CData Python Connector for Microsoft Access

Build 23.0.8839

Batch Processing

This Python connector also supports writing to the data source via batch processing, using the cursor object's executemany() method. This requires both a SQL statement string and a data frame of values that act as a series of parameters for executing the SQL statement.

Note that the connector does not support transactions. As with normal write operations, all SQL statements executed by this connector affect the data source immediately. Call the connection's commit() method following the execution.


The following example adds new records to the table:
cur = conn.cursor()
cmd = "INSERT INTO Orders (ShipName, ShipCity) VALUES (?, ?)"
params = [["Raleigh", "New York"], ["Raleigh", "New York"]]
cur.executemany(cmd, params)
print("Records affected: ", cur.rowcount)


The following example modifies existing records in the table:
cur = conn.cursor()
cmd = "UPDATE Orders SET ShipCity = ? WHERE Id = ?"
params = [["New York", "10261"], ["New York", "10261"]]
cur.executemany(cmd, params)
print("Records affected: ", cur.rowcount)


The following example removes existing records from the table:
cur = conn.cursor()
cmd = "DELETE FROM Orders WHERE Id = ?"
params = [["10261"], ["10261"]]
cur.executemany(cmd, params)
print("Records affected: ", cur.rowcount)

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Build 23.0.8839