SSIS Components for Marketo

Build 23.0.8839


Add or update the section of the landing page content in Marketo.


EXECUTE UpdateLandingPageContentSection LandingPageId = '1003', ContentId = '1009', Type = 'HTML', Value = '<html><body><h3>Test Update</h3></body></html>'


Name Type Required Description
LandingPageId String True Id of the landing page.
ContentId String True Id of the content section. Also the HTML id of the section.
Type String True Type of content section.

使用できる値は次のとおりです。Image, Form, Rectangle, Snippet, RichText, HTML

BackgroundColor String False background-color property of the HTML section.
BorderColor String False Border-color property of the HTML section.
BorderStyle String False Border-style property of the HTML section.
BorderWidth String False Border-width property of the HTML section.
Height String False Height property of the HTML section.
HideDesktop String False Hide the section when displayed on a desktop browser.
HideMobile String False Hide the section when displayed on a mobile browser. Default false.
ImageOpenNewWindow String False Image open new window.
Index String False Index of the content section. Determines the order of the section in the landing page.
Left String False Left property of the HTML section.
LinkUrl String False URL parameter of a link type section.
Opacity String False Opacity property of the HTML section.
Top String False Top property of the HTML section.
Value String False Type of content section.
Width String False Width property of the HTML section.
ZIndex String False Z-index property of the HTML section.

Result Set Columns

Name Type Description
Id String Id of the landing page.

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Build 23.0.8839