ODBC Driver for HubSpot

Build 24.0.9032


Retrieve the available Leads in HubSpot.


Name Type ReadOnly References Filterable Description
Id [KEY] Long False True

Unique identifier of the object.

Archived Bool True False

Whether the object is archived or not.

CreatedAt Datetime True False

When the object was created.

UpdatedAt Datetime True False

When the object was last updated.

All teams String True True

The team IDs, including up the team hierarchy, corresponding to all owner referencing properties for this object, both default and custom

Business units String False True

The business units this record is assigned to.

All owner ids String True True

The value of all owner referencing properties for this object, both default and custom.

All team ids String True True

The team ids corresponding to all owner referencing properties for this object, both default and custom.

Associated Company Domain String True True

Domain of the associated company if present.

Associated Company Name String True True

Name of the associated company if present.

Associated Contact Email String True True

Email of the associated contact if present.

Associated Contact First Name String True True

First name of the associated contact if present.

Associated Contact Last Name String True True

Last name of the associated contact if present.

Calls Connected Count Decimal True True

The number of associated calls that are considered to be 'connected'

Primary company analytics source String True True

The latest analytics source from the lead's primary company at the time when the company was associated with the lead. This property will not be updated after the first rollup.

Primary company analytics source first drilldown String True True

The first drilldown of the latest analytics source from the lead's primary company at the time when the company was associated with the lead. This property will not be updated after the first rollup.

Primary company analytics source second drilldown String True True

The second drilldown of the latest analytics source from the lead's primary company at the time when the company was associated with the lead. This property will not be updated after the first rollup.

Company Avatar FileManager key String True True

The path in the FileManager CDN for the lead's primary company's avatar override image.

Is Target Account String True True

Associated company's status about being marketed or sold to.

Company Last Activity Date Datetime True True

The date of the last activity, rolled up from the primary associated company.

Company Last Engagement Date Datetime True True

The last time a contact engaged with your site or a form, document, meetings link, or tracked email. This doesn't include marketing emails or emails to multiple contacts.

Company Last Engagement Type String True True

The type of the last engagement a company performed. This doesn't include marketing emails or emails to multiple contacts.

Company Time of Last Session Datetime True True

Time of the last session attributed to any contacts that are associated with this lead's primary company

Company Next Activity Date Datetime True True

The date of the next activity, rolled up from the primary associated company.

Company Next Activity Type String True True

The type of the next activity, rolled up from the primary associated company.

Company Number of Pageviews Decimal True True

Total number of page views across all contacts associated with this lead's primary company

Associated company timezone String True True

The associated company's timezone, if present.

Primary contact analytics source String True True

The latest analytics source from the lead's primary contact at the time when the contact was associated with the lead. This property will not be updated after the first rollup.

Primary contact analytics source first drilldown String True True

The first drilldown of the latest analytics source from the lead's primary contact at the time when the contact was associated with the lead. This property will not be updated after the first rollup.

Primary contact analytics source second drilldown String True True

The second drilldown of the latest analytics source from the lead's primary contact at the time when the contact was associated with the lead. This property will not be updated after the first rollup.

Contact Avatar FileManager key String True True

The path in the FileManager CDN for the lead's primary contact's avatar override image.

Contact Buying Role String True True

Associated contact's role during the sales process.

Associated contact job title String True True

Job title of the associated contact if present.

Contact Last Activity Date Datetime True True

The date of the last activity, rolled up from the primary associated contact.

Contact Last Engagement Date Datetime True True

The last time a contact engaged with your site or a form, document, meetings link, or tracked email. This doesn't include marketing emails or emails to multiple contacts.

Contact Last Engagement Type String True True

The type of the last engagement a contact performed. This doesn't include marketing emails or emails to multiple contacts.

Contact Time of Last Session Datetime True True

Timestamp for start of the most recent session for this lead's primary contact to your website.

Contact Next Activity Date Datetime True True

The date of the next activity, rolled up from the primary associated contact.

Contact Next Activity Type String True True

The type of the next activity, rolled up from the primary associated contact.

Contact Number of Pageviews Decimal True True

Total number of page views this lead's primary contact has had on your website

Associated contact timezone String True True

The associated contact's timezone, if present.

Created by user ID Decimal True True

The user that created this object. This value is automatically set by HubSpot and may not be modified.

Object create date/time Datetime True True

The date and time at which this object was created. This value is automatically set by HubSpot and may not be modified.

Emails Connected Count Decimal True True

The number of associated emails that are considered to be 'connected'

Initial Assign Notification State String True True

Determines the status of sending the initial lead assign notification upon object creation

Last Activity Date Datetime True True

The date of the last activity. Defaults to the date of the primary associated contact. If not present, looks to the date of the primary associated company.

Last Engagement Date Datetime True True

If primary contact exists, the last time the contact engaged with your site or a form, document, meetings link, or tracked email. This doesn't include marketing emails or emails to multiple contacts. Otherwise it is the last time for the associated company

Last Engagement Type String True True

If primary contact exists, the type of the last engagement the contact performed. This doesn't include marketing emails or emails to multiple contacts. Otherwise it is the type of the last engagement for the associated company

Lead Time of Last Session Datetime True True

If the associated contact exists, the timestamp for the start of the most recent session for this contact to your website. Otherwise the timestamp for the start of the most recent session for the associated company to your website.

Object last modified date/time Datetime True True

Most recent timestamp of any property update for this object. This includes HubSpot internal properties, which can be visible or hidden. This property is updated automatically.

Associated Deal Pipeline Stage String True True

The pipeline stage of the primary associated deal

Associated deals Decimal True True

Number of associated deals for a given lead.

Call Count Decimal True True

The number of calls made to this lead

Closed won deal amount Decimal True True

The total amount of the lead's associated deals that are closed-won

Message Thread Count Decimal True True

The number of message threads (SMS, LinkedIn, WhatsApp) opened with this lead

Currency String True True

Currency code for most recent associated deal

Lead Disqualification Note String False True

A note on why the lead was disqualified

Disqualification Reason String False True

Dropdown list of reasons for disqualification

Email Count Decimal True True

The number of emails sent to this lead

First Outreach Date Datetime True True

The date of the first outreach (call, email, meeting or other communication) from the sales rep to the lead.

Lead Inferred Pseudostage String True True

This indicates the inferred lead pipeline pseudostage based on underlying activities taken by the user or lead.

Is Disqualified Decimal True True

Indicates whether the lead is disqualified (with a value of 1) or not (with a value of 0). Hidden property that exists for the purpose of reporting.

In progress leads Decimal True True

Indicates whether the lead is in progress (with a value of 1) or not (with a value of 0). Hidden property that exists for the purpose of reporting.

Is New Decimal True True

Indicates whether the lead is new (with a value of 1) or not (with a value of 0). Hidden property that exists for the purpose of reporting.

Open leads Decimal True True

Whether the lead's pipeline stage has any category other than `QUALIFIED` or `UNQUALIFIED`

Is Qualified Decimal True True

Indicates whether the lead is qualified (with a value of 1) or not (with a value of 0). Hidden property that exists for the purpose of reporting.

Lead Label String False True

Current status of a given lead

Meeting Count Decimal True True

The number of meetings booked with this lead

Lead Name String False True

The full name of the lead.

Lead name calculated String True True

The calculated full name of the lead.

Outreach activity count Decimal True True

The total number of outreach activities (call, email, meeting or other communication) from the sales rep to the lead.

Open deal amount Decimal True True

The total value of any open deals associated with this lead

Primary Company Owner String True True

The owner ID of the associated primary company

Primary Contact Owner String True True

The owner ID of the associated primary contact

Lead Source String True True

The analytics source of the lead, inherited from primary associated contact or company at the time of lead creation

Initial company lifecycle stage String True True

The first detected lifecycle stage on a company associated with the lead as that lead's primary company. Not updated after initial value set.

Initial contact lifecycle stage String True True

The first detected lifecycle stage on a contact associated with the lead as that lead's primary contact. Not updated after initial value set.

Lead Source DrillDown 1 String True True

Second tier of specificity on the lead source

Lead Source DrillDown 2 String True True

Third tier of specificity on the lead source

Initial source lifecycle stage String True True

The lifecycle stage of the primary associated contact or company at the time of lead creation

Time to First Touch Decimal True True

Time between lead creation and first outreach activity

Lead Title (DEPRECATEDUse hsLeadName) String True True

The title of the lead

Lead Type String False True

The type of lead. By default, categorize your lead as either a New Business, Existing Business, or Re-attempting

Meetings Connected Count Decimal True True

The number of associated meetings that are considered to be 'connected'

Merged record IDs String True True

The list of record IDs that have been merged into this record. This value is automatically set by HubSpot and may not be modified.

Next Activity Date Datetime True True

The date of the next activity. Defaults to the date of the primary associated contact. If not present, looks to the date of the primary associated company.

Next Activity Type String True True

The type of the next activity. Defaults to the type of the primary associated contact. If not present, looks to the type of the primary associated company.

Lead Number of Pageviews Decimal True True

Number of pageviews for the associated contact if it exists. Otherwise the number of pageviews for the associated company.

Record ID Decimal True True

The unique ID for this record. This value is automatically set by HubSpot and may not be modified.

Record Creation Source String True True

Raw internal propertySource present in the RequestMeta when this record was created

Record Source Detail 1 String True True

First level of detail on how this record was created

Record Source Detail 2 String True True

Second level of detail on how this record was created

Record Source Detail 3 String True True

Third level of detail on how this record was created

Record Creation Source ID String True True

Raw internal sourceId present in the RequestMeta when this record was created

Record Source String True True

How this record was created

Record Creation Source User ID Decimal True True

Raw internal userId present in the RequestMeta when this record was created

Lead owner calculated String True True

The calculated owner of the lead. Owner of the primary contact if it exists, owner of primary company otherwise.

Lead Pipeline String False True

The pipeline that the lead is in

Lead Pipeline Stage String False True

Pipeline Stage Category String True True

The category assigned to the lead's current pipeline stage

Pipeline Stage Category Last Updated At Datetime True True

Timestamp of the most recent update to the lead's pipeline stage category

Primary Associated Object Name String True True

The primary associated contact or company name

Primary Associated Company Object ID Decimal False True

The object ID of the primary associated company

Primary contact enrolled in sequence Bool True True

Indicates whether the lead's primary contact is currently enrolled in a sequence

Primary Associated Contact Object ID Decimal False True

The object ID of the primary associated contact

Read Only Object Bool True True

Is the object read only

Shared Team IDs String True True

The team IDs of all teams that have shared access to this object

Shared User IDs String True True

The user IDs of all users that have shared access to this object

Lead tags String True True

List of tag ids applicable to a lead. This property is set automatically by HubSpot.

Time in 'Attempting (Lead pipeline)' Decimal True True

The total time in seconds spent by the lead in the 'Attempting' stage, 'Lead pipeline' pipeline

Time in 'Connected (Lead pipeline)' Decimal True True

The total time in seconds spent by the lead in the 'Connected' stage, 'Lead pipeline' pipeline

Time in 'New (Lead pipeline)' Decimal True True

The total time in seconds spent by the lead in the 'New' stage, 'Lead pipeline' pipeline

Time in 'Qualified (Lead pipeline)' Decimal True True

The total time in seconds spent by the lead in the 'Qualified' stage, 'Lead pipeline' pipeline

Time in 'Disqualified (Lead pipeline)' Decimal True True

The total time in seconds spent by the lead in the 'Disqualified' stage, 'Lead pipeline' pipeline

Unique creation key String True True

Unique property used for idempotent creates

Updated by user ID Decimal True True

The user that last updated this object. This value is automatically set by HubSpot and may not be modified.

User IDs of all notification followers String True True

The user IDs of all users that have clicked follow within the object to opt-in to getting follow notifications

User IDs of all notification unfollowers String True True

The user IDs of all object owners that have clicked unfollow within the object to opt-out of getting follow notifications

User IDs of all owners String True True

The user IDs of all owners of this object

Cumulative time in Attempting (Lead pipeline) Decimal True True

The cumulative time in seconds spent by the lead in the 'Attempting' stage, 'Lead pipeline' pipeline

Cumulative time in Connected (Lead pipeline) Decimal True True

The cumulative time in seconds spent by the lead in the 'Connected' stage, 'Lead pipeline' pipeline

Cumulative time in New (Lead pipeline) Decimal True True

The cumulative time in seconds spent by the lead in the 'New' stage, 'Lead pipeline' pipeline

Cumulative time in Qualified (Lead pipeline) Decimal True True

The cumulative time in seconds spent by the lead in the 'Qualified' stage, 'Lead pipeline' pipeline

Cumulative time in Disqualified (Lead pipeline) Decimal True True

The cumulative time in seconds spent by the lead in the 'Disqualified' stage, 'Lead pipeline' pipeline

Date entered Attempting (Lead pipeline) Datetime True True

The date and time when the lead entered the 'Attempting' stage, 'Lead pipeline' pipeline

Date entered Connected (Lead pipeline) Datetime True True

The date and time when the lead entered the 'Connected' stage, 'Lead pipeline' pipeline

Date entered New (Lead pipeline) Datetime True True

The date and time when the lead entered the 'New' stage, 'Lead pipeline' pipeline

Date entered Qualified (Lead pipeline) Datetime True True

The date and time when the lead entered the 'Qualified' stage, 'Lead pipeline' pipeline

Date entered Disqualified (Lead pipeline) Datetime True True

The date and time when the lead entered the 'Disqualified' stage, 'Lead pipeline' pipeline

Date exited Attempting (Lead pipeline) Datetime True True

The date and time when the lead exited the 'Attempting' stage, 'Lead pipeline' pipeline

Date exited Connected (Lead pipeline) Datetime True True

The date and time when the lead exited the 'Connected' stage, 'Lead pipeline' pipeline

Date exited New (Lead pipeline) Datetime True True

The date and time when the lead exited the 'New' stage, 'Lead pipeline' pipeline

Date exited Qualified (Lead pipeline) Datetime True True

The date and time when the lead exited the 'Qualified' stage, 'Lead pipeline' pipeline

Date exited Disqualified (Lead pipeline) Datetime True True

The date and time when the lead exited the 'Disqualified' stage, 'Lead pipeline' pipeline

Latest time in Attempting (Lead pipeline) Decimal True True

The total time in seconds spent by the lead in the 'Attempting' stage, 'Lead pipeline' pipeline since it last entered this stage

Latest time in Connected (Lead pipeline) Decimal True True

The total time in seconds spent by the lead in the 'Connected' stage, 'Lead pipeline' pipeline since it last entered this stage

Latest time in New (Lead pipeline) Decimal True True

The total time in seconds spent by the lead in the 'New' stage, 'Lead pipeline' pipeline since it last entered this stage

Latest time in Qualified (Lead pipeline) Decimal True True

The total time in seconds spent by the lead in the 'Qualified' stage, 'Lead pipeline' pipeline since it last entered this stage

Latest time in Disqualified (Lead pipeline) Decimal True True

The total time in seconds spent by the lead in the 'Disqualified' stage, 'Lead pipeline' pipeline since it last entered this stage

Performed in an import Bool True True

Object is part of an import

Workflow updated lifecycle stage of company Bool False True

Indicates whether a workflow updated the lifecycle stage of the lead�s associated company.

Workflow updated lifecycle stage of contact Bool False True

Indicates whether a workflow updated the lifecycle stage of the lead�s associated contact.

Owner Assigned Date Datetime True True

The most recent date an owner was assigned to this object. This is set automatically by HubSpot and can be used for segmentation and reporting.

Lead Owner String False True

Owner of the lead. Defaults to the owner of the primary associated contact. If not present, looks to the owner of the primary associated company.

HubSpot Team String True True

The primary team of the owner.

lead custom field String False True

This column is a custom field. desc

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9032