TDV Adapter for NetSuite

Build 24.0.8963


The shipitem table.


Name Type References Description
id [KEY] Integer Internal ID
account String Account (Shipping)
accounthandling String Account (Handling)
costbasis String Shipping Rate
countries String Countries
description String Description
discountrate Double Discount Rate
displayname String Display Name/Code
doiftotal Boolean Web Site Visibility Limited by Total
doiftotalamt Decimal Web Site Visibility By Total Limit
doiftotaloperator String Web Site Visibility By Total Type
doifweightamt Double Web Site Visibility By Weight Limit
doifweightoperator String Web Site Visibility By Weight Type
doifweightunit String Web Site Visibility By Weight Unit
excludecountries Boolean Excluded For Countries
excludesites Boolean Excluded For Sites
externalid String ExternalId
fedexonerate Boolean FedEx One RateĀ®
freeifordertotalisoveramount Decimal Free If Total Over Amount
handlingaspercentageoftotal Double Handling Rate As Percent of Total
handlingbyweightamount Decimal Handling Rate By Weight
handlingbyweightperquantity Double Handling Rate By Weight Per
handlingbyweightperunit String Handling Rate By Weight Unit
handlingcost String Handling Rate
handlingflatrateamount Decimal Handling Flat Rate
handlingperitemamount Decimal Handling Rate By Item
handlingtablechargeby String Handling Rate Table Type
handlingtableuom String Handling Rate Table Unit
hasmaximumshippingcost Boolean Has Maximum Shipping Cost
hasminimumshippingcost Boolean Has Minimum Shipping Cost
integrationservicecode String Shipping Label Integration
invt_dispname String Display Name
isfreeifordertotalisover Boolean Is Free If Total Over
ishandlingbyweightbracketed Boolean Handling Rate By Weight Bracketed
isinactive Boolean Inactive
isonline Boolean Display in Web Site
isshippingbyweightbracketed Boolean Shipping Rate By Weight Bracketed
itemid String Ship Name
maximumshippingcost Decimal Maximum Shipping Cost
minimumshippingcost Decimal Minimum Shipping Cost
needsallfreeshippingitems Boolean All items must be purchased
omitpackaging Boolean Omit packaging
returnservicecode String Return Label Integration
servicecode String Shipper Service Code
shippingaspercentageoftotal Double Shipping Rate As Percent of Total
shippingbyweightamount Decimal Shipping Rate By Weight
shippingbyweightperquantity Double Shipping Rate By Weight Per
shippingbyweightperunit String Shipping Rate By Weight Unit
shippingflatrateamount Decimal Shipping Flat Rate
shippingperitemamount Decimal Shipping Rate By Item
shippingtablechargeby String Shipping Rate Table Type
shippingtableuom String Shipping Rate Table Unit
site String Limit To Sites
states String States
subsidiary String Subsidiaries

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Build 24.0.8963