Tableau Connector for Marketo

Build 23.0.8839


Create, update, delete, and query custom objects for a Marketo organization.

Table Specific Information

Each custom object contained within your Marketo organization will be returned as it's own table. Each table name will be prefixed with 'CustomObject_' followed by the name of your custom object.


The Marketo REST API requires that a filter be specified to retrieve custom objects. The filter must contain at least one column that is the Key, a dedupeField, or a column that is searchable. Only the '=' operator is supported on these filter types. Other filters can be specified in addition to this but at least one of the previously mentioned filters must be specified. All filterable columns allow multiple values to be specified by using the IN operator or the OR logical operator.

Response time from the server can be improved by identifying only the rows and columns you want to retrieve.

SELECT Make, Model, Year, Color FROM CustomObject_MyCustomBikeObject WHERE VIN = '12345'


To create a new custom object record, specify the information about the custom object to be entered into the database.

The following example demonstrates how to insert a new custom object called MyCustomBikeObject:

INSERT INTO MyCustomBikeObject (VIN, Make, Model, Color) VALUES ('99999', 'Yamaha', 'FZ-09', 'Blue')


Any field that is not read-only can be updated.

UPDATE MyCustomBikeObject SET Year = 2016 WHERE VIN = '99999'


Delete is used to remove custom objects from Marketo. To perform a delete, the table key or a dedupeField column must be specified.

DELETE FROM MyCustomBikeObject WHERE VIN = '99999'


Name Type ReadOnly Filterable Description
MarketoGUID [KEY] String True

The unique, Marketo-assigned identifier of the custom object.

CreatedAt Datetime False

The datetime the custom object was created.

UpdatedAt Datetime False

The datetime the custom object was updated.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 23.0.8839