CData Cmdlets PowerShell Module for HubSpot ビュー
Name | Description |
AnalyticsBreakdowns | Get analytics data broken down by the specified category. |
AnalyticsContents | Get analytics data for your HubSpot hosted content. This would include your website and landing pages, as well as any blog pages hosted on HubSpot. |
AnalyticsEventCompletions | Get analytics data for event completion objects. |
AnalyticsForms | Get analytics data for form objects. |
AnalyticsSessions | Get analytics data broken down by sessions. |
AnalyticsSocialAssists | Get analytics data for social assist objects. |
AnalyticsViews | Get the details for the analytics views set up in the portal. |
BlogAuthors | Retrieve the available blog authors in HubSpot. |
BlogPosts | Retrieve the available blog posts in HubSpot. |
Blogs | Retrieve the available blogs in HubSpot. |
BlogTopics | Retrieve the available blog topics in HubSpot. |
Comments | Retrieve the available comments from your blog in HubSpot. |
CompanyPropertiesHistory | A list of the historical values of the property. |
ContactFormSubmissions | List of Contact's Form Submissions. |
ContactIdentityProfiles | List of Contact's Identity profiles |
ContactListMemberships | Returns the list memberships of contacts in HubSpot. |
ContactPropertiesHistory | A list of the historical values of the property. |
ContactStatistics | Basic contact statistics that can be retrieved from HubSpot such as the total number and when the last new contact was created. |
DealPipelines | Deal pipelines may be used to organize what stages a given deal is on. |
DealPipelineStages | The stages for a given Deal Pipeline. |
DealPropertiesHistory | A list of the historical values of the property. |
DealStages | The stages for a given Deal. |
Domains | Retrieve the available domains in HubSpot. |
EmailCampaignEvents | The events associated with an email campaign or a recipient. |
EmailCampaigns | Email campaigns in HubSpot allow you to keep track of email marketing campaigns. |
EmailSubscriptionTypes | A list of email subscription types for a HubSpot hub. |
EngagementScheduledTasks | List of tasks scheduled for an engagement. |
EngagementsScheduledTasks | List of tasks scheduled for an engagement. |
Enrollments | Get workflows a contact is currently enrolled in. |
Events | Returns all of the event definitions in a given portal. |
Files | Retrieves information about the available files in HubSpot. |
Folders | Retrieves information about the available folders in HubSpot. |
FormFields | Get fields of HubSpot Forms. |
FormSubmissions | Get the submissions for the specified form. |
Pages | Retrieve the available pages in HubSpot. |
SocialMediaChannels | List available social media channels in HubSpot |
Templates | Retrieve the available templates in HubSpot. |
UrlMappings | Retrieve the available url mappings in HubSpot. |