Modifying Data
After Connecting from VBA, you are ready to update Amazon DynamoDB from macros. The following sections show how to execute parameterized queries to update data. See Executing Parameterized Queries for a complete macro.
Call the Insert method to execute SQL INSERT statements.public bool Insert(string queryString, object paramNames, object paramValues)
The Insert method returns a boolean indicating the success or failure of the statement execution and accepts the following parameters:
queryString | The query to execute; for example, INSERT INTO Account (Name) VALUES ('John') |
paramNames | An array with the named parameters used in the query. Required if using a parameterized query. |
paramValues | An array with the values that correspond to the parameter names. Required if using a parameterized query. |
The following example inserts the values specified in the parameter arrays and displays a message box indicating the success or failure of the INSERT.
Dim nameArray
nameArray = Array("Name", "FirstName")
Dim valueArray
valueArray = Array("Jon Doe", "Bob")
Dim module As New ExcelComModule
module.SetProviderName ("AmazonDynamoDB")
module.SetConnectionString ("AWS Access Key=xxx;AWS Secret Key=xxx;;AWS Region=OREGON;")
Query = "INSERT INTO Account (Name, FirstName) VALUES (@Name, @FirstName)"
If module.Insert(Query, nameArray, valueArray) Then
MsgBox "The insertion was successful."
'lastInsertedRowIdentity = GetLastInsertedRowIdentity(module)
'MsgBox lastInsertedRowIdentity
MsgBox "The insertion failed."
End If
For a successful insertion, and if SCOPE_IDENTITY() is supported by the Amazon DynamoDB provider, then the following VBA function example can be called to retrieve the last inserted row identity.
Function GetLastInsertedRowIdentity(module) As String
Dim lastInsertedRowIdentity As String
lastInsertedRowIdentity = ""
If module.Select("SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY()", prmNames, prmValues) Then
lastInsertedRowIdentity = module.GetColumnValue(0)
End If
GetLastInsertedRowIdentity = lastInsertedRowIdentity
End Function
Call the Update method to execute SQL UPDATE statements.
public bool Update(string queryString, object paramNames, object paramValues)
The Update method returns a boolean indicating the success or failure of the statement execution and accepts the following parameters:
queryString | The statement to execute. |
paramNames | An array with the named parameters used in the query. Required if using a parameterized query. |
paramValues | An array with the corresponding parameter values. Required if using a parameterized query. |
The following example updates the values specified in the parameter arrays and displays a message box indicating the success or failure of the update.
Dim nameArray
nameArray = Array("Name", "FirstName","Id")
Dim valueArray
valueArray = Array("Jon Doe", "Bob","1")
Dim module As New ExcelComModule
module.SetProviderName ("AmazonDynamoDB")
module.SetConnectionString ("AWS Access Key=xxx;AWS Secret Key=xxx;;AWS Region=OREGON;")
Query = "UPDATE Account SET Name=@Name, FirstName=@FirstName WHERE Id=@Id
If module.Update(Query, nameArray, valueArray) Then
MsgBox "The update was successful."
MsgBox "The update failed."
End If
Call the Delete method to execute SQL DELETE statements.public bool Delete(string queryString, object paramNames, object paramValues)
The Delete method returns a boolean indicating the query's success or failure and accepts the following parameters:
queryString | The query to execute; for example, SELECT Id, Name FROM Account WHERE FirstName <> 'Bob' |
paramNames | An array with the named parameters used in the query. Required if using a parameterized query. |
paramValues | An array with the values that correspond to the parameter names. Required if using a parameterized query. |
The following example deletes a record, specified by its key, and displays a message box indicating the success or failure of the delete.
Dim module As New ExcelComModule
module.SetProviderName ("AmazonDynamoDB")
module.SetConnectionString("AWS Access Key=xxx;AWS Secret Key=xxx;;AWS Region=OREGON;")
Dim nameArray
nameArray = Array("Id")
Dim valueArray
valueArray = Array("1")
Query = "DELETE FROM Account WHERE Id='1'"
If module.Delete(Query,nameArray,valueArray) Then
MsgBox "The delete was successful."
MsgBox "The delete failed."
End If