ODBC Driver for Gmail

Build 24.0.8963


Sends a message to the specified recipient.

Stored Procedure Specific Information

Send an email by using this procedure.

Example to attach only one file:

EXECUTE SendMailMessage @Subject = 'subject', @To = 'email', @CC = 'email', @Content = 'content', @AttachmentPath = 'C:\\MyDirectory\\MyFile.extension'

Example to attach all files of the first level on a directory:

EXECUTE SendMailMessage @Subject = 'subject', @To = 'email', @CC = 'email', @Content = 'content', @AttachmentPath = 'C:\\MyDirectory'

Example to attach a combination of multiple files and folders:

INSERT INTO attach#TEMP (AttachmentPath) VALUES ('C:\\MyDirectory\\MyFile.extension')
INSERT INTO attach#TEMP (AttachmentPath) VALUES ('C:\\MyDirectory2')
EXECUTE SendMailMessage @Subject = 'subject', @To = 'email', @CC = 'email', @Content = 'content', @AttachmentPath = 'attach#TEMP'

Example to include multiple email recipients:

EXECUTE SendMailMessage @Subject = 'subject', @To = '[email protected],[email protected]', @CC = '[email protected],[email protected]', @Content = 'content'


Name Type Required Description
To String True The email address(es) of the recipient(s).
From String False The email address of the sender.
Subject String True The subject of the mail message.
Content String True The message body.
CC String False CCed recipient(s).
BCC String False BCCed recipient(s).
AttachmentPath String False The attachment file names (with the path if reading from a file) to include in the message.

Result Set Columns

Name Type Description
Id String The Id for the message as returned by the server.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.8963