ODBC Driver for HubSpot

Build 24.0.9032


Companies may be kept track of in HubSpot just like contacts. They can be added to, updated, and removed from this table.

Table Specific Information

Companies in HubSpot represent different organizations you are interested in keeping track of for potential marketing opportunities. They are treated similarly like contacts and have a number of custom properties that will be dynamically determined and added to the Companies table from your HubSpot Hub.


When selecting companies, they can only be filtered by the CompanyId and only one Company at a time. Otherwise they can be selected without a filter, which will cause all companies in your HubSpot account to be listed. For example:

SELECT * FROM Companies WHERE CompanyId = '123456789'


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
CompanyId [KEY] Long True

The id of the company in HubSpot.

IsDeleted Boolean True

A boolean indicating if the company is deleted.

OtherProperties String True

Other properties about the company will dynamically obtained at runtime and will vary depending on the company properties specific to your HubSpot HUB.

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Build 24.0.9032