UniversalAnalytics Data Model
The CData Power BI Connector for Google Analytics models the Google Analytics Universal Analytics API as relational tables, views, and stored procedures.. The provided tables will give you an overview of your account information and the profiles available for Google Analytics queries. Google Analytics allows for Dimensions and Metrics to be queried in a large number of arrangements. Some sample views are provided based on common Google Analytics reports. You can however also create your own custom views based on any combination of Dimensions and Metrics you need. API limitations and requirements are documented in this section; you can use the SupportEnhancedSQL feature, set by default, to circumvent most of these limitations. However, there is a strict limit in the API of 9 (for ApiVersion 4) or 7 (for ApiVersion 3) dimensions and 10 metrics per query, unless otherwise stated in the specfic table or view pages.
To use Universal Analytics Data Model, simply set Schema to UniversalAnalytics.
Views are tables that cannot be modified, such as Accounts, Goals, Profiles, Events, Traffic, and SiteContent. Typically, data that are read-only and cannot be updated are shown as views.
Stored Procedures
Stored Procedures are function-like interfaces to the data source. They can be used to search, update, and modify information in the data source.