ADO.NET Provider for MongoDB

Build 24.0.9111


Use this property to target a replica set member or members that are associated with tags.






To make use of ReadPreferenceTags you must configure ReadPreference to a value other than the primary value (the default value). The required format is a list of semicolon seperated tag sets where each tag set is a list of key value pairs separated by commas. For example:

  • tag1:val1,tag2:val2;: Find members with both tag values. If none are found, find any eligible member.
  • tag1:val1;tag2:val2;: Find members with the specified tag1, otherwise find members with the specified tag2. If none are found find any eligible member.
  • tag1:val1: Find only members with the specified tag.
  • ;: (semicolon only) Find any eligible member. If left empty, any eligible member is targeted.

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Build 24.0.9111