JDBC Driver for NetSuite

Build 22.0.8462


Returns the raw XML from a saved search.


Name Type Description
SavedSearchId String The InternalId of the saved search.
SearchType String The type of search being used.

The allowed values are Account, AccountingPeriod, AccountingTransaction, BillingAccount, BillingSchedule, Bin, Bom, BomRevision, Budget, CalendarEvent, Campaign, Charge, Classification, Contact, ContactCategory, ContactRole, CostCategory, ConsolidatedExchangeRate, CouponCode, CurrencyRate, Customer, CustomerCategory, CustomerMessage, CustomerStatus, CustomerSubsidiaryRelationship, CustomList, CustomRecord, Department, Employee, EntityGroup, ExpenseCategory, FairValuePrice, File, Folder, GiftCertificate, GlobalAccountMapping, HcmJob, InboundShipment, InventoryNumber, Item, ItemAccountMapping, ItemDemandPlan, ItemRevision, ItemSupplyPlan, Issue, Job, JobStatus, JobType, Location, ManufacturingCostTemplate, ManufacturingOperationTask, ManufacturingRouting, MerchandiseHierarchyNode, Message, Nexus, Note, NoteType, Opportunity, OtherNameCategory, Partner, PartnerCategory, Paycheck, PaymentMethod, PayrollItem, PhoneCall, PriceLevel, PricingGroup, ProjectTask, PromotionCode, ResourceAllocation, RevRecSchedule, RevRecTemplate, SalesRole, SalesTaxItem, Solution, SiteCategory, Subsidiary, SupportCase, Task, TaxGroup, TaxType, Term, TimeBill, TimeSheet, Topic, Transaction, UnitsType, Usage, Vendor, VendorCategory, VendorSubsidiaryRelationship, WinLossReason.

ResponseXML String The ScriptId of the custom field.

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Build 22.0.8462