CData JDBC Driver for MySQL
The CData JDBC Driver for MySQL offers the most natural way to connect to MySQL data from Java-based applications and developer technologies. The driver wraps the complexity of accessing MySQL data in an easy-to-integrate, 100%-Java JDBC driver. The driver hides the complexity of accessing data and provides additional powerful security features, batching, socket management, and more.
Key Features
- Write SQL to retrieve and update MySQL data.
- Unparalleled performance and scalability.
- Codeless integration with popular BI, reporting, and ETL tools.
Getting Started
See Getting Started for A-Z guides on authenticating and connecting to MySQL data. See the MySQL integration guides for information on connecting from other applications.NOTE: The license file, cdata.jdbc.mysql.lic, must be in the same location as the JAR file, cdata.jdbc.mysql.jar. See the readme file for more information.
Using the JDBC Driver/Using from Tools
See Using JDBC for examples of using standard JDBC classes like DataSource, Connection, Statement, ResultSet, and others, to work with MySQL data.
Using from Tools walks through the steps of integration with JDBC tools, using several popular database tools as examples.
Schema Discovery
See Schema Discovery to access schema information through the standard JDBC interfaces.
Advanced Features
Advanced Features details additional features supported by the driver, such as , ssl configuration, remoting, firewall/proxy settings, and advanced logging.JDBC Remoting
See JDBC Remoting to configure remote access to the JDBC data source. The JDBC remoting feature allows hosting the JDBC connection on a server to enable connections from virtually anywhere -- various clients on any platform (Java, .NET, C++, PHP, Python, and so on) and using any standards-based technology (ODBC, JDBC, and so on). JDBC remoting is enabled using the popular MySQL wire protocol server.
Connection String Options
The Connection properties describe the various options that can be used to establish a connection.