ODBC Driver for HubSpot

Build 24.0.9032


Retrieve the available Custom Objects in HubSpot.


Name Type References Filterable Description
Id String False An assigned unique ID for the object_ including portal ID and object name.
FullyQualifiedName [KEY] String False A unique ID for this schema's object type. It is defined as _meta_type___unique ID_.
Name String False A unique name for the schema's object type.
LabelSingular String False Singular label for the object. Used in CRM display.
LabelPlural String False Plural label for the object. Used in CRM display.
CreatedAt Datetime False When the Custom Object was created.
UpdatedAt Datetime False When the Custom Object was last updated.
PropertiesAggregate String False An aggregate of the properties defined for a given object type. This information can be viewed in more detail in CustomObjectProperties table.
AssociationsAggregate String False An aggregate of the associations defined for a given object type. This information can be viewed in more detail in CustomObjectAssociations table.
RequiredProperties String False The names of properties that should be required when creating an object of this type.
SearchableProperties String False Names of properties that will be indexed for this object type in by HubSpot's product search.
PrimaryDisplayProperty String False The name of the primary property for this object. This will be displayed as primary on the HubSpot record page for this object type.
SecondaryDisplayProperties String False The names of secondary properties for this object. These will be displayed as secondary on the HubSpot record page for this object type.
ObjectTypeId String False The ID of the custom object type.
MetaType String False The custom object type description.

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Build 24.0.9032