Power BI Connector for Google Analytics

Build 23.0.8839


This connection property can be set only when using the V4 API. If set to false, the provider does not include rows if all the retrieved metrics are equal to zero. The default is true which will include these rows.

Possible Values

True, False

Data Type


Default Value



Allowed Values:

TRUEThe provider includes the rows where all the retrieved metrics are equal to zero.
FALSEThe provider does not include the rows where all the retrieved metrics are equal to zero.

Note that it is still possible for no rows to be returned with this set to TRUE depending on the dimensions included in the query. This property will only work when the cardinality of the dimension is known over the date range (such as with the Date dimension). If the cardinality is unknown or not defined, such as with the ProductName dimension on the Ecommerce table, no results would be returned.

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Build 23.0.8839