Tableau Connector for Marketo

Build 23.0.8839


Create, update, delete, and query Leads for a Marketo organization.

Table Specific Information


All columns must be specified using the '=' operator. The Id and Email columns allow multiple values to be specified by using the OR logical operator. The OldestUpdatedAt column acts as a "since" criteria, and a range can be specified by adding the LatestUpdatedAt column, which specifies the "until" criteria.

Response time from the server can be improved by identifying only the rows and columns you want to retrieve.

SELECT Id, FirstName, LastName FROM Leads WHERE Email = '' OR Email = ''


To create a new Lead record, specify the information about the Lead to be entered into the database.

The following example demonstrates how to insert a new Lead:

INSERT INTO Leads (Email, FirstName, LastName) VALUES ('', 'John', 'Mark')


Any field that is not read-only can be updated.

UPDATE Leads SET MobilePhone = '111-222-3333' WHERE Id = '1'


Deleting a Lead is not directly supported by the Marketo API. However, a Lead can be deleted by creating a campaign, to be run via an API call, that triggers the deletion of a Lead as part of the campaign's flow. Details for how to create a campaign like this can be found here:

Once the campaign is created within Marketo, a delete request can be made by specifying the campaign with either the CampaignId or CampaignName column, along with the Id or Email column of the Leads to be deleted.

DELETE FROM Leads WHERE Id = '1000195' AND CampaignId = '1027'


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] Integer True

The unique, Marketo-assigned identifier of the account.

Email String False

The lead's email address.

Salutation String False

The lead's salutation.

FirstName String False

The lead's first name.

MiddleName String False

The lead's middle name.

LastName String False

The lead's last name.

DateofBirth Date False

The lead's date of birth.

Title String False

The lead's job title.

Address String False

The lead's street address.

City String False

The lead's city.

State String False

The lead's state.

PostalCode String False

The lead's ZIP/postal code.

Country String False

The lead's country.

Website String False

The lead's website.

Phone String False

The lead's phone number.

MobilePhone String False

The lead's mobile phone number.

Fax String False

The lead's fax number.

Company String False

The name of the lead's company.

MainPhone String False

The phone number of the lead's company.

SICCode String False

The SIC (Standard Industrial Classification) code of the lead's company.

Site String False

The site of the lead's company.

BillingStreet String False

The billing street address of the lead's company.

BillingCity String False

The billing city of the lead's company.

BillingState String False

The billing state of the lead's company.

BillingPostalCode String False

The billing ZIP/postal code of the lead's company.

BillingCountry String False

The billing country of the lead's company.

NumberOfEmployees Integer False

The number of employees at the lead's company.

Industry String False

The industry of the lead's company.

AnnualRevenue Decimal False

The annual revenue generated at the lead's company.

LeadScore Integer False

The lead's score.

Rating String False

The lead's rating.

Unsubscribed Boolean False

Determines whether the lead is unsubscribed.

UnsubscribedReason String False

The reason why the lead has unsubscribed.

AnonymousIP String False

The IP address of the lead if it is anonymous.

Department String False

The lead's deparment.

DoNotCall Boolean False

Identifies whether the lead is on the 'Do Not Call' list.

DoNotCallReason String False

The reason why the lead is on the 'Do Not Call' list.

InferredCompany String False

The lead's inferred company.

InferredCountry String False

The lead's inferred country.

LeadRole String False

The lead's role.

LeadSource String False

The lead's source.

LeadStatus String False

The lead's current status.

ForeignSysPersonId String False

The lead's Id from a foreign system.

ForeignSysType String False

The foreign system type that the ForeignSysPersonId value came from.

MarketoSocialFacebookDisplayName String False

The lead's Facebook display name.

MarketoSocialFacebookId String False

The lead's Facebook Id.

MarketoSocialFacebookPhotoURL String False

The lead's Facebook photo URL.

MarketoSocialFacebookProfileURL String False

The lead's Facebook profile URL.

MarketoSocialFacebookReach Integer False

The lead's Facebook reach.

MarketoSocialFacebookReferredEnrollments Integer False

The lead's Facebook referred enrollments.

MarketoSocialFacebookReferredVisits Integer False

The lead's Facebook referred visits.

MarketoSocialGender String False

The lead's social gender.

MarketoSocialLastReferredEnrollment Datetime False

The lead's last social referred enrollment.

MarketoSocialLastReferredVisit Datetime False

The lead's last social referred visit.

MarketoSocialLinkedInDisplayName String False

The lead's LinkedIn display name.

MarketoSocialLinkedInId String False

The lead's LinkedIn Id.

MarketoSocialLinkedInPhotoURL String False

The lead's LinkedIn photo URL.

MarketoSocialLinkedInProfileURL String False

The lead's LinkedIn profile URL.

MarketoSocialLinkedInReach Integer False

The lead's LinkedIn reach.

MarketoSocialLinkedInReferredEnrollments Integer False

The lead's LinkedIn referred enrollments.

MarketoSocialLinkedInReferredVisits Integer False

The lead's LinkedIn referred visits.

MarketoSocialSyndicationId String False

The lead's social syndication Id.

MarketoSocialTotalReferredEnrollments Integer True

The lead's total social referred enrollments.

MarketoSocialTotalReferredVisits Integer True

The lead's total social referred visits.

MarketoSocialTwitterDisplayName String False

The lead's Twitter display name.

MarketoSocialTwitterId String False

The lead's Twitter Id.

MarketoSocialTwitterPhotoURL String False

The lead's Twitter photo URL.

MarketoSocialTwitterProfileURL String False

The lead's Twitter profile URL.

MarketoSocialTwitterReach Integer False

The lead's Twitter reach.

MarketoSocialTwitterReferredEnrollments Integer False

The lead's Twitter referred enrollments.

MarketoSocialTwitterReferredVisits Integer False

The lead's Twitter referred visits.

MarketoSocialYahooDisplayName String False

The lead's Yahoo display name.

MarketoSocialYahooPhotoURL String False

The lead's Yahoo photo URL.

MarketoSocialYahooProfileURL String False

The lead's Yahoo profile URL.

MarketoSocialYahooReach Integer False

The lead's Yahoo reach.

MarketoSocialYahooReferredEnrollments Integer False

The lead's Yahoo referred enrollments.

MarketoSocialYahooReferredVisits Integer False

The lead's Yahoo referred visits.

MicrosoftAddress2 String False

The lead's Microsoft street line 2 address.

MicrosoftAddress3 String False

The lead's Microsoft street line 3 address.

MicrosoftBillingAddress2 String False

The lead's Microsoft billing street line 2 address.

MicrosoftBillingAddress3 String False

The lead's Microsoft billing street line 3 address.

MicrosoftDoNotEmail Boolean False

Identifies whether the lead is on the Microsoft 'Do Not Email' list.

MicrosoftDoNotFax Boolean False

Identifies whether the lead is on the Microsoft 'Do Not Fax' list.

MicrosoftDoNotSendMarketingMaterial Boolean False

Identifies whether the lead is on the Microsoft 'Do Not Send Marketing Material' list.

MicrosoftHomePhone String False

The lead's Microsoft home phone.

MicrosoftPreferredMethodofContact String False

The lead's Microsoft preferred method of contact.

MicrosoftTopic String False

The lead's Microsoft topic.

SAP_CRM_ABCClassification String False

The lead's SAP ABC classification.

SAP_CRM_AccountID String False

The lead's SAP account Id.

SAP_CRM_Account_CreatedOn Datetime False

The lead's SAP account creation date.

SAP_CRM_Account_ExternalID String False

The lead's SAP account external Id.

SAP_CRM_Account_Fax String False

The lead's SAP account fax number.

SAP_CRM_Account_HouseNumber String False

The lead's SAP account house number.

SAP_CRM_Account_IsDeleted Boolean False

Identifies if the lead's SAP account is deleted.

SAP_CRM_Account_Status String False

The lead's SAP account status.

SAP_CRM_BestReachedBy String False

The lead's SAP best method to be reached.

SAP_CRM_ContactID String False

The lead's SAP contact Id.

SAP_CRM_Contact_Name String False

The lead's SAP contact name.

SAP_CRM_DepartmentFromBusinessCard String False

The lead's SAP department retrieved from business card.

SAP_CRM_EmployeeID String False

The lead's SAP employee Id.

SAP_CRM_ExternalSystem String False

The lead's SAP external system.

SAP_CRM_Function String False

The lead's SAP function.

SAP_CRM_Lead_HouseNumber String False

The lead's SAP lead house number.

SAP_CRM_Name String False

The lead's SAP name.

SAP_CRM_Person_Type String False

The lead's SAP person type.

SAP_CRM_PrimaryContact String False

The lead's SAP primary contact.

SAP_CRM_Qualification String False

The lead's SAP qualification.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
OldestUpdatedAt Datetime

Used when performing a GET. Returns all leads updated since the specified time.

LatestUpdatedAt Datetime

Used when performing a GET. Returns all leads updated up until the specified time.

StaticListId Integer

Used when performing a GET. The Id of the static list to retrieve.

StaticListName String

Used when performing a GET. The name of the static list to retrieve.

CampaignSource String

Used when performing a DELETE and is used to specify the source of the campaign. Valid values are MKTOWS or SALES. If not specified, MKTOWS will be used by default.

CampaignId Integer

Used when performing a DELETE and is used to specify the Id of the campaign that contains the 'Delete Lead' trigger. Note CampaignId and Campaign name cannot both be specified.

CampaignName String

Used when performing a DELETE and is used to specify the name of the campaign that contains the 'Delete Lead' trigger. Note CampaignId and Campaign name cannot both be specified.

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Build 23.0.8839