JDBC Driver for NetSuite

Build 24.0.8963


The storeTab table.


Name Type References Description
id [KEY] Integer Internal ID
categorylistlayout String Category List Layout
correlateditemslistlayout String Upsell Items List Layout
currentaudience String Audience
excludefromsitemap Boolean Exclude from Sitemap
isinactive Boolean Inactive
isonline Boolean Display in Web Site
itemlistlayout String Item List Layout
limitedsearch Boolean Limit search for the section
mediaitem String Web Site Page
metataghtml String Meta Tag HTML
mstoreflash String Image / Flashツョ File
orderconfirmationmessage String Order Confirmation Message
pagetitle String Page Title
placeordermessage String Place Order Page Message
relateditemslistlayout String Related Items List Layout
sectiondescription String Greeting
sectiondetaileddescription String Message
site String Web Site
sitemappriority String Sitemap Priority
tabname String Label
tabtype String Tab Type
urlcomponent String URL Component

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Build 24.0.8963