ODBC Driver for HubSpot

Build 24.0.9032


Create a Custom Object in HubSpot. May not work for the OAuth Authentication scheme due to insufficient OAuth Apps scopes, use the PrivateAppToken authentication instead.


Name Type Description
ObjectName String Required attribute. A unique name for the schema's object type.
ObjectLabelSingular String Required attribute. Singular label for the object. Used in CRM display.
ObjectLabelPlural String Required attribute. Plural label for the object. Used in CRM display.
PropertyName# String Required attribute. The internal property name, which must be used when referencing the property from the API.
PropertyLabel# String Required attribute. A human-readable property label that will be shown in HubSpot.
PropertyGroupName# String Optional attribute. The name of the group this property belongs to.
PropertyDescription# String Optional attribute. A description of the property that will be shown as help text in HubSpot.
PropertyOptionsLabel# String Required only if PropertyFieldType is set to enumeration. A comma separated list of the human-readable option labels that will be shown in HubSpot GUI. This field is only required for enumerated properties.
PropertyOptionsValue# String Required only if PropertyFieldType is set to enumeration. A comma separated list of the internal values of the options, which must be used when setting the property value through the API. This field is only required for enumerated properties.
PropertyOptionsDescription# String Optional attribute. A comma separated list of each option description.
PropertyOptionsDisplayOrder# String Optional attribute. A comma separated list of each option display order in the HubSpot GUI. Values of -1 will cause the option to be displayed after any positive values.
PropertyOptionsHidden# String Optional attribute. A comma separated list of booleans indicating whether each option will be hidden from the HubSpot GUI.
PropertyDisplayOrder# String Optional attribute. The order that this property should be displayed in the HubSpot UI relative to other properties for this object type. Properties are displayed in order starting with the lowest positive integer value. A value of -1 will cause the property to be displayed after any positive values.
PropertyHasUniqueValue# String Optional attribute. Whether or not the property's value must be unique. Once set, this can't be changed.
PropertyHidden# String Optional attribute. Whether or not the property is hidden from the GUI.
PropertyType# String Optional attribute. The data type of the property. Supported values are: string, number, date, enumeration, datetime.
PropertyFieldType# String Optional attribute. Controls how the property appears in HubSpot. Supported values are: textarea, text, date, file, number, select, radio, checkbox, booleancheckbox. The set GUI display option must support the specified PropertyType.
RequiredProperty# String Optional attribute. The names of properties that should be required when creating an object of this type.
SearchableProperty# String Optional attribute. The names of properties that will be indexed for this object type in by HubSpot's product search.
PrimaryDisplayProperty String Required attribute. The name of the primary property for this object. This will be displayed as primary on the HubSpot record page for this object type.
SecondaryDisplayProperty# String Optional attribute. The names of secondary properties for this object. These will be displayed as secondary on the HubSpot record page for this object type.
AssociatedObject# String Optional attribute. Associations defined for this object type.

Result Set Columns

Name Type Description
Success String Returns True if the object is successfully created.
ObjectName String Name of the newly created object.
ObjectLabel String Plural label of the newly created object.

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Build 24.0.9032