Power BI Connector for Google Analytics

Build 23.0.8839


Retrieves internal Site Content data.

Table Specific Information


Google Analytics only allows up to 10 Metrics and 7 Dimensions in a single query. Therefore, when issuing a query that selects all columns, only the default Metric columns will be selected for tables with more than 10 Metrics. The default Dimensions will be used unless you explicitly select other dimension columns. The following query uses PageTitle instead of the default PagePath dimension:

SELECT PageTitle, PageViews, UniquePageviews, AvgTimeOnPage, Entrances, BounceRate, EntranceRate, Exits, PageValue, TimeOnPage FROM SiteContent
Filters can also be used in the WHERE clause. Dimension fields support the =, !=, LIKE, and NOT LIKE operators. Metric fields support =, !=, >, >=, <, and <= operators. This query will return the Page Paths in order of most Entrances to least:
SELECT PagePath, Entrances FROM SiteContent ORDER BY Entrances DESC
All reports in Google Analytics must cover a specific date range. The default behavior is to pull the last month of data if the StartDate and EndDate inputs are left unset. To override this behavior, the values can be set directly in the query. For example:
SELECT * FROM SiteContent WHERE StartDate = '90daysAgo' AND EndDate = 'Today'
The default dimension for the table will be used unless another dimension is specified in the select columns, the DefaultFilter, or the Dimensions column in the WHERE clause. See Retrieving Google Analytics Data for more information about SELECT * queries. The following queries return the same results:
SELECT PagePath, PageViews, UniquePageviews, AvgTimeOnPage, Entrances, BounceRate, EntranceRate, Exits, PageValue, TimeOnPage, ExitRate FROM SiteContent


Name Type Dimension DefaultMetric DefaultDimension Description
Date Date True The date of the session formatted as YYYYMMDD.
Year Integer True The year of the session. A four-digit year from 2005 to the current year.
Month Integer True The month of the session. An integer from 01 to 12.
Week Integer True The week of the session. A number from 01 to 53. Each week starts on Sunday.
Day Integer True The day of the month. A number from 01 to 31.
Hour Integer True An hour of the day ranging from 00-23 in the timezone configured for the account. This value is also corrected for daylight savings time.
Country String True The country of users, derived from IP addresses.
City String True The cities of property users, derived from IP addresses.
Browser String True The names of browsers used by users to your website. For example, Internet Explorer or Firefox.
PagePath String True True A page on your website specified by path and/or query parameters. Use in conjunction with host name to get the full URL of the page.
PageTitle String True The title of a page. Remember that multiple pages might have the same PageTitle.
PageViews Integer False True The total number of page views for your property.
UniquePageviews Integer False True The number of different (unique) pages within a session. This takes into both the PagePath and PageTitle to determine uniqueness.
AvgTimeOnPage Double False True The average amount of time users spent viewing this page or a set of pages.
Entrances Integer False True The number of entrances to your property, measured as the first page view in a session. Typically used with LandingPagePath.
BounceRate Double False True The percentage of single-page sessions.
EntranceRate Double False True The percentage of page views in which this page was the entrance.
Exits Integer False True The number of exits from your property.
PageValue Double False True The average value of this page or set of pages. Page Value is the sum of TransactionRevenue and GoalValueAll, columns in the Ecommerce table, divided by UniquePageviews (for the page or set of pages).
TimeOnPage Double False True How long a user spent on a particular page in seconds, calculated by subtracting the initial view time for a particular page from the initial view time for a subsequent page. Thus, this metric does not apply to exit pages for your property.
ExitRate Double False True The percentage of exits from your property that occurred out of the total page views.
StartDate String The Start date for fetching Analytics data. Either a date string or a relative date (e.g., today, yesterday, or #daysAgo).
EndDate String The End date for fetching Analytics data. Either a date string or a relative date (e.g., today, yesterday, or #daysAgo).
Dimensions String A comma-separated list of dimensions to retrieve in addition to the columns defined in the schema. Set to empty string to retrieve no dimensions.
Metrics String A comma-separated list of metrics to retrieve in addition to the columns defined in the schema.
CohortTypes String Available only when using the V4 API. A comma-separated list of cohort types. The default value is FIRST_VISIT_DATE
CohortStartDates Date Available only when using the V4 API. A comma-separated list of cohort start dates.
CohortEndDates Date Available only when using the V4 API. A comma-separated list of cohort end dates.
SamplesReadCounts String A comma-separated list of samples read counts when the response data is sampled.
SamplingSpaceSizes String A comma-separated list of samples space sizes counts when the response data is sampled.
Profile Integer The Profile Id or website URL to retrieve data from.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
Segments String Segments the data returned for your request. Either a SegmentId or a custom segment.

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Build 23.0.8839