ADO.NET Provider for Marketo

Build 23.0.8839


Imports leads from a file into Marketo.

Stored Procedure Specific Information

The 'File' parameter must be a path to a file formatted as specified in the 'Format' parameter.

The first row in the file will be the columns, which are the Marketo API field names and map directly to the column names for the Leads table. The remaining rows will be the Leads data you want to import into Marketo.

The maximum file size is 10 MB and all the processing is performed on the Marketo back-end which creates faster performance and less work for the local machine. GetImportLeadsFailures, GetImportLeadsStatus, and GetImportLeadsWarnings are related stored procedures that provide information on the import process.


Name Type Required Accepts Input Streams Description
File String False False The path to the file containing leads to be imported into Marketo, i.e. 'C:\temp\myleads.csv'.
Format String True False The format of the file that will be used to import leads into Marketo. Applicable values are: 'csv' (comma separated value), 'tsv' (tab separated value), and 'ssv' (semi colon separated value).
LookupField String False False Used to specify the field used to find duplicate leads. Available values are: id, cookie, email, twitterId, facebookId, linkedInId, sfdcAccountId, sfdcContactId, sfdcLeadId, sfdcLeadOwnerId.
ListId String False False The Id of the list to import the leads into.
PartitionName String False False The name of the partition to import the leads into.
Content String False True The content as InputStream to be uploading when File is not specified.

Result Set Columns

Name Type Description
BatchId String The Id of the import leads batch.
Status String The status of the import process.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 23.0.8839