FireDAC Components for HubSpot

Build 23.0.8839


Engagements represent any of a number of different types of engagements you have in HubSpot.

Table Specific Information

Engagements represent any of a number of different types of engagements you have in HubSpot. These can very from simple Tasks, to Emails, Calls, Meetings, or others. Due to the different types of engagements available, any individual Engagement will have several columns that come back null due to its type.


When selecting engagements, they can only be filtered by the Id. For instance:

SELECT * FROM Engagements WHERE Id = 12345

Insert and Update

When inserting Engagements, a Type must be specified. In addition, different fields are available on insert depending on the type used. The available fields for each type are as follows: CALL, EMAIL, MEETING, NOTE, PUBLISHING_TASK, TASK

  • CALL: ToNumber, FromNumber, Body, DurationMilliseconds, Status, ExternalId, ExternalAccountId, RecordingUrl, Disposition
  • EMAIL: FromEmail, FromFirstName, FromLastName, ToEmail, Cc, Bcc, Subject, EmailHtml, EmailText
  • MEETING: Body, StartTime, EndTime, Title
  • PUBLISHING_TASK: Body, CampaignGuid, Category, CategoryId, State, Name
  • TASK: Body, Status, ForObjectType
In addition, there are some common fields available when inserting or updating any type of Engagement. These include DateTime, AssociatedContacts, AssociatedCompanies, AssociatedDeals, AssociatedOwners, and AssociatedWorkflows. For instance:
INSERT INTO Engagements (DateTime, Type, Body, CampaignGuid, Category, CategoryId, ContentId, State, Name, AssociatedContacts) VALUES ('1/1/2011', 'PUBLISHING_TASK', 'Cool Post with Topics', 'f43fe9fd-4082-4a45-93d8-cb8a88f01654', 'BLOG_POST', 3, '2682673052', 'TODO', 'Test Blog Task With topics 3', '234, 567')


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] Long True

The id of the engagement.

PortalId Long True

The portal id the engagement is associated with.

IsActive Boolean True

Boolean indicating if the engagement is active or not.

CreatedAt Datetime True

When the engagement was created.

UpdatedAt Datetime True

When the engagement was last updated.

CreatedBy Long True

User id of the user who created the engagement.

ModifiedBy Long True

User id of the user who lastmodified the engagement.

OwnerId Long False


The owner id of the engagement.

Type String False

The type of engagement. Required on inserts.

ActivityType String False

The activity type of engagement.

DateTime Datetime False

A custom datetime that can be specified when inserting the engagement. This can be used for keeping track of something related to the engagement such as when a call was made.

AssociatedContacts String False

A comma separated list of contact ids associated with the engagement.

AssociatedCompanies String False

A comma separated list of company ids associated with the engagement.

AssociatedDeals String False

A comma separated list of deal ids associated with the engagement.

AssociatedOwners String True

A comma separated list of owner ids associated with the engagement.

AssociatedWorkflows String False

A comma separated list of workflow ids associated with the engagement.

AssociatedTickets String False

A comma separated list of ticket ids associated with the engagement.

Attachments String False

The attachments associated with this engagement.

MessageId String False

The messageId of an engagement.

ThreadId String False

The threadId of an engagement.

Body String False

The body of an engagement. Only used when Type = NOTE, TASK, PUBLISHING_TASK, CALL, or MEETING.

Status String False

The status of the task. Only used when Type = TASK, CALL, MEETING.

ForObjectType String False

The object type the task is for. For instance, CONTACT. Only used when Type = TASK.

StartTime String False

The start date time for the meeting. Only used when Type = MEETING.

EndTime String False

The end date time for the meeting. Only used when Type = MEETING.

Title String False

The title of the meeting. Only used when Type = MEETING.

FromEmail String False

The from email in the engagement. Only used when Type = EMAIL.

FromFirstName String False

The first name the email was from in the engagement. Only used when Type = EMAIL.

FromLastName String False

The last name the email was from in the engagement. Only used when Type = EMAIL.

ToEmail String False

A comma separated list of emails the message was sent to. Only used when Type = EMAIL.

Cc String False

A comma separated list of cc'd email addresses. Only used when Type = EMAIL.

Bcc String False

A comma separated list of bcc'd email addresses. Only used when Type = EMAIL.

Subject String False

The subject of the email. Only used when Type = EMAIL.

EmailHtml String False

Html content consisting of the body of the email. Only used when Type = EMAIL.

EmailText String False

Plain text content consisting of the body of the email. Only used when Type = EMAIL.

CampaignGuid String False

The campaign guid of an engagement. Only used when Type = PUBLISHING_TASK.

Category String False

The category of the engagement. Used when Type = PUBLISHING_TASK.

CategoryId Integer False

The category id of the engagement. Used when Type = PUBLISHING_TASK.

ContentId String False

The content id of the engagement. Used when Type = PUBLISHING_TASK.

State String False

The state of the engagement. Used when Type = PUBLISHING_TASK.

Name String False

The name of the engagement. Used when Type = PUBLISHING_TASK.

ToNumber String False

The phone number that was called. Used when Type = CALL.

FromNumber String False

The phone number that was used as the from number. Used when Type = CALL.

ExternalId String False

For calls made in HubSpot, this will be the internal ID of the call. Used when Type = CALL.

DurationMilliseconds Long False

The duration of the call in milliseconds. Used when Type = CALL.

ExternalAccountId String False

For calls made in HubSpot, this will be the internal ID of the account used to make the call. Used when Type = CALL.

RecordingUrl String False

The URL of the recording file . Used when Type = CALL.

Disposition String False

Internal GUID that corresponds to the Call Outcome. Used when Type = CALL.

MeetingOutcome String False

Meeting outcome. Used when TYPE = MEETING. The allowed values are: SCHEDULED, COMPLETED, RESCHEDULED, NO SHOW, CANCELED.

TaskType String False

Task type. Used when TYPE = TASK. The allowed values are: TODO, EMAIL, CALL.

ExtraUrlParameters String True

An input only property for specifying additional parameters when selecting data from HubSpot. Specify the parameters as name=value pairs in a comma separated list. For instance, 'param1=value1,param2=value2,param3=value3'.

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Build 23.0.8839