Cmdlets for HubSpot

Build 23.0.8839


Upload a new file to the file manager.


Name Type Description
FileLocation String The full path of the local file to upload. Ex.: C:\Temp\downloads\file.txt. Required if EncodedFileData/Content and FileName attributes are not specified.
EncodedFileData String Encoded file data to upload. This attribute along with FileName can be used as an alternative to FileLocation or Content. Note if FileLocation if specified, this will not be considered.
FileName String Full name of the file. Ex.:'Sample.txt'. Only required when EncodedFileData or Content is specified.
Access String Required attribute. The file access level. Supported values are: 'PUBLIC_INDEXABLE' -(The file will be publicly accessible by anyone who has the file url. Search engines will be able to index the file.), 'PUBLIC_NOT_INDEXABLE' - (The file will be publicly accessible by anyone who has the file url. The X-Robots-Tag: noindex header will be sent whenever the file is retreived, instructing search engines not to index the file.) and 'PRIVATE' - (The file will be private and requires a signed url to access. Search engines will NOT be able to index the file.).


UploadFolderId String Optional attribute. Id of the folder the file should be uploaded into. Note that if this if specified, UploadFolderPath will not be considered.
UploadFolderPath String Optional attribute. Path of the folder the file should be uploaded into. If not specified, the file will be uploaded into the root path '/'.

The default value is /.

TimeToLive String Optional attribute. If specified the file will be deleted after the specified amount of time. The formats are Periods. For example 'P3M' means a period of 3 monts. The file will be deleted after 3 months. The TimeToLive cannot be more than 1 year.
Overwrite Boolean Optional attribute. Boolean if you want to overwrite a file of the same name. If false, will append a number to the file name and create a new file. Defaults to false.

The default value is false.

DuplicateValidationStrategy String Optional attribute. Options are: 'REJECT' - (If a duplicate file is found, the upload request is rejected.), 'RETURN_EXISTING' - (If a duplicate file is found, the upload is cancelled and the existing file is returned instead.) and 'NONE' - (No duplicate file validation is performed.). Defaults to NONE if not specified

The allowed values are REJECT, RETURN_EXISTING, NONE.

DuplicateValidationScope String Optional attribute. Options are: 'ENTIRE_PORTAL' - (Checks all files for a duplicate.) and 'EXACT_FOLDER'- (Checks only the provided folder for a duplicate.). Defaults to 'EXACT_FOLDER' if not specified

The allowed values are ENTIRE_PORTAL, EXACT_FOLDER.

CharsetHunch String Optional attribute. The character set of the provided file.

Result Set Columns

Name Type Description
FileId String The ID of the newly created file.
Success String Returns True if the upload succeeded.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 23.0.8839