Retrieve the available Companies in HubSpot. This table supports both OAuth and PrivateAppToken authentications.
Table Specific Information
In HubSpot, company records store information about a business or organization.
When selecting companies, they can be filtered by columns marked below as 'Filterable'. For those columns, the supported server-side operators are =, !=, <, <=, >, >=. Further filtering is available using AND and OR combinations. A maximum of 2 OR operators are supported server-side, with each of these operators supporting up to 2 AND operators inside of them. For example:
SELECT * FROM Companies WHERE [Associated Deals] > 1 AND [Recent Deal Close Date] < '2020-01-31' SELECT * FROM Companies WHERE [Associated Contacts] < 50 OR [Last Contacted] > '2020-01-01 15:00:00'
In the below server-offloading examples, "{Column}" represents any column you'd like to filter and "{Value}" represents any value you want to filter it on:
SELECT * FROM Companies WHERE {Column} = {Value} AND {Column} < {Value} AND {Column} > {Value} SELECT * FROM Companies WHERE {Column} != {Value} AND {Column} >= {Value} AND {Column} <= {Value} SELECT * FROM Companies WHERE ({Column} = {Value} AND {Column} = {Value}) OR ({Column} != {Value} AND {Column} >= {Value}) SELECT * FROM Companies WHERE ({Column} != {Value} AND {Column} >= {Value} AND {Column} <= {Value}) OR ({Column} != {Value} AND {Column} >= {Value} AND {Column} <= {Value}) OR ({Column} != {Value} AND {Column} >= {Value} AND {Column} <= {Value})
INSERT INTO Companies([About Us]) VALUES('description')
UPDATE Companies SET [About Us] = 'new description' WHERE ID='3917882265'
DELETE FROM Companies WHERE ID='3917882265'
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Filterable | Description |
Id [KEY] | Long | False | True |
Unique identifier of the object. | |
Archived | Bool | True | False |
Whether the object is archived or not. | |
CreatedAt | Datetime | True | False |
When the object was created. | |
UpdatedAt | Datetime | True | False |
When the object was last updated. | |
About Us | String | False | True |
Short about_company | |
ClosedateTimestampEarliestValueA2a17e6e | Datetime | True | True |
Calculation context property providing timestamp for rollup property closedate calculated as EARLIEST_VALUE via values of closedate on object type ObjectTypeId_legacyObjectType_CONTACT_ | |
Facebook Fans | Decimal | False | True |
Number of facebook fans | |
FirstContactCreatedateTimestampEarliestValue78b50eea | Datetime | True | True |
Calculation context property providing timestamp for rollup property first_contact_createdate calculated as EARLIEST_VALUE via values of createdate on object type ObjectTypeId_legacyObjectType_CONTACT_ | |
First Conversion Date | Datetime | True | True |
The first conversion date across all contacts associated this company or organization | |
FirstConversionDateTimestampEarliestValue61f58f2c | Datetime | True | True |
Calculation context property providing timestamp for rollup property first_conversion_date calculated as EARLIEST_VALUE via values of first_conversion_date on object type ObjectTypeId_legacyObjectType_CONTACT_ | |
First Conversion | String | True | True |
The first form submitted across all contacts associated this company or organization | |
FirstConversionEventNameTimestampEarliestValue68ddae0a | Datetime | True | True |
Calculation context property providing timestamp for rollup property first_conversion_event_name calculated as EARLIEST_VALUE via values of first_conversion_event_name on object type ObjectTypeId_legacyObjectType_CONTACT_ | |
First Deal Created Date | Datetime | True | True |
Date the first deal was associated with this company record. | |
Year Founded | String | False | True |
The year the company was created. Powered by HubSpot Insights. | |
Additional Domains | String | False | True |
Additional domains belonging to this company | |
Business units | String | False | True |
The business units this record is assigned to. | |
Time First Seen | Datetime | True | True |
The first activity for any contact associated with this company or organization | |
HsAnalyticsFirstTimestampTimestampEarliestValue11e3a63a | Datetime | True | True |
Calculation context property providing timestamp for rollup property hs_analytics_first_timestamp calculated as EARLIEST_VALUE via values of hs_analytics_first_timestamp on object type ObjectTypeId_legacyObjectType_CONTACT_ | |
First Touch Converting Campaign | String | True | True |
The campaign responsible for the first touch creation of the first contact associated with this company | |
HsAnalyticsFirstTouchConvertingCampaignTimestampEarliestValue4757fe10 | Datetime | True | True |
Calculation context property providing timestamp for rollup property hs_analytics_first_touch_converting_campaign calculated as EARLIEST_VALUE via values of hs_analytics_first_touch_converting_campaign on object type ObjectTypeId_legacyObjectType_CONTACT_ | |
Time of First Session | Datetime | True | True |
Time of first session across all contacts associated with this company or organization | |
HsAnalyticsFirstVisitTimestampTimestampEarliestValueAccc17ae | Datetime | True | True |
Calculation context property providing timestamp for rollup property hs_analytics_first_visit_timestamp calculated as EARLIEST_VALUE via values of hs_analytics_first_visit_timestamp on object type ObjectTypeId_legacyObjectType_CONTACT_ | |
Time Last Seen | Datetime | True | True |
Time last seen across all contacts associated with this company or organization | |
HsAnalyticsLastTimestampTimestampLatestValue4e16365a | Datetime | True | True |
Calculation context property providing timestamp for rollup property hs_analytics_last_timestamp calculated as LATEST_VALUE via values of hs_analytics_last_timestamp on object type ObjectTypeId_legacyObjectType_CONTACT_ | |
Last Touch Converting Campaign | String | True | True |
The campaign responsible for the last touch creation of the first contact associated with this company | |
HsAnalyticsLastTouchConvertingCampaignTimestampLatestValue81a64e30 | Datetime | True | True |
Calculation context property providing timestamp for rollup property hs_analytics_last_touch_converting_campaign calculated as LATEST_VALUE via values of hs_analytics_last_touch_converting_campaign on object type ObjectTypeId_legacyObjectType_CONTACT_ | |
Time of Last Session | Datetime | True | True |
Time of the last session attributed to any contacts that are associated with this company record. | |
HsAnalyticsLastVisitTimestampTimestampLatestValue999a0fce | Datetime | True | True |
Calculation context property providing timestamp for rollup property hs_analytics_last_visit_timestamp calculated as LATEST_VALUE via values of hs_analytics_last_visit_timestamp on object type ObjectTypeId_legacyObjectType_CONTACT_ | |
Latest Source | String | True | True |
Source of the last session attributed to any contacts that are associated with this company | |
Latest Source Data 1 | String | True | True |
Additional source details of the last session attributed to any contacts that are associated with this company | |
Latest Source Data 2 | String | True | True |
Additional source details of the last session attributed to any contacts that are associated with this company | |
Latest Source Timestamp | Datetime | True | True |
Timestamp of when latest source occurred | |
Number of Pageviews | Decimal | True | True |
Total number of page views across all contacts associated with this company or organization | |
HsAnalyticsNumPageViewsCardinalitySumE46e85b0 | Decimal | True | True |
Calculation context property providing cardinality for rollup property hs_analytics_num_page_views calculated as SUM via values of hs_analytics_num_page_views on object type ObjectTypeId_legacyObjectType_CONTACT_ | |
Number of Sessions | Decimal | True | True |
Total number of sessions across all contacts associated with this company or organization | |
HsAnalyticsNumVisitsCardinalitySum53d952a6 | Decimal | True | True |
Calculation context property providing cardinality for rollup property hs_analytics_num_visits calculated as SUM via values of hs_analytics_num_visits on object type ObjectTypeId_legacyObjectType_CONTACT_ | |
Original Source Type | String | False | True |
Original source for the contact with the earliest activity for this company or organization | |
Original Source Data 1 | String | True | True |
Additional information about the original source for the contact with the earliest activity for this company or organization | |
HsAnalyticsSourceData1TimestampEarliestValue9b2f1fa1 | Datetime | True | True |
Calculation context property providing timestamp for rollup property hs_analytics_source_data_1 calculated as EARLIEST_VALUE via values of hs_analytics_source_data_1 on object type ObjectTypeId_legacyObjectType_CONTACT_ | |
Original Source Data 2 | String | True | True |
Additional information about the original source for the contact with the earliest activity for this company or organization | |
HsAnalyticsSourceData2TimestampEarliestValue9b2f9400 | Datetime | True | True |
Calculation context property providing timestamp for rollup property hs_analytics_source_data_2 calculated as EARLIEST_VALUE via values of hs_analytics_source_data_2 on object type ObjectTypeId_legacyObjectType_CONTACT_ | |
HsAnalyticsSourceTimestampEarliestValue25a3a52c | Datetime | True | True |
Calculation context property providing timestamp for rollup property hs_analytics_source calculated as EARLIEST_VALUE via values of hs_analytics_source on object type ObjectTypeId_legacyObjectType_CONTACT_ | |
Avatar FileManager key | String | True | True |
The path in the FileManager CDN for this company's avatar override image. Automatically set by HubSpot. | |
Created by user ID | Decimal | True | True |
The user that created this object. This value is automatically set by HubSpot and may not be modified. | |
Object create date_time | Datetime | True | True |
The date and time at which this object was created. This value is automatically set by HubSpot and may not be modified. | |
Date entered 'Customer _Lifecycle Stage Pipeline_' | Datetime | True | True |
The date and time when the company entered the 'Customer' stage_ 'Lifecycle Stage Pipeline' pipeline | |
Date entered 'Evangelist _Lifecycle Stage Pipeline_' | Datetime | True | True |
The date and time when the company entered the 'Evangelist' stage_ 'Lifecycle Stage Pipeline' pipeline | |
Date entered 'Lead _Lifecycle Stage Pipeline_' | Datetime | True | True |
The date and time when the company entered the 'Lead' stage_ 'Lifecycle Stage Pipeline' pipeline | |
Date entered 'Marketing Qualified Lead _Lifecycle Stage Pipeline_' | Datetime | True | True |
The date and time when the company entered the 'Marketing Qualified Lead' stage_ 'Lifecycle Stage Pipeline' pipeline | |
Date entered 'Opportunity _Lifecycle Stage Pipeline_' | Datetime | True | True |
The date and time when the company entered the 'Opportunity' stage_ 'Lifecycle Stage Pipeline' pipeline | |
Date entered 'Other _Lifecycle Stage Pipeline_' | Datetime | True | True |
The date and time when the company entered the 'Other' stage_ 'Lifecycle Stage Pipeline' pipeline | |
Date entered 'Sales Qualified Lead _Lifecycle Stage Pipeline_' | Datetime | True | True |
The date and time when the company entered the 'Sales Qualified Lead' stage_ 'Lifecycle Stage Pipeline' pipeline | |
Date entered 'Subscriber _Lifecycle Stage Pipeline_' | Datetime | True | True |
The date and time when the company entered the 'Subscriber' stage_ 'Lifecycle Stage Pipeline' pipeline | |
Date exited 'Customer _Lifecycle Stage Pipeline_' | Datetime | True | True |
The date and time when the company exited the 'Customer' stage_ 'Lifecycle Stage Pipeline' pipeline | |
Date exited 'Evangelist _Lifecycle Stage Pipeline_' | Datetime | True | True |
The date and time when the company exited the 'Evangelist' stage_ 'Lifecycle Stage Pipeline' pipeline | |
Date exited 'Lead _Lifecycle Stage Pipeline_' | Datetime | True | True |
The date and time when the company exited the 'Lead' stage_ 'Lifecycle Stage Pipeline' pipeline | |
Date exited 'Marketing Qualified Lead _Lifecycle Stage Pipeline_' | Datetime | True | True |
The date and time when the company exited the 'Marketing Qualified Lead' stage_ 'Lifecycle Stage Pipeline' pipeline | |
Date exited 'Opportunity _Lifecycle Stage Pipeline_' | Datetime | True | True |
The date and time when the company exited the 'Opportunity' stage_ 'Lifecycle Stage Pipeline' pipeline | |
Date exited 'Other _Lifecycle Stage Pipeline_' | Datetime | True | True |
The date and time when the company exited the 'Other' stage_ 'Lifecycle Stage Pipeline' pipeline | |
Date exited 'Sales Qualified Lead _Lifecycle Stage Pipeline_' | Datetime | True | True |
The date and time when the company exited the 'Sales Qualified Lead' stage_ 'Lifecycle Stage Pipeline' pipeline | |
Date exited 'Subscriber _Lifecycle Stage Pipeline_' | Datetime | True | True |
The date and time when the company exited the 'Subscriber' stage_ 'Lifecycle Stage Pipeline' pipeline | |
Ideal Customer Profile Tier | String | False | True |
How well this company matches your Ideal Customer Profile. Tier 1 means a great fit for your products_services_ Tier 3 might be acceptable_ but low priority. | |
Target Account | Bool | False | True |
Identifies whether this company is being marketed and sold to as part of your account_based strategy. | |
Last Booked Meeting Date | Datetime | True | True |
The last date of booked meetings associated with the company | |
Last Logged Call Date | Datetime | True | True |
The last date of logged calls associated with the company | |
Last Open Task Date | Datetime | True | True |
The last due date of open tasks associated with the company | |
last sales activity date old | Datetime | True | True |
The date of the last sales activity with the company in seconds. | |
Last Engagement Date | Datetime | True | True |
The last time a contact engaged with your site or a form_ document_ meetings link_ or tracked email. This doesn't include marketing emails or emails to multiple contacts. | |
Last Engagement Type | String | True | True |
The type of the last engagement a company performed. This doesn't include marketing emails or emails to multiple contacts. | |
Last Modified Date | Datetime | True | True |
Most recent timestamp of any property update for this company. This includes HubSpot internal properties_ which can be visible or hidden. This property is updated automatically. | |
Latest create date of active subscriptions | Datetime | True | True |
Latest created date of all associated active Subscriptions | |
Merged object IDs | String | True | True |
The list of object IDs that have been merged into this object. This value is automatically set by HubSpot and may not be modified. | |
Number of blockers | Decimal | True | True |
The number of contacts associated with this company with the role of blocker. | |
Number of contacts with a buying role | Decimal | True | True |
The number of contacts associated with this company with a buying role. | |
Number of decision makers | Decimal | True | True |
The number of contacts associated with this company with the role of decision maker. | |
Number of open deals | Decimal | True | True |
The number of open deals associated with this company. | |
Record ID | Decimal | True | True |
The unique ID for this record. This value is automatically set by HubSpot and may not be modified. | |
Pinned Engagement ID | Decimal | True | True |
The object ID of the current pinned engagement. This value is automatically set by HubSpot and may not be modified. | |
Pipeline | String | False | True |
The pipeline with which this company is currently associated | |
Likelihood to close | Decimal | True | True |
The highest probability that a contact associated with this company will become a customer within the next 90 days. This score is based on standard contact properties and behavior. | |
HsPredictivecontactscoreV2NextMaxMaxD4e58c1e | Decimal | True | True |
Calculation context property providing next_max for rollup property hs_predictivecontactscore_v2 calculated as MAX via values of hs_predictivecontactscore_v2 on object type ObjectTypeId_legacyObjectType_CONTACT_ | |
Read Only Object | Bool | True | True |
Is the object read only | |
Target Account2 | String | False | True |
The Target Account property is a means to flag high priority companies if you are following an account based strategy | |
Target Account Probability | Decimal | True | True |
The probability a company is marked as a target account | |
Target Account Recommendation Snooze Time | Datetime | False | True |
The date when the target account recommendation is snoozed. | |
Target Account Recommendation State | String | False | True |
The state of the target account recommendation | |
Time in 'Customer _Lifecycle Stage Pipeline_' | Decimal | True | True |
The total time in seconds spent by the company in the 'Customer' stage_ 'Lifecycle Stage Pipeline' pipeline | |
Time in 'Evangelist _Lifecycle Stage Pipeline_' | Decimal | True | True |
The total time in seconds spent by the company in the 'Evangelist' stage_ 'Lifecycle Stage Pipeline' pipeline | |
Time in 'Lead _Lifecycle Stage Pipeline_' | Decimal | True | True |
The total time in seconds spent by the company in the 'Lead' stage_ 'Lifecycle Stage Pipeline' pipeline | |
Time in 'Marketing Qualified Lead _Lifecycle Stage Pipeline_' | Decimal | True | True |
The total time in seconds spent by the company in the 'Marketing Qualified Lead' stage_ 'Lifecycle Stage Pipeline' pipeline | |
Time in 'Opportunity _Lifecycle Stage Pipeline_' | Decimal | True | True |
The total time in seconds spent by the company in the 'Opportunity' stage_ 'Lifecycle Stage Pipeline' pipeline | |
Time in 'Other _Lifecycle Stage Pipeline_' | Decimal | True | True |
The total time in seconds spent by the company in the 'Other' stage_ 'Lifecycle Stage Pipeline' pipeline | |
Time in 'Sales Qualified Lead _Lifecycle Stage Pipeline_' | Decimal | True | True |
The total time in seconds spent by the company in the 'Sales Qualified Lead' stage_ 'Lifecycle Stage Pipeline' pipeline | |
Time in 'Subscriber _Lifecycle Stage Pipeline_' | Decimal | True | True |
The total time in seconds spent by the company in the 'Subscriber' stage_ 'Lifecycle Stage Pipeline' pipeline | |
Total open deal value | Decimal | True | True |
The total value_ in your company's currency_ of all open deals associated with this company | |
Unique creation key | String | True | True |
Unique property used for idempotent creates | |
Updated by user ID | Decimal | True | True |
The user that last updated this object. This value is automatically set by HubSpot and may not be modified. | |
User IDs of all notification followers | String | True | True |
The user IDs of all users that have clicked follow within the object to opt_in to getting follow notifications | |
User IDs of all notification unfollowers | String | True | True |
The user IDs of all object owners that have clicked unfollow within the object to opt_out of getting follow notifications | |
User IDs of all owners | String | True | True |
The user IDs of all owners of this object | |
Owner Assigned Date | Datetime | True | True |
The timestamp when an owner was assigned to this company | |
Is Public | Bool | False | True |
Indicates if the company is publicly traded. Powered by HubSpot Insights. | |
Number of Associated Contacts | Decimal | True | True |
The number of contacts associated with this company | |
Number of Associated Deals | Decimal | True | True |
The number of deals associated with this company | |
Number of Form Submissions | Decimal | True | True |
The number of forms submission for all contacts associated with this company or organization | |
NumConversionEventsCardinalitySumD095f14b | Decimal | True | True |
Calculation context property providing cardinality for rollup property num_conversion_events calculated as SUM via values of num_conversion_events on object type ObjectTypeId_legacyObjectType_CONTACT_ | |
Recent Conversion Date | Datetime | True | True |
The most recent conversion date across all contacts associated this company or organization | |
RecentConversionDateTimestampLatestValue72856da1 | Datetime | True | True |
Calculation context property providing timestamp for rollup property recent_conversion_date calculated as LATEST_VALUE via values of recent_conversion_date on object type ObjectTypeId_legacyObjectType_CONTACT_ | |
Recent Conversion | String | True | True |
The last form submitted across all contacts associated this company or organization | |
RecentConversionEventNameTimestampLatestValue66c820bf | Datetime | True | True |
Calculation context property providing timestamp for rollup property recent_conversion_event_name calculated as LATEST_VALUE via values of recent_conversion_event_name on object type ObjectTypeId_legacyObjectType_CONTACT_ | |
Recent Deal Amount | Decimal | True | True |
The amount of the last deal closed | |
Recent Deal Close Date | Datetime | True | True |
Date of the last | |
Time Zone | String | False | True |
Time zone where the company or organization is located. Powered by HubSpot Insights. | |
Total Money Raised | String | False | True |
The total amount of money raised by the company. Powered by HubSpot Insights. | |
Total Revenue | Decimal | True | True |
The total amount of closed won deals | |
Company name | String | False | True |
The name of the company or organization. Powered by HubSpot Insights. | |
HubSpot Owner Email | String | False | True |
HubSpot owner email for this company or organization | |
Twitter Handle | String | False | True |
The main twitter account of the company or organization | |
HubSpot Owner Name | String | False | True |
HubSpot owner name for this company or organization | |
Phone Number | String | False | True |
Company primary phone number. Powered by HubSpot Insights. | |
Twitter Bio | String | False | True |
The Twitter bio of the company or organization | |
Twitter Followers | Decimal | False | True |
The number of Twitter followers of the company or organization | |
Street Address | String | False | True |
Street address of the company or organization_ including unit number. Powered by HubSpot Insights. | |
Street Address 2 | String | False | True |
Additional address of the company or organization. Powered by HubSpot Insights. | |
Facebook Company Page | String | False | True |
The URL of the Facebook company page for the company or organization | |
City | String | False | True |
City where the company is located. Powered by HubSpot Insights. | |
LinkedIn Company Page | String | False | True |
The URL of the LinkedIn company page for the company or organization | |
LinkedIn Bio | String | False | True |
The LinkedIn bio for the company or organization | |
State_Region | String | False | True |
State or region in which the company or organization is located. Powered by HubSpot Insights. | |
Google Plus Page | String | False | True |
The URL of the Google Plus page for the company or organization | |
Date of last meeting booked in meetings tool | Datetime | True | True |
Last Meeting Booked for any contact associated with this Company_Organization. | |
Campaign of last booking in meetings tool | String | True | True |
This UTM parameter shows which marketing campaign _e.g. a specific email_ referred an associated contact to the meetings tool for their most recent booking. This property is only populated when you add tracking parameters to your meeting link. | |
Medium of last booking in meetings tool | String | True | True |
This UTM parameter shows which channel _e.g. email_ referred an associated contact to the meetings tool for their most recent booking. This property is only populated when you add tracking parameters to your meeting link. | |
Source of last booking in meetings tool | String | True | True |
This UTM parameter shows which site _e.g. Twitter_ referred an associated contact to the meetings tool for their most recent booking. This property is only populated when you add tracking parameters to your meeting link. | |
Latest meeting activity | Datetime | True | True |
The date of the most recent meeting _past or upcoming_ logged for_ scheduled with_ or booked by a contact associated with this company. | |
Recent Sales Email Replied Date | Datetime | True | True |
The last time a tracked sales email was replied to by this company | |
Company owner | String | False | True |
The owner of the company | |
Last Contacted | Datetime | True | True |
Timestamp of the last call_ email_ or meeting that was logged for a contact at this company. | |
Last Activity Date | Datetime | True | True |
The last time a note_ call_ meeting_ or task was logged for a company. This is set automatically by HubSpot based on user actions in the company record. | |
Next Activity Date | Datetime | True | True |
Date of the next upcoming scheduled sales activity for this company record. | |
Number of times contacted | Decimal | True | True |
The number of times a call_ email or meeting was logged for this company | |
Number of Sales Activities | Decimal | True | True |
Number of sales activities for this company. For example_ a call_ email or meeting logged. | |
Postal Code | String | False | True |
Postal or zip code of the company or organization. Powered by HubSpot Insights. | |
Country_Region | String | False | True |
Country in which the company or organization is located. Powered by HubSpot Insights. | |
HubSpot Team | String | True | True |
The team of the owner of the company. | |
All owner ids | String | True | True |
The value of all owner referencing properties for this object_ both default and custom | |
Website URL | String | False | True |
The main website of the company or organization. This property is used to identify unique companies. Powered by HubSpot Insights. | |
Company Domain Name | String | False | True |
The domain name of the company or organization | |
All team ids | String | True | True |
The team ids corresponding to all owner referencing properties for this object_ both default and custom | |
All accessible team ids | String | True | True |
The team ids_ including up the team hierarchy_ corresponding to all owner referencing properties for this object_ both default and custom | |
Number of Employees | Decimal | False | True |
The total number of employees who work for the company or organization. Powered by HubSpot Insights. | |
Industry | String | False | True |
The type of business the company performs. By default_ this property has approximately 150 pre_defined options to select from. While these options cannot be deleted as they used by HubSpot Insights_ you can add new custom options to meet your needs. | |
Annual Revenue | Decimal | False | True |
The actual or estimated annual revenue of the company. Powered by HubSpot Insights. | |
Lifecycle Stage | String | False | True |
The most advanced lifecycle stage across all contacts associated with this company or organization | |
Lead Status | String | False | True |
The company's sales_ prospecting or outreach status | |
Parent Company | Decimal | True | True |
The parent company of this company | |
Type | String | False | True |
The optional classification of this company record _ prospect_ partner_ etc. | |
Description | String | False | True |
A short statement about the company's mission and goals. Powered by HubSpot Insights. | |
Number of child companies | Decimal | True | True |
The number of child companies of this company | |
HubSpot Score | Decimal | True | True |
The sales and marketing score for the company or organization | |
Create Date | Datetime | True | True |
The date the company or organization was added to the database | |
Close Date | Datetime | False | True |
The date the company or organization was closed as a customer | |
First Contact Create Date | Datetime | True | True |
The date that the first contact from this company entered the system_ which could pre_date the company's create date | |
Days to Close | Decimal | True | True |
The number of days between when the company record was created and when they closed as a customer. | |
Web Technologies | String | False | True |
The web technologies used by the company or organization. Powered by HubSpot Insights. |