ODBC Driver for HubSpot

Build 24.0.9032


Select and manage HubSpot workflows.

Table Specific Information

Workflows are automated tasks in HubSpot. You can perform automated tasks with contacts by enrolling contacts in workflows.


When selecting workflows, data may be filtered by the WorkflowId. For example:

SELECT * FROM Workflows WHERE WorkflowId = '123456789'


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] Long True

The Id of the workflow.

Name String False

The name of the workflow.

Description String False

A description of the workflow.

IsEnabled Boolean False

A boolean indicating if this workflow is enabled.

CreatedAt Datetime True

When the workflow was created.

UpdatedAt Datetime True

When the workflow was last updated.

AllowContactToTriggerMultipleTimes Boolean False

A boolean indicating if the workflow can be triggered for the same contact multiple times.

CanEnrollFromSalesforce Boolean False

A boolean indicating if contacts can be enrolled to this workflow from Salesforce.

IsInternal Boolean False

A boolean indicating if the workflow is internal.

LegacyCampaignId Long False

The campaign id associated with the workflow if available.

LegacyMigration Boolean False

A boolean indicating if the workflow was migrated from the legacy lead nurturing tool.

IsListening Boolean False

A boolean indicating if the workflow is listening or active.

ContactListIdsCompleted Long True

ID of the completed contact list associated with the workflow.

ContactListIdsEnrolled Long True

ID of the enrolled contact list associated with the workflow.

ContactListIdsSucceeded Long True

ID of the contact list that successfully completed the workflow.

ContactListIdsActive Long True

ID of the active contact list associated with the workflow.

StepsAggregate String False

An aggregate of the steps to take when executing this workflow.

SupresssionSettingsAggregate String False

An aggregate of supression properties for this workflow.

TriggersAggregate String False

An aggregate of triggers for this workflow.

UnenrollmentSettingType String False

The type of unenrollment setting for this workflow.

UnenrollmentSettingExcludedWorkflowsAggregate String False

An workflows to exclude a contact from if they enroll in this workflow.

GoalListAggregate String False

An aggregate of goal ids for this workflow.

ExtraUrlParameters String True

An input only property for specifying additional parameters when selecting data from HubSpot. Specify the parameters as name=value pairs in a comma separated list. For instance, 'param1=value1,param2=value2,param3=value3'.

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Build 24.0.9032