JDBC Driver for FreshBooks

Build 22.0.8462


A client in the new FreshBooks is a resource representing an entity you send invoices to.


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] Integer True

The unique identifier of a client.

AccountingSystemId String True

The unique identifier of the accounting system.

AllowLateNotifications Boolean False

Indicates whether client is allowed late notifications. (deprecated)

AllowLateFees Boolean False

Indicates whether client is allowed late fees. (deprecated)

BusinessPhone String False

The business phone number of the client.

CompanyIndustry String False

Description of the industry the client is in.

CompanySize String False

Size of client's company.

CurrencyCode String False

3-letter shortcode for client's preferred currency.

DirectLinkToken String True


Email String False

The email of the client.

Fax String False

The fax number of the client.

FirstName String False

The first name of the client.

HomePhone String False

The home phone number of the client.

Language String False

Shortcode indicating user language.

LastActivity Datetime False

Time of last client activity.

LastLogin String False

Client's last login time.

Level Integer True

Indication of access level on system. (deprecated)

LastName String False

The last name of the client.

MobilePhone String False

The mobile phone number of the client.

Note String False

Notes kept by administrator about client.

Notified Boolean False


NumLogins Integer False

Number of client logins.

Organization String False

Name for client's business.

BillingCity String False

Client's billing city.

BillingPostalCode String False

Client's billing postal code.

BillingCountry String False

Client's billing country.

BillingProvince String False

Client's billing province.

BillingStreetAddress String False

Client's billing street address.

BillingStreetAddress2 String False

Second line of client's billing street address.

PrefEmail Boolean False

Boolean value indicating whether they prefer email over ground mail.

PrefGmail Boolean False

Boolean value indicating whether they prefer ground mail over email.

ShippingCity String False

Client's shipping city.

ShippingCode String False

Client's shipping postal code.

ShippingCountry String False

Client's shipping country.

ShippingProvince String False

Client's shipping province.

ShippingStreetAddress String False

Client's shipping street address.

ShippingStreetAddress2 String False

Second line of client's shipping street address.

SignupDate Datetime False

Time of user signup.

StatementToken String True


Subdomain String True

Client subdomain name. (deprecated)

Updated Datetime False

Time of last modification to resource.

Username String False

Username used by client to log in.

VatName String False

Value Added Tax name.

VatNumber Integer False

Value Added Tax number.

VisState Integer False

Visibility state of the client - values can be active, deleted, or archived.

Copyright (c) 2023 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 22.0.8462