Tableau Connector for HubSpot

Build 24.0.9029


Get workflows a contact is currently enrolled in.


Name Type References Description
Id [KEY] Long The id of the contact.
WorkflowId [KEY] Long The id of the workflow.
PortalId String Portal id for enrollment.
Name String Represents the name or title associated with the specified workflow.
Description String Represents the description associated with the specified workflow.
AllowContactToTriggerMultipleTimes Bool Represents whether a contact is allowed to trigger the specified workflow multiple times.
AllowEnrollmentFromMerge Bool Indicates if the merging of contacts triggers enrollment. If true, enrollment is enabled when contacts are merged.
EnrollOnCriteriaUpdate Bool Specifies if updates to enrollment criteria trigger enrollment. If true, enrollment is enabled when enrollment criteria are updated.
CanEnrollFromSalesforce Bool A setting indicating whether the workflow is available to be seen from the HubSpot embed in Salesforce.
Listening Bool Whether contacts should be unenrolled from the workflow if they are no longer a member of any of the lists used as starting conditions.
Enabled Bool Represents whether the specified workflow enrollment is currently enabled or disabled.
Author String Include details about the user or account responsible for designing and implementing the workflow within the HubSpot platform.
AuthorUserId Long Indicates the unique identifier of the account responsible for creating the workflow.
Type String Indicate the type or category of the workflow.
IsSegmentBased Bool Represents whether the workflow is segment-based.
InsertedAt Datetime Indicates the date and time when the contact was inserted or enrolled into the specified workflow.
UpdatedAt Datetime Indicates the date and time when the contact was updated or enrolled into the specified workflow.

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Build 24.0.9029