A comma-separated set of optional scopes that give you permissions to your HubSpot account.
Data Type
Default Value
"content social automation files forms timeline e-commerce business-intelligence integration-sync tickets sales-email-read crm.objects.custom.read crm.schemas.custom.read crm.objects.feedback_submissions.read crm.objects.goals.read crm.objects.leads.read crm.objects.leads.write crm.objects.orders.read crm.objects.orders.write crm.schemas.orders.read crm.schemas.orders.write conversations.read conversations.write"
Any scopes that are checked off as optional can be optionally included in this property and HubSpot will ask you to give consent to those scopes when signing into your account. If the user's account does not have access to the features granted by an optional scope, the authorization page will NOT display an error, but the access and refresh tokens generated won't be able to access those features / endpoints either.
Refer to the HubSpot API documentation for more details.