SSIS Components for HubSpot

Build 23.0.8839


Create and manage HubSpot Forms.

Table Specific Information

Forms represent the forms on your website that a user or contact can fill out, such as a survey.


When selecting forms, they can only be filtered by GUID. For example:

SELECT * FROM Forms WHERE GUID = '123456789'


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
GUID [KEY] String True

The unique key for the form.

Name String False

The name of the form.

Action String False

An action to execute when the form is submitted.

CSSClass String False

The CSS class associated with the form.

IsDeletable Boolean False

A boolean indicating if the form is deletable.

EmbeddedCode String False

Embedded javascript code included with the form.

FollowUpId String False

An Id to follow up with if available.

IgnoreCurrentValues Boolean False

A boolean indicating if current or default values should be ignored when submitting the form.

Method String False

The HTTP method to use when submitting the form.

MigratedFrom String True

Information about where the form was migrated from if available.

NotifyRecipients String False

Email address of recipients that should notified when the form is submitted.

PerformableHTML String False

HTML that should be performed on the form.

Redirect String False

A url to redirect the user to once the form has been submitted.

SubmitText String False

The submit button text.

CreatedAt Datetime True

When the form was created.

UpdatedAt Datetime True

When the form was last updated.

FormFieldGroupsAggregate String False

A collection of the groups of fields available in the form.

SelectedExternalOptionsAggregate String False

The selected external options for the form. This includes the default lifecycle stage which categorizes your contacts and companies while providing context about where they are in your sales and marketing processes.

MetaDataAggregate String True

A collection of metadata about the form.

ExtraUrlParameters String True

An input only property for specifying additional parameters when selecting data from HubSpot. Specify the parameters as name=value pairs in a comma separated list. For instance, 'param1=value1,param2=value2,param3=value3'.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 23.0.8839