FireDAC Components for HubSpot

Build 23.0.8839


Get analytics data broken down by the specified category.

Table Specific Information

Get analytics data broken down by the specified category.


When selecting analytics by breakdown category, they can only be filtered by the StartDate, EndDate, Granularity, BreakdownBy, Filter, FirstDrilldown, SecondDrilldown, Exclude, FilterId, Sort or SortDirection. Defaults to the Totals dimension. The filters must use an exact comparison. For example:

SELECT Totals FROM AnalyticsBreakdowns WHERE Granularity = 'total' AND StartDate = '12/1/2017' AND EndDate = '12/30/2018'
SELECT Sources FROM AnalyticsBreakdowns WHERE Granularity = 'total' AND StartDate = '12/1/2017' AND EndDate = '12/30/2018'
SELECT Geolocation FROM AnalyticsBreakdowns WHERE Granularity = 'monthly' AND StartDate = '12/1/2017' AND EndDate = '12/30/2018' AND Filter = 'hubspot'


Name Type References Description
Totals String Data will be the totals rolled up.
Sources String Data broken down by traffic source.
Geolocation String Data broken down by geographic location.
UtmCampaigns String Data broken down by the standard UTM campaigns parameter.
UtmContents String Data broken down by the standard UTM contents parameter.
UtmMediums String Data broken down by the standard UTM mediums parameter.
UtmSources String Data broken down by the standard UTM sources parameter.
UtmTerms String Data broken down by the standard UTM terms parameterpages.
FirstDrilldown String Used to drilldown into the data. This parameter is designed to reflect the functionality of the HubSpot sources reports.
SecondDrilldown String Used to further drill down into the data. Similar to FirstDrilldown, this reflects the functionality of the sources report.
BounceRate Double The rate of bounces.
ContactToCustomerRate Double The rate of contacts to customers.
Contacts Long The number of generated contacts.
Customers Long The number of generated customers.
Leads Long The number of leads.
MarketingQualifiedLeads Long The number of leads which are more likely to become customers.
NewVisitorSessionRate Double The session rate for new visitors.
Opportunities Long The number of opportunitites.
PageviewsPerSession Double The ratio of page views over sessions.
RawViews Long The number of raw views.
SalesQualifiedLeads Long The number of prospective customers that are considered ready for the sales process.
SessionToContactRate Double The ratio of sessions over generated contacts.
Subscribers Long The number of subscribers.
TimePerSession Double The time per session.
Visitors Long The number of visitors.
Visits Long The number of visits.
BreakdownDate Date The start date of the time period for which the breakdown data are grouped. This column is applicable only for Granularity types: daily, weekly, monthly, summarize/daily, summarize/weekly and summarize/monthly.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source. For more information, see the WHERE clause section.

Name Type Description
StartDate Date The beginning value of the query range.
EndDate Date The ending value of the query range.
Granularity String The time period used to group the data. Must be one of: total, daily, weekly, monthly, summarize/daily, summarize/weekly, summarize/monthly.
Filter String Filter the returned data to include only the specified breakdown. This parameter can be included multiple times to filter for multiple breakdowns.
Exclude String Exclude data for the specified breakdown. This parameter can be included multiple times to exclude multiple breakdowns.
FilterId String The ID of an Analytics view. If included, the returned data will only include data that matches the view.

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Build 23.0.8839