JDBC Driver for NetSuite

Build 24.0.8963


The job table.


Name Type References Description
id [KEY] Integer Internal ID
accountnumber String Account
actualtime Double Actual Work
allowallresourcesfortasks Boolean Display All Resources for Project Task Assignment
allowexpenses Boolean Allow Expenses
allowtime Boolean Allow Time Entry
alternatecontact String Alt. Contact
altname String Project
billingschedule String Billing Schedule
calculatedenddate Date Calculated End Date
calculatedenddatebaseline Date Calculated End Date Baseline
category String Category
comments String Comments
companyname String Job Name
contact String Primary Contact
contactlist String Contacts
currency String Currency
currencyprecision Integer Currency Precision
customer String Customer
datecreated Date Date Created
defaultbillingaddress String Default Billing Address
defaultshippingaddress String Default Shipping Address
enddate Date Actual End Date
entityid String Entity ID
entitynumber Integer Number
entitystatus String Status
entitytitle String Project ID
estimatedcost Decimal Estimated Cost
estimatedgrossprofit Decimal Estimated Gross Profit
estimatedgrossprofitpercent Double Estimated Gross Profit Percent
estimatedlaborcost Decimal Estimated Labor Cost
estimatedlaborcostbaseline Decimal Estimated Labor Cost Baseline
estimatedlaborrevenue Decimal Estimated Labor Revenue
estimatedrevenue Decimal Estimated Revenue
estimatedtime Double Initial Time Budget
estimatedtimeoverride Double Estimated Work
estimatedtimeoverridebaseline Double Estimated Work Baseline
externalid String External ID
forecastchargerunondemand Boolean Forecast Charge Run on Demand
fxrate Decimal Exchange Rate
includecrmtasksintotals Boolean Include CRM Task In Job Totals
isexempttime Boolean Classify Time as Exempt
isinactive Boolean Inactive
isproductivetime Boolean Classify Time as Productive
isutilizedtime Boolean Classify Time as Utilized
jobbillingtype String Billing Type
jobitem String Billing Item
jobprice Decimal Project Price
jobtype String Job Type
lastbaselinedate Date Last Baseline Date
lastmodifieddate Date Last Modified Date
limittimetoassignees Boolean Limit Time and Expenses To Resources
materializetime Boolean Create Planned Time Entries
parent String Parent Record
percentcomplete Double Rev Rec Override Percent Complete
percenttimecomplete Double Percent Work Complete
primarycontact String Primary Contact
projectedenddate Date Estimated End Date
projectedenddatebaseline Date Estimated End Date Baseline
projectmanager String Job Manager
startdate Date Start Date
startdatebaseline Date Start Date Baseline
timeapproval String Time Approval
timeremaining Double Remaining Work

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Build 24.0.8963