ODBC Driver for HubSpot

Build 24.0.9032


Retrieve the available Companies in HubSpot. This table supports both OAuth and PrivateAppToken authentication.

Table Specific Information

In HubSpot, company records store information about a business or organization.


When selecting companies, they can be filtered by columns marked below as 'Filterable'. For those columns, the supported server-side operators are =, !=, <, <=, >, and >=. Further filtering is available using AND and OR combinations. A maximum of 2 OR operators are supported server-side, with each of these operators supporting up to 2 AND operators inside of them. For example:

SELECT * FROM Companies WHERE [Associated Deals] > 1 AND [Recent Deal Close Date] < '2020-01-31'
SELECT * FROM Companies WHERE [Associated Contacts] < 50 OR [Last Contacted] > '2020-01-01 15:00:00'

In the below server-offloading examples, "{Column}" represents any column you'd like to filter and "{Value}" represents any value you want to filter it on:

SELECT * FROM Companies WHERE {Column} = {Value} AND {Column} < {Value} AND {Column} > {Value}
SELECT * FROM Companies WHERE {Column} != {Value} AND {Column} >= {Value} AND {Column} <= {Value}
SELECT * FROM Companies WHERE ({Column} = {Value} AND {Column} = {Value}) OR ({Column} != {Value} AND {Column} >= {Value})
SELECT * FROM Companies WHERE ({Column} != {Value} AND {Column} >= {Value} AND {Column} <= {Value}) OR ({Column} != {Value} AND {Column} >= {Value} AND {Column} <= {Value}) OR ({Column} != {Value} AND {Column} >= {Value} AND {Column} <= {Value})


INSERT INTO Companies ([About Us]) VALUES ('description')


UPDATE Companies SET [About Us] = 'new description' WHERE ID = '3917882265'


DELETE FROM Companies WHERE ID = '3917882265'


Name Type ReadOnly References Filterable Description
Id [KEY] Long False True

Unique identifier of the object.

Archived Bool True False

Whether the object is archived or not.

CreatedAt Datetime True False

When the object was created.

UpdatedAt Datetime True False

When the object was last updated.

About Us String False True

Short about_company.

ClosedateTimestampEarliestValueA2a17e6e Datetime True True

Calculation context property providing timestamp for rollup property closedate calculated as EARLIEST_VALUE via values of closedate on object type ObjectTypeId_legacyObjectType_CONTACT_

Facebook Fans Decimal False True

Number of Facebook fans.

FirstContactCreatedateTimestampEarliestValue78b50eea Datetime True True

Calculation context property providing timestamp for rollup property first_contact_createdate calculated as EARLIEST_VALUE via values of createdate on object type ObjectTypeId_legacyObjectType_CONTACT_

First Conversion Date Datetime True True

The first conversion date across all contacts associated this company or organization.

FirstConversionDateTimestampEarliestValue61f58f2c Datetime True True

Calculation context property providing timestamp for rollup property first_conversion_date calculated as EARLIEST_VALUE via values of first_conversion_date on object type ObjectTypeId_legacyObjectType_CONTACT_

First Conversion String True True

The first form submitted across all contacts associated this company or organization.

FirstConversionEventNameTimestampEarliestValue68ddae0a Datetime True True

Calculation context property providing timestamp for rollup property first_conversion_event_name calculated as EARLIEST_VALUE via values of first_conversion_event_name on object type ObjectTypeId_legacyObjectType_CONTACT_

First Deal Created Date Datetime True True

Date the first deal was associated with this company record.

Year Founded String False True

The year the company was created. Powered by HubSpot Insights.

Additional Domains String False True

Additional domains belonging to this company.

Business units String False True

The business units this record is assigned to.

Time First Seen Datetime True True

The first activity for any contact associated with this company or organization.

HsAnalyticsFirstTimestampTimestampEarliestValue11e3a63a Datetime True True

Calculation context property providing timestamp for rollup property hs_analytics_first_timestamp calculated as EARLIEST_VALUE via values of hs_analytics_first_timestamp on object type ObjectTypeId_legacyObjectType_CONTACT_

First Touch Converting Campaign String True True

The campaign responsible for the first touch creation of the first contact associated with this company.

HsAnalyticsFirstTouchConvertingCampaignTimestampEarliestValue4757fe10 Datetime True True

Calculation context property providing timestamp for rollup property hs_analytics_first_touch_converting_campaign calculated as EARLIEST_VALUE via values of hs_analytics_first_touch_converting_campaign on object type ObjectTypeId_legacyObjectType_CONTACT_

Time of First Session Datetime True True

Time of first session across all contacts associated with this company or organization.

HsAnalyticsFirstVisitTimestampTimestampEarliestValueAccc17ae Datetime True True

Calculation context property providing timestamp for rollup property hs_analytics_first_visit_timestamp calculated as EARLIEST_VALUE via values of hs_analytics_first_visit_timestamp on object type ObjectTypeId_legacyObjectType_CONTACT_

Time Last Seen Datetime True True

Time last seen across all contacts associated with this company or organization.

HsAnalyticsLastTimestampTimestampLatestValue4e16365a Datetime True True

Calculation context property providing timestamp for rollup property hs_analytics_last_timestamp calculated as LATEST_VALUE via values of hs_analytics_last_timestamp on object type ObjectTypeId_legacyObjectType_CONTACT_

Last Touch Converting Campaign String True True

The campaign responsible for the last touch creation of the first contact associated with this company.

HsAnalyticsLastTouchConvertingCampaignTimestampLatestValue81a64e30 Datetime True True

Calculation context property providing timestamp for rollup property hs_analytics_last_touch_converting_campaign calculated as LATEST_VALUE via values of hs_analytics_last_touch_converting_campaign on object type ObjectTypeId_legacyObjectType_CONTACT_

Time of Last Session Datetime True True

Time of the last session attributed to any contacts that are associated with this company record.

HsAnalyticsLastVisitTimestampTimestampLatestValue999a0fce Datetime True True

Calculation context property providing timestamp for rollup property hs_analytics_last_visit_timestamp calculated as LATEST_VALUE via values of hs_analytics_last_visit_timestamp on object type ObjectTypeId_legacyObjectType_CONTACT_

Latest Source String True True

Source of the last session attributed to any contacts that are associated with this company.

Latest Source Data 1 String True True

Additional source details of the last session attributed to any contacts that are associated with this company.

Latest Source Data 2 String True True

Additional source details of the last session attributed to any contacts that are associated with this company.

Latest Source Timestamp Datetime True True

Timestamp of when latest source occurred.

Number of Pageviews Decimal True True

Total number of page views across all contacts associated with this company or organization.

HsAnalyticsNumPageViewsCardinalitySumE46e85b0 Decimal True True

Calculation context property providing cardinality for rollup property hs_analytics_num_page_views calculated as SUM via values of hs_analytics_num_page_views on object type ObjectTypeId_legacyObjectType_CONTACT_

Number of Sessions Decimal True True

Total number of sessions across all contacts associated with this company or organization.

HsAnalyticsNumVisitsCardinalitySum53d952a6 Decimal True True

Calculation context property providing cardinality for rollup property hs_analytics_num_visits calculated as SUM via values of hs_analytics_num_visits on object type ObjectTypeId_legacyObjectType_CONTACT_

Original Source Type String False True

Original source for the contact with the earliest activity for this company or organization.

Original Source Data 1 String True True

Additional information about the original source for the contact with the earliest activity for this company or organization.

HsAnalyticsSourceData1TimestampEarliestValue9b2f1fa1 Datetime True True

Calculation context property providing timestamp for rollup property hs_analytics_source_data_1 calculated as EARLIEST_VALUE via values of hs_analytics_source_data_1 on object type ObjectTypeId_legacyObjectType_CONTACT_

Original Source Data 2 String True True

Additional information about the original source for the contact with the earliest activity for this company or organization.

HsAnalyticsSourceData2TimestampEarliestValue9b2f9400 Datetime True True

Calculation context property providing timestamp for rollup property hs_analytics_source_data_2 calculated as EARLIEST_VALUE via values of hs_analytics_source_data_2 on object type ObjectTypeId_legacyObjectType_CONTACT_

HsAnalyticsSourceTimestampEarliestValue25a3a52c Datetime True True

Calculation context property providing timestamp for rollup property hs_analytics_source calculated as EARLIEST_VALUE via values of hs_analytics_source on object type ObjectTypeId_legacyObjectType_CONTACT_

Avatar FileManager key String True True

The path in the FileManager CDN for this company's avatar override image. Automatically set by HubSpot.

Created by user ID Decimal True True

The user that created this object. This value is automatically set by HubSpot and may not be modified.

Object create date_time Datetime True True

The date and time at which this object was created. This value is automatically set by HubSpot and may not be modified.

Date entered 'Customer _Lifecycle Stage Pipeline_' Datetime True True

The date and time when the company entered the 'Customer' stage_ 'Lifecycle Stage Pipeline' pipeline.

Date entered 'Evangelist _Lifecycle Stage Pipeline_' Datetime True True

The date and time when the company entered the 'Evangelist' stage_ 'Lifecycle Stage Pipeline' pipeline.

Date entered 'Lead _Lifecycle Stage Pipeline_' Datetime True True

The date and time when the company entered the 'Lead' stage_ 'Lifecycle Stage Pipeline' pipeline.

Date entered 'Marketing Qualified Lead _Lifecycle Stage Pipeline_' Datetime True True

The date and time when the company entered the 'Marketing Qualified Lead' stage_ 'Lifecycle Stage Pipeline' pipeline.

Date entered 'Opportunity _Lifecycle Stage Pipeline_' Datetime True True

The date and time when the company entered the 'Opportunity' stage_ 'Lifecycle Stage Pipeline' pipeline.

Date entered 'Other _Lifecycle Stage Pipeline_' Datetime True True

The date and time when the company entered the 'Other' stage_ 'Lifecycle Stage Pipeline' pipeline.

Date entered 'Sales Qualified Lead _Lifecycle Stage Pipeline_' Datetime True True

The date and time when the company entered the 'Sales Qualified Lead' stage_ 'Lifecycle Stage Pipeline' pipeline.

Date entered 'Subscriber _Lifecycle Stage Pipeline_' Datetime True True

The date and time when the company entered the 'Subscriber' stage_ 'Lifecycle Stage Pipeline' pipeline.

Date exited 'Customer _Lifecycle Stage Pipeline_' Datetime True True

The date and time when the company exited the 'Customer' stage_ 'Lifecycle Stage Pipeline' pipeline.

Date exited 'Evangelist _Lifecycle Stage Pipeline_' Datetime True True

The date and time when the company exited the 'Evangelist' stage_ 'Lifecycle Stage Pipeline' pipeline.

Date exited 'Lead _Lifecycle Stage Pipeline_' Datetime True True

The date and time when the company exited the 'Lead' stage_ 'Lifecycle Stage Pipeline' pipeline.

Date exited 'Marketing Qualified Lead _Lifecycle Stage Pipeline_' Datetime True True

The date and time when the company exited the 'Marketing Qualified Lead' stage_ 'Lifecycle Stage Pipeline' pipeline.

Date exited 'Opportunity _Lifecycle Stage Pipeline_' Datetime True True

The date and time when the company exited the 'Opportunity' stage_ 'Lifecycle Stage Pipeline' pipeline.

Date exited 'Other _Lifecycle Stage Pipeline_' Datetime True True

The date and time when the company exited the 'Other' stage_ 'Lifecycle Stage Pipeline' pipeline.

Date exited 'Sales Qualified Lead _Lifecycle Stage Pipeline_' Datetime True True

The date and time when the company exited the 'Sales Qualified Lead' stage_ 'Lifecycle Stage Pipeline' pipeline.

Date exited 'Subscriber _Lifecycle Stage Pipeline_' Datetime True True

The date and time when the company exited the 'Subscriber' stage_ 'Lifecycle Stage Pipeline' pipeline.

Ideal Customer Profile Tier String False True

How well this company matches your Ideal Customer Profile. Tier 1 means a great fit for your products_services_ Tier 3 might be acceptable_ but low priority.

Target Account Bool False True

Identifies whether this company is being marketed and sold to as part of your account_based strategy.

Last Booked Meeting Date Datetime True True

The last date of booked meetings associated with the company.

Last Logged Call Date Datetime True True

The last date of logged calls associated with the company.

Last Open Task Date Datetime True True

The last due date of open tasks associated with the company.

last sales activity date old Datetime True True

The date of the last sales activity with the company in seconds.

Last Engagement Date Datetime True True

The last time a contact engaged with your site or a form_ document_ meetings link_ or tracked email. This doesn't include marketing emails or emails to multiple contacts.

Last Engagement Type String True True

The type of the last engagement a company performed. This doesn't include marketing emails or emails to multiple contacts.

Last Modified Date Datetime True True

Most recent timestamp of any property update for this company. This includes HubSpot internal properties_ which can be visible or hidden. This property is updated automatically.

Latest create date of active subscriptions Datetime True True

Latest created date of all associated active Subscriptions.

Merged object IDs String True True

The list of object IDs that have been merged into this object. This value is automatically set by HubSpot and may not be modified.

Number of blockers Decimal True True

The number of contacts associated with this company with the role of blocker.

Number of contacts with a buying role Decimal True True

The number of contacts associated with this company with a buying role.

Number of decision makers Decimal True True

The number of contacts associated with this company with the role of decision maker.

Number of open deals Decimal True True

The number of open deals associated with this company.

Record ID Decimal True True

The unique ID for this record. This value is automatically set by HubSpot and may not be modified.

Pinned Engagement ID Decimal True True

The object ID of the current pinned engagement. This value is automatically set by HubSpot and may not be modified.

Pipeline String False True

The pipeline with which this company is currently associated.

Likelihood to close Decimal True True

The highest probability that a contact associated with this company will become a customer within the next 90 days. This score is based on standard contact properties and behavior.

HsPredictivecontactscoreV2NextMaxMaxD4e58c1e Decimal True True

Calculation context property providing next_max for rollup property hs_predictivecontactscore_v2 calculated as MAX via values of hs_predictivecontactscore_v2 on object type ObjectTypeId_legacyObjectType_CONTACT_

Read Only Object Bool True True

Is the object read only.

Target Account2 String False True

The Target Account property is a means to flag high priority companies if you are following an account based strategy

Target Account Probability Decimal True True

The probability a company is marked as a target account

Target Account Recommendation Snooze Time Datetime False True

The date when the target account recommendation is snoozed.

Target Account Recommendation State String False True

The state of the target account recommendation.

Time in 'Customer _Lifecycle Stage Pipeline_' Decimal True True

The total time in seconds spent by the company in the 'Customer' stage_ 'Lifecycle Stage Pipeline' pipeline.

Time in 'Evangelist _Lifecycle Stage Pipeline_' Decimal True True

The total time in seconds spent by the company in the 'Evangelist' stage_ 'Lifecycle Stage Pipeline' pipeline.

Time in 'Lead _Lifecycle Stage Pipeline_' Decimal True True

The total time in seconds spent by the company in the 'Lead' stage_ 'Lifecycle Stage Pipeline' pipeline.

Time in 'Marketing Qualified Lead _Lifecycle Stage Pipeline_' Decimal True True

The total time in seconds spent by the company in the 'Marketing Qualified Lead' stage_ 'Lifecycle Stage Pipeline' pipeline.

Time in 'Opportunity _Lifecycle Stage Pipeline_' Decimal True True

The total time in seconds spent by the company in the 'Opportunity' stage_ 'Lifecycle Stage Pipeline' pipeline.

Time in 'Other _Lifecycle Stage Pipeline_' Decimal True True

The total time in seconds spent by the company in the 'Other' stage_ 'Lifecycle Stage Pipeline' pipeline.

Time in 'Sales Qualified Lead _Lifecycle Stage Pipeline_' Decimal True True

The total time in seconds spent by the company in the 'Sales Qualified Lead' stage_ 'Lifecycle Stage Pipeline' pipeline.

Time in 'Subscriber _Lifecycle Stage Pipeline_' Decimal True True

The total time in seconds spent by the company in the 'Subscriber' stage_ 'Lifecycle Stage Pipeline' pipeline.

Total open deal value Decimal True True

The total value_ in your company's currency_ of all open deals associated with this company.

Unique creation key String True True

Unique property used for idempotent creates.

Updated by user ID Decimal True True

The user that last updated this object. This value is automatically set by HubSpot and may not be modified.

User IDs of all notification followers String True True

The user IDs of all users that have clicked follow within the object to opt_in to getting follow notifications.

User IDs of all notification unfollowers String True True

The user IDs of all object owners that have clicked unfollow within the object to opt_out of getting follow notifications.

User IDs of all owners String True True

The user IDs of all owners of this object.

Owner Assigned Date Datetime True True

The timestamp when an owner was assigned to this company.

Is Public Bool False True

Indicates if the company is publicly traded. Powered by HubSpot Insights.

Number of Associated Contacts Decimal True True

The number of contacts associated with this company.

Number of Associated Deals Decimal True True

The number of deals associated with this company.

Number of Form Submissions Decimal True True

The number of forms submission for all contacts associated with this company or organization.

NumConversionEventsCardinalitySumD095f14b Decimal True True

Calculation context property providing cardinality for rollup property num_conversion_events calculated as SUM via values of num_conversion_events on object type ObjectTypeId_legacyObjectType_CONTACT_

Recent Conversion Date Datetime True True

The most recent conversion date across all contacts associated this company or organization.

RecentConversionDateTimestampLatestValue72856da1 Datetime True True

Calculation context property providing timestamp for rollup property recent_conversion_date calculated as LATEST_VALUE via values of recent_conversion_date on object type ObjectTypeId_legacyObjectType_CONTACT_

Recent Conversion String True True

The last form submitted across all contacts associated this company or organization.

RecentConversionEventNameTimestampLatestValue66c820bf Datetime True True

Calculation context property providing timestamp for rollup property recent_conversion_event_name calculated as LATEST_VALUE via values of recent_conversion_event_name on object type ObjectTypeId_legacyObjectType_CONTACT_

Recent Deal Amount Decimal True True

The amount of the last deal closed.

Recent Deal Close Date Datetime True True

Date of the last .

Time Zone String False True

Time zone where the company or organization is located. Powered by HubSpot Insights.

Total Money Raised String False True

The total amount of money raised by the company. Powered by HubSpot Insights.

Total Revenue Decimal True True

The total amount of closed won deals.

Company name String False True

The name of the company or organization. Powered by HubSpot Insights.

HubSpot Owner Email String False True

HubSpot owner email for this company or organization.

Twitter Handle String False True

The main twitter account of the company or organization.

HubSpot Owner Name String False True

HubSpot owner name for this company or organization.

Phone Number String False True

Company primary phone number. Powered by HubSpot Insights.

Twitter Bio String False True

The Twitter bio of the company or organization.

Twitter Followers Decimal False True

The number of Twitter followers of the company or organization.

Street Address String False True

Street address of the company or organization_ including unit number. Powered by HubSpot Insights.

Street Address 2 String False True

Additional address of the company or organization. Powered by HubSpot Insights.

Facebook Company Page String False True

The URL of the Facebook company page for the company or organization

City String False True

City where the company is located. Powered by HubSpot Insights.

LinkedIn Company Page String False True

The URL of the LinkedIn company page for the company or organization.

LinkedIn Bio String False True

The LinkedIn bio for the company or organization.

State_Region String False True

State or region in which the company or organization is located. Powered by HubSpot Insights.

Google Plus Page String False True

The URL of the Google Plus page for the company or organization.

Date of last meeting booked in meetings tool Datetime True True

Last Meeting Booked for any contact associated with this Company_Organization.

Campaign of last booking in meetings tool String True True

This UTM parameter shows which marketing campaign _e.g. a specific email_ referred an associated contact to the meetings tool for their most recent booking. This property is only populated when you add tracking parameters to your meeting link.

Medium of last booking in meetings tool String True True

This UTM parameter shows which channel _e.g. email_ referred an associated contact to the meetings tool for their most recent booking. This property is only populated when you add tracking parameters to your meeting link.

Source of last booking in meetings tool String True True

This UTM parameter shows which site _e.g. Twitter_ referred an associated contact to the meetings tool for their most recent booking. This property is only populated when you add tracking parameters to your meeting link.

Latest meeting activity Datetime True True

The date of the most recent meeting _past or upcoming_ logged for_ scheduled with_ or booked by a contact associated with this company.

Recent Sales Email Replied Date Datetime True True

The last time a tracked sales email was replied to by this company.

Company owner String False True

The owner of the company.

Last Contacted Datetime True True

Timestamp of the last call_ email_ or meeting that was logged for a contact at this company.

Last Activity Date Datetime True True

The last time a note_ call_ meeting_ or task was logged for a company. This is set automatically by HubSpot based on user actions in the company record.

Next Activity Date Datetime True True

Date of the next upcoming scheduled sales activity for this company record.

Number of times contacted Decimal True True

The number of times a call_ email or meeting was logged for this company.

Number of Sales Activities Decimal True True

Number of sales activities for this company. For example_ a call_ email or meeting logged.

Postal Code String False True

Postal or zip code of the company or organization. Powered by HubSpot Insights.

Country_Region String False True

Country in which the company or organization is located. Powered by HubSpot Insights.

HubSpot Team String True True

The team of the owner of the company.

All owner ids String True True

The value of all owner referencing properties for this object_ both default and custom.

Website URL String False True

The main website of the company or organization. This property is used to identify unique companies. Powered by HubSpot Insights.

Company Domain Name String False True

The domain name of the company or organization.

All team ids String True True

The team ids corresponding to all owner referencing properties for this object_ both default and custom.

All accessible team ids String True True

The team ids_ including up the team hierarchy_ corresponding to all owner referencing properties for this object_ both default and custom.

Number of Employees Decimal False True

The total number of employees who work for the company or organization. Powered by HubSpot Insights.

Industry String False True

The type of business the company performs. By default_ this property has approximately 150 pre_defined options to select from. While these options cannot be deleted as they used by HubSpot Insights_ you can add new custom options to meet your needs.

Annual Revenue Decimal False True

The actual or estimated annual revenue of the company. Powered by HubSpot Insights.

Lifecycle Stage String False True

The most advanced lifecycle stage across all contacts associated with this company or organization.

Lead Status String False True

The company's sales_ prospecting or outreach status.

Parent Company Decimal True True

The parent company of this company.

Type String False True

The optional classification of this company record _ prospect_ partner_ etc.

Description String False True

A short statement about the company's mission and goals. Powered by HubSpot Insights.

Number of child companies Decimal True True

The number of child companies of this company.

HubSpot Score Decimal True True

The sales and marketing score for the company or organization.

Create Date Datetime True True

The date the company or organization was added to the database.

Close Date Datetime False True

The date the company or organization was closed as a customer.

First Contact Create Date Datetime True True

The date that the first contact from this company entered the system_ which could pre_date the company's create date.

Days to Close Decimal True True

The number of days between when the company record was created and when they closed as a customer.

Web Technologies String False True

The web technologies used by the company or organization. Powered by HubSpot Insights.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9032