TDV Adapter for NetSuite

Build 24.0.8963


The transaction table.


Name Type References Description
id [KEY] Integer Internal ID
abbrevtype String Abbrev. Type
accountbasednumber String Account Based Number
actionitem String Action Item
actualproductionenddate Date Actual Production End Date
actualproductionstartdate Date Actual Production Start Date
actualshipdate Date Actual Shipping Date
altsalestotal Decimal Alt. Sales Total
approvalstatus Integer Approval Status
asofdate Date As of Date
autocalculatelag Boolean Auto-calculate Lag
balsegstatus Integer Balanced by Segments
billingaddress String Billing Address
billingstatus Boolean Billing Status
billofmaterials Integer Bill of Materials
billofmaterialsrevision Integer Bill of Materials Revision
buyingreason Integer Buying Reason
buyingtimeframe Integer Buying Time Frame
closedate Date Date Closed
committed Double Buildable
createdby Integer Created By
createddate Date Date Created
currency Integer Currency
custbody_cseg1 Integer MySegment
custbody_cseg2 Integer OtherCustomSegment
custbody_cseg3 Integer TestSegment
custbody_cseg4 Integer Sub-channel
customform String Custom Form
daysopen Double Days Open
daysoverduesearch Integer Days Overdue
duedate Date Due Date
email String Email
employee Integer Sales Rep
enddate Date End Date
entity Integer Entity
entitystatus Integer Status (Customer)
estgrossprofit Decimal Est. Gross Profit
estgrossprofitpercent Double Est. Gross Profit Percent
estimatedbudget Decimal Estimated Budget
exchangerate String Exchange Rate
expectedclosedate Date Expected Close Date
externalid String External ID
fax String Fax
firmed Boolean Firmed
forecasttype Integer Forecast Type
foreignamountpaid Decimal Amount Paid (Transaction Currency)
foreignamountunpaid Decimal Amount Unpaid (Transaction Currency)
foreignpaymentamountunused Decimal Payment Amount Unused (Transaction Currency)
foreignpaymentamountused Decimal Payment Amount Used (Transaction Currency)
foreigntotal Decimal Total Amount (Transaction Currency)
fulfillmenttype Integer Fulfillment Type
incoterm Integer Incoterm
isactualprodenddateenteredmanually Boolean Enter Manually
isactualprodstartdateenteredmanually Boolean Enter Manually
isbookspecific Boolean Is Book Specific
isbudgetapproved Boolean Budget Approved
isfinchrg Boolean Finance Charge
isreversal Boolean Is Reversal
iswip Boolean WIP
journaltype String Journal Type
lastmodifiedby Integer Last Modified By
lastmodifieddate Datetime Date Last Modified
leadsource Integer Lead Source
linkedpo String Linked PO
manufacturingrouting Integer Manufacturing Routing
memdoc Integer Memorized Transaction Definition
memo String Memo
message String Message
nextapprover Integer Next Approver
nextbilldate Date Next Bill Date
nexus Integer Nexus
number Double Document Number
opportunity Integer Opportunity
ordpicked Boolean Picked
ordreceived Boolean Order Received
otherrefnum String PO/Check Number
partner Integer Partner
paymenthold Boolean Payment Hold
paymentmethod Integer Payment Method
paymentoption Integer Payment Option
posting Boolean Posting
postingperiod Integer Posting Period
printedpickingticket Boolean Printed Picking Ticket
probability Double Probability (%)
projectedtotal Decimal Projected Total
rangehigh Decimal Range High
rangelow Decimal Range Low
recordtype String Record Type
reversal Integer Reversal Doc
reversaldate Date Reversal Date
salesreadiness Integer Sales Readiness
schedulingmethod String Scheduling Method
shipcomplete Boolean Ship Complete
shipdate Date Ship Date
shippingaddress String Shipping Address
source String Source
sourcetransaction Integer Source Transaction
startdate Date Start Date
status String Status
terms Integer Terms
title String Title
tosubsidiary Integer To Subsidiary
totalcostestimate Decimal Est. Cost
trandate Date Date
trandisplayname String Transaction
tranid String Document Number/ID
transactionnumber String Transaction Number
transferlocation Integer Destination Location
type String Type
typebaseddocumentnumber String Type Based Document Number
useitemcostastransfercost Boolean Use Item Cost As Transfer Cost
userevenuearrangement Boolean Generates Revenue Arrangement
visibletocustomer Boolean Available In Customer Center
void Boolean Void
voided Boolean Voided
website Integer Website
weightedtotal Decimal Weighted Total
winlossreason Integer Win/Loss Reason

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Build 24.0.8963