TDV Adapter for NetSuite

Build 24.0.8963


The supportcase table.


Name Type References Description
id [KEY] Integer Internal ID
assigned String Assigned To
casenumber String ID
company String Company
datecreated Date Creation Date/Time
escalateto String Escalate To
externalid String External ID
helpdesk Boolean Help Desk
initialresponsetime Double Initial Response Time
isinactive Boolean Inactive
issue String Case Issue
issues String Issues
item String Item
lastcustomermessagereceived Date Last Customer Message Received
origin String Origin
priority String Priority
profile String Profile
serialnumber String Serial/Lot Number
solutions String Solutions
startdate Date Incident Date
status String Status
subsidiary String Subsidiary
supportfirstreply Date Support First Reply
timeelapsed Double Time Elapsed
timeonhold Double Time On Hold
timeopen Double Time Open
timetoassign Double Time To Assign
timetoclose Double Time To Close
title String Subject

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Build 24.0.8963