SSIS Components for HubSpot

Build 23.0.8839


Retrieve the available domains in HubSpot.

Table Specific Information

Domains represent any domains you have registered with HubSpot to host your HubSpot blogs and content optimization system on.


When selecting domains, they can only be filtered by the Id, CreatedAt, Domain, IsResolving, and PrimarySitePage columns. CreatedAt can be used with the > and < comparisons to form a range. For example:

SELECT * FROM Domains WHERE CreatedAt >= '1/1/2014' AND CreatedAt <= '10/31/2014'
SELECT * FROM Domains WHERE Id = '123456789'


Name Type References Description
Id [KEY] Long The id of the domain.
CreatedAt Datetime When the domain was first created.
Domain String The actual domain or subdomain.
IsAnyPrimary Boolean True if this domain is primary for any category.
IsDNSCorrect Boolean True if DNS for this domain is optimally configured for use with HubSpot.
IsLegacyDomain Boolean True is this domain is setup for use with the classic CMS.
IsResolving Boolean True if this domain is pointing to HubSpot servers.
ManuallyMarkedAsResolving Boolean True if a user manually marked this domain as resolving. This is needed when their is some unique setup or proxy server involved, and the COS can not automatically detect if the domain is properly resolving.
PrimaryBlogPost Boolean True if this domain is primary for COS blog posts.
PrimaryEmail Boolean True if this domain is primary for viewing emails as web page.
PrimaryLandingPage Boolean True if this domain is primary for COS landing pages.
PrimaryLegacyPage Boolean True if this domain is primary for the classic CMS.
PrimarySitePage Boolean True if this domain is primary for COS site pages.
SecondaryToDomain String The name of the domain that this domain redirects to. Only set for non-primary domains.
UpdatedAt Datetime When the domain was last updated.
ExtraUrlParameters String An input only property for specifying additional parameters when selecting data from HubSpot. Specify the parameters as name=value pairs in a comma separated list. For instance, 'param1=value1,param2=value2,param3=value3'.

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Build 23.0.8839