Excel Add-In for Google Analytics

Build 23.0.8839


A predefined view that retrieves Acquisitions first user source platform data.


The 本製品 uses the Google Analytics API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

  • PropertyId supports the following operator: =
  • FirstUserSourcePlatform supports the following operator: =
  • Date supports the following operators: =,>=,<=,<,>

For example, the following queries are processed server-side:

SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserSourcePlatformReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667
SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserSourcePlatformReport WHERE FirstUserSourcePlatform = 'Test' 
SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserSourcePlatformReport WHERE Date = '01/05/2023' 
SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserSourcePlatformReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667  AND FirstUserSourcePlatform = 'Test' AND Date = '01/05/2023'
SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserSourcePlatformReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' AND <= '01/05/2023'
SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserSourcePlatformReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022'
SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserSourcePlatformReport WHERE Date <= '01/01/2022'
SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserSourcePlatformReport WHERE Date >  '01/01/2022'
SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserSourcePlatformReport WHERE Date < '01/01/2022'

CustomChannelGroups are added as dimension columns. We can query customChannelGroup in the following way:

 SELECT FirstUserCustomChannelGroupName, SessionDefaultChannelGrouping, Conversions FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserSourcePlatformReport WHERE FirstUserSourcePlatform = 'Test'

NOTE: CustomChannelGroupName is for reference purpose only. The exact value will depend on the channelGroupName added. The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the 本製品.


Name Type Dimension DefaultMetric DefaultDimension Description
FirstUserSourcePlatform String True True The source platform that first acquired the user.
Date Date True True The date of the session formatted as YYYYMMDD.
NewUsers Integer False True The number of users who interacted with the site or launched the app for the first time.
Conversions Integer False True The count of conversion events.
EngagementRate Decimal False True The percentage of engaged sessions.
EngagedSessions Integer False True The number of sessions that lasted longer than ten seconds, had a conversion event, or had two or more screen views.
EventCount Integer False True The count of events.
TotalRevenue Integer False True The sum of revenue from purchases, subscriptions, and advertising.
TotalUsers Integer False True The total number of users.
UserEngagementDuration Integer False True The total amount of time (in seconds) the website or app was in the foreground of users


SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似列フィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。

Name Type Description
PropertyId String The Property Id value to be used when querying this table.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 23.0.8839