JDBC Driver for HubSpot

Build 22.0.8462


Retrieve the available Emails in HubSpot.


When selecting Email Engagements, they can be filtered by columns marked below as 'Filterable'. For those columns, the supported server-side operators is: =.

SELECT * FROM EngagementsEmails WHERE ID = '11896047040'


INSERT INTO EngagementsEmails([Activity date], [Email Direction], [Attached Video Opened], [Attached Video Watched], [Email send status], [Email subject], [Email body], [UpdatedAt])


UPDATE EngagementsEmails SET [Email body] = 'Updated email body', [Email send status] = 'FAILED' WHERE ID = '11896047040'


DELETE FROM EngagementsEmails WHERE ID = '11896047040'


Name Type ReadOnly References Filterable Description
Id [KEY] Long False True

Unique identifier of the object.

Archived Bool True False

Whether the object is archived or not.

CreatedAt Datetime True False

When the object was created.

UpdatedAt Datetime True False

When the object was last updated.

Business units String False True

The business units this record is assigned to.

AtMentioned Owner Ids String False True

The owners that have been at_mentioned on the engagement

Attached file IDs String False True

The IDs of the files that are attached to the engagement

Body preview String True True

A truncated preview of the engagegement body

HTML Body Preview String True True

The HTML representation of the engagement body preview

Body Preview Truncated Bool True True

Indicates if the engagement body was truncated for the preview

Activity created by String True True

The user who created the engagement

Created by user ID Decimal True True

The user that created this object. This value is automatically set by HubSpot and may not be modified.

Create date Datetime True True

The date that an engagement was created

Email direction and unique ID String True True

The direction and unique ID of the email

Attached Video String False True

The ID of a video optionally attached to an email

Attached Video Name String False True

The name of a video optionally attached to an email

Attached Video Opened Bool False True

Has the video attachment been opened

Attached Video Watched Bool False True

Has the video attachement been watched

Email BCC Address String True True

Email addresses of the email's BCC recipients

Email BCC First Name String True True

First names of the email's BCC recipients

Email BCC Last Name String True True

Last names of the email's BCC recipients

Email BCC String True True

Raw header values of the email's BCC recipients

Email Bounce Error Detail Message String False True

The message from the bounce error.

Email Bounce Error Detail Status Code Decimal False True

The status code from the bounce error.

Email CC Address String True True

Email addresses of the email's CC recipients

Email CC First Name String True True

First names of the email's CC recipients

Email CC Last Name String True True

Last names of the email's CC recipients

Email CC String True True

Raw header values of the email's CC recipients

Email Direction String False True

The direction the email was sent in

Encoded Email Associations Request String True True

Encoded email associations request

Error Message String False True

The error that occurred while sending the email

Email Send Id String True True

The ID of the email send event sent through Facsimile

Email From Address String True True

Email address of the email's sender

Email From First Name String True True

First name of the email's sender

Email From Last Name String True True

Last name of the email's sender

Email From String True True

Raw header value of the email's sender

Email Headers String False True

The sender and receivers of the email

Email body String False True

This is the body of any email sent from a record. It doesn't include emails received from contacts.

Logged From String False True

Where the email was logged

Media Processing Status String False True

Processing status for this email's images and attachments

Email is member of forwarded subthread Bool False True

Whether this email is a member of a forwarded subthread

Message ID String False True

The ID of the message

EmailMigratedViaPortalDataMigration String False True

Indicates that the email was migrated from another portal using DataMigration tool

Email pending inline image file IDs String False True

File IDs of pending inline images in the email's HTML

PostSend Status String False True

A description of what happened to the email _successful send_ bounced_ dropped_ and why

RecipientDrop Reasons String False True

A list of the dropped recipients paired with the reason each was dropped

Email Send Event Id String False True

The ID of the email send event

Email Send Event Id Created Datetime False True

The date when the email send event ID was created

Email Sender Address String True True

Email address of the email's sender

Email Sender First Name String True True

First name of the email's sender

Email Sender Last Name String True True

Last name of the email's sender

Email Sender String True True

Raw header value of the email's sender

Sent Via String False True

How the email was sent

Email send status String False True

The send status of the email

Email subject String False True

The subject of the email

Text String False True

The plaintext of the email

Thread ID String False True

The thread that the email belongs to

Email To Address String True True

Email addresses of the email's recipients

Email To First Name String True True

First names of the email's recipients

Email To Last Name String True True

Last names of the email's recipients

Email To String True True

Raw header values of the email's recipients

Tracker Key String False True

The tracker key of the email

Validation Skipped String False True

Validation skipped that would have otherwise rejected logging

Engagement Source String False True

The source that created this engagement

Engagement Source ID String False True

The specific ID of the process that created this engagement

Follow up action String False True

What action should be performed during follow up

GDPR deleted Bool True True

Indicates the body of this engagement has been cleared because of a GDPR delete request

Last modified date Datetime True True

The date any property on this engagement was modified

Merged object IDs String True True

The list of object IDs that have been merged into this object. This value is automatically set by HubSpot and may not be modified.

Updated by String True True

The user who last updated the engagement

Record ID Decimal True True

The unique ID for this record. This value is automatically set by HubSpot and may not be modified.

Product name String False True

The name of the product associated with this engagement

Queue Memberships String False True

The list of queues that contain this engagement

Read Only Object Bool True True

Is the object read only

Activity date Datetime False True

The date that an engagement occurred

Unique creation key String True True

Unique property used for idempotent creates

Unique ID String False True

The unique ID of the engagement

Updated by user ID Decimal True True

The user that last updated this object. This value is automatically set by HubSpot and may not be modified.

User IDs of all notification followers String True True

The user IDs of all users that have clicked follow within the object to opt_in to getting follow notifications

User IDs of all notification unfollowers String True True

The user IDs of all object owners that have clicked unfollow within the object to opt_out of getting follow notifications

User IDs of all owners String True True

The user IDs of all owners of this object

Owner Assigned Date Datetime True True

The timestamp when an owner was assigned to this engagement

Activity assigned to String False True

The user that the activity is assigned to in HubSpot. This can be any HubSpot user or Salesforce integration user_ and can be set manually or via Workflows.

HubSpot Team String True True

The team of the owner of an engagement.

All owner ids String True True

The value of all owner referencing properties for this object_ both default and custom

All team ids String True True

The team ids corresponding to all owner referencing properties for this object_ both default and custom

All accessible team ids String True True

The team ids_ including up the team hierarchy_ corresponding to all owner referencing properties for this object_ both default and custom

Copyright (c) 2023 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 22.0.8462