Inserts a Google BigQuery load job, which adds data from Google Cloud Storage into an existing table.
Name | Type | Description |
SourceURIs | String | A space-separated list of Google Cloud Storage URIs |
SourceFormat | String | The source format that the files are formatted in.
DestinationTable | String | The destination table for the query, in the format DestProjectId.DestDatasetId.DestTable |
DestinationTableProperties | String | A JSON object containing the table friendlyName, description and list of labels. |
DestinationTableSchema | String | A JSON list contianing the fields used to create the table. |
DestinationEncryptionConfiguration | String | A JSON object giving the KMS encryption settings for the table. |
SchemaUpdateOptions | String | A JSON list giving the options to apply when updating the destination table schema. |
TimePartitioning | String | A JSON object giving the time partitioning type and field. |
RangePartitioning | String | A JSON object giving the range partitioning field and buckets. |
Clustering | String | A JSON object giving the fields to be used for clustering. |
Autodetect | String | Whether options and schema should be automatically determined for JSON and CSV files. |
CreateDisposition | String | Whether to create the destination table if it does not exist.
The allowed values are CREATE_IF_NEEDED, CREATE_NEVER. The default value is CREATE_IF_NEEDED. |
WriteDisposition | String | How to write data to the destination table, such as truncate existing results, appending existing results, or writing only when the table is empty.
The allowed values are WRITE_TRUNCATE, WRITE_APPEND, WRITE_EMPTY. The default value is WRITE_APPEND. |
Region | String | The region to start executing the job in. Both the GCS resources and the BigQuery dataset must be in the same region. |
DryRun | String | Whether or not this is a dry run of the job.
The default value is false. |
MaximumBadRecords | String | If provided, the number of records that can be invalid before the entire job is canceled. By default all records must be valid.
The default value is 0. |
IgnoreUnknownValues | String | Whether to ignore unknown fields in the input file or treat them as errors. By default they are treated as errors.
The default value is false. |
AvroUseLogicalTypes | String | Whether to use Avro logical types when converting Avro data into BigQuery types.
The default value is true. |
CSVSkipLeadingRows | String | How many rows to skip at the start of CSV files. Usually used for skipping header rows. |
CSVEncoding | String | The name of the encoding used for CSV files.
The allowed values are ISO-8859-1, UTF-8. The default value is UTF-8. |
CSVNullMarker | String | If provided, this string is used for NULL values within CSV files. By default CSV files cannot use NULL. |
CSVFieldDelimiter | String | The character used to separate columns within CSV files.
The default value is ,. |
CSVQuote | String | The character used for quoted fields in CSV files. May be set to empty to disable quoting.
The default value is ". |
CSVAllowQuotedNewlines | String | Whether CSV files can contain newlines within quoted fields.
The default value is false. |
CSVAllowJaggedRows | String | Whether lines in CSV files may contain missing fields. False by default
The default value is false. |
DSBackupProjectionFields | String | A JSON list of fields to load from a Cloud datastore backup. |
ParquetOptions | String | A JSON object giving the Parquet-specific import options. |
DecimalTargetTypes | String | A JSON list giving the preference order applied to numeric types. |
HivePartitioningOptions | String | A JSON object giving the source-side partitioning options. |
Result Set Columns
Name | Type | Description |
JobId | String | The JobId of the newly insert Job. |
Region | String | The region where the job is executing. |
Configuration_load_destinationTable_tableId | String | The destination table tableId of the newly inserted Job. |
Configuration_load_destinationTable_projectId | String | The destination table projectId of the newly inserted Job. |
Configuration_load_destinationTable_datasetId | String | The destination table datasetId of the newly inserted Job. |
Status_State | String | Running state of the job. |
Status_errorResult_reason | String | A short error code that summarizes the error. |
Status_errorResult_message | String | A human-readable description of the error. |