ODBC Driver for HubSpot

Build 24.0.9032


Get all of the property groups for the specified Ticket object type.

Table Specific Information

Ticket property groups offer a means of organizing the various custom properties that are available for defining properties about a given ticket. Ticket property groups can be selected, inserted, updated, or deleted from this table.


Ticket property groups can only be filtered by the unique ticket property group name. For example:

SELECT * FROM TicketPropertyGroups WHERE Name = 'property_group_name'


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Name [KEY] String False

The name of the contact property group.

DisplayName String False

The display name of the contact group.

DisplayOrder Integer False

The numerical order of the contact group with respect to other contact groups.

IsHubspotDefined Boolean True

Indicator whether or not this field is defined in the Hubspot.

ExtraUrlParameters String True

An input only property for specifying additional parameters when selecting data from HubSpot. Specify the parameters as name=value pairs in a comma separated list. For instance, 'param1=value1,param2=value2,param3=value3'.

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Build 24.0.9032