Tableau Connector for Marketo

Build 23.0.8839


Query Opportunities for a Marketo organization.

Table Specific Information

Note: This table is only available for Marketo subscriptions which do not have a native CRM sync enabled. If sync is enabled, an error will be returned when attempting to query the table stating that the API is disabled.


A filter must be specified when retrieving opportunities. Valid filters are any searchable columns which include MarketoGUID, ExternalOpportunityId, ExternalCompanyId, or ExternalSalesPersonId.

SELECT * FROM Opportunities WHERE ExternalOpportunityId = 'CDATA1'


To create a new Opportunity record, specify the information about the Opportunity to be entered into the database.

The following example demonstrates how to insert a new Opportunity:

INSERT INTO Opportunities (ExternalOpportunityId, Description, ExternalCompanyId, Name) VALUES ('CDATA1', 'CData Software Inc Opportunity', 'CDATA', 'CData')


Any field that is not read-only can be updated.

UPDATE Opportunities SET IsWon = true, FiscalYear = 2016, Amount = '1000.00' WHERE ExternalOpportunityId = 'Opportunity1'


Delete is used to remove opportunities from Marketo. To perform a delete, either the Id field or the ExternalOpportunityId field is required.

DELETE FROM Opportunities WHERE ExternalOpportunityId = 'Opportunity1'


Name Type ReadOnly Filterable Description
MarketoGUID [KEY] String True True

The unique, Marketo-assigned identifier of the opportunity.

ExternalOpportunityId String False True

The external Id of the opportunity.

Amount Double False

The amount of the opportunity.

CloseDate Datetime False

The date and time the opportunity was closed.

Description String False

The description of the opportunity.

ExpectedRevenue Double False

The expected revenue of the opportunity.

ExternalCompanyId String False True

The external company Id of the opportunity.

ExternalCreatedDate Datetime False

The external date and time the opportunity was created.

ExternalSalesPersonId String False True

The external sales person Id of the opportunity.

Fiscal String False

The fiscal of the opportunity.

FiscalQuarter String False

The fiscal quarter of the opportunity.

FiscalYear String False

The fiscal year of the opportunity.

ForecastCategoryName String False

The forecast category name of the opportunity.

IsClosed Boolean False

Specifies whether the opportunity is closed.

IsWon Boolean False

Specifies whether the opportunity was won.

LastActivityDate Datetime False

The date and time the last activity occurred on the opportunity.

LeadSource String False

The lead source of the opportunity.

Name String False

The name of the opportunity.

NextStep String False

The next step of the opportunity.

Probability Integer False

The probability of the opportunity.

Quantity Double False

The quantity of the opportunity.

Stage Double False

The stage of the opportunity.

Type Double False

The type of the opportunity.

CreatedAt Datetime True

The date and time the opportunity was created.

UpdatedAt Datetime True

The date and time the opportunity was last updated.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 23.0.8839