JDBC Driver for MongoDB

Build 24.0.8963


The authentication mechanism that MongoDB will use to authenticate the connection.

Possible Values







Accepted values are MONGODB-CR, SCRAM-SHA-1, SCRAM-SHA-256, GSSAPI, PLAIN, and NONE. The following authentication types correspond to the authentication values.

Authenticating with Challenge-Response

Generally, this property does not need to be set for this authentication type, as the 本製品 uses different challenge-response mechanisms by default to authenticate a user to different versions of MongoDB.

  • MongoDB 2: MongoDB 2 uses MONGODB-CR to authenticate.
  • MongoDB 3.x: MongoDB 3 uses SCRAM-SHA-1 by default; new users you create in MongoDB 3 use this authentication method. However, MongoDB 3 servers will continue to use MONGODB-CR to authenticate users created in MongoDB 2.6.
  • MongoDB 4.x: MongoDB 4 uses SCRAM-SHA-1 by default and does not support the deprecated MongoDB MONGODB-CR authentication mechanism.

Authenticating with LDAP

Set AuthScheme to PLAIN to use LDAP authentication. This value specifies the SASL PLAIN mechanism; note that this mechanism transmits credentials over plain-text, so it is not suitable for use without TLS/SSL on untrusted networks.

Authenticating with Kerberos

Set AuthScheme to GSSAPI to use Kerberos authentication. Additionally configure the following properties as configured for the MongoDB environment:

KerberosKDC The FQDN of the domain controller.
KerberosRealm The Kerberos Realm (for Windows this will be the AD domain).
KerberosSPN The assigned service principle name for the user.
AuthDatabase This value should be set to '$external'.
User The user created in the $external database.
Password The corresponding User's password.

Authenticating with X.509 Authentication

Set AuthScheme to X509 to use X.509 certificate authentication.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.8963