supportcase | The supportcase table. |
supportCaseEscalateHist | The supportCaseEscalateHist table. |
supportCaseEscalateToMap | The supportCaseEscalateToMap table. |
supportCaseMediaItemMap | The supportCaseMediaItemMap table. |
supportCaseSolutionMap | The supportCaseSolutionMap table. |
SystemEmailTemplate | The SystemEmailTemplate table. |
SystemNote | The SystemNote table. |
SystemNote2 | The SystemNote2 table. |
systemNoteContextType | The systemNoteContextType table. |
SystemNoteField | The SystemNoteField table. |
tag | The tag table. |
task | The task table. |
TaskCompanyMap | The TaskCompanyMap table. |
TaskContactMap | The TaskContactMap table. |
TaskEventFile | The TaskEventFile table. |
taxacct | The taxacct table. |
taxdetail | The taxdetail table. |
taxgroup | The taxgroup table. |
taxItemTaxGroup | The taxItemTaxGroup table. |
taxOverrideMethod | The taxOverrideMethod table. |
taxperiod | The taxperiod table. |
taxtype | The taxtype table. |
term | The term table. |
Terminationregretted | The Terminationregretted table. |
testCell | The testCell table. |
ThreeDSECommerceIndicator | The ThreeDSECommerceIndicator table. |
ThreeDSTranStatus | The ThreeDSTranStatus table. |
ThreeDSTranStatusReason | The ThreeDSTranStatusReason table. |
ThreeDSVersion | The ThreeDSVersion table. |
timebill | The timebill table. |
timeentry | The timeentry table. |
timeLineApprovalStatus | The timeLineApprovalStatus table. |
TimelineType | The TimelineType table. |
timeOffAccrualFrequency | The timeOffAccrualFrequency table. |
timeOffAccrualType | The timeOffAccrualType table. |
timeoffrequest | The timeoffrequest table. |
timeOffRequestDetailsMachine | The timeOffRequestDetailsMachine table. |
timesheet | The timesheet table. |
TimeZone | The TimeZone table. |
topic | The topic table. |
topicPublish | The topicPublish table. |
topicSolutionMap | The topicSolutionMap table. |
TrackingNumber | The TrackingNumber table. |
TrackingNumberMap | The TrackingNumberMap table. |
tranPromotion | The tranPromotion table. |
transaction | The transaction table. |
TransactionAccountingLine | The TransactionAccountingLine table. |
TransactionAccountingLineCostComponent | The TransactionAccountingLineCostComponent table. |
transactionAddressbook | The transactionAddressbook table. |
transactionAddressMapping | The transactionAddressMapping table. |
transactionAddressMappingAddress | The transactionAddressMappingAddress table. |
transactionBilling | The TransactionBilling table. |
transactionBillingAddress | The transactionBillingAddress table. |
transactionBillingAddressbook | The transactionBillingAddressbook table. |
transactionBillingAddressbookEntityAddress | The transactionBillingAddressbookEntityAddress table. |
transactionCompetitor | The transactionCompetitor table. |
transactionLine | The transactionLine table. |
transactionLineAddressMapping | The transactionLineAddressMapping table. |
transactionLineAddressMappingLineAddress | The transactionLineAddressMappingLineAddress table. |
TransactionNumberingAuditLog | The TransactionNumberingAuditLog table. |
transactionPartner | The transactionPartner table. |
transactionPayeeAddressbook | The transactionPayeeAddressbook table. |
transactionPayeeAddressbookEntityAddress | The transactionPayeeAddressbookEntityAddress table. |
transactionReturnAddressbook | The transactionReturnAddressbook table. |
transactionReturnAddressbookEntityAddress | The transactionReturnAddressbookEntityAddress table. |
transactionSalesTeam | The transactionSalesTeam table. |
TransactionShipment | The TransactionShipment table. |
transactionShippingAddress | The transactionShippingAddress table. |
transactionShippingAddressbook | The transactionShippingAddressbook table. |
transactionShippingAddressbookEntityAddress | The transactionShippingAddressbookEntityAddress table. |
transactionStatus | The TransactionStatus table. |
transferorder | The transferorder table. |
transferOrderLinkedTrackingNumberMap | The transferOrderLinkedTrackingNumberMap table. |
transferOrderShippingAddress | The transferOrderShippingAddress table. |
transferOrderTrackingNumberMap | The transferOrderTrackingNumberMap table. |
UnbilledReceivableGrouping | The UnbilledReceivableGrouping table. |
undeliveredEmail | The undeliveredEmail table. |
unitstype | The unitstype table. |
unitsTypeUom | The unitsTypeUom table. |
unlockedtimeperiod | The unlockedtimeperiod table. |
upsellItem | The upsellItem table. |
usage | The usage table. |
UserAuthorizationConsent | The UserAuthorizationConsent table. |
usereventscript | The usereventscript table. |
UserOAuthToken | The UserOAuthToken table. |
usrsavedsearch | The usrsavedsearch table. |
usrsavedsearchexec | The usrsavedsearchexec table. |
validatePostbackStatus | The validatePostbackStatus table. |
vendor | The vendor table. |
vendorAchAcct | The vendorAchAcct table. |
vendorAddressbook | The vendorAddressbook table. |
vendorAddressbookEntityAddress | The vendorAddressbookEntityAddress table. |
vendorbill | The vendorbill table. |
vendorBillBillingAddress | The vendorBillBillingAddress table. |
vendorBillExpenseMachine | The vendorBillExpenseMachine table. |
VendorBillInstallment | The VendorBillInstallment table. |
vendorBulkMerge | The vendorBulkMerge table. |
vendorCampaigns | The vendorCampaigns table. |
vendorcategory | The vendorcategory table. |
vendorCompanyContact | The vendorCompanyContact table. |
vendorcredit | The vendorcredit table. |
vendorCreditBillingAddress | The vendorCreditBillingAddress table. |
vendorCreditExpenseMachine | The vendorCreditExpenseMachine table. |
vendorCurrencyBalance | The vendorCurrencyBalance table. |
vendorpayment | The vendorpayment table. |
vendorPaymentPayeeAddress | The vendorPaymentPayeeAddress table. |
vendorprepayment | The vendorprepayment table. |
vendorprepaymentapplication | The vendorprepaymentapplication table. |
vendorRate | The vendorRate table. |
vendorRequestForQuoteItemItemPricing | The vendorRequestForQuoteItemItemPricing table. |
vendorRequestForQuoteItemItemPricingDiscount | The vendorRequestForQuoteItemItemPricingDiscount table. |
vendorreturnauthorization | The vendorreturnauthorization table. |
vendorReturnAuthorizationBillingAddress | The vendorReturnAuthorizationBillingAddress table. |
vendorReturnAuthorizationExpenseMachine | The vendorReturnAuthorizationExpenseMachine table. |
vendorRolesForSearch | The vendorRolesForSearch table. |
vendorSubscriptionMessageHistory | The vendorSubscriptionMessageHistory table. |
vendorSubscriptions | The vendorSubscriptions table. |
vendorsubsidiaryrelationship | The vendorsubsidiaryrelationship table. |
verificationMatchCode | The verificationMatchCode table. |
vsoeDeferralType | The vsoeDeferralType table. |
vsoeDiscountType | The vsoeDiscountType table. |
vsoeSopGroupType | The vsoeSopGroupType table. |
wave | The wave table. |
wbs | The wbs table. |
WbsAmount | The WbsAmount table. |
WbsLine | The WbsLine table. |
website | The website table. |
webSiteFieldsetRecordType | The webSiteFieldsetRecordType table. |
winlossreason | The winlossreason table. |
workCalendar | The workCalendar table. |
workCalendarHoliday | The workCalendarHoliday table. |
workflowactionscript | The workflowactionscript table. |
workorder | The workorder table. |
workorderclose | The workorderclose table. |
workordercompletion | The workordercompletion table. |
workorderissue | The workorderissue table. |
workOrderPartner | The workOrderPartner table. |
workOrderSalesTeam | The workOrderSalesTeam table. |
workplace | The workplace table. |
WorkplaceMainAddress | The WorkplaceMainAddress table. |
zone | The zone table. |