The item table.
Name | Type | References | Description |
id [KEY] | Integer | Internal ID | |
alternatedemandsourceitem | String | Alternate Source Item | |
amortizationperiod | Integer | Amortization Period | |
amortizationtemplate | String | Amortization Template | |
assetaccount | String | Asset Account | |
atpmethod | String | ATP Method | |
availabletopartners | Boolean | Available to Adv. Partners | |
averagecost | Decimal | Average Cost | |
backwardconsumptiondays | Integer | Backward Consumption Days | |
billexchratevarianceacct | String | Exchange Rate Variance Account | |
billingschedule | String | Billing Schedule | |
billpricevarianceacct | String | Price Variance Account | |
billqtyvarianceacct | String | Quantity Variance Account | |
buildentireassembly | Boolean | Mark Sub-assemblies Phantom | |
buildtime | Double | Work Order Lead Time | |
class | String | Class | |
consumptionunit | String | Consumption | |
copydescription | Boolean | Copy from Sales Order | |
cost | Decimal | Purchase Price | |
costcategory | String | Cost Category | |
costestimate | Decimal | Item Defined Cost | |
costestimatetype | String | Cost Estimate Type | |
costingmethod | String | Costing Method | |
countryofmanufacture | String | Manufacturer Country | |
createddate | Date | Date Created | |
createexpenseplanson | String | Create Expense Plans On | |
createjob | Boolean | Create Job | |
custreturnvarianceaccount | String | Customer Return Variance Account | |
deferralaccount | String | Deferred Expense | |
demandmodifier | Double | Estimated Demand Change | |
demandsource | String | Demand Source | |
demandtimefence | Integer | Demand Time Fence | |
department | String | Department | |
description | String | Description | |
displayname | String | Display Name/Code | |
distributioncategory | String | Distribution Category | |
distributionnetwork | String | Distribution Network | |
dontshowprice | Boolean | Don't Show Price | |
dropshipexpenseaccount | String | Dropship Expense Account | |
enforceminqtyinternally | Boolean | Enforce Minimum Internally | |
excludefromsitemap | Boolean | Exclude from Sitemap | |
expenseaccount | String | Expense/COGS Account | |
expenseamortizationrule | String | Expense Amortization Rule | |
externalid | String | External ID | |
featureddescription | String | Featured Description | |
fixedlotsize | Double | Fixed Lot Size | |
forwardconsumptiondays | Integer | Forward Consumption Days | |
froogleproductfeed | Boolean | Google Base Product Feed | |
fullname | String | Full Name | |
fxcost | Decimal | Purchase Price (Foreign Currency) | |
gainlossaccount | String | Gain/Loss Account | |
generateaccruals | Boolean | Generate Accruals | |
handlingcost | Decimal | Handling Cost | |
includechildren | Boolean | Include Children | |
incomeaccount | String | Income Account | |
isdonationitem | Boolean | Variable Amount | |
isdropshipitem | Boolean | Drop Ship Item | |
isfulfillable | Boolean | Can be Fulfilled | |
isinactive | Boolean | Inactive | |
islotitem | Boolean | Lot Numbered | |
isonline | Boolean | Display in Web Site | |
isphantom | Boolean | Phantom | |
isserialitem | Boolean | Serialized | |
isspecialorderitem | Boolean | Special Order Item | |
isspecialworkorderitem | Boolean | Special Work Order Item | |
itemid | String | Item Name/Number | |
itemtype | String | Type | |
lastmodifieddate | Date | Last Modified | |
lastpurchaseprice | Decimal | Last Purchase Price | |
leadtime | Integer | Lead Time | |
location | String | Location | |
manufacturer | String | Manufacturer | |
manufacturingchargeitem | Boolean | Manufacturing Charge Item | |
matchbilltoreceipt | Boolean | Match Bill To Receipt | |
matrixitemnametemplate | String | Matrix Item Name Template | |
matrixtype | String | Matrix Type | |
maxdonationamount | Decimal | Maximum Variable Amount | |
maximumquantity | Integer | Maximum Order Qty | |
metataghtml | String | Meta Tag HTML | |
minimumquantity | Integer | Minimum Order Qty | |
mpn | String | Manufacturer Part Number | |
nextagcategory | String | NexTag Category | |
nextagproductfeed | Boolean | NexTag Product Feed | |
nopricemessage | String | No Price Message | |
outofstockbehavior | String | Out Of Stock Behavior | |
outofstockmessage | String | Out Of Stock Message | |
overallquantitypricingtype | String | Calculate Quantity Discounts | |
overheadtype | String | Overhead Type | |
pagetitle | String | Page Title | |
parent | String | Subitem of | |
periodiclotsizedays | Integer | Periods of Supply Increment | |
periodiclotsizetype | String | Periods of Supply Type | |
preferredlocation | String | Preferred Location | |
pricinggroup | String | Pricing Group | |
printitems | Boolean | Print Items | |
prodpricevarianceacct | String | Production Price Variance Account | |
prodqtyvarianceacct | String | Production Quantity Variance Account | |
projecttemplate | String | Project Template | |
purchasedescription | String | Purchase Description | |
purchaseorderamount | Double | Vendor Bill - Purchase Order Amount Tolerance | |
purchaseorderquantity | Double | Vendor Bill - Purchase Order Quantity Tolerance | |
purchaseorderquantitydiff | Double | Vendor Bill - Purchase Order Quantity Difference | |
purchasepricevarianceacct | String | Purchase Price Variance Account | |
purchaseunit | String | Purchase Unit | |
quantitypricingschedule | String | Quantity Pricing Schedule | |
receiptamount | Double | Vendor Bill - Item Receipt Amount Tolerance | |
receiptquantity | Double | Vendor Bill - Item Receipt Quantity Tolerance | |
receiptquantitydiff | Double | Vendor Bill - Item Receipt Quantity Difference | |
relateditemsdescription | String | Related Items Description | |
rescheduleindays | Integer | Reschedule In Days | |
rescheduleoutdays | Integer | Reschedule Out Days | |
residual | String | Residual | |
roundupascomponent | Boolean | Round Up Quantity as Component | |
safetystocklevel | Double | Safety Stock Level | |
saleunit | String | Sale Unit | |
scrapacct | String | Scrap Account | |
searchkeywords | String | Search Keywords | |
seasonaldemand | Boolean | Seasonal Demand | |
shipindividually | Boolean | Ships Individually | |
shippackage | String | Package | |
shippingcost | Decimal | Shipping Cost | |
shoppingdotcomcategory | String | Category | |
shoppingproductfeed | Boolean | Shopping Product Feed | |
shopzillacategoryid | Integer | Shopzilla Category ID | |
shopzillaproductfeed | Boolean | Shopzilla Product Feed | |
showdefaultdonationamount | Boolean | Show Default Amount | |
sitemappriority | String | Sitemap Priority | |
stockdescription | String | Stock Description | |
stockunit | String | Stock Unit | |
storedescription | String | Store Description | |
storedetaileddescription | String | Detailed Description | |
storedisplayimage | String | Item Display Image | |
storedisplayname | String | Store Display Name | |
storedisplaythumbnail | String | Item Display Thumbnail | |
subsidiary | String | Subsidiary | |
subtype | String | Subtype | |
supplylotsizingmethod | String | Lot Sizing Method | |
supplyreplenishmentmethod | String | Replenishment Method | |
supplytimefence | Integer | Planning Time Fence | |
supplytype | String | Supply Type | |
totalquantityonhand | Double | Total Quantity On Hand | |
totalvalue | Decimal | Total Value | |
tracklandedcost | Boolean | Track Landed Cost | |
transferprice | Decimal | Transfer Price | |
unbuildvarianceaccount | String | Unbuild Variance Account | |
unitstype | String | Units Type | |
upccode | String | UPC Code | |
urlcomponent | String | URL Component | |
usemarginalrates | Boolean | Use Marginal Rates | |
vendorname | String | Vendor Name/Code | |
vendreturnvarianceaccount | String | Vendor Return Variance Account | |
weight | Double | Item Weight | |
weightunit | String | Weight Unit | |
weightunits | String | Weight Units | |
wipacct | String | WIP Account | |
wipvarianceacct | String | WIP Variance Account |