ODBC Driver for HubSpot

Build 24.0.9032


Retrieve the available blogs in HubSpot.

Table Specific Information


When selecting blogs, they can only be filtered by the Id, Name, and CreatedAt. CreatedAt can be used to specify a range. For example:

SELECT * FROM Blogs WHERE CreatedAt >= '1/1/2014' AND CreatedAt <= '10/31/2014'
SELECT * FROM Blogs WHERE Name = 'myblog'


Name Type References Description
Id [KEY] Long The id of the blog.
Name String The internal name of the blog.
AllowComments Boolean Are comments enabled for the blog.
CommentShouldCreateContact Boolean Boolean indicating if an email address that is not listed in your HubSpot contacts creates a comment, should this user be automatically added to your HubSpot contacts.
CreatedAt Datetime When the post was first created.
HTMLTitle String The title in the title attribute of the page, shows up in the browsers title bar and as the title in Google search results.
Language String The language of the blog.
PostsPerListingPage Long The number of posts listed per page in the HTML viewable blog.
PostsPerRSSFeed Long The number of posts listed per page in the RSS feed for the blog.
PublicTitle String The header of the blog.
RootURL String The full URL with domain and scheme to the blog post.
ShowSocialLinkFacebook Boolean Boolean indicating if a social link for Facebook should be displayed on the blog.
ShowSocialLinkGoogle Boolean Boolean indicating if a social link for Google Plus should be displayed on the blog.
ShowSocialLinkLinkedIn Boolean Boolean indicating if a social link for LinkedIn should be displayed on the blog.
ShowSocialLinkTwitter Boolean Boolean indicating if a social link for Twitter should be displayed on the blog.
Slug String The path of the URL on which the post will live.
UpdatedAt Datetime When the post was last updated.
ExtraUrlParameters String An input only property for specifying additional parameters when selecting data from HubSpot. Specify the parameters as name=value pairs in a comma separated list. For instance, 'param1=value1,param2=value2,param3=value3'.

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Build 24.0.9032