ADO.NET Provider for MongoDB

Build 24.0.9111


Creates a schema file for the collection.


Name Type Description
CatalogName String The catalog of the collection.
SchemaName String The schema of the collection.
TableName String The name of the collection.
Location String The location where the file is saved.
ColumnNames# String The name of column.
ColumnDataTypes# String The datatype of column.
ColumnSizes# String The size of column.
ColumnScales# String The scale of column.
ColumnIsKeys# String The isKey of column.
ColumnIsNulls# String The isNull of column.
ColumnDefaults# String The default value of column.
ColumnAutoIncrements# String The AutoIncrement of column.

Result Set Columns

Name Type Description
AffectedTables String The number of tables created, either 0 or 1

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Build 24.0.9111