JDBC Driver for Google BigQuery

Build 23.0.8839


This property determines where query results are stored in Google BigQuery.

Data Type


Default Value



Google BigQuery queries have a maximum amount of data they are allowed to return directly. If this limit is exceeded, then queries will fail with an error message like Response too large to return. When this option is enabled the response limit does not apply, because all query responses are stored in a Google BigQuery table before being returned.

This option is set differently depending upon whether your connection is using UseLegacySQL or not. By default this option is set using the standard SQL syntax:


When UseLegacySQL is enabled, this option is set using the legacy table syntax:


When using this option with multiple connections, make sure that each connection has its own destination table. Sharing a table between connections can lead to results getting lost because parallel queries can overwrite each others results.

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Build 23.0.8839