CData Cloud は、クラウドホスト型のソリューションで、複数の標準サービスやプロトコルにまたがるGoogle Analytics へのアクセスを実現します。MySQL またはSQL Server データベースに接続できるアプリケーションであれば、CData Cloud を介してGoogle Analytics に接続できます。
CData Cloud により、他のOData エンドポイントや標準SQL Server / MySQL データベースと同じように、Google Analytics への接続を標準化し、構成することができます。
このページでは、CData Cloud でのGoogle Analytics への接続の確立 のガイド、利用可能なリソースに関する情報、および使用可能な接続プロパティのリファレンスについて説明します。
接続の確立 は、CData Cloud にデータベースを作成するためのGoogle Analytics への認証方法と必要な接続プロパティの設定方法について示します。
利用可能な標準サービスを経由してGoogle Analytics からデータにアクセスする方法と、CData Cloud の管理については、CData Cloud ドキュメント で詳しく説明します。
Database タブで対応するアイコンを選択して、Google Analytics に接続します。必須プロパティはSettings にリストされています。Advanced タブには、通常は必要ない接続プロパティが表示されます。
Cloud は、認証にユーザーアカウントおよびGCP インスタンスアカウントの使用をサポートします。
以下のセクションでは、Google Analytics の利用可能な認証スキームについて説明します。
AuthScheme は、すべてのユーザーアカウントフローでOAuth に設定する必要があります。
OAuth アクセストークンの取得
次の接続プロパティを設定し、OAuthAccessToken を取得します。
続いてストアドプロシージャを呼び出し、OAuth 交換を完了します。
アクセストークンとリフレッシュトークンを取得すると、データに接続し、OAuth アクセストークンを自動または手動でリフレッシュすることができるようになります。
OAuth アクセストークンの自動リフレッシュ
ドライバーがOAuth アクセストークンを自動的にリフレッシュするようにするには、最初のデータ接続で次のように設定します。
OAuth アクセストークンの手動リフレッシュ
データ接続時に手動でOAuth アクセストークンをリフレッシュするために必要な値は、OAuth リフレッシュトークンのみです。
GetOAuthAccessToken によって返されたExpiresIn パラメータ値が経過した後に、RefreshOAuthAccessToken ストアドプロシージャを使用し、手動でOAuthAccessToken をリフレッシュします。次の接続プロパティを設定します。
次に、RefreshOAuthAccessToken を呼び出し、OAuthRefreshToken にGetOAuthAccessToken によって返されたOAuth リフレッシュトークンを指定します。新しいトークンが取得できたら、OAuthAccessToken プロパティにRefreshOAuthAccessToken によって返された値を設定し、新しい接続をオープンします。
最後に、OAuth リフレッシュトークンを保存し、OAuth アクセストークンの有効期限が切れた後に手動でリフレッシュできるようにします。
オプション1:Verifier code を取得および交換
Verifier code を取得するには、OAuth Authorization URL で認証する必要があります。
インターネットブラウザに対応したマシンから認証してOAuthVerifier 接続プロパティを取得する方法は次のとおりです。
ヘッドレスマシンでは、次の接続プロパティを設定してOAuth 認証値を取得します。
OAuth 設定ファイルが生成されたら、以下のように接続プロパティをリセットする必要があります。
オプション2:OAuth 設定を転送
「デスクトップアプリケーション」の手順が完了すると、生成された認証値は、OAuthSettingsLocation で指定された場所に暗号化されて書き込まれます。デフォルトのファイル名はOAuthSettings.txt です。
接続が正常にテストされたら、OAuth 設定ファイルをヘッドレスマシンにコピーします。
GCP 仮想マシン上で実行している場合は、Cloud は仮想マシンに関連付けられたサービスアカウントを使用して認証できます。 このモードを使用するには、AuthScheme をGCPInstanceAccount に設定します。
Google アナリティクスデータは、さまざまな指標(セッション、インプレッション、AdClicks など)に分類され、さまざまなディメンション(国、月など)でクエリすることができます。有効な指標とディメンションの組み合わせは多数あります。Cloud は、最もよく使用される組み合わせを使いやすくテーブルとして公開しています。
また、Cloud は、2つの方式で、事前定義されたテーブルに含まれない組み合わせであっても、有効なすべての組み合わせをクエリできるようにしています。ディメンション列と指標列を使用する方法と、カスタムスキーマを定義する方法です。詳細については、高度なクエリ を参照してください。以下に、まずデフォルトのテーブルを使用する方法を示します。
ディメンションおよび指標は各テーブルに明確に定義されており、データモデル で参照できます。興味のある指標およびディメンションを選択してください。
SELECT Sessions, Month FROM Traffic各年を各月で分割するには、クエリに月と年の両方のディメンションを含めます。
SELECT Sessions, Month, Year FROM Traffic
すべてのGoogle アナリティクスのレポートは特定の日付範囲をカバーしています。デフォルトの動作では、StartDate およびEndDate の入力が設定されていない場合、最後の月のデータが取得されます。この動作をオーバーライドするには、値を直接クエリに設定します。次に例を示します。
SELECT Sessions, Month, Year FROM Traffic WHERE StartDate = '90daysAgo' AND EndDate = 'Today'
Google Analytics API でStartDate とEndDate でサポートされている入力は、'today'、'yesterday'、'NdaysAgo'(N は何らかの数字)、および正確な日付です。v4 API 以降では、最大2つの別々の日付範囲をフィルタに設定できます。
Google アナリティクスでは、1つのクエリでディメンションを7つまで、指標を10までしか指定できないため、すべてを選択することができない場合もあります。
このため、Cloud では、SELECT * クエリは、デフォルトの指標とディメンションのセットが要求されていると解釈されます。
スキーマごとのデフォルトのフィールドを確認するには、データモデル で各ビューのドキュメントを参照してください。
Google Analytics には、数多くの指標やディメンションがテーブル定義に用意されています。このため、この製品に付属するテーブル定義には、最もよく使用される指標とディメンションの組み合わせだけがリストされています。このような設計選択の代替として、2つの方法が提供されています。すなわち、ディメンション列と指標列を使用してデフォルトテーブルに含まれていないフィールドを要求するか、独自のテーブルを定義することができます。
既存のテーブルに対して追加のディメンションまたは指標をリクエストするには、カスタムスキーマを定義するアプローチが推奨されますが、WHERE 句にディメンションおよび指標入力を設定することもできます。どちらの入力もカンマ区切りリストを受け取るため、複数のフィールドを一度に指定できます。これらの値は、指定した順序で、対応するディメンションおよび指標列に返されます。例えば、次のクエリは、Trafficテーブルでセッション、目標1コンバージョン率、および目標1達成数をクエリし、これらの指標をユーザー年齢層ディメンションでグループ化します。
SELECT Sessions, Dimensions, Metrics FROM Traffic WHERE Dimensions='UserAgeBracket' AND Metrics='Goal1ConversionRate,Goal1Completions'上のクエリの結果では、各行のディメンションフィールドにUserAgeBracket の値が返されます。指標フィールドには、目標1に対して要求した指標を含むカンマ区切り値が含まれます。
次のプロパティを使って、Google Analytics API 機能およびCloud のストラテジーをさらに制御できます。
デフォルトでは、Cloud はサーバーの証明書をシステムの信頼できる証明書ストアと照合してSSL / TLS のネゴシエーションを試みます。
別の証明書を指定するには、利用可能なフォーマットについてSSLServerCert プロパティを参照してください。
Windows のシステムプロキシ経由の接続では、接続プロパティを追加で設定する必要はありません。他のプロキシに接続するには、ProxyAutoDetect をfalse に設定します。
さらにHTTP プロキシへの認証には、ProxyServer とProxyPort に加えてProxyAuthScheme、ProxyUser、およびProxyPassword を設定します。
CData Cloud は、Google Analytics エンティティをリレーショナルテーブル、ビュー、およびストアドプロシージャにモデル化します。提供されるテーブルには、ユーザーのアカウント情報およびGoogle アナリティクスクエリで使用できるプロパティの概要が示されます。Google アナリティクスを使用すると、ディメンションおよび指標をさまざまな組み合わせでクエリすることができます。一般的なGoogle アナリティクスレポートに基づいて、いくつかのサンプルビューが用意されています。また、必要に応じてディメンションおよび指標を任意に組み合わせて、独自のカスタムビューを作成することもできます。
このセクションでは、API の制限および要件について説明します。既定のSupportEnhancedSQL 機能を使って、これらの制限の大半を回避できます。
CreateCustomSchema ストアドプロシージャを使用すると、ディメンションと指標を独自に組み合わせて、簡単に新しいスキーマファイルを生成できます。このプロシージャは、ディメンションおよび指標のカンマ区切りリストとTableName を受け取り、Cloud で読み取り可能なスキーマファイルを構築します。リスト内の各ディメンションまたは指標の名前は、Google アナリティクスに含まれる値に基づきます("ga:" プレフィックスなし)。次に例を示します。
Metrics=Users,PercentNewSessionsLocation 接続プロパティが設定されている場合、ファイルはそのフォルダに出力されます。そうでない場合は、OutputFolder 入力を使用して出力フォルダを指定します。これらの新しいファイルをクエリするには、Location 接続プロパティを、新しいスキーマファイルを含むフォルダを設定します。
Universal Analytics API で利用可能なエンティティについては、UniversalAnalytics データモデル を参照してください。
Google Analytics 4 API で利用可能なエンティティについては、GoogleAnalytics4 データモデル を参照してください。
CData Cloud はGoogle Analytics Universal Analytics API をリレーショナルテーブル、ビュー、ストアドプロシージャとしてモデル化します。 提供されるテーブルには、ユーザーのアカウント情報およびGoogle アナリティクスクエリで使用できるプロファイルの概要が示されます。 Google アナリティクスでは、ディメンションおよび指標をさまざまな組み合わせでクエリすることができます。一般的なGoogle アナリティクスレポートに基づいて、いくつかのサンプルビューが用意されています。また、必要に応じてディメンションおよび指標を任意に組み合わせて、独自のカスタムビューを作成することもできます。 このセクションでは、API の制限および要件について説明します。既定のSupportEnhancedSQL 機能を使って、これらの制限の大半を回避できます。However, there is a strict limit in the API of 9 (for ApiVersion 4) or 7 (for ApiVersion 3) dimensions and 10 metrics per query, unless otherwise stated in the specfic table or view pages.
Universal Analytics データモデルを使用するには、Schema をUniversalAnalytics に設定します。
ビュー は、Accounts、Goals、Profiles、Events、Traffic、SiteContent などの変更ができないテーブルです。一般的には、Read-only で更新が不可能なデータはビューとして表されます。
ストアドプロシージャ は、データソースのファンクションライクなインターフェースです。これらを使用して、データソース内の情報を検索、更新、および変更できます。
Name | Description |
Accounts | Lists all Accounts to which the user has access. |
AdSense | Retrieves AdSense data. |
AdWords | Retrieves AdWords data. |
Ecommerce | Retrieves Ecommerce data. |
Events | Retrieves Event data. |
Global_Access_Object | Retrieves data for all the available dimensions and metrics. |
GoalCompletions | Retrieves Goal Completion data. |
Goals | A Goals resource describes a goal for one of a user's profiles. |
Profiles | Lists all Profiles to which the user has access. |
Segments | Lists all Segments to which the user has access. |
SiteContent | Retrieves internal Site Content data. |
SiteSearch | Retrieves internal Site Search data. |
SiteSpeed | Retrieves internal Site Speed data. |
Traffic | Retrieves all Traffic data. |
UserActivity | List information on a user's activity. |
WebProperties | Lists Web Properties to which the user has access. |
Lists all Accounts to which the user has access.
The Accounts table exposes every account the user has access to. Filters are not available in the WHERE clause for this table but LIMIT is supported.
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | Account Id. | |||
Kind | String | Resource type for Analytics account. | |||
SelfLink | String | Link for this account. | |||
Name | String | Account name. | |||
Permissions | String | All the permissions that the user has for this account. These include any implied permissions. | |||
Created | Datetime | Time the account was created. | |||
Updated | Datetime | Time the account was last modified. | |||
ChildLink | String | Child link for an account entry. Points to the list of Web properties for this account. |
Retrieves AdSense data.
Google Analytics only allows up to 10 Metrics and 7 Dimensions in a single query. Therefore, when issuing a query that selects all columns, only the default Metric columns will be selected for tables with more than 10 Metrics. The default Dimensions will be used unless you explicitly select other dimension columns. The following query uses Date instead of the default Campaign dimension:
SELECT Date, Sessions, Users, OrganicSearches, GoalValueAll, TransactionRevenue, AdsenseRevenue, AdsenseAdsClicks, AdsensePageImpressions FROM AdSenseFilters can also be used in the WHERE clause. Dimension fields support the =, !=, LIKE, and NOT LIKE operators. Metric fields support =, !=, >, >=, <, and <= operators. This query will return the Campaign name and revenue for Campaigns with revenue of more than 100:
SELECT Campaign, AdsenseRevenue FROM AdSense WHERE AdsenseRevenue > 100All reports in Google Analytics must cover a specific date range. The default behavior is to pull the last month of data if the StartDate and EndDate inputs are left unset. To override this behavior, the values can be set directly in the query. For example:
SELECT * FROM AdSense WHERE StartDate = '90daysAgo' AND EndDate = 'Today'The default dimension for the table will be used unless another dimension is specified in the select columns, the DefaultFilter, or the Dimensions column in the WHERE clause. See Google アナリティクスデータの取得 for more information about SELECT * queries. The following queries return the same results:
SELECT Campaign, Sessions, Users, OrganicSearches, GoalValueAll, TransactionRevenue, AdsenseRevenue, AdsenseAdsClicks, AdsensePageImpressions FROM AdSense
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
Date | Date | True | The date of the session formatted as YYYYMMDD. | ||
Year | Integer | True | The year of the session. A four-digit year from 2005 to the current year. | ||
Month | Integer | True | The month of the session. An integer from 01 to 12. | ||
Week | Integer | True | The week of the session. A number from 01 to 53. Each week starts on Sunday. | ||
Day | Integer | True | The day of the month. A number from 01 to 31. | ||
Hour | Integer | True | An hour of the day ranging from 00-23 in the timezone configured for the account. This value is also corrected for daylight savings time. | ||
Campaign | String | True | True | When using manual campaign tracking, this value is the value of the utm_campaign campaign tracking parameter. When using AdWords autotagging, this value is the name(s) of the online ad campaign that you use for your property. Otherwise, this value is the following: not set. | |
Sessions | Integer | False | True | Counts the total number of sessions. | |
Users | Integer | False | True | Total number of users to your property for the requested time period. | |
OrganicSearches | Integer | False | True | The number of organic searches that happened within a session. This metric is search-engine agnostic. | |
GoalValueAll | Double | False | True | The total numeric value for all goals defined for your profile. | |
TransactionRevenue | Decimal | False | True | The total sale revenue provided in the transaction, excluding shipping and tax. | |
AdsenseRevenue | Decimal | False | True | The total revenue from AdSense ads. | |
AdsenseAdsClicks | Integer | False | True | The number of times AdSense ads on your site were clicked. | |
AdsensePageImpressions | Integer | False | True | The number of page views during which an AdSense ad was displayed. A page impression can have multiple ad units. | |
StartDate | String | Start date for fetching Analytics data. Either a date string or a relative date (e.g., today, yesterday, or #daysAgo). | |||
EndDate | String | End date for fetching Analytics data. Either a date string or a relative date (e.g., today, yesterday, or #daysAgo). | |||
Dimensions | String | A comma-separated list of dimensions to retrieve in addition to the columns defined in the schema. Set to empty string to retrieve no dimensions. | |||
Metrics | String | A comma-separated list of metrics to retrieve in addition to the columns defined in the schema. | |||
CohortTypes | String | Available only when using the V4 API. A comma-separated list of cohort types. The default value is FIRST_VISIT_DATE | |||
CohortStartDates | Date | Available only when using the V4 API. A comma-separated list of cohort start dates. | |||
CohortEndDates | Date | Available only when using the V4 API. A comma-separated list of cohort end dates. | |||
SamplesReadCounts | String | A comma-separated list of samples read counts when the response data is sampled. | |||
SamplingSpaceSizes | String | A comma-separated list of samples space sizes counts when the response data is sampled. | |||
Profile | Integer | The Profile Id or website URL to retrieve data from. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似列フィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Segments | String | Segments the data returned for your request. Either a SegmentId or a custom segment. |
Retrieves AdWords data.
Google Analytics only allows up to 10 Metrics and 7 Dimensions in a single query. Therefore, when issuing a query that selects all columns, only the default Metric columns will be selected for tables with more than 10 Metrics. The default Dimensions will be used unless you explicitly select other dimension columns. The following query uses Keyword instead of the default Campaign dimension:
SELECT Keyword, Sessions, Impressions, AdClicks, AdCost, CTR, CPC, RPC, ROI, Margin FROM AdWordsFilters can also be used in the WHERE clause. Dimension fields support the =, !=, LIKE, and NOT LIKE operators. Metric fields support =, !=, >, >=, <, and <= operators. This query will find the total number of AdClicks from the United States:
SELECT Country, AdClicks FROM AdWords WHERE Country = 'United States'All reports in Google Analytics must cover a specific date range. The default behavior is to pull the last month of data if the StartDate and EndDate inputs are left unset. To override this behavior, the values can be set directly in the query. For example:
SELECT * FROM AdWords WHERE StartDate = '90daysAgo' AND EndDate = 'Today'Because there are more than 10 Metrics available for the AdWords table, a query that selects all columns only returns the default Metrics for this table (see columns marked as default Metrics below). If you need to select other Metrics, select them explicitly instead of using '*'. The default dimension for the table will be used unless another dimension is specified in the select columns, the DefaultFilter, or the Dimensions column in the WHERE clause. See Google アナリティクスデータの取得 for more information about SELECT * queries. The following queries return the same results:
SELECT Campaign, Sessions, Impressions, AdClicks, AdCost, CTR, CPC, RPC, ROI, Margin FROM AdWords
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
Date | Date | True | The date of the session formatted as YYYYMMDD. | ||
Year | Integer | True | The year of the session. A four-digit year from 2005 to the current year. | ||
Month | Integer | True | The month of the session. An integer from 01 to 12. | ||
Week | Integer | True | The week of the session. A number from 01 to 53. Each week starts on Sunday. | ||
Day | Integer | True | The day of the month. A number from 01 to 31. | ||
Hour | Integer | True | An hour of the day ranging from 00-23 in the timezone configured for the account. This value is also corrected for daylight savings time. | ||
Language | String | True | The language provided by the HTTP Request for the browser. Values are given as an ISO-639 code. | ||
Country | String | True | The country of users, derived from IP addresses. | ||
City | String | True | The cities of property users, derived from IP addresses. | ||
Browser | String | True | The names of browsers used by users to your website. For example, Internet Explorer or Firefox. | ||
OperatingSystem | String | True | The operating system used by your users. For example, Windows, Linux , Macintosh, iPhone, iPod. | ||
DeviceCategory | String | True | The type of device: desktop, tablet, or mobile. | ||
Campaign | String | True | True | When using manual campaign tracking, this value is the value of the utm_campaign campaign tracking parameter. When using AdWords autotagging, this value is the name(s) of the online ad campaign that you use for your property. Otherwise, this value is: not set. | |
AdGroup | String | True | The name of your AdWords ad group. | ||
Keyword | String | True | When using manual campaign tracking, this value is the value of the utm_term campaign tracking parameter; i.e., the keywords used by users to reach your property when using AdWords autotagging or if a user used organic search to reach your property. Otherwise this value is: not set. | ||
Sessions | Integer | False | True | Counts the total number of sessions. | |
Impressions | Integer | False | True | Total number of campaign impressions. | |
AdClicks | Integer | False | True | The total number of times users have clicked on an ad to reach your property. | |
AdCost | Decimal | False | True | Derived cost for the advertising campaign. The currency for this value is based on the currency that you set in your AdWords account. | |
CTR | Double | False | True | Click-through rate for your ad. This is equal to the number of clicks divided by the number of impressions for your ad (e.g., how many times users clicked on one of your ads where that ad appeared). | |
CPC | Decimal | False | True | Cost to advertiser per click. | |
RPC | Decimal | False | True | RPC, or revenue-per-click, is the average revenue from e-commerce sales and/or goal value you received for each click on one of your search ads. | |
ROI | Decimal | False | True | Returns on Investment is overall transaction profit divided by derived advertising cost. | |
Margin | Decimal | False | True | The overall transaction profit margin. | |
PercentNewSessions | Double | False | The percentage of sessions by people who had never visited your property before. | ||
NewUsers | Integer | False | The number of users whose visit to your property was marked as a first-time session. | ||
BounceRate | Double | False | The percentage of single-page session. | ||
PageviewsPerSession | Double | False | The average number of pages viewed during a session on your property. | ||
AvgSessionDuration | Double | False | The average duration of user sessions represented in total seconds. | ||
GoalConversionRateAll | Double | False | The percentage of sessions that resulted in a conversion to at least one of your goals. | ||
Transactions | Integer | False | The total number of transactions. | ||
RevenuePerTransaction | Decimal | False | The average revenue for an e-commerce transaction. | ||
TransactionRevenue | Decimal | False | The total sale revenue provided in the transaction, excluding shipping and tax. | ||
TransactionRevenuePerSession | Decimal | False | Average transaction revenue for a session on your property. | ||
StartDate | String | Start date for fetching Analytics data. Either a date string or a relative date (e.g., today, yesterday, or #daysAgo). | |||
EndDate | String | End date for fetching Analytics data. Either a date string or a relative date (e.g., today, yesterday, or #daysAgo). | |||
Dimensions | String | A comma-separated list of dimensions to retrieve in addition to the columns defined in the schema. Set to empty string to retrieve no dimensions. | |||
Metrics | String | A comma-separated list of metrics to retrieve in addition to the columns defined in the schema. | |||
CohortTypes | String | Available only when using the V4 API. A comma-separated list of cohort types. The default value is FIRST_VISIT_DATE | |||
CohortStartDates | Date | Available only when using the V4 API. A comma-separated list of cohort start dates. | |||
CohortEndDates | Date | Available only when using the V4 API. A comma-separated list of cohort end dates. | |||
SamplesReadCounts | String | A comma-separated list of samples read counts when the response data is sampled. | |||
SamplingSpaceSizes | String | A comma-separated list of samples space sizes counts when the response data is sampled. | |||
Profile | Integer | The Profile Id or website URL to retrieve data from. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似列フィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Segments | String | Segments the data returned for your request. Either a SegmentId or a custom segment. |
Retrieves Ecommerce data.
Google Analytics only allows up to 10 Metrics and 7 Dimensions in a single query. Therefore, when issuing a query that selects all columns, only the default Metric columns will be selected for tables with more than 10 Metrics. The default Dimensions will be used unless you explicitly select other dimension columns. The following query uses ProductSku instead of the default Date dimension:
SELECT ProductSku, UniquePurchases, ItemQuantity FROM EcommerceFilters can also be used in the WHERE clause. Dimension fields support the =, !=, LIKE, and NOT LIKE operators. Metric fields support =, !=, >, >=, <, and <= operators. The following query will find all product SKUs with more than 100 unique purchases:
SELECT ProductSku, UniquePurchases FROM Ecommerce WHERE UniquePurchases > 100All reports in Google Analytics must cover a specific date range. The default behavior is to pull the last month of data if the StartDate and EndDate inputs are left unset. To override this behavior, the values can be set directly in the query. For example:
SELECT * FROM Ecommerce WHERE StartDate = '90daysAgo' AND EndDate = 'Today'The default dimension for the table will be used unless another dimension is specified in the select columns, the DefaultFilter, or the Dimensions column in the WHERE clause. See Google アナリティクスデータの取得 for more information about SELECT * queries. The following queries return the same results:
SELECT Sessions, Users, Transactions, TransactionRevenue, TransactionShipping, TransactionTax, RevenuePerTransaction, UniquePurchases, ItemQuantity, ItemRevenue FROM Ecommerce
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
Date | Date | True | The date of the session formatted as YYYYMMDD. | ||
Year | Integer | True | The year of the session. A four-digit year from 2005 to the current year. | ||
Month | Integer | True | The month of the session. An integer from 01 to 12. | ||
Week | Integer | True | The week of the session. A number from 01 to 53. Each week starts on Sunday. | ||
Day | Integer | True | The day of the month. A number from 01 to 31. | ||
Hour | Integer | True | An hour of the day ranging from 00-23 in the timezone configured for the account. This value is also corrected for daylight savings time. | ||
Country | String | True | The country of users, derived from IP addresses. | ||
City | String | True | The cities of property users, derived from IP addresses. | ||
ProductName | String | True | The product name for purchased items, as supplied by your e-commerce tracking application. | ||
ProductSku | String | True | The product SKUs for purchased items, as you have defined them in your e-commerce tracking application. | ||
ProductCategory | String | True | Any product variations (e.g., size or color) for purchased items, as supplied by your e-commerce application. | ||
TransactionId | String | True | The transaction Id for the shopping cart purchase. | ||
Sessions | Integer | False | True | Counts the total number of sessions. | |
Users | Integer | False | True | Total number of users to your property for the requested time period. | |
Transactions | Integer | False | True | The total number of transactions. | |
TransactionRevenue | Decimal | False | True | The total sale revenue provided in the transaction, excluding shipping and tax. | |
TransactionShipping | Decimal | False | True | The total cost of shipping. | |
TransactionTax | Decimal | False | True | The total amount of tax. | |
RevenuePerTransaction | Decimal | False | True | The average revenue for an e-commerce transaction. | |
UniquePurchases | Integer | False | True | The number of product sets purchased. | |
ItemQuantity | Integer | False | True | The total number of items purchased. | |
ItemRevenue | Decimal | False | True | The total revenue from purchased product items on your property. | |
StartDate | String | Start date for fetching Analytics data. Either a date string or a relative date (e.g., today, yesterday, or #daysAgo). | |||
EndDate | String | End date for fetching Analytics data. Either a date string or a relative date (e.g., today, yesterday, or #daysAgo). | |||
Dimensions | String | A comma-separated list of dimensions to retrieve in addition to the columns defined in the schema. Set to empty string to retrieve no dimensions. | |||
Metrics | String | A comma-separated list of metrics to retrieve in addition to the columns defined in the schema. | |||
CohortTypes | String | Available only when using the V4 API. A comma-separated list of cohort types. The default value is FIRST_VISIT_DATE | |||
CohortStartDates | Date | Available only when using the V4 API. A comma-separated list of cohort start dates. | |||
CohortEndDates | Date | Available only when using the V4 API. A comma-separated list of cohort end dates. | |||
SamplesReadCounts | String | A comma-separated list of samples read counts when the response data is sampled. | |||
SamplingSpaceSizes | String | A comma-separated list of samples space sizes counts when the response data is sampled. | |||
Profile | Integer | The Profile Id or website URL to retrieve data from. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似列フィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Segments | String | Segments the data returned for your request. Either a SegmentId or a custom segment. |
Retrieves Event data.
Google Analytics only allows up to 10 Metrics and 7 Dimensions in a single query. Therefore, when issuing a query that selects all columns, only the default Metric columns will be selected for tables with more than 10 Metrics. The default Dimensions will be used unless you explicitly select other dimension columns. The following query uses EventLabel instead of the default EventCategory dimension:
SELECT EventLabel, TotalEvents, UniqueEvents, EventValue, SessionsWithEvent, AvgEventValue, EventsPerSessionWithEvent FROM EventsFilters can also be used in the WHERE clause. Dimension fields support the =, !=, LIKE, and NOT LIKE operators. Metric fields support =, !=, >, >=, <, and <= operators. This query will return all Events with less than or equal to 200 total events:
SELECT EventLabel, TotalEvents FROM Events WHERE TotalEvents <= 200All reports in Google Analytics must cover a specific date range. The default behavior is to pull the last month of data if the StartDate and EndDate inputs are left unset. To override this behavior, the values can be set directly in the query. For example:
SELECT * FROM Events WHERE StartDate = '39daysAgo' AND EndDate = 'Today'The default dimension for the table will be used unless another dimension is specified in the select columns, the DefaultFilter, or the Dimensions column in the WHERE clause. See Google アナリティクスデータの取得 for more information about SELECT * queries. The following queries return the same results:
SELECT EventCategory, TotalEvents, UniqueEvents, EventValue, SessionsWithEvent, AvgEventValue, EventsPerSessionWithEvent FROM Events
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
Date | Date | True | The date of the session formatted as YYYYMMDD. | ||
Year | Integer | True | The year of the session. A four-digit year from 2005 to the current year. | ||
Month | Integer | True | The month of the session. A two digit integer from 01 to 12. | ||
Week | Integer | True | The week of the session. A two-digit number from 01 to 53. Each week starts on Sunday. | ||
Day | Integer | True | The day of the month. A two-digit number from 01 to 31. | ||
Hour | Integer | True | A two-digit hour of the day ranging from 00-23 in the timezone configured for the account. This value is also corrected for daylight savings time. | ||
EventCategory | String | True | True | The category of the event. | |
EventAction | String | True | The action of the event. | ||
EventLabel | String | True | The label of the event. | ||
TotalEvents | Integer | False | True | The total number of events for the profile, across all categories. | |
UniqueEvents | Integer | False | True | The total number of unique events for the profile, across all categories. | |
EventValue | Long | False | True | The total value of events for the profile. | |
SessionsWithEvent | Integer | False | True | The total number of sessions with events. | |
AvgEventValue | Double | False | True | The average value of an event. | |
EventsPerSessionWithEvent | Double | False | True | The average number of events per session with event. | |
StartDate | String | Start date for fetching Analytics data. Either a date string or a relative date (e.g., today, yesterday, or #daysAgo). | |||
EndDate | String | End date for fetching Analytics data. Either a date string or a relative date (e.g., today, yesterday, or #daysAgo). | |||
Dimensions | String | A comma-separated list of dimensions to retrieve in addition to the columns defined in the schema. Set to empty string to retrieve no dimensions. | |||
Metrics | String | A comma-separated list of metrics to retrieve in addition to the columns defined in the schema. | |||
CohortTypes | String | Available only when using the V4 API. A comma-separated list of cohort types. The default value is FIRST_VISIT_DATE | |||
CohortStartDates | Date | Available only when using the V4 API. A comma-separated list of cohort start dates. | |||
CohortEndDates | Date | Available only when using the V4 API. A comma-separated list of cohort end dates. | |||
SamplesReadCounts | String | A comma-separated list of samples read counts when the response data is sampled. | |||
SamplingSpaceSizes | String | A comma-separated list of samples space sizes counts when the response data is sampled. | |||
Profile | Integer | The Profile Id or website URL to retrieve data from. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似列フィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Segments | String | Segments the data returned for your request. Either a SegmentId or a custom segment. |
Retrieves data for all the available dimensions and metrics.
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
UserType | String | True | True | A boolean, either New Visitor or Returning Visitor, indicating if the users are new or returning. | |
SessionCount | String | True | The session index for a user. Each session from a unique user will get its own incremental index starting from 1 for the first session. Subsequent sessions do not change previous session indices. For example, if a user has 4 sessions to the website, sessionCount for that user will have 4 distinct values of '1' through '4'. | ||
DaysSinceLastSession | String | True | The number of days elapsed since users last visited the property, used to calculate user loyalty. | ||
UserDefinedValue | String | True | The value provided when defining custom user segments for the property. | ||
UserBucket | String | True | Randomly assigned users tag to allow A/B testing and splitting of remarketing lists. Ranges from 1-100. | ||
SessionDurationBucket | String | True | The length (returned as a string) of a session measured in seconds and reported in second increments. | ||
ReferralPath | String | True | The path of the referring URL (e.g., document.referrer). If someone places on their webpage a link to the property, this is the path of the page containing the referring link. | ||
FullReferrer | String | True | The full referring URL including the hostname and path. | ||
Campaign | String | True | For manual campaign tracking, it is the value of the utm_campaign campaign tracking parameter. For AdWords autotagging, it is the name(s) of the online ad campaign(s) you use for the property. If you use neither, its value is (not set). | ||
Source | String | True | The source of referrals. For manual campaign tracking, it is the value of the utm_source campaign tracking parameter. For AdWords autotagging, it is google. If you use neither, it is the domain of the source (e.g., document.referrer) referring the users. It may also contain a port address. If users arrived without a referrer, its value is (direct). | ||
Medium | String | True | The type of referrals. For manual campaign tracking, it is the value of the utm_medium campaign tracking parameter. For AdWords autotagging, it is cpc. If users came from a search engine detected by Google Analytics, it is organic. If the referrer is not a search engine, it is referral. If users came directly to the property and document.referrer is empty, its value is (none). | ||
SourceMedium | String | True | Combined values of ga:source and ga:medium. | ||
Keyword | String | True | For manual campaign tracking, it is the value of the utm_term campaign tracking parameter. For AdWords traffic, it contains the best matching targeting criteria. For the display network, where multiple targeting criteria could have caused the ad to show up, it returns the best matching targeting criteria as selected by Ads. This could be display_keyword, site placement, boomuserlist, user_interest, age, or gender. Otherwise its value is (not set). | ||
AdContent | String | True | For manual campaign tracking, it is the value of the utm_content campaign tracking parameter. For AdWords autotagging, it is the first line of the text for the online Ad campaign. If you use mad libs for the AdWords content, it contains the keywords you provided for the mad libs keyword match. If you use none of the above, its value is (not set). | ||
SocialNetwork | String | True | The social network name. This is related to the referring social network for traffic sources; e.g., Google+, Blogger. | ||
HasSocialSourceReferral | String | True | A boolean, either Yes or No, indicates whether sessions to the property are from a social source. | ||
AdGroup | String | True | The name of the AdWords ad group. | ||
AdSlot | String | True | The location (Top, RHS, or not set) of the advertisement on the hosting page. | ||
AdDistributionNetwork | String | True | The network (Content, Search, Search partners, etc.) used to deliver the ads. | ||
AdMatchType | String | True | The match type (Phrase, Exact, Broad, etc.) applied for users' search term. | ||
AdKeywordMatchType | String | True | The match type (Phrase, Exact, or Broad) applied to the keywords. For details, see | ||
AdMatchedQuery | String | True | The search query that triggered impressions. | ||
AdPlacementDomain | String | True | The domain where the ads on the content network were placed. | ||
AdPlacementUrl | String | True | The URL where the ads were placed on the content network. | ||
AdFormat | String | True | The AdWords ad format (Text, Image, Flash, Video, etc.). | ||
AdTargetingType | String | True | This (keyword, placement, or vertical targeting) indicates how the AdWords ads were targeted. | ||
AdTargetingOption | String | True | It is Automatic placements or Managed placements, indicating how the ads were managed on the content network. | ||
AdDisplayUrl | String | True | The URL the AdWords ads displayed. | ||
AdDestinationUrl | String | True | The URL to which the AdWords ads referred traffic. | ||
AdwordsCustomerID | String | True | Customer's AdWords ID, corresponding to AdWords API AccountInfo.customerId. | ||
AdwordsCampaignID | String | True | AdWords API | ||
AdwordsAdGroupID | String | True | AdWords API | ||
AdwordsCreativeID | String | True | AdWords API | ||
AdwordsCriteriaID | String | True | AdWords API The geographical targeting Criteria IDs are listed at | ||
AdQueryWordCount | String | True | The number of words in the search query. | ||
GoalCompletionLocation | String | True | The page path or screen name that matched any destination type goal completion. | ||
GoalPreviousStep1 | String | True | The page path or screen name that matched any destination type goal, one step prior to the goal completion location. | ||
GoalPreviousStep2 | String | True | The page path or screen name that matched any destination type goal, two steps prior to the goal completion location. | ||
GoalPreviousStep3 | String | True | The page path or screen name that matched any destination type goal, three steps prior to the goal completion location. | ||
Browser | String | True | The name of users' browsers, for example, Internet Explorer or Firefox. | ||
BrowserVersion | String | True | The version of users' browsers, for example, | ||
OperatingSystem | String | True | Users' operating system, for example, Windows, Linux, Macintosh, or iOS. | ||
OperatingSystemVersion | String | True | The version of users' operating system, i.e., XP for Windows, PPC for Macintosh. | ||
MobileDeviceBranding | String | True | Mobile manufacturer or branded name. | ||
MobileDeviceModel | String | True | Mobile device model. | ||
MobileInputSelector | String | True | Selector (e.g., touchscreen, joystick, clickwheel, stylus) used on the mobile device. | ||
MobileDeviceInfo | String | True | The branding, model, and marketing name used to identify the mobile device. | ||
MobileDeviceMarketingName | String | True | The marketing name used for the mobile device. | ||
DeviceCategory | String | True | The type of device: desktop, tablet, or mobile. | ||
Continent | String | True | Users' continent, derived from users' IP addresses or Geographical IDs. | ||
SubContinent | String | True | Users' sub-continent, derived from their IP addresses or Geographical IDs. For example, Polynesia or Northern Europe. | ||
Country | String | True | Users' country, derived from their IP addresses or Geographical IDs. | ||
Region | String | True | Users' region, derived from their IP addresses or Geographical IDs. In U.S., a region is a state, New York, for example. | ||
Metro | String | True | The Designated Market Area (DMA) from where traffic arrived. | ||
City | String | True | Users' city, derived from their IP addresses or Geographical IDs. | ||
Latitude | String | True | The approximate latitude of users' city, derived from their IP addresses or Geographical IDs. Locations north of the equator have positive latitudes and locations south of the equator have negative latitudes. | ||
Longitude | String | True | The approximate longitude of users' city, derived from their IP addresses or Geographical IDs. Locations east of the prime meridian have positive longitudes and locations west of the prime meridian have negative longitudes. | ||
NetworkDomain | String | True | The domain name of users' ISP, derived from the domain name registered to the ISP's IP address. | ||
NetworkLocation | String | True | The names of the service providers used to reach the property. For example, if most users of the website come via the major cable Internet service providers, its value will be these service providers' names. | ||
FlashVersion | String | True | The version of Flash, including minor versions, supported by users' browsers. | ||
JavaEnabled | String | True | A boolean, either Yes or No, indicating whether Java is enabled in users' browsers. | ||
Language | String | True | The language, in ISO-639 code format (e.g., en-gb for British English), provided by the HTTP Request for the browser. | ||
ScreenColors | String | True | The color depth of users' monitors, retrieved from the DOM of users' browsers. For example, 4-bit, 8-bit, 24-bit, or undefined-bit. | ||
SourcePropertyDisplayName | String | True | Source property display name of roll-up properties. This is valid for only roll-up properties. | ||
SourcePropertyTrackingId | String | True | Source property tracking Id of roll-up properties. This is valid for only roll-up properties. | ||
ScreenResolution | String | True | Resolution of users' screens, for example, 1024x738. | ||
Hostname | String | True | The hostname from which the tracking request was made. | ||
PagePath | String | True | A page on the website specified by path and/or query parameters. Use this with hostname to get the page's full URL. | ||
PagePathLevel1 | String | True | This dimension rolls up all the page paths in the first hierarchical level in pagePath. | ||
PagePathLevel2 | String | True | This dimension rolls up all the page paths in the second hierarchical level in pagePath. | ||
PagePathLevel3 | String | True | This dimension rolls up all the page paths in the third hierarchical level in pagePath. | ||
PagePathLevel4 | String | True | This dimension rolls up all the page paths into hierarchical levels. Up to 4 pagePath levels maybe specified. All additional levels in the pagePath hierarchy are also rolled up in this dimension. | ||
PageTitle | String | True | The page's title. Multiple pages might have the same page title. | ||
LandingPagePath | String | True | The first page in users' sessions, or the landing page. | ||
SecondPagePath | String | True | The second page in users' sessions. | ||
ExitPagePath | String | True | The last page or exit page in users' sessions. | ||
PreviousPagePath | String | True | A page visited before another page on the same property, typically used with the pagePath dimension. | ||
PageDepth | String | True | The number of pages visited by users during a session. The value is a histogram that counts pageviews across a range of possible values. In this calculation, all sessions will have at least one pageview, and some percentage of sessions will have more. | ||
SearchUsed | String | True | A boolean, either Visits With Site Search or Visits Without Site Search, to distinguish whether internal search was used in a session. | ||
SearchKeyword | String | True | Search term used within the property. | ||
SearchKeywordRefinement | String | True | Subsequent keyword search term or string entered by users after a given initial string search. | ||
SearchCategory | String | True | The category used for the internal search if site search categories are enabled in the view. For example, the product category may be electronics, furniture, or clothing. | ||
SearchStartPage | String | True | The page where users initiated an internal search. | ||
SearchDestinationPage | String | True | The page users immediately visited after performing an internal search on the site. This is usually the search results page. | ||
SearchAfterDestinationPage | String | True | The page that users visited after performing an internal search on the site. | ||
AppInstallerId | String | True | The Id of the app installer (e.g., Google Play Store) from which the app was downloaded. By default, the app installer Id is set by the PackageManager#getInstallerPackageName method. | ||
AppVersion | String | True | The application version. | ||
AppName | String | True | The application name. | ||
AppId | String | True | The application ID. | ||
ScreenName | String | True | The name of the screen. | ||
ScreenDepth | String | True | The number of screenviews (reported as a string) per session, useful for historgrams. | ||
LandingScreenName | String | True | The name of the first viewed screen. | ||
ExitScreenName | String | True | The name of the screen where users exited the application. | ||
EventCategory | String | True | The event category. | ||
EventAction | String | True | Event action. | ||
EventLabel | String | True | Event label. | ||
TransactionId | String | True | The transaction ID, supplied by the ecommerce tracking method, for the purchase in the shopping cart. | ||
Affiliation | String | True | A product affiliation to designate a supplying company or brick and mortar location. | ||
SessionsToTransaction | String | True | The number of sessions between users' purchases and the related campaigns that lead to the purchases. | ||
DaysToTransaction | String | True | The number of days between users' purchases and the most recent campaign source prior to the purchase. | ||
ProductSku | String | True | The product SKU, defined in the ecommerce tracking application, for purchased items. | ||
ProductName | String | True | The product name, supplied by the ecommerce tracking application, for purchased items. | ||
ProductCategory | String | True | Any product variation (size, color) supplied by the ecommerce application for purchased items, not compatible with Enhanced Ecommerce. | ||
CurrencyCode | String | True | The local currency code (based on ISO 4217 standard) of the transaction. | ||
SocialInteractionNetwork | String | True | For social interactions, this represents the social network being tracked. | ||
SocialInteractionAction | String | True | For social interactions, this is the social action (e.g., +1, bookmark) being tracked. | ||
SocialInteractionNetworkAction | String | True | For social interactions, this is the concatenation of the socialInteractionNetwork and socialInteractionAction action (e.g., Google: +1) being tracked at this hit level. | ||
SocialInteractionTarget | String | True | For social interactions, this is the URL (or resource) which receives the social network action. | ||
SocialEngagementType | String | True | Engagement type. | ||
UserTimingCategory | String | True | For easier reporting purposes, this is used to categorize all user timing variables into logical groups. | ||
UserTimingLabel | String | True | The name of the resource's action being tracked. | ||
UserTimingVariable | String | True | Used to add flexibility to visualize user timings in the reports. | ||
ExceptionDescription | String | True | The description for the exception. | ||
ExperimentId | String | True | The user-scoped Id of the content experiment that users were exposed to when the metrics were reported. | ||
ExperimentVariant | String | True | The user-scoped Id of the particular variant that users were exposed to during a content experiment. | ||
Date | String | True | The date of the session formatted as YYYYMMDD. | ||
Year | String | True | The year of the session, a four-digit year from 2005 to the current year. | ||
Month | String | True | Month of the session, a two digit integer from 01 to 12. | ||
Week | String | True | The week of the session, a two-digit number from 01 to 53. Each week starts on Sunday. | ||
Day | String | True | The day of the month, a two-digit number from 01 to 31. | ||
Hour | String | True | A two-digit hour of the day ranging from 00-23 in the timezone configured for the account. This value is also corrected for daylight savings time. If the timezone follows daylight savings time, there will be an apparent bump in the number of sessions during the changeover hour (e.g., between 1:00 and 2:00) for the day per year when that hour repeats. A corresponding hour with zero sessions will occur at the opposite changeover. (Google Analytics does not track user time more precisely than hours.) | ||
Minute | String | True | Returns the minutes, between 00 and 59, in the hour. | ||
NthMonth | String | True | The index for a month in the specified date range. In the date range, the index for the first month is 0, for the second month 1, and so on. | ||
NthWeek | String | True | The index for each week in the specified date range. The index for the first week in the date range is 0, for the second week 1, and so on. The index corresponds to week entries. | ||
NthDay | String | True | The index for each day in the specified date range. The index for the first day (i.e., start-date) in the date range is 0, for the second day 1, and so on. | ||
NthMinute | String | True | The index for each minute in the specified date range. The index for the first minute of the first day (i.e., start-date) in the date range is 0, for the next minute 1, and so on. | ||
DayOfWeek | String | True | Day of the week, a one-digit number from 0 (Sunday) to 6 (Saturday). | ||
DayOfWeekName | String | True | Name (in English) of the day of the week. | ||
DateHour | String | True | Combined values of ga:date and ga:hour formated as YYYYMMDDHH. | ||
DateHourMinute | String | True | Combined values of ga:date, ga:hour and ga:minute formated as YYYYMMDDHHMM. | ||
YearMonth | String | True | Combined values of ga:year and ga:month. | ||
YearWeek | String | True | Combined values of ga:year and ga:week. | ||
IsoWeek | String | True | ISO week number, where each week starts on Monday. For details, see ga:isoWeek should only be used with ga:isoYear because ga:year represents Gregorian calendar. | ||
IsoYear | String | True | The ISO year of the session. For details, see ga:isoYear should only be used with ga:isoWeek because ga:week represents Gregorian calendar. | ||
IsoYearIsoWeek | String | True | Combined values of ga:isoYear and ga:isoWeek. | ||
DcmClickAd | String | True | DCM ad name of the DCM click matching the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only). | ||
DcmClickAdId | String | True | DCM ad Id of the DCM click matching the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only). | ||
DcmClickAdType | String | True | DCM ad type name of the DCM click matching the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only). | ||
DcmClickAdTypeId | String | True | DCM ad type Id of the DCM click matching the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only). | ||
DcmClickAdvertiser | String | True | DCM advertiser name of the DCM click matching the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only). | ||
DcmClickAdvertiserId | String | True | DCM advertiser Id of the DCM click matching the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only). | ||
DcmClickCampaign | String | True | DCM campaign name of the DCM click matching the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only). | ||
DcmClickCampaignId | String | True | DCM campaign Id of the DCM click matching the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only). | ||
DcmClickCreativeId | String | True | DCM creative Id of the DCM click matching the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only). | ||
DcmClickCreative | String | True | DCM creative name of the DCM click matching the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only). | ||
DcmClickRenderingId | String | True | DCM rendering Id of the DCM click matching the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only). | ||
DcmClickCreativeType | String | True | DCM creative type name of the DCM click matching the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only). | ||
DcmClickCreativeTypeId | String | True | DCM creative type Id of the DCM click matching the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only). | ||
DcmClickCreativeVersion | String | True | DCM creative version of the DCM click matching the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only). | ||
DcmClickSite | String | True | Site name where the DCM creative was shown and clicked on for the DCM click matching the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only). | ||
DcmClickSiteId | String | True | DCM site Id where the DCM creative was shown and clicked on for the DCM click matching the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only). | ||
DcmClickSitePlacement | String | True | DCM site placement name of the DCM click matching the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only). | ||
DcmClickSitePlacementId | String | True | DCM site placement Id of the DCM click matching the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only). | ||
DcmClickSpotId | String | True | DCM Floodlight configuration Id of the DCM click matching the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only). | ||
DcmFloodlightActivity | String | True | DCM Floodlight activity name associated with the floodlight conversion (Analytics 360 only). | ||
DcmFloodlightActivityAndGroup | String | True | DCM Floodlight activity name and group name associated with the floodlight conversion (Analytics 360 only). | ||
DcmFloodlightActivityGroup | String | True | DCM Floodlight activity group name associated with the floodlight conversion (Analytics 360 only). | ||
DcmFloodlightActivityGroupId | String | True | DCM Floodlight activity group Id associated with the floodlight conversion (Analytics 360 only). | ||
DcmFloodlightActivityId | String | True | DCM Floodlight activity Id associated with the floodlight conversion (Analytics 360 only). | ||
DcmFloodlightAdvertiserId | String | True | DCM Floodlight advertiser Id associated with the floodlight conversion (Analytics 360 only). | ||
DcmFloodlightSpotId | String | True | DCM Floodlight configuration Id associated with the floodlight conversion (Analytics 360 only). | ||
DcmLastEventAd | String | True | DCM ad name of the last DCM event (impression or click within the DCM lookback window) associated with the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only). | ||
DcmLastEventAdId | String | True | DCM ad Id of the last DCM event (impression or click within the DCM lookback window) associated with the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only). | ||
DcmLastEventAdType | String | True | DCM ad type name of the last DCM event (impression or click within the DCM lookback window) associated with the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only). | ||
DcmLastEventAdTypeId | String | True | DCM ad type Id of the last DCM event (impression or click within the DCM lookback window) associated with the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only). | ||
DcmLastEventAdvertiser | String | True | DCM advertiser name of the last DCM event (impression or click within the DCM lookback window) associated with the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only). | ||
DcmLastEventAdvertiserId | String | True | DCM advertiser Id of the last DCM event (impression or click within the DCM lookback window) associated with the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only). | ||
DcmLastEventAttributionType | String | True | There are two possible values: ClickThrough and ViewThrough. If the last DCM event associated with the Google Analytics session was a click, then the value will be ClickThrough. If the last DCM event associated with the Google Analytics session was an ad impression, then the value will be ViewThrough (Analytics 360 only). | ||
DcmLastEventCampaign | String | True | DCM campaign name of the last DCM event (impression or click within the DCM lookback window) associated with the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only). | ||
DcmLastEventCampaignId | String | True | DCM campaign Id of the last DCM event (impression or click within the DCM lookback window) associated with the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only). | ||
DcmLastEventCreativeId | String | True | DCM creative Id of the last DCM event (impression or click within the DCM lookback window) associated with the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only). | ||
DcmLastEventCreative | String | True | DCM creative name of the last DCM event (impression or click within the DCM lookback window) associated with the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only). | ||
DcmLastEventRenderingId | String | True | DCM rendering Id of the last DCM event (impression or click within the DCM lookback window) associated with the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only). | ||
DcmLastEventCreativeType | String | True | DCM creative type name of the last DCM event (impression or click within the DCM lookback window) associated with the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only). | ||
DcmLastEventCreativeTypeId | String | True | DCM creative type Id of the last DCM event (impression or click within the DCM lookback window) associated with the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only). | ||
DcmLastEventCreativeVersion | String | True | DCM creative version of the last DCM event (impression or click within the DCM lookback window) associated with the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only). | ||
DcmLastEventSite | String | True | Site name where the DCM creative was shown and clicked on for the last DCM event (impression or click within the DCM lookback window) associated with the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only). | ||
DcmLastEventSiteId | String | True | DCM site Id where the DCM creative was shown and clicked on for the last DCM event (impression or click within the DCM lookback window) associated with the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only). | ||
DcmLastEventSitePlacement | String | True | DCM site placement name of the last DCM event (impression or click within the DCM lookback window) associated with the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only). | ||
DcmLastEventSitePlacementId | String | True | DCM site placement Id of the last DCM event (impression or click within the DCM lookback window) associated with the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only). | ||
DcmLastEventSpotId | String | True | DCM Floodlight configuration Id of the last DCM event (impression or click within the DCM lookback window) associated with the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only). | ||
LandingContentGroup1 | String | True | Content group of users' landing pages. | ||
LandingContentGroup2 | String | True | Content group of users' landing pages. | ||
LandingContentGroup3 | String | True | Content group of users' landing pages. | ||
LandingContentGroup4 | String | True | Content group of users' landing pages. | ||
LandingContentGroup5 | String | True | Content group of users' landing pages. | ||
LandingContentGroup6 | String | True | Content group of users' landing pages. | ||
LandingContentGroup7 | String | True | Content group of users' landing pages. | ||
LandingContentGroup8 | String | True | Content group of users' landing pages. | ||
LandingContentGroup9 | String | True | Content group of users' landing pages. | ||
LandingContentGroup10 | String | True | Content group of users' landing pages. | ||
LandingContentGroup11 | String | True | Content group of users' landing pages. | ||
LandingContentGroup12 | String | True | Content group of users' landing pages. | ||
LandingContentGroup13 | String | True | Content group of users' landing pages. | ||
LandingContentGroup14 | String | True | Content group of users' landing pages. | ||
LandingContentGroup15 | String | True | Content group of users' landing pages. | ||
LandingContentGroup16 | String | True | Content group of users' landing pages. | ||
LandingContentGroup17 | String | True | Content group of users' landing pages. | ||
LandingContentGroup18 | String | True | Content group of users' landing pages. | ||
LandingContentGroup19 | String | True | Content group of users' landing pages. | ||
LandingContentGroup20 | String | True | Content group of users' landing pages. | ||
PreviousContentGroup1 | String | True | Refers to content group that was visited before another content group. | ||
PreviousContentGroup2 | String | True | Refers to content group that was visited before another content group. | ||
PreviousContentGroup3 | String | True | Refers to content group that was visited before another content group. | ||
PreviousContentGroup4 | String | True | Refers to content group that was visited before another content group. | ||
PreviousContentGroup5 | String | True | Refers to content group that was visited before another content group. | ||
PreviousContentGroup6 | String | True | Refers to content group that was visited before another content group. | ||
PreviousContentGroup7 | String | True | Refers to content group that was visited before another content group. | ||
PreviousContentGroup8 | String | True | Refers to content group that was visited before another content group. | ||
PreviousContentGroup9 | String | True | Refers to content group that was visited before another content group. | ||
PreviousContentGroup10 | String | True | Refers to content group that was visited before another content group. | ||
PreviousContentGroup11 | String | True | Refers to content group that was visited before another content group. | ||
PreviousContentGroup12 | String | True | Refers to content group that was visited before another content group. | ||
PreviousContentGroup13 | String | True | Refers to content group that was visited before another content group. | ||
PreviousContentGroup14 | String | True | Refers to content group that was visited before another content group. | ||
PreviousContentGroup15 | String | True | Refers to content group that was visited before another content group. | ||
PreviousContentGroup16 | String | True | Refers to content group that was visited before another content group. | ||
PreviousContentGroup17 | String | True | Refers to content group that was visited before another content group. | ||
PreviousContentGroup18 | String | True | Refers to content group that was visited before another content group. | ||
PreviousContentGroup19 | String | True | Refers to content group that was visited before another content group. | ||
PreviousContentGroup20 | String | True | Refers to content group that was visited before another content group. | ||
ContentGroup1 | String | True | The content group on a property. A content group is a collection of content providing a logical structure that can be determined by tracking code or page title/URL regex match, or predefined rules. | ||
ContentGroup2 | String | True | The content group on a property. A content group is a collection of content providing a logical structure that can be determined by tracking code or page title/URL regex match, or predefined rules. | ||
ContentGroup3 | String | True | The content group on a property. A content group is a collection of content providing a logical structure that can be determined by tracking code or page title/URL regex match, or predefined rules. | ||
ContentGroup4 | String | True | The content group on a property. A content group is a collection of content providing a logical structure that can be determined by tracking code or page title/URL regex match, or predefined rules. | ||
ContentGroup5 | String | True | The content group on a property. A content group is a collection of content providing a logical structure that can be determined by tracking code or page title/URL regex match, or predefined rules. | ||
ContentGroup6 | String | True | The content group on a property. A content group is a collection of content providing a logical structure that can be determined by tracking code or page title/URL regex match, or predefined rules. | ||
ContentGroup7 | String | True | The content group on a property. A content group is a collection of content providing a logical structure that can be determined by tracking code or page title/URL regex match, or predefined rules. | ||
ContentGroup8 | String | True | The content group on a property. A content group is a collection of content providing a logical structure that can be determined by tracking code or page title/URL regex match, or predefined rules. | ||
ContentGroup9 | String | True | The content group on a property. A content group is a collection of content providing a logical structure that can be determined by tracking code or page title/URL regex match, or predefined rules. | ||
ContentGroup10 | String | True | The content group on a property. A content group is a collection of content providing a logical structure that can be determined by tracking code or page title/URL regex match, or predefined rules. | ||
ContentGroup11 | String | True | The content group on a property. A content group is a collection of content providing a logical structure that can be determined by tracking code or page title/URL regex match, or predefined rules. | ||
ContentGroup12 | String | True | The content group on a property. A content group is a collection of content providing a logical structure that can be determined by tracking code or page title/URL regex match, or predefined rules. | ||
ContentGroup13 | String | True | The content group on a property. A content group is a collection of content providing a logical structure that can be determined by tracking code or page title/URL regex match, or predefined rules. | ||
ContentGroup14 | String | True | The content group on a property. A content group is a collection of content providing a logical structure that can be determined by tracking code or page title/URL regex match, or predefined rules. | ||
ContentGroup15 | String | True | The content group on a property. A content group is a collection of content providing a logical structure that can be determined by tracking code or page title/URL regex match, or predefined rules. | ||
ContentGroup16 | String | True | The content group on a property. A content group is a collection of content providing a logical structure that can be determined by tracking code or page title/URL regex match, or predefined rules. | ||
ContentGroup17 | String | True | The content group on a property. A content group is a collection of content providing a logical structure that can be determined by tracking code or page title/URL regex match, or predefined rules. | ||
ContentGroup18 | String | True | The content group on a property. A content group is a collection of content providing a logical structure that can be determined by tracking code or page title/URL regex match, or predefined rules. | ||
ContentGroup19 | String | True | The content group on a property. A content group is a collection of content providing a logical structure that can be determined by tracking code or page title/URL regex match, or predefined rules. | ||
ContentGroup20 | String | True | The content group on a property. A content group is a collection of content providing a logical structure that can be determined by tracking code or page title/URL regex match, or predefined rules. | ||
UserAgeBracket | String | True | Age bracket of users. | ||
UserGender | String | True | Gender of users. | ||
InterestOtherCategory | String | True | Indicates that users are more likely to be interested in learning about the specified category, and more likely to be ready to purchase. | ||
InterestAffinityCategory | String | True | Indicates that users are more likely to be interested in learning about the specified category. | ||
InterestInMarketCategory | String | True | Indicates that users are more likely to be ready to purchase products or services in the specified category. | ||
DfpLineItemId | String | True | The Id of the Google Ad Manager line item. | ||
DfpLineItemName | String | True | The name of the Google Ad Manager line item. | ||
AcquisitionCampaign | String | True | The campaign through which users were acquired, derived from users' first session. | ||
AcquisitionMedium | String | True | The medium through which users were acquired, derived from users' first session. | ||
AcquisitionSource | String | True | The source through which users were acquired, derived from users' first session. | ||
AcquisitionSourceMedium | String | True | The combined value of ga:userAcquisitionSource and ga:acquisitionMedium. | ||
AcquisitionTrafficChannel | String | True | Traffic channel through which users were acquired. It is extracted from users' first session. Traffic channel is computed based on the default channel grouping rules (at view level if available) at the time of user acquisition. | ||
BrowserSize | String | True | The viewport size of users' browsers. A session-scoped dimension, browser size captures the initial dimensions of the viewport in pixels and is formatted as width x height, for example, 1920x960. | ||
CampaignCode | String | True | For manual campaign tracking, it is the value of the utm_id campaign tracking parameter. | ||
ChannelGrouping | String | True | The Channel Group associated with an end user's session for this View (defined by the View's Channel Groupings). | ||
CheckoutOptions | String | True | User options specified during the checkout process, e.g., FedEx, DHL, UPS for delivery options; Visa, MasterCard, AmEx for payment options. This dimension should be used with ga:shoppingStage (Enhanced Ecommerce). | ||
CityId | String | True | Users' city ID, derived from their IP addresses or Geographical IDs. The city IDs are the same as the Criteria IDs found at | ||
Cohort | String | True | Name of the cohort to which a user belongs. Depending on how cohorts are defined, a user can belong to multiple cohorts, similar to how a user can belong to multiple segments. | ||
CohortNthDay | String | True | Day offset relative to the cohort definition date. For example, if a cohort is defined with the first visit date as 2015-09-01, then for the date 2015-09-04, ga:cohortNthDay will be 3. | ||
CohortNthMonth | String | True | Month offset relative to the cohort definition date. The semantics of this dimension differs based on whether lifetime value is requested. For a cohorts report not requesting lifetime value: This is the week offset from the cohort definition start date. For example, if cohort is defined as 2015-09-01<= first session date<= 2015-09-30. Then, for 2015-09-01<= date<= 2015-09-30, ga:cohortNthMonth = 0. 2015-10-01<= date<= 2015-10-31, ga:cohortNthMonth = 2. and so on. For a cohorts request requesting lifetime value: ga:cohortNthMonth is calculated relative to the users acquisition date. It is not dependent on the cohort definition date. For example, if we define a cohort as 2015-10-01<= first session date<= 2015-09-30. And a user was acquired on 2015-09-04. Then, for 2015-09-04<= date<= 2015-10-04, ga:cohortNthMonth = 0 2015-10-04<= date<= 2015-11-04, ga:cohortNthMonth = 1, and so on. | ||
CohortNthWeek | String | True | Week offset relative to the cohort definition date. The semantics of this dimension differs based on whether lifetime value is requested. For a cohorts report not requesting lifetime value: This is the week offset from the cohort definition start date. For example, if cohort is defined as 2015-09-01<= first session date<= 2015-09-07. Then, for 2015-09-01<= date<= 2015-09-07, ga:cohortNthWeek = 0. 2015-09-08<= date<= 2015-09-14, ga:cohortNthWeek = 1. etc. For a cohorts request requesting lifetime value: ga:cohortNthWeek is calculated relative to the users acquisition date. It is not dependent on the cohort definition date. For example, if we define a cohort as 2015-09-01<= first session date<= 2015-09-07. And a user was acquired on 2015-09-04. Then, for 2015-09-04<= date<= 2015-09-10, ga:cohortNthWeek = 0 2015-09-11<= date<= 2015-09-17, ga:cohortNthWeek = 1 | ||
ContinentId | String | True | Users' continent ID, derived from users' IP addresses or Geographical IDs. | ||
CountryIsoCode | String | True | Users' country's ISO code (in ISO-3166-1 alpha-2 format), derived from their IP addresses or Geographical IDs. For example, BR for Brazil, CA for Canada. | ||
DataSource | String | True | The data source of a hit. By default, hits sent from analytics.js are reported as | ||
DbmClickAdvertiser | String | True | DBM advertiser name of the DBM click matching the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DBM). | ||
DbmClickAdvertiserId | String | True | DBM advertiser Id of the DBM click matching the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DBM). | ||
DbmClickCreativeId | String | True | DBM creative Id of the DBM click matching the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DBM). | ||
DbmClickExchange | String | True | DBM exchange name of the DBM click matching the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DBM). | ||
DbmClickExchangeId | String | True | DBM exchange Id of the DBM click matching the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DBM). | ||
DbmClickInsertionOrder | String | True | DBM insertion order name of the DBM click matching the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DBM). | ||
DbmClickInsertionOrderId | String | True | DBM insertion order Id of the DBM click matching the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DBM). | ||
DbmClickLineItem | String | True | DBM line item name of the DBM click matching the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DBM). | ||
DbmClickLineItemId | String | True | DBM line item Id of the DBM click matching the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DBM). | ||
DbmClickSite | String | True | DBM site name where the DBM creative was shown and clicked on for the DBM click matching the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DBM). | ||
DbmClickSiteId | String | True | DBM site Id where the DBM creative was shown and clicked on for the DBM click matching the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DBM). | ||
DbmLastEventAdvertiser | String | True | DBM advertiser name of the last DBM event (impression or click within the DBM lookback window) associated with the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DBM). | ||
DbmLastEventAdvertiserId | String | True | DBM advertiser Id of the last DBM event (impression or click within the DBM lookback window) associated with the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DBM). | ||
DbmLastEventCreativeId | String | True | DBM creative Id of the last DBM event (impression or click within the DBM lookback window) associated with the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DBM). | ||
DbmLastEventExchange | String | True | DBM exchange name of the last DBM event (impression or click within the DBM lookback window) associated with the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DBM). | ||
DbmLastEventExchangeId | String | True | DBM exchange Id of the last DBM event (impression or click within the DBM lookback window) associated with the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DBM). | ||
DbmLastEventInsertionOrder | String | True | DBM insertion order name of the last DBM event (impression or click within the DBM lookback window) associated with the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DBM). | ||
DbmLastEventInsertionOrderId | String | True | DBM insertion order Id of the last DBM event (impression or click within the DBM lookback window) associated with the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DBM). | ||
DbmLastEventLineItem | String | True | DBM line item name of the last DBM event (impression or click within the DBM lookback window) associated with the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DBM). | ||
DbmLastEventLineItemId | String | True | DBM line item Id of the last DBM event (impression or click within the DBM lookback window) associated with the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DBM). | ||
DbmLastEventSite | String | True | DBM site name where the DBM creative was shown and clicked on for the last DBM event (impression or click within the DBM lookback window) associated with the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DBM). | ||
DbmLastEventSiteId | String | True | DBM site Id where the DBM creative was shown and clicked on for the last DBM event (impression or click within the DBM lookback window) associated with the Google Analytics session (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DBM). | ||
DsAdGroup | String | True | DS Ad Group (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DS). | ||
DsAdGroupId | String | True | DS Ad Group Id (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DS). | ||
DsAdvertiser | String | True | DS Advertiser (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DS). | ||
DsAdvertiserId | String | True | DS Advertiser Id (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DS). | ||
DsAgency | String | True | DS Agency (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DS). | ||
DsAgencyId | String | True | DS Agency Id (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DS). | ||
DsCampaign | String | True | DS Campaign (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DS). | ||
DsCampaignId | String | True | DS Campaign Id (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DS). | ||
DsEngineAccount | String | True | DS Engine Account (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DS). | ||
DsEngineAccountId | String | True | DS Engine Account Id (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DS). | ||
DsKeyword | String | True | DS Keyword (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DS). | ||
DsKeywordId | String | True | DS Keyword Id (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DS). | ||
ExperimentCombination | String | True | The user-scoped Id of the experiment and variant that users were exposed to during an experiment. | ||
ExperimentName | String | True | The user-scoped name of the content experiment that users were exposed to when the metrics were reported. | ||
InternalPromotionCreative | String | True | The creative content designed for a promotion (Enhanced Ecommerce). | ||
InternalPromotionId | String | True | The Id of the promotion (Enhanced Ecommerce). | ||
InternalPromotionName | String | True | The name of the promotion (Enhanced Ecommerce). | ||
InternalPromotionPosition | String | True | The position of the promotion on the web page or application screen (Enhanced Ecommerce). | ||
IsTrueViewVideoAd | String | True | A boolean, Yes or No, indicating whether the ad is an AdWords TrueView video ad. | ||
MetroId | String | True | The three digit Designated Market Area (DMA) code from where traffic arrived, derived from users' IP addresses or Geographical IDs. | ||
NthHour | String | True | The index for each hour in the specified date range. The index for the first hour of the first day (i.e., start-date) in the date range is 0, for the next hour 1, and so on. | ||
OrderCouponCode | String | True | Code for the order-level coupon (Enhanced Ecommerce). | ||
ProductBrand | String | True | The brand name under which the product is sold (Enhanced Ecommerce). | ||
ProductCategoryHierarchy | String | True | The hierarchical category in which the product is classified (Enhanced Ecommerce). | ||
ProductCategoryLevel1 | String | True | Level (1-5) in the product category hierarchy, starting from the top (Enhanced Ecommerce). | ||
ProductCategoryLevel2 | String | True | Level (1-5) in the product category hierarchy, starting from the top (Enhanced Ecommerce). | ||
ProductCategoryLevel3 | String | True | Level (1-5) in the product category hierarchy, starting from the top (Enhanced Ecommerce). | ||
ProductCategoryLevel4 | String | True | Level (1-5) in the product category hierarchy, starting from the top (Enhanced Ecommerce). | ||
ProductCategoryLevel5 | String | True | Level (1-5) in the product category hierarchy, starting from the top (Enhanced Ecommerce). | ||
ProductCategoryLevel6 | String | True | Level (1-5) in the product category hierarchy, starting from the top (Enhanced Ecommerce). | ||
ProductCategoryLevel7 | String | True | Level (1-5) in the product category hierarchy, starting from the top (Enhanced Ecommerce). | ||
ProductCategoryLevel8 | String | True | Level (1-5) in the product category hierarchy, starting from the top (Enhanced Ecommerce). | ||
ProductCategoryLevel9 | String | True | Level (1-5) in the product category hierarchy, starting from the top (Enhanced Ecommerce). | ||
ProductCategoryLevel10 | String | True | Level (1-5) in the product category hierarchy, starting from the top (Enhanced Ecommerce). | ||
ProductCategoryLevel11 | String | True | Level (1-5) in the product category hierarchy, starting from the top (Enhanced Ecommerce). | ||
ProductCategoryLevel12 | String | True | Level (1-5) in the product category hierarchy, starting from the top (Enhanced Ecommerce). | ||
ProductCategoryLevel13 | String | True | Level (1-5) in the product category hierarchy, starting from the top (Enhanced Ecommerce). | ||
ProductCategoryLevel14 | String | True | Level (1-5) in the product category hierarchy, starting from the top (Enhanced Ecommerce). | ||
ProductCategoryLevel15 | String | True | Level (1-5) in the product category hierarchy, starting from the top (Enhanced Ecommerce). | ||
ProductCategoryLevel16 | String | True | Level (1-5) in the product category hierarchy, starting from the top (Enhanced Ecommerce). | ||
ProductCategoryLevel17 | String | True | Level (1-5) in the product category hierarchy, starting from the top (Enhanced Ecommerce). | ||
ProductCategoryLevel18 | String | True | Level (1-5) in the product category hierarchy, starting from the top (Enhanced Ecommerce). | ||
ProductCategoryLevel19 | String | True | Level (1-5) in the product category hierarchy, starting from the top (Enhanced Ecommerce). | ||
ProductCategoryLevel20 | String | True | Level (1-5) in the product category hierarchy, starting from the top (Enhanced Ecommerce). | ||
ProductCouponCode | String | True | Code for the product-level coupon (Enhanced Ecommerce). | ||
ProductListName | String | True | The name of the product list in which the product appears (Enhanced Ecommerce). | ||
ProductListPosition | String | True | The position of the product in the product list (Enhanced Ecommerce). | ||
ProductVariant | String | True | The specific variation of a product, e.g., XS, S, M, L for size; or Red, Blue, Green, Black for color (Enhanced Ecommerce). | ||
RegionId | String | True | Users' region ID, derived from their IP addresses or Geographical IDs. In U.S., a region is a state, New York, for example. The region IDs are the same as the Criteria IDs listed at | ||
RegionIsoCode | String | True | Users' region ISO code in ISO-3166-2 format, derived from their IP addresses or Geographical IDs. | ||
ShoppingStage | String | True | Various stages of the shopping experience that users completed in a session, e.g., PRODUCT_VIEW, ADD_TO_CART, CHECKOUT, etc. (Enhanced Ecommerce). | ||
SubContinentCode | String | True | Users' sub-continent code in UN M.49 format, derived from their IP addresses or Geographical IDs. For example, 061 for Polynesia, 154 for Northern Europe. | ||
Dimension1 | String | True | The value of the requested custom dimension-01. | ||
Dimension2 | String | True | The value of the requested custom dimension-02. | ||
Dimension3 | String | True | The value of the requested custom dimension-03. | ||
dimension4 | String | True | The value of the requested custom dimension-04. | ||
dimension5 | String | True | The value of the requested custom dimension-05. | ||
Dimension6 | String | True | The value of the requested custom dimension-06. | ||
Dimension7 | String | True | The value of the requested custom dimension-07. | ||
Dimension8 | String | True | The value of the requested custom dimension-08. | ||
Dimension9 | String | True | The value of the requested custom dimension-09. | ||
Dimension10 | String | True | The value of the requested custom dimension-10. | ||
Dimension11 | String | True | The value of the requested custom dimension-11. | ||
Dimension12 | String | True | The value of the requested custom dimension-12. | ||
Dimension13 | String | True | The value of the requested custom dimension-13. | ||
Dimension14 | String | True | The value of the requested custom dimension-14. | ||
Dimension15 | String | True | The value of the requested custom dimension-15. | ||
Dimension16 | String | True | The value of the requested custom dimension-16. | ||
Dimension17 | String | True | The value of the requested custom dimension-17. | ||
Dimension18 | String | True | The value of the requested custom dimension-18. | ||
Dimension19 | String | True | The value of the requested custom dimension-19. | ||
Dimension20 | String | True | The value of the requested custom dimension-20. | ||
CustomVarName1 | String | True | The name for the requested custom variable-01. | ||
CustomVarName2 | String | True | The name for the requested custom variable-02. | ||
CustomVarName3 | String | True | The name for the requested custom variable-03. | ||
CustomVarName4 | String | True | The name for the requested custom variable-04. | ||
CustomVarName5 | String | True | The name for the requested custom variable-05. | ||
CustomVarValue1 | String | True | The value for the requested custom variable-01. | ||
CustomVarValue2 | String | True | The value for the requested custom variable-02. | ||
CustomVarValue3 | String | True | The value for the requested custom variable-03. | ||
CustomVarValue4 | String | True | The value for the requested custom variable-04. | ||
CustomVarValue5 | String | True | The value for the requested custom variable-05. | ||
Users | Integer | False | True | The total number of users for the requested time period. | |
NewUsers | Integer | False | The number of sessions marked as a user's first sessions. | ||
PercentNewSessions | Decimal | False | The percentage of sessions by users who had never visited the property before. | ||
1dayUsers | Integer | False | Total number of 1-day active users for each day in the requested time period. At least one of ga:nthDay, ga:date, or ga:day must be specified as a dimension to query this metric. For a given date, the returned value will be the total number of unique users for the 1-day period ending on the given date. | ||
7dayUsers | Integer | False | Total number of 7-day active users for each day in the requested time period. At least one of ga:nthDay, ga:date, or ga:day must be specified as a dimension to query this metric. For a given date, the returned value will be the total number of unique users for the 7-day period ending on the given date. | ||
14dayUsers | Integer | False | Total number of 14-day active users for each day in the requested time period. At least one of ga:nthDay, ga:date, or ga:day must be specified as a dimension to query this metric. For a given date, the returned value will be the total number of unique users for the 14-day period ending on the given date. | ||
28dayUsers | Integer | False | Total number of 28-day active users for each day in the requested time period. At least one of ga:nthDay, ga:date, or ga:day must be specified as a dimension to query this metric. For a given date, the returned value will be the total number of unique users for the 28-day period ending on the given date. | ||
30dayUsers | Integer | False | Total number of 30-day active users for each day in the requested time period. At least one of ga:nthDay, ga:date, or ga:day must be specified as a dimension to query this metric. For a given date, the returned value will be the total number of unique users for the 30-day period ending on the given date. | ||
Sessions | Integer | False | True | The total number of sessions. | |
Bounces | Integer | False | The total number of single page (or single interaction hit) sessions for the property. | ||
BounceRate | Decimal | False | The percentage of single-page session (i.e., session in which the person left the property from the first page). | ||
SessionDuration | String | False | Total duration (in seconds) of users' sessions. | ||
AvgSessionDuration | String | False | The average duration (in seconds) of users' sessions. | ||
OrganicSearches | Integer | False | The number of organic searches happened in a session. This metric is search engine agnostic. | ||
Impressions | Integer | False | Total number of campaign impressions. | ||
AdClicks | Integer | False | Total number of times users have clicked on an ad to reach the property. | ||
AdCost | Decimal | False | Derived cost for the advertising campaign. Its currency is the one you set in the AdWords account. | ||
CPM | Decimal | False | Cost per thousand impressions. | ||
CPC | Decimal | False | Cost to advertiser per click. | ||
CTR | Decimal | False | Click-through-rate for the ad. This is equal to the number of clicks divided by the number of impressions for the ad (e.g., how many times users clicked on one of the ads where that ad appeared). | ||
CostPerTransaction | Decimal | False | The cost per transaction for the property. | ||
CostPerGoalConversion | Decimal | False | The cost per goal conversion for the property. | ||
CostPerConversion | Decimal | False | The cost per conversion (including ecommerce and goal conversions) for the property. | ||
RPC | Decimal | False | RPC or revenue-per-click, the average revenue (from ecommerce sales and/or goal value) you received for each click on one of the search ads. | ||
ROAS | Decimal | False | Return On Ad Spend (ROAS) is the total transaction revenue and goal value divided by derived advertising cost. | ||
Goal1Starts | Integer | False | The total number of starts for the requested goal number. | ||
Goal2Starts | Integer | False | The total number of starts for the requested goal number. | ||
Goal3Starts | Integer | False | The total number of starts for the requested goal number. | ||
Goal4Starts | Integer | False | The total number of starts for the requested goal number. | ||
Goal5Starts | Integer | False | The total number of starts for the requested goal number. | ||
Goal6Starts | Integer | False | The total number of starts for the requested goal number. | ||
Goal7Starts | Integer | False | The total number of starts for the requested goal number. | ||
Goal8Starts | Integer | False | The total number of starts for the requested goal number. | ||
Goal9Starts | Integer | False | The total number of starts for the requested goal number. | ||
Goal10Starts | Integer | False | The total number of starts for the requested goal number. | ||
Goal11Starts | Integer | False | The total number of starts for the requested goal number. | ||
Goal12Starts | Integer | False | The total number of starts for the requested goal number. | ||
Goal13Starts | Integer | False | The total number of starts for the requested goal number. | ||
Goal14Starts | Integer | False | The total number of starts for the requested goal number. | ||
Goal15Starts | Integer | False | The total number of starts for the requested goal number. | ||
Goal16Starts | Integer | False | The total number of starts for the requested goal number. | ||
Goal17Starts | Integer | False | The total number of starts for the requested goal number. | ||
Goal18Starts | Integer | False | The total number of starts for the requested goal number. | ||
Goal19Starts | Integer | False | The total number of starts for the requested goal number. | ||
Goal20Starts | Integer | False | The total number of starts for the requested goal number. | ||
GoalStartsAll | Integer | False | Total number of starts for all goals defined in the profile. | ||
Goal1Completions | Integer | False | The total number of completions for the requested goal number. | ||
Goal2Completions | Integer | False | The total number of completions for the requested goal number. | ||
Goal3Completions | Integer | False | The total number of completions for the requested goal number. | ||
Goal4Completions | Integer | False | The total number of completions for the requested goal number. | ||
Goal5Completions | Integer | False | The total number of completions for the requested goal number. | ||
Goal6Completions | Integer | False | The total number of completions for the requested goal number. | ||
Goal7Completions | Integer | False | The total number of completions for the requested goal number. | ||
Goal8Completions | Integer | False | The total number of completions for the requested goal number. | ||
Goal9Completions | Integer | False | The total number of completions for the requested goal number. | ||
Goal10Completions | Integer | False | The total number of completions for the requested goal number. | ||
Goal11Completions | Integer | False | The total number of completions for the requested goal number. | ||
Goal12Completions | Integer | False | The total number of completions for the requested goal number. | ||
Goal13Completions | Integer | False | The total number of completions for the requested goal number. | ||
Goal14Completions | Integer | False | The total number of completions for the requested goal number. | ||
Goal15Completions | Integer | False | The total number of completions for the requested goal number. | ||
Goal16Completions | Integer | False | The total number of completions for the requested goal number. | ||
Goal17Completions | Integer | False | The total number of completions for the requested goal number. | ||
Goal18Completions | Integer | False | The total number of completions for the requested goal number. | ||
Goal19Completions | Integer | False | The total number of completions for the requested goal number. | ||
Goal20Completions | Integer | False | The total number of completions for the requested goal number. | ||
GoalCompletionsAll | Integer | False | Total number of completions for all goals defined in the profile. | ||
Goal1Value | Decimal | False | The total numeric value for the requested goal number. | ||
Goal2Value | Decimal | False | The total numeric value for the requested goal number. | ||
Goal3Value | Decimal | False | The total numeric value for the requested goal number. | ||
Goal4Value | Decimal | False | The total numeric value for the requested goal number. | ||
Goal5Value | Decimal | False | The total numeric value for the requested goal number. | ||
Goal6Value | Decimal | False | The total numeric value for the requested goal number. | ||
Goal7Value | Decimal | False | The total numeric value for the requested goal number. | ||
Goal8Value | Decimal | False | The total numeric value for the requested goal number. | ||
Goal9Value | Decimal | False | The total numeric value for the requested goal number. | ||
Goal10Value | Decimal | False | The total numeric value for the requested goal number. | ||
Goal11Value | Decimal | False | The total numeric value for the requested goal number. | ||
Goal12Value | Decimal | False | The total numeric value for the requested goal number. | ||
Goal13Value | Decimal | False | The total numeric value for the requested goal number. | ||
Goal14Value | Decimal | False | The total numeric value for the requested goal number. | ||
Goal15Value | Decimal | False | The total numeric value for the requested goal number. | ||
Goal16Value | Decimal | False | The total numeric value for the requested goal number. | ||
Goal17Value | Decimal | False | The total numeric value for the requested goal number. | ||
Goal18Value | Decimal | False | The total numeric value for the requested goal number. | ||
Goal19Value | Decimal | False | The total numeric value for the requested goal number. | ||
Goal20Value | Decimal | False | The total numeric value for the requested goal number. | ||
GoalValueAll | Decimal | False | Total numeric value for all goals defined in the profile. | ||
GoalValuePerSession | Decimal | False | The average goal value of a session. | ||
Goal1ConversionRate | Decimal | False | Percentage of sessions resulting in a conversion to the requested goal number. | ||
Goal2ConversionRate | Decimal | False | Percentage of sessions resulting in a conversion to the requested goal number. | ||
Goal3ConversionRate | Decimal | False | Percentage of sessions resulting in a conversion to the requested goal number. | ||
Goal4ConversionRate | Decimal | False | Percentage of sessions resulting in a conversion to the requested goal number. | ||
Goal5ConversionRate | Decimal | False | Percentage of sessions resulting in a conversion to the requested goal number. | ||
Goal6ConversionRate | Decimal | False | Percentage of sessions resulting in a conversion to the requested goal number. | ||
Goal7ConversionRate | Decimal | False | Percentage of sessions resulting in a conversion to the requested goal number. | ||
Goal8ConversionRate | Decimal | False | Percentage of sessions resulting in a conversion to the requested goal number. | ||
Goal9ConversionRate | Decimal | False | Percentage of sessions resulting in a conversion to the requested goal number. | ||
Goal10ConversionRate | Decimal | False | Percentage of sessions resulting in a conversion to the requested goal number. | ||
Goal11ConversionRate | Decimal | False | Percentage of sessions resulting in a conversion to the requested goal number. | ||
Goal12ConversionRate | Decimal | False | Percentage of sessions resulting in a conversion to the requested goal number. | ||
Goal13ConversionRate | Decimal | False | Percentage of sessions resulting in a conversion to the requested goal number. | ||
Goal14ConversionRate | Decimal | False | Percentage of sessions resulting in a conversion to the requested goal number. | ||
Goal15ConversionRate | Decimal | False | Percentage of sessions resulting in a conversion to the requested goal number. | ||
Goal16ConversionRate | Decimal | False | Percentage of sessions resulting in a conversion to the requested goal number. | ||
Goal17ConversionRate | Decimal | False | Percentage of sessions resulting in a conversion to the requested goal number. | ||
Goal18ConversionRate | Decimal | False | Percentage of sessions resulting in a conversion to the requested goal number. | ||
Goal19ConversionRate | Decimal | False | Percentage of sessions resulting in a conversion to the requested goal number. | ||
Goal20ConversionRate | Decimal | False | Percentage of sessions resulting in a conversion to the requested goal number. | ||
GoalConversionRateAll | Decimal | False | The percentage of sessions which resulted in a conversion to at least one of the goals. | ||
Goal1Abandons | Integer | False | The number of times users started conversion activity on the requested goal number without actually completing it. | ||
Goal2Abandons | Integer | False | The number of times users started conversion activity on the requested goal number without actually completing it. | ||
Goal3Abandons | Integer | False | The number of times users started conversion activity on the requested goal number without actually completing it. | ||
Goal4Abandons | Integer | False | The number of times users started conversion activity on the requested goal number without actually completing it. | ||
Goal5Abandons | Integer | False | The number of times users started conversion activity on the requested goal number without actually completing it. | ||
Goal6Abandons | Integer | False | The number of times users started conversion activity on the requested goal number without actually completing it. | ||
Goal7Abandons | Integer | False | The number of times users started conversion activity on the requested goal number without actually completing it. | ||
Goal8Abandons | Integer | False | The number of times users started conversion activity on the requested goal number without actually completing it. | ||
Goal9Abandons | Integer | False | The number of times users started conversion activity on the requested goal number without actually completing it. | ||
Goal10Abandons | Integer | False | The number of times users started conversion activity on the requested goal number without actually completing it. | ||
Goal11Abandons | Integer | False | The number of times users started conversion activity on the requested goal number without actually completing it. | ||
Goal12Abandons | Integer | False | The number of times users started conversion activity on the requested goal number without actually completing it. | ||
Goal13Abandons | Integer | False | The number of times users started conversion activity on the requested goal number without actually completing it. | ||
Goal14Abandons | Integer | False | The number of times users started conversion activity on the requested goal number without actually completing it. | ||
Goal15Abandons | Integer | False | The number of times users started conversion activity on the requested goal number without actually completing it. | ||
Goal16Abandons | Integer | False | The number of times users started conversion activity on the requested goal number without actually completing it. | ||
Goal17Abandons | Integer | False | The number of times users started conversion activity on the requested goal number without actually completing it. | ||
Goal18Abandons | Integer | False | The number of times users started conversion activity on the requested goal number without actually completing it. | ||
Goal19Abandons | Integer | False | The number of times users started conversion activity on the requested goal number without actually completing it. | ||
Goal20Abandons | Integer | False | The number of times users started conversion activity on the requested goal number without actually completing it. | ||
GoalAbandonsAll | Integer | False | The overall number of times users started goals without actually completing them. | ||
Goal1AbandonRate | Decimal | False | The rate at which the requested goal number was abandoned. | ||
Goal2AbandonRate | Decimal | False | The rate at which the requested goal number was abandoned. | ||
Goal3AbandonRate | Decimal | False | The rate at which the requested goal number was abandoned. | ||
Goal4AbandonRate | Decimal | False | The rate at which the requested goal number was abandoned. | ||
Goal5AbandonRate | Decimal | False | The rate at which the requested goal number was abandoned. | ||
Goal6AbandonRate | Decimal | False | The rate at which the requested goal number was abandoned. | ||
Goal7AbandonRate | Decimal | False | The rate at which the requested goal number was abandoned. | ||
Goal8AbandonRate | Decimal | False | The rate at which the requested goal number was abandoned. | ||
Goal9AbandonRate | Decimal | False | The rate at which the requested goal number was abandoned. | ||
Goal10AbandonRate | Decimal | False | The rate at which the requested goal number was abandoned. | ||
Goal11AbandonRate | Decimal | False | The rate at which the requested goal number was abandoned. | ||
Goal12AbandonRate | Decimal | False | The rate at which the requested goal number was abandoned. | ||
Goal13AbandonRate | Decimal | False | The rate at which the requested goal number was abandoned. | ||
Goal14AbandonRate | Decimal | False | The rate at which the requested goal number was abandoned. | ||
Goal15AbandonRate | Decimal | False | The rate at which the requested goal number was abandoned. | ||
Goal16AbandonRate | Decimal | False | The rate at which the requested goal number was abandoned. | ||
Goal17AbandonRate | Decimal | False | The rate at which the requested goal number was abandoned. | ||
Goal18AbandonRate | Decimal | False | The rate at which the requested goal number was abandoned. | ||
Goal19AbandonRate | Decimal | False | The rate at which the requested goal number was abandoned. | ||
Goal20AbandonRate | Decimal | False | The rate at which the requested goal number was abandoned. | ||
GoalAbandonRateAll | Decimal | False | Goal abandonment rate. | ||
PageValue | Decimal | False | The average value of this page or set of pages, which is equal to (ga:transactionRevenue + ga:goalValueAll) / ga:uniquePageviews. | ||
Entrances | Integer | False | The number of entrances to the property measured as the first pageview in a session, typically used with landingPagePath. | ||
EntranceRate | Decimal | False | The percentage of pageviews in which this page was the entrance. | ||
Pageviews | Integer | False | The total number of pageviews for the property. | ||
PageviewsPerSession | Float | False | The average number of pages viewed during a session, including repeated views of a single page. | ||
ContentGroupUniqueViews1 | Integer | False | The number of unique content group views. Content group views in different sessions are counted as unique content group views. Both the pagePath and pageTitle are used to determine content group view uniqueness. | ||
ContentGroupUniqueViews2 | Integer | False | The number of unique content group views. Content group views in different sessions are counted as unique content group views. Both the pagePath and pageTitle are used to determine content group view uniqueness. | ||
ContentGroupUniqueViews3 | Integer | False | The number of unique content group views. Content group views in different sessions are counted as unique content group views. Both the pagePath and pageTitle are used to determine content group view uniqueness. | ||
ContentGroupUniqueViews4 | Integer | False | The number of unique content group views. Content group views in different sessions are counted as unique content group views. Both the pagePath and pageTitle are used to determine content group view uniqueness. | ||
ContentGroupUniqueViews5 | Integer | False | The number of unique content group views. Content group views in different sessions are counted as unique content group views. Both the pagePath and pageTitle are used to determine content group view uniqueness. | ||
ContentGroupUniqueViews6 | Integer | False | The number of unique content group views. Content group views in different sessions are counted as unique content group views. Both the pagePath and pageTitle are used to determine content group view uniqueness. | ||
ContentGroupUniqueViews7 | Integer | False | The number of unique content group views. Content group views in different sessions are counted as unique content group views. Both the pagePath and pageTitle are used to determine content group view uniqueness. | ||
ContentGroupUniqueViews8 | Integer | False | The number of unique content group views. Content group views in different sessions are counted as unique content group views. Both the pagePath and pageTitle are used to determine content group view uniqueness. | ||
ContentGroupUniqueViews9 | Integer | False | The number of unique content group views. Content group views in different sessions are counted as unique content group views. Both the pagePath and pageTitle are used to determine content group view uniqueness. | ||
ContentGroupUniqueViews10 | Integer | False | The number of unique content group views. Content group views in different sessions are counted as unique content group views. Both the pagePath and pageTitle are used to determine content group view uniqueness. | ||
ContentGroupUniqueViews11 | Integer | False | The number of unique content group views. Content group views in different sessions are counted as unique content group views. Both the pagePath and pageTitle are used to determine content group view uniqueness. | ||
ContentGroupUniqueViews12 | Integer | False | The number of unique content group views. Content group views in different sessions are counted as unique content group views. Both the pagePath and pageTitle are used to determine content group view uniqueness. | ||
ContentGroupUniqueViews13 | Integer | False | The number of unique content group views. Content group views in different sessions are counted as unique content group views. Both the pagePath and pageTitle are used to determine content group view uniqueness. | ||
ContentGroupUniqueViews14 | Integer | False | The number of unique content group views. Content group views in different sessions are counted as unique content group views. Both the pagePath and pageTitle are used to determine content group view uniqueness. | ||
ContentGroupUniqueViews15 | Integer | False | The number of unique content group views. Content group views in different sessions are counted as unique content group views. Both the pagePath and pageTitle are used to determine content group view uniqueness. | ||
ContentGroupUniqueViews16 | Integer | False | The number of unique content group views. Content group views in different sessions are counted as unique content group views. Both the pagePath and pageTitle are used to determine content group view uniqueness. | ||
ContentGroupUniqueViews17 | Integer | False | The number of unique content group views. Content group views in different sessions are counted as unique content group views. Both the pagePath and pageTitle are used to determine content group view uniqueness. | ||
ContentGroupUniqueViews18 | Integer | False | The number of unique content group views. Content group views in different sessions are counted as unique content group views. Both the pagePath and pageTitle are used to determine content group view uniqueness. | ||
ContentGroupUniqueViews19 | Integer | False | The number of unique content group views. Content group views in different sessions are counted as unique content group views. Both the pagePath and pageTitle are used to determine content group view uniqueness. | ||
ContentGroupUniqueViews20 | Integer | False | The number of unique content group views. Content group views in different sessions are counted as unique content group views. Both the pagePath and pageTitle are used to determine content group view uniqueness. | ||
UniquePageviews | Integer | False | Unique Pageviews is the number of sessions during which the specified page was viewed at least once. A unique pageview is counted for each page URL + page title combination. | ||
TimeOnPage | String | False | Time (in seconds) users spent on a particular page, calculated by subtracting the initial view time for a particular page from the initial view time for a subsequent page. This metric does not apply to exit pages of the property. | ||
AvgTimeOnPage | String | False | The average time users spent viewing this page or a set of pages. | ||
Exits | Integer | False | The number of exits from the property. | ||
ExitRate | Decimal | False | The percentage of exits from the property that occurred out of the total pageviews. | ||
SearchResultViews | Integer | False | The number of times a search result page was viewed. | ||
SearchUniques | Integer | False | Total number of unique keywords from internal searches within a session. For example, if | ||
AvgSearchResultViews | Float | False | The average number of times people viewed a page as a result of a search. | ||
SearchSessions | Integer | False | The total number of sessions that included an internal search. | ||
PercentSessionsWithSearch | Decimal | False | The percentage of sessions with search. | ||
SearchDepth | Integer | False | The total number of subsequent page views made after a use of the site's internal search feature. | ||
AvgSearchDepth | Float | False | The average number of pages people viewed after performing a search. | ||
SearchRefinements | Integer | False | The total number of times a refinement (transition) occurs between internal keywords search within a session. For example, if the sequence of keywords is | ||
PercentSearchRefinements | Decimal | False | The percentage of the number of times a refinement (i.e., transition) occurs between internal keywords search within a session. | ||
SearchDuration | String | False | The session duration when the site's internal search feature is used. | ||
AvgSearchDuration | String | False | The average time (in seconds) users, after searching, spent on the property. | ||
SearchExits | Integer | False | The number of exits on the site that occurred following a search result from the site's internal search feature. | ||
SearchExitRate | Decimal | False | The percentage of searches that resulted in an immediate exit from the property. | ||
SearchGoal1ConversionRate | Decimal | False | The percentage of search sessions (i.e., sessions that included at least one search) which resulted in a conversion to the requested goal number. | ||
SearchGoal2ConversionRate | Decimal | False | The percentage of search sessions (i.e., sessions that included at least one search) which resulted in a conversion to the requested goal number. | ||
SearchGoal3ConversionRate | Decimal | False | The percentage of search sessions (i.e., sessions that included at least one search) which resulted in a conversion to the requested goal number. | ||
SearchGoal4ConversionRate | Decimal | False | The percentage of search sessions (i.e., sessions that included at least one search) which resulted in a conversion to the requested goal number. | ||
SearchGoal5ConversionRate | Decimal | False | The percentage of search sessions (i.e., sessions that included at least one search) which resulted in a conversion to the requested goal number. | ||
SearchGoal6ConversionRate | Decimal | False | The percentage of search sessions (i.e., sessions that included at least one search) which resulted in a conversion to the requested goal number. | ||
SearchGoal7ConversionRate | Decimal | False | The percentage of search sessions (i.e., sessions that included at least one search) which resulted in a conversion to the requested goal number. | ||
SearchGoal8ConversionRate | Decimal | False | The percentage of search sessions (i.e., sessions that included at least one search) which resulted in a conversion to the requested goal number. | ||
SearchGoal9ConversionRate | Decimal | False | The percentage of search sessions (i.e., sessions that included at least one search) which resulted in a conversion to the requested goal number. | ||
SearchGoal10ConversionRate | Decimal | False | The percentage of search sessions (i.e., sessions that included at least one search) which resulted in a conversion to the requested goal number. | ||
SearchGoal11ConversionRate | Decimal | False | The percentage of search sessions (i.e., sessions that included at least one search) which resulted in a conversion to the requested goal number. | ||
SearchGoal12ConversionRate | Decimal | False | The percentage of search sessions (i.e., sessions that included at least one search) which resulted in a conversion to the requested goal number. | ||
SearchGoal13ConversionRate | Decimal | False | The percentage of search sessions (i.e., sessions that included at least one search) which resulted in a conversion to the requested goal number. | ||
SearchGoal14ConversionRate | Decimal | False | The percentage of search sessions (i.e., sessions that included at least one search) which resulted in a conversion to the requested goal number. | ||
SearchGoal15ConversionRate | Decimal | False | The percentage of search sessions (i.e., sessions that included at least one search) which resulted in a conversion to the requested goal number. | ||
SearchGoal16ConversionRate | Decimal | False | The percentage of search sessions (i.e., sessions that included at least one search) which resulted in a conversion to the requested goal number. | ||
SearchGoal17ConversionRate | Decimal | False | The percentage of search sessions (i.e., sessions that included at least one search) which resulted in a conversion to the requested goal number. | ||
SearchGoal18ConversionRate | Decimal | False | The percentage of search sessions (i.e., sessions that included at least one search) which resulted in a conversion to the requested goal number. | ||
SearchGoal19ConversionRate | Decimal | False | The percentage of search sessions (i.e., sessions that included at least one search) which resulted in a conversion to the requested goal number. | ||
SearchGoal20ConversionRate | Decimal | False | The percentage of search sessions (i.e., sessions that included at least one search) which resulted in a conversion to the requested goal number. | ||
SearchGoalConversionRateAll | Decimal | False | The percentage of search sessions (i.e., sessions that included at least one search) which resulted in a conversion to at least one of the goals. | ||
GoalValueAllPerSearch | Decimal | False | The average goal value of a search. | ||
PageLoadTime | Integer | False | Total time (in milliseconds), from pageview initiation (e.g., a click on a page link) to page load completion in the browser, the pages in the sample set take to load. | ||
PageLoadSample | Integer | False | The sample set (or count) of pageviews used to calculate the average page load time. | ||
AvgPageLoadTime | Float | False | The average time (in seconds) pages from the sample set take to load, from initiation of the pageview (e.g., a click on a page link) to load completion in the browser. | ||
DomainLookupTime | Integer | False | The total time (in milliseconds) all samples spent in DNS lookup for this page. | ||
AvgDomainLookupTime | Float | False | The average time (in seconds) spent in DNS lookup for this page. | ||
PageDownloadTime | Integer | False | The total time (in milliseconds) to download this page among all samples. | ||
AvgPageDownloadTime | Float | False | The average time (in seconds) to download this page. | ||
RedirectionTime | Integer | False | The total time (in milliseconds) all samples spent in redirects before fetching this page. If there are no redirects, this is 0. | ||
AvgRedirectionTime | Float | False | The average time (in seconds) spent in redirects before fetching this page. If there are no redirects, this is 0. | ||
ServerConnectionTime | Integer | False | Total time (in milliseconds) all samples spent in establishing a TCP connection to this page. | ||
AvgServerConnectionTime | Float | False | The average time (in seconds) spent in establishing a TCP connection to this page. | ||
ServerResponseTime | Integer | False | The total time (in milliseconds) the site's server takes to respond to users' requests among all samples; this includes the network time from users' locations to the server. | ||
AvgServerResponseTime | Float | False | The average time (in seconds) the site's server takes to respond to users' requests; this includes the network time from users' locations to the server. | ||
SpeedMetricsSample | Integer | False | The sample set (or count) of pageviews used to calculate the averages of site speed metrics. This metric is used in all site speed average calculations, including avgDomainLookupTime, avgPageDownloadTime, avgRedirectionTime, avgServerConnectionTime, and avgServerResponseTime. | ||
DomInteractiveTime | Integer | False | The time (in milliseconds), including the network time from users' locations to the site's server, the browser takes to parse the document (DOMInteractive). At this time, users can interact with the Document Object Model even though it is not fully loaded. | ||
AvgDomInteractiveTime | Float | False | The average time (in seconds), including the network time from users' locations to the site's server, the browser takes to parse the document and execute deferred and parser-inserted scripts. | ||
DomContentLoadedTime | Integer | False | The time (in milliseconds), including the network time from users' locations to the site's server, the browser takes to parse the document and execute deferred and parser-inserted scripts (DOMContentLoaded). When parsing of the document is finished, the Document Object Model (DOM) is ready, but the referenced style sheets, images, and subframes may not be finished loading. This is often the starting point of Javascript framework execution, e.g., JQuery's onready() callback. | ||
AvgDomContentLoadedTime | Float | False | The average time (in seconds) the browser takes to parse the document. | ||
DomLatencyMetricsSample | Integer | False | Sample set (or count) of pageviews used to calculate the averages for site speed DOM metrics. This metric is used to calculate ga:avgDomContentLoadedTime and ga:avgDomInteractiveTime. | ||
Screenviews | Integer | False | The total number of screenviews. | ||
UniqueScreenviews | Integer | False | The number of unique screen views. Screen views in different sessions are counted as separate screen views. | ||
ScreenviewsPerSession | Float | False | The average number of screenviews per session. | ||
TimeOnScreen | String | False | The time spent viewing the current screen. | ||
AvgScreenviewDuration | String | False | Average time (in seconds) users spent on a screen. | ||
TotalEvents | Integer | False | The total number of events for the profile, across all categories. | ||
UniqueDimensionCombinations | Integer | False | Unique Dimension Combinations counts the number of unique dimension-value combinations for each dimension in a report. This lets you build combined (concatenated) dimensions post-processing, which allows for more flexible reporting without having to update your tracking implementation or use additional custom-dimension slots. For more information, see | ||
UniqueEvents | Integer | False | The number of unique events. Events in different sessions are counted as separate events. | ||
EventValue | Integer | False | Total value of events for the profile. | ||
AvgEventValue | Float | False | The average value of an event. | ||
SessionsWithEvent | Integer | False | The total number of sessions with events. | ||
EventsPerSessionWithEvent | Float | False | The average number of events per session with event. | ||
Transactions | Integer | False | The total number of transactions. | ||
TransactionsPerSession | Decimal | False | The average number of transactions in a session. | ||
TransactionRevenue | Decimal | False | The total sale revenue (excluding shipping and tax) of the transaction. | ||
RevenuePerTransaction | Decimal | False | The average revenue of an ecommerce transaction. | ||
TransactionRevenuePerSession | Decimal | False | Average transaction revenue for a session. | ||
TransactionShipping | Decimal | False | The total cost of shipping. | ||
TransactionTax | Decimal | False | Total tax for the transaction. | ||
TotalValue | Decimal | False | Total value for the property (including total revenue and total goal value). | ||
ItemQuantity | Integer | False | Total number of items purchased. For example, if users purchase 2 frisbees and 5 tennis balls, this will be 7. | ||
UniquePurchases | Integer | False | The number of product sets purchased. For example, if users purchase 2 frisbees and 5 tennis balls from the site, this will be 2. | ||
RevenuePerItem | Decimal | False | The average revenue per item. | ||
ItemRevenue | Decimal | False | The total revenue from purchased product items. | ||
ItemsPerPurchase | Float | False | The average quantity of this item (or group of items) sold per purchase. | ||
LocalTransactionRevenue | Decimal | False | Transaction revenue in local currency. | ||
LocalTransactionShipping | Decimal | False | Transaction shipping cost in local currency. | ||
LocalTransactionTax | Decimal | False | Transaction tax in local currency. | ||
LocalItemRevenue | Decimal | False | Product revenue in local currency. | ||
SocialInteractions | Integer | False | The total number of social interactions. | ||
UniqueSocialInteractions | Integer | False | The number of sessions during which the specified social action(s) occurred at least once. This is based on the the unique combination of socialInteractionNetwork, socialInteractionAction, and socialInteractionTarget. | ||
SocialInteractionsPerSession | Float | False | The number of social interactions per session. | ||
UserTimingValue | Integer | False | Total number of milliseconds for user timing. | ||
UserTimingSample | Integer | False | The number of hits sent for a particular userTimingCategory, userTimingLabel, or userTimingVariable. | ||
AvgUserTimingValue | Float | False | The average elapsed time. | ||
Exceptions | Integer | False | The number of exceptions sent to Google Analytics. | ||
ExceptionsPerScreenview | Decimal | False | The number of exceptions thrown divided by the number of screenviews. | ||
FatalExceptions | Integer | False | The number of exceptions where isFatal is set to true. | ||
FatalExceptionsPerScreenview | Decimal | False | The number of fatal exceptions thrown divided by the number of screenviews. | ||
DcmFloodlightQuantity | Integer | False | The number of DCM Floodlight conversions (Analytics 360 only). | ||
DcmFloodlightRevenue | Decimal | False | DCM Floodlight revenue (Analytics 360 only). | ||
AdsenseRevenue | Decimal | False | The total revenue from AdSense ads. | ||
AdsenseAdUnitsViewed | Integer | False | The number of AdSense ad units viewed (requires integration with AdSense). An ad unit is a set of ads displayed as a result of one piece of the AdSense ad code. For details, see | ||
AdsenseAdsViewed | Integer | False | The number of AdSense ads viewed (requires integration with AdSense). Multiple ads can be displayed within an ad Unit. | ||
AdsenseAdsClicks | Integer | False | The number of times AdSense ads on the site were clicked (requires integration with AdSense). | ||
AdsensePageImpressions | Integer | False | The number of pageviews during which an AdSense ad was displayed (requires integration with AdSense). A page impression can have multiple ad Units. | ||
AdsenseCTR | Decimal | False | The percentage of page impressions resulted in a click on an AdSense ad (requires integration with AdSense). | ||
AdsenseECPM | Decimal | False | The estimated cost per thousand page impressions (requires integration with AdSense). It is the AdSense Revenue per 1,000 page impressions. | ||
AdsenseExits | Integer | False | The number of sessions ended due to a user clicking on an AdSense ad (requires integration with AdSense). | ||
AdsenseViewableImpressionPercent | Decimal | False | The percentage of viewable impressions (requires integration with AdSense). | ||
AdsenseCoverage | Decimal | False | The percentage of ad requests that returned at least one ad (requires integration with AdSense). | ||
TotalPublisherImpressions | Integer | False | An ad impression is reported whenever an individual ad is displayed on the website. For example, if a page with two ad units is viewed once, we'll display two impressions. | ||
TotalPublisherCoverage | Decimal | False | Coverage is the percentage of ad requests that returned at least one ad. Generally, coverage can help you identify sites where the publisher account (AdSense, AdX, DFP) isn't able to provide targeted ads. (Ad Impressions / Total Ad Requests) * 100 | ||
TotalPublisherMonetizedPageviews | Integer | False | This measures the total number of pageviews on the property that were shown with an ad from one of the linked publisher accounts (AdSense, AdX, DFP). Note that a single page can have multiple ad units. | ||
TotalPublisherImpressionsPerSession | Float | False | The ratio of linked publisher account (AdSense, AdX, DFP) ad impressions to Analytics sessions (Ad Impressions / Analytics Sessions). | ||
TotalPublisherViewableImpressionsPercent | Decimal | False | The percentage of viewable ad impressions. An impression is considered a viewable impression when it has appeared within users' browsers and has the opportunity to be seen. | ||
TotalPublisherClicks | Integer | False | The number of times ads from a linked publisher account (AdSense, AdX, DFP) were clicked on the site. | ||
TotalPublisherCTR | Decimal | False | The percentage of pageviews that resulted in a click on a linked publisher account (AdSense, AdX, DFP) ad. | ||
TotalPublisherRevenue | Decimal | False | The total estimated revenue from all linked publisher account (AdSense, AdX, DFP) ads. | ||
TotalPublisherRevenuePer1000Sessions | Decimal | False | The total estimated revenue from all linked publisher accounts (AdSense, AdX, DFP) per 1,000 Analytics sessions. | ||
TotalPublisherECPM | Decimal | False | The effective cost per thousand pageviews. It is the total estimated revenue from all linked publisher accounts (AdSense, AdX, DFP) per 1,000 pageviews. | ||
AdxImpressions | Integer | False | True | An Ad Exchange ad impression is reported whenever an individual ad is displayed on the website. For example, if a page with two ad units is viewed once, we'll display two impressions. | |
AdxCoverage | Decimal | False | True | Coverage is the percentage of ad requests that returned at least one ad. Generally, coverage can help identify sites where the Ad Exchange account isn't able to provide targeted ads. (Ad Impressions / Total Ad Requests) * 100 | |
AdxMonetizedPageviews | Integer | False | This measures the total number of pageviews on the property that were shown with an ad from the linked Ad Exchange account. Note that a single page can have multiple ad units. | ||
AdxImpressionsPerSession | Float | False | The ratio of Ad Exchange ad impressions to Analytics sessions (Ad Impressions / Analytics Sessions). | ||
AdxViewableImpressionsPercent | Decimal | False | The percentage of viewable ad impressions. An impression is considered a viewable impression when it has appeared within users' browsers and has the opportunity to be seen. | ||
AdxClicks | Integer | False | True | The number of times AdX ads were clicked on the site. | |
AdxCTR | Decimal | False | True | The percentage of pageviews that resulted in a click on an Ad Exchange ad. | |
AdxRevenue | Decimal | False | True | The total estimated revenue from Ad Exchange ads. | |
AdxRevenuePer1000Sessions | Decimal | False | True | The total estimated revenue from Ad Exchange ads per 1,000 Analytics sessions. Note that this metric is based on sessions to the site, not on ad impressions. | |
AdxECPM | Decimal | False | The effective cost per thousand pageviews. It is the Ad Exchange revenue per 1,000 pageviews. | ||
DfpImpressions | Integer | False | A DFP ad impression is reported whenever an individual ad is displayed on the website. For example, if a page with two ad units is viewed once, we'll display two impressions (DFP linking enabled and Hide DFP Revenue not enabled). | ||
DfpCoverage | Decimal | False | Coverage is the percentage of ad requests that returned at least one ad. Generally, coverage can help identify sites where the DFP account isn't able to provide targeted ads. (Ad Impressions / Total Ad Requests) * 100 (DFP linking enabled and Hide DFP Revenue not enabled). | ||
DfpMonetizedPageviews | Integer | False | This measures the total number of pageviews on the property that were shown with an ad from the linked DFP account. Note that a single page can have multiple ad units (DFP linking enabled and Hide DFP Revenue not enabled). | ||
DfpImpressionsPerSession | Float | False | The ratio of DFP ad impressions to Analytics sessions (Ad Impressions / Analytics Sessions) (DFP linking enabled and Hide DFP Revenue not enabled). | ||
DfpViewableImpressionsPercent | Decimal | False | The percentage of viewable ad impressions. An impression is considered a viewable impression when it has appeared within users' browsers and has the opportunity to be seen (DFP linking enabled and Hide DFP Revenue not enabled). | ||
DfpClicks | Integer | False | The number of times DFP ads were clicked on the site (DFP linking enabled and Hide DFP Revenue not enabled). | ||
DfpCTR | Decimal | False | The percentage of pageviews that resulted in a click on an DFP ad (DFP linking enabled and Hide DFP Revenue not enabled). | ||
DfpRevenue | Decimal | False | DFP revenue is an estimate of the total ad revenue based on served impressions (DFP linking enabled and Hide DFP Revenue not enabled). | ||
DfpRevenuePer1000Sessions | Decimal | False | The total estimated revenue from DFP ads per 1,000 Analytics sessions. Note that this metric is based on sessions to the site, not on ad impressions (DFP linking enabled and Hide DFP Revenue not enabled). | ||
DfpECPM | Decimal | False | The effective cost per thousand pageviews. It is the DFP revenue per 1,000 pageviews (DFP linking enabled and Hide DFP Revenue not enabled). | ||
BackfillImpressions | Integer | False | Backfill Impressions is the sum of all AdSense or Ad Exchance ad impressions served as backfill through DFP. An ad impression is reported whenever an individual ad is displayed on the website. For example, if a page with two ad units is viewed once, we'll display two impressions (DFP linking enabled and Hide DFP Revenue not enabled). | ||
BackfillCoverage | Decimal | False | Backfill Coverage is the percentage of backfill ad requests that returned at least one ad. Generally, coverage can help identify sites where the publisher account isn't able to provide targeted ads. (Ad Impressions / Total Ad Requests) * 100. If both AdSense and Ad Exchange are providing backfill ads, this metric is the weighted average of the two backfill accounts (DFP linking enabled and Hide DFP Revenue not enabled). | ||
BackfillMonetizedPageviews | Integer | False | This measures the total number of pageviews on the property that were shown with at least one ad from the linked backfill account(s). Note that a single monetized pageview can include multiple ad impressions (DFP linking enabled and Hide DFP Revenue not enabled). | ||
BackfillImpressionsPerSession | Float | False | The ratio of backfill ad impressions to Analytics sessions (Ad Impressions / Analytics Sessions). If both AdSense and Ad Exchange are providing backfill ads, this metric is the sum of the two backfill accounts (DFP linking enabled and Hide DFP Revenue not enabled). | ||
BackfillViewableImpressionsPercent | Decimal | False | The percentage of backfill ad impressions that were viewable. An impression is considered a viewable impression when it has appeared within the users' browsers and had the opportunity to be seen. If AdSense and Ad Exchange are both providing backfill ads, this metric is the weighted average of the two backfill accounts (DFP linking enabled and Hide DFP Revenue not enabled). | ||
BackfillClicks | Integer | False | The number of times backfill ads were clicked on the site. If AdSense and Ad Exchange are both providing backfill ads, this metric is the sum of the two backfill accounts (DFP linking enabled and Hide DFP Revenue not enabled). | ||
BackfillCTR | Decimal | False | The percentage of backfill impressions that resulted in a click on an ad. If AdSense and Ad Exchange are both providing backfill ads, this metric is the weighted average of the two backfill accounts (DFP linking enabled and Hide DFP Revenue not enabled). | ||
BackfillRevenue | Decimal | False | The total estimated revenue from backfill ads. If AdSense and Ad Exchange are both providing backfill ads, this metric is the sum of the two backfill accounts (DFP linking enabled and Hide DFP Revenue not enabled). | ||
BackfillRevenuePer1000Sessions | Decimal | False | The total estimated revenue from backfill ads per 1,000 Analytics sessions. Note that this metric is based on sessions to the site and not ad impressions. If both AdSense and Ad Exchange are providing backfill ads, this metric is the sum of the two backfill accounts (DFP linking enabled and Hide DFP Revenue not enabled). | ||
BackfillECPM | Decimal | False | The effective cost per thousand pageviews. It is the DFP Backfill Revenue per 1,000 pageviews. If both AdSense and Ad Exchange are providing backfill ads, this metric is the sum of the two backfill accounts (DFP linking enabled and Hide DFP Revenue not enabled). | ||
BuyToDetailRate | Decimal | False | Unique purchases divided by views of product detail pages (Enhanced Ecommerce). | ||
CartToDetailRate | Decimal | False | Product adds divided by views of product details (Enhanced Ecommerce). | ||
CohortActiveUsers | Integer | False | This metric is relevant in the context of ga:cohortNthDay/ga:cohortNthWeek/ga:cohortNthMonth. It indicates the number of users in the cohort who are active in the time window corresponding to the cohort nth day/week/month. For example, for ga:cohortNthWeek = 1, number of users (in the cohort) who are active in week 1. If a request doesn't have any of ga:cohortNthDay/ga:cohortNthWeek/ga:cohortNthMonth, this metric will have the same value as ga:cohortTotalUsers. | ||
CohortAppviewsPerUser | Float | False | App views per user for a cohort. | ||
CohortAppviewsPerUserWithLifetimeCriteria | Float | False | App views per user for the acquisition dimension for a cohort. | ||
CohortGoalCompletionsPerUser | Float | False | Goal completions per user for the acquisition dimension for a cohort. | ||
CohortGoalCompletionsPerUserWithLifetimeCriteria | Float | False | Goal completions per user for a cohort. | ||
CohortPageviewsPerUser | Float | False | Pageviews per user for a cohort. | ||
CohortPageviewsPerUserWithLifetimeCriteria | Float | False | Pageviews per user for the acquisition dimension for a cohort. | ||
CohortRetentionRate | Decimal | False | Cohort retention rate. | ||
CohortRevenuePerUser | Decimal | False | Revenue per user for a cohort. | ||
CohortRevenuePerUserWithLifetimeCriteria | Decimal | False | Revenue per user for the acquisition dimension for a cohort. | ||
CohortSessionDurationPerUser | String | False | Session duration per user for a cohort. | ||
CohortSessionDurationPerUserWithLifetimeCriteria | String | False | Session duration per user for the acquisition dimension for a cohort. | ||
CohortSessionsPerUser | Float | False | Sessions per user for a cohort. | ||
CohortSessionsPerUserWithLifetimeCriteria | Float | False | Sessions per user for the acquisition dimension for a cohort. | ||
CohortTotalUsers | Integer | False | Number of users belonging to the cohort, also known as cohort size. | ||
CohortTotalUsersWithLifetimeCriteria | Integer | False | This is relevant in the context of a request which has the dimensions ga:acquisitionTrafficChannel/ga:acquisitionSource/ga:acquisitionMedium/ga:acquisitionCampaign. It represents the number of users in the cohorts who are acquired through the current channel/source/medium/campaign. For example, for ga:acquisitionTrafficChannel=Direct, it represents the number users in the cohort, who were acquired directly. If none of these mentioned dimensions are present, then its value is equal to ga:cohortTotalUsers. | ||
DbmCPA | Decimal | False | DBM Revenue eCPA (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DBM). | ||
DbmCPC | Decimal | False | DBM Revenue eCPC (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DBM). | ||
DbmCPM | Decimal | False | DBM Revenue eCPM (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DBM). | ||
DbmCTR | Decimal | False | DBM CTR (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DBM). | ||
DbmClicks | Integer | False | DBM Total Clicks (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DBM). | ||
DbmConversions | Integer | False | DBM Total Conversions (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DBM). | ||
DbmCost | Decimal | False | DBM Cost (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DBM). | ||
DbmImpressions | Integer | False | DBM Total Impressions (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DBM). | ||
DbmROAS | Decimal | False | DBM ROAS (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DBM). | ||
DcmCPC | Decimal | False | DCM Cost Per Click (Analytics 360 only). | ||
DcmCTR | Decimal | False | DCM Click Through Rate (Analytics 360 only). | ||
DcmClicks | Integer | False | DCM Total Clicks (Analytics 360 only). | ||
DcmCost | Decimal | False | DCM Total Cost (Analytics 360 only). | ||
DcmImpressions | Integer | False | DCM Total Impressions (Analytics 360 only). | ||
DcmROAS | Decimal | False | DCM Return On Ad Spend (ROAS) (Analytics 360 only). | ||
DcmRPC | Decimal | False | DCM Revenue Per Click (Analytics 360 only). | ||
DsCPC | Decimal | False | DS Cost to advertiser per click (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DS). | ||
DsCTR | Decimal | False | DS Click Through Rate (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DS). | ||
DsClicks | Integer | False | DS Clicks (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DS). | ||
DsCost | Decimal | False | DS Cost (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DS). | ||
DsImpressions | Integer | False | DS Impressions (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DS). | ||
DsProfit | Decimal | False | DS Profit (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DS). | ||
DsReturnOnAdSpend | Decimal | False | DS Return On Ad Spend (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DS). | ||
DsRevenuePerClick | Decimal | False | DS Revenue Per Click (Analytics 360 only, requires integration with DS). | ||
Hits | Integer | False | Total number of hits for the view (profile). This metric sums all hit types, including pageview, custom event, ecommerce, and other types. Because this metric is based on the view (profile), not on the property, it is not the same as the property's hit volume. | ||
InternalPromotionCTR | Decimal | False | The rate at which users clicked through to view the internal promotion (ga:internalPromotionClicks / ga:internalPromotionViews) - (Enhanced Ecommerce). | ||
InternalPromotionClicks | Integer | False | The number of clicks on an internal promotion (Enhanced Ecommerce). | ||
InternalPromotionViews | Integer | False | The number of views of an internal promotion (Enhanced Ecommerce). | ||
LocalProductRefundAmount | Decimal | False | Refund amount in local currency for a given product (Enhanced Ecommerce). | ||
LocalRefundAmount | Decimal | False | Total refund amount in local currency for the transaction (Enhanced Ecommerce). | ||
ProductAddsToCart | Integer | False | Number of times the product was added to the shopping cart (Enhanced Ecommerce). | ||
ProductCheckouts | Integer | False | Number of times the product was included in the check-out process (Enhanced Ecommerce). | ||
ProductDetailViews | Integer | False | Number of times users viewed the product-detail page (Enhanced Ecommerce). | ||
ProductListCTR | Decimal | False | The rate at which users clicked through on the product in a product list (ga:productListClicks / ga:productListViews) - (Enhanced Ecommerce). | ||
ProductListClicks | Integer | False | Number of times users clicked the product when it appeared in the product list (Enhanced Ecommerce). | ||
ProductListViews | Integer | False | Number of times the product appeared in a product list (Enhanced Ecommerce). | ||
ProductRefundAmount | Decimal | False | Total refund amount associated with the product (Enhanced Ecommerce). | ||
ProductRefunds | Integer | False | Number of times a refund was issued for the product (Enhanced Ecommerce). | ||
ProductRemovesFromCart | Integer | False | Number of times the product was removed from the shopping cart (Enhanced Ecommerce). | ||
ProductRevenuePerPurchase | Decimal | False | Average product revenue per purchase (commonly used with Product Coupon Code) (ga:itemRevenue / ga:uniquePurchases) - (Enhanced Ecommerce). | ||
QuantityAddedToCart | Integer | False | Number of product units added to the shopping cart (Enhanced Ecommerce). | ||
QuantityCheckedOut | Integer | False | Number of product units included in check out (Enhanced Ecommerce). | ||
QuantityRefunded | Integer | False | Number of product units refunded (Enhanced Ecommerce). | ||
QuantityRemovedFromCart | Integer | False | Number of product units removed from a shopping cart (Enhanced Ecommerce). | ||
RefundAmount | Decimal | False | Currency amount refunded for a transaction (Enhanced Ecommerce). | ||
RevenuePerUser | Decimal | False | The total sale revenue (excluding shipping and tax) of the transaction divided by the total number of users. | ||
SessionsPerUser | Float | False | The total number of sessions divided by the total number of users. | ||
TotalRefunds | Integer | False | Number of refunds that have been issued (Enhanced Ecommerce). | ||
TransactionsPerUser | Float | False | Total number of transactions divided by total number of users. | ||
Metric1 | Integer | False | The value of the requested custom metric-01. | ||
Metric2 | Integer | False | The value of the requested custom metric-02. | ||
Metric3 | Integer | False | The value of the requested custom metric-03. | ||
Metric4 | Integer | False | The value of the requested custom metric-04. | ||
Metric5 | Integer | False | The value of the requested custom metric-05. | ||
Metric6 | Integer | False | The value of the requested custom metric-06. | ||
Metric7 | Integer | False | The value of the requested custom metric-07. | ||
Metric8 | Integer | False | The value of the requested custom metric-08. | ||
Metric9 | Integer | False | The value of the requested custom metric-09. | ||
Metric10 | Integer | False | The value of the requested custom metric-10. | ||
Metric11 | Integer | False | The value of the requested custom metric-11. | ||
Metric12 | Integer | False | The value of the requested custom metric-12. | ||
Metric13 | Integer | False | The value of the requested custom metric-13. | ||
Metric14 | Integer | False | The value of the requested custom metric-14. | ||
Metric15 | Integer | False | The value of the requested custom metric-15. | ||
Metric16 | Integer | False | The value of the requested custom metric-16. | ||
Metric17 | Integer | False | The value of the requested custom metric-17. | ||
Metric18 | Integer | False | The value of the requested custom metric-18. | ||
Metric19 | Integer | False | The value of the requested custom metric-19. | ||
Metric20 | Integer | False | The value of the requested custom metric-20. | ||
StartDate | String | Start date for fetching Analytics data. Either a date string or a relative date (e.g., today, yesterday, or #daysAgo). | |||
EndDate | String | End date for fetching Analytics data. Either a date string or a relative date (e.g., today, yesterday, or #daysAgo). | |||
Dimensions | String | A comma-separated list of dimensions to retrieve in addition to the columns defined in the schema. Set to empty string to retrieve no dimensions. | |||
Metrics | String | A comma-separated list of metrics to retrieve in addition to the columns defined in the schema. | |||
CohortTypes | String | Available only when using the V4 API. A comma-separated list of cohort types. The default value is FIRST_VISIT_DATE | |||
CohortStartDates | Date | Available only when using the V4 API. A comma-separated list of cohort start dates. | |||
CohortEndDates | Date | Available only when using the V4 API. A comma-separated list of cohort end dates. | |||
SamplesReadCounts | String | A comma-separated list of samples read counts when the response data is sampled. | |||
SamplingSpaceSizes | String | A comma-separated list of samples space sizes counts when the response data is sampled. | |||
Profile | Integer | The Profile Id or website URL to retrieve data from. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似列フィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Segments | String | Segments the data returned for your request. Either a SegmentId or a custom segment. |
Retrieves Goal Completion data.
Google Analytics only allows up to 10 Metrics and 7 Dimensions in a single query. Therefore, when issuing a query that selects all columns, only the default Metric columns will be selected for tables with more than 10 Metrics. The default Dimensions will be used unless you explicitly select other dimension columns. The following query uses Date instead of the default GoalCompletionLocation dimension:
SELECT Date, GoalStartsAll, GoalCompletionsAll, GoalValueAll, GoalValuePerSession, GoalConversionRateAll, GoalAbandonsAll, GoalAbandonRateAll FROM GoalCompletionsFilters can also be used in the WHERE clause. Dimension fields support the =, !=, LIKE, and NOT LIKE operators. Metric fields support =, !=, >, >=, <, and <= operators. This query will find Goal Completions for a specific Goal Completion Location:
SELECT GoalCompletionLocation, GoalCompletionsAll FROM GoalCompletions WHERE GoalCompletionLocation = '/mypath'All reports in Google Analytics must cover a specific date range. The default behavior is to pull the last month of data if the StartDate and EndDate inputs are left unset. To override this behavior, the values can be set directly in the query. For example:
SELECT * FROM GoalCompletion WHERE StartDate = '90daysAgo' AND EndDate = 'Today'The default dimension for the table will be used unless another dimension is specified in the select columns, the DefaultFilter, or the Dimensions column in the WHERE clause. See Google アナリティクスデータの取得 for more information about SELECT * queries. The following queries return the same results:
SELECT GoalCompletionLocation, GoalStartsAll, GoalCompletionsAll, GoalValueAll, GoalValuePerSession, GoalConversionRateAll, GoalAbandonsAll, GoalAbandonRateAll FROM GoalCompletions
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
Date | Date | True | The date of the session formatted as YYYYMMDD. | ||
Year | Integer | True | The year of the session. A four-digit year from 2005 to the current year. | ||
Month | Integer | True | The month of the session. An integer from 01 to 12. | ||
Week | Integer | True | The week of the session. A number from 01 to 53. Each week starts on Sunday. | ||
Day | Integer | True | The day of the month. A number from 01 to 31. | ||
Hour | Integer | True | An hour of the day ranging from 00-23 in the timezone configured for the account. This value is also corrected for daylight savings time. | ||
GoalCompletionLocation | String | True | True | The page path or screen name that matched any destination-type goal completion. | |
GoalStartsAll | Integer | False | True | The total number of starts for all goals defined for your profile. | |
GoalCompletionsAll | Integer | False | True | The total number of completions for all goals defined for your profile. | |
GoalValueAll | Double | False | True | The total numeric value for all goals defined for your profile. | |
GoalValuePerSession | Double | False | True | The average goal value of a session on your property. | |
GoalConversionRateAll | Double | False | True | The percentage of sessions that resulted in a conversion to at least one of your goals. | |
GoalAbandonsAll | Integer | False | True | The overall number of times users started goals without actually completing them. | |
GoalAbandonRateAll | Double | False | True | The rate at which goals were abandoned. | |
StartDate | String | Start date for fetching Analytics data. Either a date string or a relative date (e.g., today, yesterday, or #daysAgo). | |||
EndDate | String | End date for fetching Analytics data. Either a date string or a relative date (e.g., today, yesterday, or #daysAgo). | |||
Dimensions | String | A comma-separated list of dimensions to retrieve in addition to the columns defined in the schema. Set to empty string to retrieve no dimensions. | |||
Metrics | String | A comma-separated list of metrics to retrieve in addition to the columns defined in the schema. | |||
CohortTypes | String | Available only when using the V4 API. A comma-separated list of cohort types. The default value is FIRST_VISIT_DATE | |||
CohortStartDates | Date | Available only when using the V4 API. A comma-separated list of cohort start dates. | |||
CohortEndDates | Date | Available only when using the V4 API. A comma-separated list of cohort end dates. | |||
SamplesReadCounts | String | A comma-separated list of samples read counts when the response data is sampled. | |||
SamplingSpaceSizes | String | A comma-separated list of samples space sizes counts when the response data is sampled. | |||
Profile | Integer | The Profile Id or website URL to retrieve data from. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似列フィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Segments | String | Segments the data returned for your request. Either a SegmentId or a custom segment. |
A Goals resource describes a goal for one of a user's profiles.
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The Goal Id. | |||
WebPropertyId [KEY] | String | The Web property Id to which this goal belongs. The web property Id is of the form UA-XXXXX-YY. | |||
Kind | String | The Resource type for Analytics profile. | |||
SelfLink | String | The Link for this goal. | |||
AccountId | String | The Account Id to which this goal belongs. | |||
InternalWebPropertyId | String | The Internal Id for the web property to which this goal belongs. | |||
ProfileId | String | The View (Profile) Id to which this goal belongs. | |||
Name | String | The Goal name. | |||
Active | Boolean | Determines whether this goal is active. | |||
Value | Double | The Goal value. | |||
Type | String | The Goal type. Possible values are URL_DESTINATION, VISIT_TIME_ON_SITE, VISIT_NUM_PAGES, and EVENT. | |||
Created | Datetime | The Time this goal was created. | |||
Updated | Datetime | The Time this goal was last modified. | |||
ParentLink | String | The Parent link for a goal. Points to the view (profile) to which this goal belongs. | |||
UrlDestinationDetails | String | Details for the goal of the type URL_DESTINATION. | |||
VisitTimeOnSiteDetails | String | Details for the goal of the type VISIT_TIME_ON_SITE. | |||
VisitNumPagesDetails | String | The Value used for this comparison. | |||
EventDetails | String | Details for the goal of the type EVENT. |
Lists all Profiles to which the user has access.
The Profiles table exposes all profiles that the user has access to. The AccountId and WebPropertyId fields are available for filtering in the WHERE clause with = operator. For example:
SELECT * FROM Profiles WHERE AccountId = '123456'
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | Profile Id. | |||
Kind | String | The Resource type for Analytics profile. | |||
SelfLink | String | Link for this profile. | |||
AccountId | String | The Account Id to which this profile belongs. | |||
WebPropertyId | String | The Web property Id of the form UA-XXXXX-YY to which this profile belongs. | |||
InternalWebPropertyId | String | The Internal Id for the Web property to which this profile belongs. | |||
Name | String | Name of this profile. | |||
Currency | String | The currency type associated with this profile. | |||
Timezone | String | The Time zone for which this profile has been configured. | |||
WebsiteURL | String | Website URL for this profile. | |||
DefaultPage | String | The Default page for this profile. | |||
ExcludeQueryParameters | String | The query parameters that are excluded from this profile. | |||
SiteSearchQueryParameters | String | The site search query parameters for this profile. | |||
SiteSearchCategoryParameters | String | Site search category parameters for this profile. | |||
Type | String | Profile type. | |||
Permissions | String | All the permissions that the user has for this profile. These include any implied permissions. | |||
Created | Datetime | The Time this profile was created. | |||
Updated | Datetime | The Time this profile was last modified. | |||
eCommerceTracking | Boolean | Indicates whether e-commerce tracking is enabled for this profile. | |||
ParentLink | String | The Parent link for this profile. Points to the Web property to which this profile belongs. | |||
ChildLink | String | The Child link for this profile. Points to the list of goals for this profile. |
Lists all Segments to which the user has access.
The Segments table exposes all segments that the user has access to. Filters are not available in the WHERE clause for this table but LIMIT is supported.
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The Segment Id. | |||
Kind | String | The Resource type for Analytics segment. | |||
SelfLink | String | The Link for this segment. | |||
SegmentID | String | The Segment Id. Can be used with the segment parameter in Data Feed. | |||
Name | String | The Segment name. | |||
Definition | String | The Segment definition. | |||
Type | String | The Type for a segment. Possible values are BUILT_IN or CUSTOM. | |||
Created | Datetime | The Time the segment was created. | |||
Updated | Datetime | The Time the segment was last modified. |
Retrieves internal Site Content data.
Google Analytics only allows up to 10 Metrics and 7 Dimensions in a single query. Therefore, when issuing a query that selects all columns, only the default Metric columns will be selected for tables with more than 10 Metrics. The default Dimensions will be used unless you explicitly select other dimension columns. The following query uses PageTitle instead of the default PagePath dimension:
SELECT PageTitle, PageViews, UniquePageviews, AvgTimeOnPage, Entrances, BounceRate, EntranceRate, Exits, PageValue, TimeOnPage FROM SiteContentFilters can also be used in the WHERE clause. Dimension fields support the =, !=, LIKE, and NOT LIKE operators. Metric fields support =, !=, >, >=, <, and <= operators. This query will return the Page Paths in order of most Entrances to least:
SELECT PagePath, Entrances FROM SiteContent ORDER BY Entrances DESCAll reports in Google Analytics must cover a specific date range. The default behavior is to pull the last month of data if the StartDate and EndDate inputs are left unset. To override this behavior, the values can be set directly in the query. For example:
SELECT * FROM SiteContent WHERE StartDate = '90daysAgo' AND EndDate = 'Today'The default dimension for the table will be used unless another dimension is specified in the select columns, the DefaultFilter, or the Dimensions column in the WHERE clause. See Google アナリティクスデータの取得 for more information about SELECT * queries. The following queries return the same results:
SELECT PagePath, PageViews, UniquePageviews, AvgTimeOnPage, Entrances, BounceRate, EntranceRate, Exits, PageValue, TimeOnPage, ExitRate FROM SiteContent
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
Date | Date | True | The date of the session formatted as YYYYMMDD. | ||
Year | Integer | True | The year of the session. A four-digit year from 2005 to the current year. | ||
Month | Integer | True | The month of the session. An integer from 01 to 12. | ||
Week | Integer | True | The week of the session. A number from 01 to 53. Each week starts on Sunday. | ||
Day | Integer | True | The day of the month. A number from 01 to 31. | ||
Hour | Integer | True | An hour of the day ranging from 00-23 in the timezone configured for the account. This value is also corrected for daylight savings time. | ||
Country | String | True | The country of users, derived from IP addresses. | ||
City | String | True | The cities of property users, derived from IP addresses. | ||
Browser | String | True | The names of browsers used by users to your website. For example, Internet Explorer or Firefox. | ||
PagePath | String | True | True | A page on your website specified by path and/or query parameters. Use in conjunction with host name to get the full URL of the page. | |
PageTitle | String | True | The title of a page. Remember that multiple pages might have the same PageTitle. | ||
PageViews | Integer | False | True | The total number of page views for your property. | |
UniquePageviews | Integer | False | True | The number of different (unique) pages within a session. This takes into both the PagePath and PageTitle to determine uniqueness. | |
AvgTimeOnPage | Double | False | True | The average amount of time users spent viewing this page or a set of pages. | |
Entrances | Integer | False | True | The number of entrances to your property, measured as the first page view in a session. Typically used with LandingPagePath. | |
BounceRate | Double | False | True | The percentage of single-page sessions. | |
EntranceRate | Double | False | True | The percentage of page views in which this page was the entrance. | |
Exits | Integer | False | True | The number of exits from your property. | |
PageValue | Double | False | True | The average value of this page or set of pages. Page Value is the sum of TransactionRevenue and GoalValueAll, columns in the Ecommerce table, divided by UniquePageviews (for the page or set of pages). | |
TimeOnPage | Double | False | True | How long a user spent on a particular page in seconds, calculated by subtracting the initial view time for a particular page from the initial view time for a subsequent page. Thus, this metric does not apply to exit pages for your property. | |
ExitRate | Double | False | True | The percentage of exits from your property that occurred out of the total page views. | |
StartDate | String | The Start date for fetching Analytics data. Either a date string or a relative date (e.g., today, yesterday, or #daysAgo). | |||
EndDate | String | The End date for fetching Analytics data. Either a date string or a relative date (e.g., today, yesterday, or #daysAgo). | |||
Dimensions | String | A comma-separated list of dimensions to retrieve in addition to the columns defined in the schema. Set to empty string to retrieve no dimensions. | |||
Metrics | String | A comma-separated list of metrics to retrieve in addition to the columns defined in the schema. | |||
CohortTypes | String | Available only when using the V4 API. A comma-separated list of cohort types. The default value is FIRST_VISIT_DATE | |||
CohortStartDates | Date | Available only when using the V4 API. A comma-separated list of cohort start dates. | |||
CohortEndDates | Date | Available only when using the V4 API. A comma-separated list of cohort end dates. | |||
SamplesReadCounts | String | A comma-separated list of samples read counts when the response data is sampled. | |||
SamplingSpaceSizes | String | A comma-separated list of samples space sizes counts when the response data is sampled. | |||
Profile | Integer | The Profile Id or website URL to retrieve data from. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似列フィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Segments | String | Segments the data returned for your request. Either a SegmentId or a custom segment. |
Retrieves internal Site Search data.
Google Analytics only allows up to 10 Metrics and 7 Dimensions in a single query. Therefore, when issuing a query that selects all columns, only the default Metric columns will be selected for tables with more than 10 Metrics. The default Dimensions will be used unless you explicitly select other dimension columns. The following query uses SearchStartPage instead of the default SearchKeyword dimension:
SELECT SearchStartPage, SearchSessions, PercentSessionsWithSearch, SearchUniques, SearchResultViews, AvgSearchResultViews, SearchExits, PercentSearchRefinements, SearchDuration, AvgSearchDuration, AvgSearchDepth FROM SiteSearchFilters can also be used in the WHERE clause. Dimension fields support the =, !=, LIKE, and NOT LIKE operators. Metric fields support =, !=, >, >=, <, and <= operators. This query will return the number of sessions for a 'software' Search Category:
SELECT SearchCategory, SearchSessions FROM SiteSearch WHERE SearchCategory = 'software'All reports in Google Analytics must cover a specific date range. The default behavior is to pull the last month of data if the StartDate and EndDate inputs are left unset. To override this behavior, the values can be set directly in the query. For example:
SELECT * FROM SiteSearch WHERE StartDate = '90daysAgo' AND EndDate = 'Today'Because there are more than 10 Metrics available for the SiteSearch table, a query that selects all columns only returns the default Metrics for this table (see columns marked as default Metrics below). If you need to select other Metrics, select them explicitly instead of using '*'. The default dimension for the table will be used unless another dimension is specified in the select columns, the DefaultFilter, or set in the Dimensions column in the WHERE clause. See Google アナリティクスデータの取得 for more information about SELECT * queries. The following queries return the same results:
SELECT SearchKeyword, SearchSessions, PercentSessionsWithSearch, SearchUniques, SearchResultViews, AvgSearchResultViews, SearchExits, PercentSearchRefinements, SearchDuration, AvgSearchDepth FROM SiteSearch
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
Date | Date | True | The date of the session formatted as YYYYMMDD. | ||
Year | Integer | True | The year of the session. A four-digit year from 2005 to the current year. | ||
Month | Integer | True | The month of the session. An integer from 01 to 12. | ||
Week | Integer | True | The week of the session. A number from 01 to 53. Each week starts on Sunday. | ||
Day | Integer | True | The day of the month. A number from 01 to 31. | ||
Hour | Integer | True | An hour of the day ranging from 00-23 in the timezone configured for the account. This value is also corrected for daylight savings time. | ||
SearchKeyword | String | True | True | Search terms used by users within your property. | |
SearchCategory | String | True | The categories used for the internal search if you have this enabled for your profile. For example, product categories, such as electronics, furniture, or clothing. | ||
SearchStartPage | String | True | A page where the user initiated an internal search on your property. | ||
SearchSessions | Integer | False | True | The total number of sessions that included an internal search. | |
PercentSessionsWithSearch | Double | False | True | The percentage of sessions with search. | |
SearchUniques | Integer | False | True | The total number of unique keywords from internal searches within a session. | |
SearchResultViews | Integer | False | True | The number of times a search result page was viewed after performing a search. | |
AvgSearchResultViews | Double | False | True | The average number of times people viewed a search results page after performing a search. | |
SearchExits | Integer | False | True | The number of exits on your site that occurred following a search result from your internal search feature. | |
SearchExitRate | Double | False | The percentage of searches that resulted in an immediate exit from your property. | ||
SearchRefinements | Integer | False | The total number of times a refinement (transition) occurs between internal search keywords within a session. | ||
PercentSearchRefinements | Double | False | True | The percentage of number of times a refinement (i.e., transition) occurs between internal search keywords within a session. | |
SearchDuration | Double | False | True | The session duration on your property where a use of your internal search feature occurred. | |
AvgSearchDuration | Double | False | The average amount of time people spent on your property after searching. | ||
SearchDepth | Integer | False | The average number of subsequent page views made on your property after a use of your internal search feature. | ||
AvgSearchDepth | Double | False | True | The average number of pages people viewed after performing a search on your property. | |
StartDate | String | Start date for fetching Analytics data. Either a date string or a relative date (e.g., today, yesterday, or #daysAgo). | |||
EndDate | String | End date for fetching Analytics data. Either a date string or a relative date (e.g., today, yesterday, or #daysAgo). | |||
Dimensions | String | A comma-separated list of dimensions to retrieve in addition to the columns defined in the schema. Set to empty string to retrieve no dimensions. | |||
Metrics | String | A comma-separated list of metrics to retrieve in addition to the columns defined in the schema. | |||
CohortTypes | String | Available only when using the V4 API. A comma-separated list of cohort types. The default value is FIRST_VISIT_DATE | |||
CohortStartDates | Date | Available only when using the V4 API. A comma-separated list of cohort start dates. | |||
CohortEndDates | Date | Available only when using the V4 API. A comma-separated list of cohort end dates. | |||
SamplesReadCounts | String | A comma-separated list of samples read counts when the response data is sampled. | |||
SamplingSpaceSizes | String | A comma-separated list of samples space sizes counts when the response data is sampled. | |||
Profile | Integer | The Profile Id or website URL to retrieve data from. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似列フィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Segments | String | Segments the data returned for your request. Either a SegmentId or a custom segment. |
Retrieves internal Site Speed data.
Google Analytics only allows up to 10 Metrics and 7 Dimensions in a single query. Therefore, when issuing a query that selects all columns, only the default Metric columns will be selected for tables with more than 10 Metrics. The default Dimensions will be used unless you explicitly select other dimension columns. The following query uses PagePath instead of the default Browser dimension:
SELECT PagePath, AvgPageLoadTime, AvgRedirectionTime, AvgDomainLookupTime, AvgServerConnectionTime, AvgServerResponseTime, AvgPageDownloadTime FROM SiteSpeedFilters can also be used in the WHERE clause. Dimension fields support the =, !=, LIKE, and NOT LIKE operators. Metric fields support =, !=, >, >=, <, and <= operators. This query will return Page Title for all pages with an average load time of more than 1.5 on mobile devices:
SELECT DeviceCategory, PageTitle, AvgPageLoadTime FROM SiteSpeed WHERE AvgPageLoadTime > 1.5 AND DeviceCategory = 'mobile'All reports in Google Analytics must cover a specific date range. The default behavior is to pull the last month of data if the StartDate and EndDate inputs are left unset. To override this behavior, the values can be set directly in the query. For example:
SELECT * FROM SiteSpeed WHERE StartDate = '90daysAgo' AND EndDate = 'Today'Because there are more than 10 Metrics available for the SiteSpeed table, a query that selects all columns only returns the default Metrics for this table (see columns marked as default Metrics below). If you need to select other Metrics, select them explicitly instead of using '*'. The default dimension for the table will be used unless another dimension is specified in the select columns, the DefaultFilter, or the Dimensions column in the WHERE clause. See Google アナリティクスデータの取得 for more information about SELECT * queries. The following queries return the same results:
SELECT Browser, AvgPageLoadTime, AvgRedirectionTime, AvgDomainLookupTime, AvgServerConnectionTime, AvgServerResponseTime, AvgPageDownloadTime FROM SiteSpeed
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
Date | Date | True | The date of the session formatted as YYYYMMDD. | ||
Year | Integer | True | The year of the session. A four-digit year from 2005 to the current year. | ||
Month | Integer | True | The month of the session. An integer from 01 to 12. | ||
Week | Integer | True | The week of the session. A number from 01 to 53. Each week starts on Sunday. | ||
Day | Integer | True | The day of the month. A number from 01 to 31. | ||
Hour | Integer | True | An hour of the day ranging from 00-23 in the timezone configured for the account. This value is also corrected for daylight savings time. | ||
Country | String | True | The country of users, derived from IP addresses. | ||
City | String | True | The cities of property users, derived from IP addresses. | ||
Browser | String | True | True | The names of browsers used by users to your website. For example, Internet Explorer or Firefox. | |
DeviceCategory | String | True | The type of device: desktop, tablet, or mobile. | ||
PagePath | String | True | A page on your website specified by path and/or query parameters. Use in conjunction with host name to get the full URL of the page. | ||
PageTitle | String | True | The title of a page. Remember that multiple pages might have the same PageTitle. | ||
AvgPageLoadTime | Double | False | True | The average amount of time in seconds it takes for pages from the sample set to load, from initiation of the page view (e.g., a click on a page link) to load completion in the browser. | |
AvgRedirectionTime | Double | False | True | The average amount of time in seconds spent in redirects before fetching this page. If there are no redirects, the value for this metric is expected to be 0. | |
AvgDomainLookupTime | Double | False | True | The average amount of time in seconds spent in DNS lookup for this page. | |
AvgServerConnectionTime | Double | False | True | The average amount of time in seconds spent in establishing the TCP connection for this page. | |
AvgServerResponseTime | Double | False | True | The average amount of time in seconds your server takes to respond to a user request, including the network time from the location of the user to your server. | |
AvgPageDownloadTime | Double | False | True | The average amount of time in seconds to download this page. | |
PageLoadTime | Integer | False | The amount of time (in milliseconds) it takes for pages from the sample set to load from initiation of the page view (e.g., a click on a page link) to load completion in the browser. | ||
PageLoadSample | Integer | False | The sample set, or count of page views used to calculate the average page load time. | ||
DomainLookupTime | Integer | False | The total amount of time (in milliseconds) spent in DNS lookup for this page among all samples. | ||
PageDownloadTime | Integer | False | The total amount of time (in milliseconds) to download this page among all samples. | ||
RedirectionTime | Integer | False | The total amount of time (in milliseconds) spent in redirects before fetching this page among all samples. If there are no redirects, the value for this metric is expected to be 0. | ||
ServerConnectionTime | Integer | False | The total amount of time (in milliseconds) spent in establishing the TCP connection for this page among all samples. | ||
ServerResponseTime | Integer | False | The total amount of time (in milliseconds) your server takes to respond to a user request among all samples, including the network time from the location of the user to your server. | ||
SpeedMetricsSample | Integer | False | The sample set, or count, of page views used to calculate the averages for site speed metrics. This metric is used in all site speed average calculations. | ||
DomInteractiveTime | Integer | False | The time the browser takes (in milliseconds) to parse the document (DOMInteractive), including the network time from the location of the user to your server. At this time, the user can interact with the Document Object Model even though it is not fully loaded. | ||
DomContentLoadedTime | Integer | False | The time the browser takes (in milliseconds) to parse the document and execute deferred and parser-inserted scripts (DOMContentLoaded), including the network time from the location of the user to your server. Parsing of the document is finished and the Document Object Model is ready, but referenced style sheets, images, and subframes may not be finished loading. This event is often the starting point for JavaScript framework execution; e.g., JQuery's onready() callback. | ||
DomLatencyMetricsSample | Integer | False | The sample set, or count, of page views used to calculate the averages for site speed DOM metrics. This metric is used in the AvgDomContentLoadedTime and AvgDomInteractiveTime calculations. | ||
AvgDomInteractiveTime | Double | False | The average time in seconds, including the network time from the location of the user to your server, that it takes the browser to parse the document and execute deferred and parser-inserted scripts. | ||
AvgDomContentLoadedTime | Double | False | The average time in seconds it takes the browser to parse the document. | ||
StartDate | String | Start date for fetching Analytics data. Either a date string or a relative date (e.g., today, yesterday, or #daysAgo). | |||
EndDate | String | End date for fetching Analytics data. Either a date string or a relative date (e.g., today, yesterday, or #daysAgo). | |||
Dimensions | String | A comma-separated list of dimensions to retrieve in addition to the columns defined in the schema. Set to empty string to retrieve no dimensions. | |||
Metrics | String | A comma-separated list of metrics to retrieve in addition to the columns defined in the schema. | |||
CohortTypes | String | Available only when using the V4 API. A comma-separated list of cohort types. The default value is FIRST_VISIT_DATE | |||
CohortStartDates | Date | Available only when using the V4 API. A comma-separated list of cohort start dates. | |||
CohortEndDates | Date | Available only when using the V4 API. A comma-separated list of cohort end dates. | |||
SamplesReadCounts | String | A comma-separated list of samples read counts when the response data is sampled. | |||
SamplingSpaceSizes | String | A comma-separated list of samples space sizes counts when the response data is sampled. | |||
Profile | Integer | The Profile Id or website URL to retrieve data from. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似列フィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
Segments | String | Segments the data returned for your request. Either a SegmentId or a custom segment. |
Retrieves all Traffic data.
Google Analytics only allows up to 10 Metrics and 7 Dimensions in a single query. Therefore, when issuing a query that selects all columns, only the default Metric columns will be selected for tables with more than 10 Metrics. The default Dimensions will be used unless you explicitly select other dimension columns. The following query uses Date instead of the default Source and Medium dimensions:
SELECT Date, Sessions, PercentNewSessions, NewUsers, BounceRate, PageviewsPerSession, AvgSessionDuration, GoalConversionRateAll, Transactions, RevenuePerTransaction, TransactionRevenue FROM TrafficFilters can also be used in the WHERE clause. Dimension fields support the =, !=, LIKE, and NOT LIKE operators. Metric fields support =, !=, >, >=, <, and <= operators. This query will return the number of Sessions using Google Chrome:
SELECT Browser, Sessions FROM Traffic WHERE Browser LIKE '%Chrome%'All reports in Google Analytics must cover a specific date range. The default behavior is to pull the last month of data if the StartDate and EndDate inputs are left unset. To override this behavior, the values can be set directly in the query. For example:
SELECT * FROM Traffic WHERE StartDate = '90daysAgo' AND EndDate = 'Today'The default dimension for the table will be used unless another dimension is specified in the select columns, the DefaultFilter, or the Dimensions column in the WHERE clause. See Google アナリティクスデータの取得 for more information about SELECT * queries. The following queries return the same results:
SELECT Source, Medium, Sessions, Users, PercentNewSessions, NewUsers, BounceRate, PageviewsPerSession, AvgSessionDuration, GoalConversionRateAll, Transactions, TransactionRevenue FROM Traffic
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
Date | Date | True | The date of the session formatted as YYYYMMDD. | ||
Year | Integer | True | The year of the session. A four-digit year from 2005 to the current year. | ||
Month | Integer | True | The month of the session. An integer from 01 to 12. | ||
Week | Integer | True | The week of the session. A number from 01 to 53. Each week starts on Sunday. | ||
Day | Integer | True | The day of the month. A number from 01 to 31. | ||
Hour | Integer | True | An hour of the day ranging from 00-23 in the timezone configured for the account. This value is also corrected for daylight savings time. | ||
Language | String | True | The language provided by the HTTP Request for the browser. Values are given as an ISO-639 code. | ||
Country | String | True | The country of users, derived from IP addresses. | ||
City | String | True | The cities of property users, derived from IP addresses. | ||
Browser | String | True | The names of browsers used by users to your website. For example, Internet Explorer or Firefox. | ||
OperatingSystem | String | True | The operating system used by your users. For example, Windows, Linux , Macintosh, iPhone, iPod. | ||
DeviceCategory | String | True | The type of device: desktop, tablet, or mobile. | ||
ChannelGrouping | String | True | The channel grouping the data is returned for. | ||
Source | String | True | True | The source of referrals to your property | |
Medium | String | True | True | The type of referrals to your property. | |
UserType | String | True | A boolean indicating if a user is new or returning. | ||
LandingPagePath | String | True | The first page in a user session or landing page. | ||
Campaign | String | True | When using manual campaign tracking, this is the value of the utm_campaign campaign tracking parameter. When using AdWords autotagging, this value is the name(s) of the online ad campaign that you use for your property. Otherwise, this value is: not set. | ||
SocialNetwork | String | True | The Name of the social network. This can be related to the referring social network for traffic sources or to the social network for social data hub activities. | ||
Sessions | Integer | False | True | Counts the total number of sessions. | |
Users | Integer | False | True | The Total number of users to your property for the requested time period. | |
PercentNewSessions | Double | False | True | The percentage of sessions by people who had never visited your property before. | |
NewUsers | Integer | False | True | The number of users whose visit to your property was marked as a first-time session. | |
BounceRate | Double | False | True | The percentage of single-page session. | |
PageviewsPerSession | Double | False | True | The average number of pages viewed during a session on your property. | |
AvgSessionDuration | Double | False | True | The average duration of user sessions represented in total seconds. | |
GoalConversionRateAll | Double | False | True | The percentage of sessions that resulted in a conversion to at least one of your goals. | |
Transactions | Integer | False | True | The total number of transactions. | |
RevenuePerTransaction | Decimal | False | The average revenue for an e-commerce transaction. | ||
TransactionRevenue | Decimal | False | True | The total sale revenue provided in the transaction, excluding shipping and tax. | |
TransactionRevenuePerSession | Decimal | False | The Average transaction revenue for a session on your property. | ||
StartDate | String | The Start date for fetching Analytics data. Either a date string or a relative date (e.g., today, yesterday, or #daysAgo). | |||
EndDate | String | The End date for fetching Analytics data. Either a date string or a relative date (e.g., today, yesterday, or #daysAgo). | |||
Dimensions | String | A comma-separated list of dimensions to retrieve in addition to the columns defined in the schema. Set to empty string to retrieve no dimensions. | |||
Metrics | String | A comma-separated list of metrics to retrieve in addition to the columns defined in the schema. | |||
CohortTypes | String | Available only when using the V4 API. A comma-separated list of cohort types. The default value is FIRST_VISIT_DATE | |||
CohortStartDates | Date | Available only when using the V4 API. A comma-separated list of cohort start dates. | |||
CohortEndDates | Date | Available only when using the V4 API. A comma-separated list of cohort end dates. | |||
SamplesReadCounts | String | A comma-separated list of samples read counts when the response data is sampled. | |||
SamplingSpaceSizes | String | A comma-separated list of samples space sizes counts when the response data is sampled. | |||
Segments | String | Segments the data returned for your request. Either a SegmentId or a custom segment. | |||
Profile | Integer | The Profile Id or website URL to retrieve data from. |
List information on a user's activity.
This view requires column 'ClientID' to be specified in order to execute a query. Unfortunately, we don't expose a 'Clients' or 'Users' table (or equivalent) to display client IDs. This is an API limitation.
Because of this, the only way to retrieve a ClientID is by following the below steps:
Client IDs will be displayed under column 'Client Id'. Use one of those values when building the query in the Cloud, e.g.:
SELECT * FROM UserActivity WHERE ClientId = '194067010.1581918826'
Note: Profile is also required for this table.
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
ClientId | String | The Client Id or User Id associated with the user. This can be found in the 'User Explorer' section of Google Analytics' UI. | |||
ActivityTime | String | Timestamp of the activity. | |||
Source | String | The source of referrals. For manual campaign tracking, it is the value of the utm_source campaign tracking parameter. For AdWords autotagging, it is google. If you use neither, it is the domain of the source (e.g., document.referrer) referring the users. It may also contain a port address. If users arrived without a referrer, its value is (direct). | |||
Medium | String | The type of referrals. For manual campaign tracking, it is the value of the utm_medium campaign tracking parameter. For AdWords autotagging, it is cpc. If users came from a search engine detected by Google Analytics, it is organic. If the referrer is not a search engine, it is referral. If users came directly to the property and document.referrer is empty, its value is (none). | |||
ChannelGrouping | String | The Channel Group associated with an end user's session for this View (defined by the View's Channel Groupings). | |||
Campaign | String | For manual campaign tracking, it is the value of the utm_campaign campaign tracking parameter. For AdWords autotagging, it is the name(s) of the online ad campaign(s) you use for the property. If you use neither, its value is (not set). | |||
Keyword | String | For manual campaign tracking, it is the value of the utm_term campaign tracking parameter. For AdWords traffic, it contains the best matching targeting criteria. For the display network, where multiple targeting criteria could have caused the ad to show up, it returns the best matching targeting criteria as selected by Ads. This could be display_keyword, site placement, boomuserlist, user_interest, age, or gender. Otherwise its value is (not set). | |||
Hostname | String | The hostname from which the tracking request was made. | |||
LandingPagePath | String | The first page in users' sessions, or the landing page. | |||
ActivityType | String | Type of this activity. | |||
Event | String | This field contains all the details pertaining to an event. It is set if activityType equals EVENT. | |||
PageView | String | This is set if activityType equals PAGEVIEW. This field contains all the details about the visitor and the page that was visited. | |||
AppView | String | This is set if activityType equals SCREEN_VIEW. | |||
Ecommerce | String | This is set if activityType equals ECOMMERCE. | |||
Goals | String | This is set if activityType equals GOAL. | |||
StartDate | String | Start date for fetching Analytics data. Either a date string or a relative date (e.g., today, yesterday, or #daysAgo). | |||
EndDate | String | End date for fetching Analytics data. Either a date string or a relative date (e.g., today, yesterday, or #daysAgo). | |||
SamplesReadCounts | String | A comma-separated list of samples read counts when the response data is sampled. | |||
SamplingSpaceSizes | String | A comma-separated list of samples space sizes counts when the response data is sampled. |
Lists Web Properties to which the user has access.
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The Web property Id. | |||
Kind | String | The Resource type for Analytics web property. | |||
SelfLink | String | The Link for this web property. | |||
AccountId | String | Account Id to which this web property belongs. | |||
InternalWebPropertyId | String | The Internal Id for the web property. | |||
DefaultProfileId | String | The Default view (profile) Id. | |||
IndustryVertical | String | The industry vertical/category selected for this web property | |||
Level | String | The Level for this web property. | |||
Name | String | The Name of this web property. | |||
ProfileCount | Integer | The View (Profile) count for this web property. | |||
WebsiteURL | String | The Website URL for this web property. | |||
Permissions | String | All the permissions that the user has for this web property. These include any implied permissions. | |||
Created | Datetime | The Time this web property was created. | |||
Updated | Datetime | The Time this web property was last modified. | |||
ParentLink | String | The Parent link for this profile. Points to the Account to which this profile belongs. | |||
ChildLink | String | The Child link for this web property. Points to the list of views (profiles) for this web property. |
ストアドプロシージャはファンクションライクなインターフェースで、Google Analytics の単純なSELECT 処理にとどまらずCloud の機能を拡張します。
ストアドプロシージャは、パラメータのリストを受け取り、目的の機能を実行し、プロシージャが成功したか失敗したかを示すとともにGoogle Analytics から関連するレスポンスデータを返します。
Name | Description |
CreateCustomSchema | Creates a custom schema file based on the specified Dimensions and Metrics. |
Creates a custom schema file based on the specified Dimensions and Metrics.
Creates a custom schema file based on the specified Dimensions and Metrics.
A custom schema may be used for a more tailored approach to your data. Custom options may include comma-separated lists for specific data.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
TableName | String | True | The name for the new table. |
Description | String | False | An optional description for the table. |
WriteToFile | String | False | Whether to write to an output file. Defaults to true, must be set to false to write to FileStream or FileData. |
Dimensions | String | False | A comma-separated list of dimensions to include in the schema file. Enter ColumnAlias=ColumnName Example: Alias1=Column1,Alias2=column2. Here is a list of the possible values: |
Metrics | String | True | A comma-separated list of metrics to include in the schema file. Enter ColumnAlias=ColumnName Example: Alias1=Column1,Alias2=column2. Here is a list of the possible values: |
Profile | String | False | The Profile Id or website URL to retrieve data from. This acts as the Report's default Profile when no value is specified for either the Profile pseudo-column or the Profile connection property. |
Name | Type | Description |
Success | String | Whether the schema was created successfully. |
SchemaFile | String | The generated schema file. |
FileData | String | The generated schema encoded in base64. Only returned if WriteToFile set to false and FileStream is not set. |
CData Cloud はGoogle Analytics 4 API をリレーショナルテーブル、ビュー、ストアドプロシージャとしてモデル化します。 The provided tables give you an overview of your account information and the profiles available for Google Analytics queries. Google Analytics supports the queryting of Dimensions and Metrics in a large number of arrangements. Some sample views are provided based on common Google Analytics reports.
You can also create your own custom views based on any combination of Dimensions and Metrics you need. API limitations and requirements are documented in this section; you can use the SupportEnhancedSQL feature, set by default, to circumvent most of these limitations. However, there is a strict limit of nine dimensions and ten metrics per query, unless otherwise stated in the specfic table or view pages.
To use Google Analytics 4 Data Model, set Schema to GoogleAnalytics4.
ビュー は、Accounts、Properties、Events、Acquisitions、Engagement などの変更ができないテーブルです。一般的には、Read-only で更新が不可能なデータはビューとして表されます。 Two types of views are made available:
Additional predefined date fields are available:
month = '2022-05-01'NOTE: The default time interval for views is 30 days.
Aggregation is the process of reducing and summarizing data. You can apply aggregation at multiple levels:
The following examples show the syntax of aggregation queries:
SELECT Date,NewUsers, TotalUsers From Tech where StartDate = '2022-01-01' and EndDate = '2023-05-18' SELECT Hour,NewUsers, TotalUsers From Tech where StartDate = '2022-01-01' and EndDate = '2023-05-18' SELECT Day,NewUsers, TotalUsers From Tech where StartDate = '2022-01-01' and EndDate = '2023-05-18' SELECT Week,NewUsers, TotalUsers From Tech where StartDate = '2022-01-01' and EndDate = '2023-05-18' SELECT Month,NewUsers, TotalUsers From Tech where StartDate = '2022-01-01' and EndDate = '2023-05-18' SELECT Year,NewUsers, TotalUsers From Tech where StartDate = '2022-01-01' and EndDate = '2023-05-18'Some comments about the aggregation code examples:
NOTE: choosing "Date" as a metric overrides any other date metric you select. Only daily data is returned.
ストアドプロシージャ are function-like interfaces to the data source. You can use these to search, update, and modify information in the data source.
Fully Qualified queries supports both OR and And operator together. OR operator is only supported with same columns if it is used together with AND for filtering dimensions or metrics. For Example, the below query might give unexpected result:
SELECT * FROM [Acquisitions] WHERE [StartDate] = '2023-03-22' And [EndDate] = '2023-03-22' And [PagePath] LIKE '%as' OR [Country] LIKE 'US'Given below are few valid queries:
SELECT * FROM [Acquisitions] WHERE [StartDate] = '2023-03-22' And [EndDate] = '2023-03-22' And ([Country] LIKE 'US' Or [Country] LIKE '%In')
SELECT * FROM [Acquisitions] WHERE [StartDate] = '2023-03-22' And [EndDate] = '2023-03-22' Or [PagePath] LIKE '%as'
SELECT * FROM [Acquisitions] WHERE [PagePath] LIKE '%as' Or [PagePath] LIKE 'A' Or Country LIKE '%In'
SELECT * FROM [Acquisitions] WHERE [PagePath] LIKE '%as' AND Country LIKE '%In'
SELECT * FROM [Acquisitions] WHERE [PagePath] LIKE '%as' AND (Country LIKE 'India' OR Country LIKE '%US')
SELECT * FROM [Tech] WHERE [StartDate] = '2021-01-01' AND [EndDate] = '2021-05-18' AND NewUsers >= 26 AND NewUsers < 35 AND (Browser IN ('Chrome', 'Edge') OR Browser = 'Edge')
SELECT * FROM [TechDeviceModelReport] WHERE [Date] >= '2020-05-13' AND [Date] <= '2023-06-13' AND DeviceModel != '(not set)' AND DeviceModel != '(test)' AND (NewUsers = 15 OR NewUsers = 20)
SELECT * FROM Tech WHERE StartDate = '2017-01-01' AND EndDate = '2023-05-02' and CONTAINS (Browser, 'ed') or CONTAINS (Browser, 'ch')
Name | Description |
Accounts | Lists all Accounts to which the user has access. |
AccountSummaries | Lists summaries of all Accounts to which the user has access. |
Acquisitions | A base view that retrieves Acquisitions data. |
AcquisitionsFirstUserCampaignReport | A predefined view that retrieves Acquisitions first user Campaign data. |
AcquisitionsFirstUserGoogleAdsAdGroupNameReport | A predefined view that retrieves user Acquisitions first user Google Ads ad group name data. |
AcquisitionsFirstUserGoogleAdsNetworkTypeReport | A predefined view that retrieves Acquisitions first user Google Ads ad network type platform data. |
AcquisitionsFirstUserMediumReport | A predefined view that retrieves Acquisitions first user medium data. |
AcquisitionsFirstUserSourceMediumReport | Usage information for the operation AcquisitionsFirstUserSourceMediumReport.rsd. |
AcquisitionsFirstUserSourcePlatformReport | A predefined view that retrieves Acquisitions first user source platform data. |
AcquisitionsFirstUserSourceReport | A predefined view that retrieves Acquisitions first user source data. |
AcquisitionsSessionCampaignReport | A predefined view that retrieves Acquisitions session campaign report data. |
AcquisitionsSessionDefaultChannelGroupingReport | A predefined view that retrieves Acquisitions session default channel grouping report data. |
AcquisitionsSessionMediumReport | A predefined view that retrieves Acquisitions session medium report data. |
AcquisitionsSessionSourceMediumReport | A predefined view that retrieves Acquisitions session source medium report data. |
AcquisitionsSessionSourcePlatformReport | A predefined view that retrieves Acquisitions session source platform report data. |
AcquisitionsSessionSourceReport | A predefined view that retrieves Acquisitions session source report data. |
ActiveUsers | A base view that retrieves Active Users data. |
DemographicAgeReport | A predefined view that retrieves Demographics UserAgeBracket data. |
DemographicCityReport | A predefined view that retrieves Demographics City data. |
DemographicCountryReport | A predefined view that retrieves Demographics Country data. |
DemographicGenderReport | A predefined view that retrieves Demographics UserGender data. |
DemographicInterestsReport | A predefined view that retrieves Demographics BrandingInterest data. |
DemographicLanguageReport | A predefined view that retrieves Demographics Language data. |
DemographicRegionReport | A predefined view that retrieves Demographics Region data. |
Demographics | A base view that retrieves Demographics data. |
EcommPurchasesItemBrandReport | A predefined view that retrieves Ecommerce purchase item brand data. |
EcommPurchasesItemCategory2Report | A predefined view that retrieves Ecommerce purchase item category data. |
EcommPurchasesItemCategory3Report | A predefined view that retrieves Ecommerce purchase item category data. |
EcommPurchasesItemCategory4Report | A predefined view that retrieves Ecommerce purchase item category data. |
EcommPurchasesItemCategory5Report | A predefined view that retrieves Ecommerce purchase item category data. |
EcommPurchasesItemCategoryReport | A predefined view that retrieves Ecommerce purchase item category data. |
EcommPurchasesItemCategoryReportCombined | A predefined view that retrieves Ecommerce purchase item category data. |
EcommPurchasesItemIdReport | A predefined view that retrieves Ecommerce purchase item data. |
EcommPurchasesItemNameReport | A predefined view that retrieves Ecommerce purchase item data. |
Engagement | A base view that retrieves Engagement data |
EngagementContentGroupReport | A predefined view that retrieves Engagement Content Group Report data. |
EngagementConversionsReport | A predefined view that retrieves Engagement conversions data. |
EngagementEventsReport | A predefined view that retrieves Engagement events data. |
EngagementPagesPathReport | A predefined view that retrieves Engagement Pages path report data. |
EngagementPagesTitleAndScreenClassReport | A predefined view that retrieves Engagement Pages title and screen class data. |
EngagementPagesTitleAndScreenNameReport | A predefined view that retrieves Engagement Pages Title And ScreenName data. |
Events | A base view that retrieves Event data |
GamesReporting | A base view that retrieves Games Reporting data. |
GlobalAccessObject | Retrieves data for all the available dimensions and metrics. |
MetaData | Retrieves metadata information for standard and custom dimensions or metrics. |
Monetization | A base view that retrieves Monetization data. |
MonetizationPublisherAdsAdFormatReport | A predefined view that retrieves publisher ads page ad format data. |
MonetizationPublisherAdsAdSourceReport | A predefined view that retrieves publisher ads ad source data. |
MonetizationPublisherAdsAdUnitReport | A predefined view that retrieves publisher ads ad unit data. |
MonetizationPublisherAdsPagePathReport | A predefined view that retrieves publisher ads page path data. |
Properties | Lists all Properties to which the user has access. |
PropertiesDataStreams | Lists all data streams under a property to which the user has access. Attribute Parent (e.g: 'properties/123') or Name (e.g: 'properties/123/webDataStreams/456') is required to query the table. |
PropertiesFireBaseLinks | Lists all FirebaseLinks on a property to which the user has access. |
PropertiesGoogleAdsLinks | Lists all GoogleAdsLinks on a property to which the user has access. |
Tech | A base view that retrieves Tech data. |
TechAppVersionReport | A predefined view that retrieves Tech App Version data. |
TechBrowserReport | A predefined view that retrieves Tech Browser data. |
TechDeviceCategoryReport | A predefined view that retrieves Tech Device Category data. |
TechDeviceModelReport | A predefined view that retrieves Tech Device Model data. |
TechOSSystemReport | A predefined view that retrieves Tech os system data. |
TechOSVersionReport | A predefined view that retrieves Tech Os version data. |
TechPlatformDeviceCategoryReport | A predefined view that retrieves Tech platform device category data. |
TechPlatformReport | A predefined view that retrieves Tech platform data. |
TechScreenResolutionReport | A predefined view that retrieves Tech Screen Resolution data. |
Lists all Accounts to which the user has access.
The Accounts table exposes every account the user has access to. The provider uses the GoogleAnalytics4 API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the Name column, which supports the = operator.
The following query is processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM Accounts WHERE Name = 'accounts/54516992'The rest of the filter is executed client-side within the provider.
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
CreateTime | Datetime | Time the account was created | |||
DisplayName | String | display name for the account | |||
Name | String | Account name | |||
RegionCode | String | Country for the account | |||
UpdateTime | Datetime | Time the account was last modified |
Lists summaries of all Accounts to which the user has access.
The AccountSummaries table exposes summaries of all accounts accessible by the caller.
The following query is processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM AccountSummaries
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
Account | String | Account name referred to by this account summary. | |||
DisplayName | String | display name for the account referred to by this account summary. | |||
Name | String | Account summary name. | |||
Propertysummaries | String | Summaries for child accounts of the specific account. |
A base view that retrieves Acquisitions data.
Retrieves data for Acquisitions report. At least one metric must be specified in the query. In the query you can also specify up to 9 dimensions.
The following is an example query:
SELECT Conversions, NewUsers FROM Acquisitions
CustomChannelGroups are added as dimension columns. We can query customChannelGroup in the following way:
SELECT SessionCustomChannelGroupName, FirstGroupCustomChannelGroupName, SessionDefaultChannelGrouping, Conversions FROM Acquisitions
NOTE: CustomChannelGroupName is for reference purpose only. The exact value will depend on the channelGroupName added.
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
Date | Date | True | The date of the session formatted as YYYYMMDD. | ||
Year | Integer | True | The year of the session. A four-digit year from 2005 to the current year. | ||
Month | Integer | True | The month of the session. An integer from 01 to 12. | ||
Week | Integer | True | The week of the session. A number from 01 to 53. Each week starts on Sunday. | ||
Day | Integer | True | The day of the month. A number from 01 to 31. | ||
DayOfWeekName | String | True | The day of the week in English. This dimension has values of Sunday, Monday, etc. | ||
IsoWeek | Integer | True | ISO week number, where each week starts on Monday. Example values include 01, 02, 53. | ||
IsoYear | Integer | True | The ISO year of the event. Example values include 2022 2023. | ||
IsoYearIsoWeek | Integer | True | The combined values of isoWeek and isoYear. Example values include 201652 and 201701. | ||
YearMonth | Integer | True | The combined values of year and month. Example values include 202212 or 202301. | ||
YearWeek | Integer | True | The combined values of year and week. Example values include 202253 or 202301. | ||
Hour | Integer | True | An hour of the day ranging from 00-23 in the timezone configured for the account. This value is also corrected for daylight savings time. | ||
FirstUserGoogleAdsAdGroupName | String | True | The Ad Group Name in Google Ads that first acquired the user. | ||
FirstUserGoogleAdsAdNetworkType | String | True | The advertising network that first acquired the user. | ||
FirstUserCampaignName | String | True | Name of the marketing campaign that first acquired the user. | ||
FirstUserCreativeId | String | True | The campaign creative ID that first acquired the users. | ||
FirstUserMedium | String | True | True | The medium that first acquired the user to the website or app. | |
FirstUserSource | String | True | The source that first acquired the user to the website or app. | ||
SessionCampaignName | String | True | Campaign that referred the user's session. | ||
SessionDefaultChannelGrouping | String | True | Channel groupings are rule-based definitions of your traffic sources. These default system definitions reflect Analytics' current view of what constitutes each channel. | ||
SessionMedium | String | True | Channel that referred the user's session. | ||
SessionSource | String | True | The source that initiated a session on your website or app. | ||
EventName | String | True | The name of the event. | ||
BrandingInterest | String | True | Interests demonstrated by users who are higher in the shopping funnel. Users can be counted in multiple interest categories. | ||
Country | String | True | Country from which user activity originated. | ||
City | String | True | City from which user activity originated. | ||
Language | String | True | Language setting for the device from which activity originated. | ||
UserAgeBracket | String | True | User age brackets. | ||
UserGender | String | True | User gender. | ||
Region | String | True | Geographic region from which activity originated. | ||
UnifiedScreenClass | String | True | The page title (web) or screen class (app) on which the event was logged. | ||
PagePath | String | True | The portion of the URL between the hostname and query string for web. | ||
Conversions | Integer | False | True | The count of conversion events. | |
EngagementRate | Decimal | False | True | The percentage of engaged sessions. | |
EngagedSessions | Integer | False | True | The number of sessions that lasted longer than 10 seconds, or had a conversion event, or had 2 or more screen views. | |
EngagedSessionsPerUser | Decimal | False | True | Average number of engaged sessions per user. | |
EventCount | Integer | False | True | The count of events. | |
EventsPerSession | Decimal | False | True | The average number of events per session. | |
NewUsers | Integer | False | True | The number of users who interacted with the site or launched the app for the first time. | |
Sessions | Integer | False | True | The number of sessions that began on the site or app. | |
TotalRevenue | Integer | False | True | The sum of revenue from purchases, subscriptions, and advertising. | |
TotalUsers | Integer | False | True | The total number of users. | |
UserEngagementDuration | Integer | False | False | The total amount of time (in seconds) the website or app was in the foreground of users device. | |
ScreenPageViews | Integer | False | False | The number of app screens or web pages the users viewed. Repeated views of a single page or screen are counted. | |
EventCountPerUser | Decimal | False | False | Average number of events triggered by each user. | |
SessionsPerUser | Decimal | False | False | The average number of sessions per user (Sessions divided by Active Users). | |
StartDate | String | Start date for fetching Analytics data. Either a date string or a relative date (e.g., today, yesterday, or #daysAgo). | |||
EndDate | String | End date for fetching Analytics data. Either a date string or a relative date (e.g., today, yesterday, or #daysAgo). | |||
Dimensions | String | A comma-separated list of dimensions to retrieve in addition to the columns defined in the schema. Set to empty string to retrieve no dimensions. | |||
Metrics | String | A comma-separated list of metrics to retrieve in addition to the columns defined in the schema. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似列フィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
PropertyId | String | Property ID value to be used when querying this table. |
A predefined view that retrieves Acquisitions first user Campaign data.
The Cloud uses the Google Analytics API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserCampaignReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserCampaignReport WHERE FirstUserGoogleAdsAdGroupName = 'Test' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserCampaignReport WHERE Date = '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserCampaignReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 AND FirstUserGoogleAdsAdGroupName = 'Test' AND Date = '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserCampaignReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' AND <= '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserCampaignReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserCampaignReport WHERE Date <= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserCampaignReport WHERE Date > '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserCampaignReport WHERE Date < '01/01/2022'
CustomChannelGroups are added as dimension columns. We can query customChannelGroup in the following way:
SELECT FirstUserCustomChannelGroupName, SessionDefaultChannelGrouping, Conversions FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserCampaignReport
NOTE: CustomChannelGroupName is for reference purpose only. The exact value will depend on the channelGroupName added. The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the Cloud.
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
FirstUserCampaignName | String | True | True | The Name of the marketing campaign that first acquired the user. | |
Date | Date | True | True | The date of the session formatted as YYYYMMDD. | |
NewUsers | Integer | False | True | The number of users who interacted with the site or launched the app for the first time. | |
Conversions | Integer | False | True | The count of conversion events. | |
EngagementRate | Decimal | False | True | The percentage of engaged sessions. | |
EngagedSessions | Integer | False | True | The number of sessions that lasted longer than ten seconds, had a conversion event, or had two or more screen views. | |
EventCount | Integer | False | True | The count of events. | |
TotalRevenue | Integer | False | True | The sum of revenue from purchases, subscriptions, and advertising. | |
TotalUsers | Integer | False | True | The total number of users. | |
UserEngagementDuration | Integer | False | False | The total amount of time (in seconds) the website or app was in the foreground of users |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似列フィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
PropertyId | String | The Property Id value to be used when querying this table. |
A predefined view that retrieves user Acquisitions first user Google Ads ad group name data.
The Cloud uses the Google Analytics API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserGoogleAdsAdGroupNameReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserGoogleAdsAdGroupNameReport WHERE FirstUserGoogleAdsAdGroupName = 'Test' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserGoogleAdsAdGroupNameReport WHERE Date = '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserGoogleAdsAdGroupNameReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 AND FirstUserGoogleAdsAdGroupName = 'Test' AND Date = '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserGoogleAdsAdGroupNameReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' AND <= '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserGoogleAdsAdGroupNameReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserGoogleAdsAdGroupNameReport WHERE Date <= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserGoogleAdsAdGroupNameReport WHERE Date > '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserGoogleAdsAdGroupNameReport WHERE Date < '01/01/2022'The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the Cloud.
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
FirstUserGoogleAdsAdGroupName | String | True | True | The Ad Group Name in Google Ads that first acquired the user. | |
Date | Date | True | True | The date of the session formatted as YYYYMMDD. | |
NewUsers | Integer | False | True | The number of users who interacted with the site or launched the app for the first time. | |
Conversions | Integer | False | True | The count of conversion events. | |
EngagementRate | Decimal | False | True | The percentage of engaged sessions. | |
EngagedSessions | Integer | False | True | The number of sessions that lasted longer than ten seconds, had a conversion event, or had two or more screen views. | |
EventCount | Integer | False | True | The count of events. | |
TotalRevenue | Integer | False | True | The sum of revenue from purchases, subscriptions, and advertising. | |
TotalUsers | Integer | False | True | The total number of users. | |
UserEngagementDuration | Integer | False | True | The total amount of time (in seconds) the website or app was in the foreground of users |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似列フィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
PropertyId | String | The Property Id value to be used when querying this table. |
A predefined view that retrieves Acquisitions first user Google Ads ad network type platform data.
The Cloud uses the Google Analytics API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserGoogleAdsNetworkType WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserGoogleAdsNetworkType WHERE FirstUserGoogleAdsNetworkType = 'test' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserGoogleAdsNetworkType WHERE Date = '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserGoogleAdsNetworkType WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 AND FirstUserGoogleAdsNetworkType = 'test' AND Date = '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserGoogleAdsNetworkType WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' AND <= '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserGoogleAdsNetworkType WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserGoogleAdsNetworkType WHERE Date <= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserGoogleAdsNetworkType WHERE Date > '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserGoogleAdsNetworkType WHERE Date < '01/01/2022'The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the Cloud.
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
FirstUserGoogleAdsAdNetworkType | String | True | True | The source platform that first acquired the user. | |
Date | Date | True | True | The date of the session formatted as YYYYMMDD. | |
NewUsers | Integer | False | True | The number of users who interacted with the site or launched the app for the first time. | |
Conversions | Integer | False | True | The count of conversion events. | |
EngagementRate | Decimal | False | True | The percentage of engaged sessions. | |
EngagedSessions | Integer | False | True | The number of sessions that lasted longer than ten seconds, had a conversion event, or had two or more screen views. | |
EventCount | Integer | False | True | The count of events. | |
TotalRevenue | Integer | False | True | The sum of revenue from purchases, subscriptions, and advertising. | |
TotalUsers | Integer | False | True | The total number of users. | |
UserEngagementDuration | Integer | False | True | The total amount of time (in seconds) the website or app was in the foreground of users |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似列フィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
PropertyId | String | The Property Id value to be used when querying this table. |
A predefined view that retrieves Acquisitions first user medium data.
The Cloud uses the Google Analytics API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserMediumReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserMediumReport WHERE FirstUserMedium = 'test' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserMediumReport WHERE Date = '20221115' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserMediumReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 AND FirstUserMedium = 'test' AND Date = '01/05/2023'' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserMediumReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' AND <= '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserMediumReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserMediumReport WHERE Date <= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserMediumReport WHERE Date > '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserMediumReport WHERE Date < '01/01/2022'
CustomChannelGroups are added as dimension columns. We can query customChannelGroup in the following way:
SELECT FirstUserCustomChannelGroupName, SessionDefaultChannelGrouping, Conversions FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserMediumReport WHERE FirstUserMedium = 'test'
NOTE: CustomChannelGroupName is for reference purpose only. The exact value will depend on the channelGroupName added. The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the Cloud.
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
FirstUserMedium | String | True | True | The medium that first acquired the user of the website or app. | |
Date | Date | True | True | The date of the session formatted as YYYYMMDD. | |
NewUsers | Integer | False | True | The number of users who interacted with the site or launched the app for the first time. | |
Conversions | Integer | False | True | The count of conversion events. | |
EngagementRate | Decimal | False | True | The percentage of engaged sessions. | |
EngagedSessions | Integer | False | True | The number of sessions that lasted longer than ten seconds, had a conversion event, or had two or more screen views. | |
EventCount | Integer | False | True | The count of events. | |
TotalRevenue | Integer | False | True | The sum of revenue from purchases, subscriptions, and advertising. | |
TotalUsers | Integer | False | True | The total number of users. | |
UserEngagementDuration | Integer | False | True | The total amount of time (in seconds) the website or app was in the foreground of users |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似列フィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
PropertyId | String | The Property Id value to be used when querying this table. |
Usage information for the operation AcquisitionsFirstUserSourceMediumReport.rsd.
The Cloud uses the Google Analytics API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserSourceMediumReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserSourceMediumReport WHERE FirstUserGoogleAdsAdGroupName = 'Test' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserSourceMediumReport WHERE Date = '01/05/2023'' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserSourceMediumReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 AND FirstUserGoogleAdsAdGroupName = 'Test' AND Date = '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserSourceMediumReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' AND <= '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserSourceMediumReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserSourceMediumReport WHERE Date <= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserSourceMediumReport WHERE Date > '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserSourceMediumReport WHERE Date < '01/01/2022'
CustomChannelGroups are added as dimension columns. We can query customChannelGroup in the following way:
SELECT FirstUserCustomChannelGroupName, SessionDefaultChannelGrouping, Conversions FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserSourceMediumReport
NOTE: CustomChannelGroupName is for reference purpose only. The exact value will depend on the channelGroupName added. The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the Cloud.
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
FirstUserSource | String | True | True | The source that first acquired the user to the website or app. | |
FirstUserMedium | String | True | True | The medium that first acquired the user to the website or app. | |
Date | Date | True | True | The date of the session formatted as YYYYMMDD. | |
NewUsers | Integer | False | True | The number of users who interacted with the site or launched the app for the first time. | |
Conversions | Integer | False | True | The count of conversion events. | |
EngagementRate | Decimal | False | True | The percentage of engaged sessions. | |
EngagedSessions | Integer | False | True | The number of sessions that lasted longer than ten seconds, had a conversion event, or had two or more screen views. | |
EventCount | Integer | False | True | The count of events. | |
TotalRevenue | Integer | False | True | The sum of revenue from purchases, subscriptions, and advertising. | |
TotalUsers | Integer | False | True | The total number of users. | |
UserEngagementDuration | Integer | False | True | The total amount of time (in seconds) the website or app was in the foreground of users |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似列フィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
PropertyId | String | The Property Id value to be used when querying this table. |
A predefined view that retrieves Acquisitions first user source platform data.
The Cloud uses the Google Analytics API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserSourcePlatformReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserSourcePlatformReport WHERE FirstUserSourcePlatform = 'Test' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserSourcePlatformReport WHERE Date = '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserSourcePlatformReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 AND FirstUserSourcePlatform = 'Test' AND Date = '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserSourcePlatformReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' AND <= '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserSourcePlatformReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserSourcePlatformReport WHERE Date <= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserSourcePlatformReport WHERE Date > '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserSourcePlatformReport WHERE Date < '01/01/2022'
CustomChannelGroups are added as dimension columns. We can query customChannelGroup in the following way:
SELECT FirstUserCustomChannelGroupName, SessionDefaultChannelGrouping, Conversions FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserSourcePlatformReport WHERE FirstUserSourcePlatform = 'Test'
NOTE: CustomChannelGroupName is for reference purpose only. The exact value will depend on the channelGroupName added. The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the Cloud.
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
FirstUserSourcePlatform | String | True | True | The source platform that first acquired the user. | |
Date | Date | True | True | The date of the session formatted as YYYYMMDD. | |
NewUsers | Integer | False | True | The number of users who interacted with the site or launched the app for the first time. | |
Conversions | Integer | False | True | The count of conversion events. | |
EngagementRate | Decimal | False | True | The percentage of engaged sessions. | |
EngagedSessions | Integer | False | True | The number of sessions that lasted longer than ten seconds, had a conversion event, or had two or more screen views. | |
EventCount | Integer | False | True | The count of events. | |
TotalRevenue | Integer | False | True | The sum of revenue from purchases, subscriptions, and advertising. | |
TotalUsers | Integer | False | True | The total number of users. | |
UserEngagementDuration | Integer | False | True | The total amount of time (in seconds) the website or app was in the foreground of users |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似列フィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
PropertyId | String | The Property Id value to be used when querying this table. |
A predefined view that retrieves Acquisitions first user source data.
The Cloud uses the Google Analytics API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserSourceReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserSourceReport WHERE FirstUserSource = '(direct)' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserSourceReport WHERE Date = '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserSourceReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 AND FirstUserSource = '(direct)' AND Date = '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserSourceReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' AND <= '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserSourceReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserSourceReport WHERE Date <= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserSourceReport WHERE Date > '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserSourceReport WHERE Date < '01/01/2022'
CustomChannelGroups are added as dimension columns. We can query customChannelGroup in the following way:
SELECT FirstUserCustomChannelGroupName, SessionDefaultChannelGrouping, Conversions FROM AcquisitionsFirstUserSourceReport WHERE FirstUserSource = '(direct)'
NOTE: CustomChannelGroupName is for reference purpose only. The exact value will depend on the channelGroupName added. The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the Cloud.
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
FirstUserSource | String | True | True | The source that first acquired the user of the website or app. | |
Date | Date | True | True | The date of the session formatted as YYYYMMDD. | |
NewUsers | Integer | False | True | The number of users who interacted with the site or launched the app for the first time. | |
Conversions | Integer | False | True | The count of conversion events. | |
EngagementRate | Decimal | False | True | The percentage of engaged sessions. | |
EngagedSessions | Integer | False | True | The number of sessions that lasted longer than ten seconds, had a conversion event, or had two or more screen views. | |
EventCount | Integer | False | True | The count of events. | |
TotalRevenue | Integer | False | True | The sum of revenue from purchases, subscriptions, and advertising. | |
TotalUsers | Integer | False | True | The total number of users. | |
UserEngagementDuration | Integer | False | False | The total amount of time (in seconds) the website or app was in the foreground of users |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似列フィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
PropertyId | String | The Property Id value to be used when querying this table. |
A predefined view that retrieves Acquisitions session campaign report data.
The Cloud uses the Google Analytics API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsSessionDefaultChannelGroupingReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsSessionDefaultChannelGroupingReport WHERE SessionDefaultChannelGrouping = 'Direct' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsSessionDefaultChannelGroupingReport WHERE Date = '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsSessionDefaultChannelGroupingReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 AND SessionDefaultChannelGrouping = 'Direct' AND Date = '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsSessionDefaultChannelGroupingReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' AND <= '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsSessionDefaultChannelGroupingReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsSessionDefaultChannelGroupingReport WHERE Date <= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsSessionDefaultChannelGroupingReport WHERE Date > '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsSessionDefaultChannelGroupingReport WHERE Date < '01/01/2022'
CustomChannelGroups are added as dimension columns. We can query customChannelGroup in the following way:
SELECT SessionCustomChannelGroupName, SessionDefaultChannelGrouping, Conversions FROM AcquisitionsSessionDefaultChannelGroupingReport WHERE SessionDefaultChannelGrouping = 'Direct'
NOTE: CustomChannelGroupName is for reference purpose only. The exact value will depend on the channelGroupName added. The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the Cloud.
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
SessionCampaignName | String | True | True | Campaign that referred the user | |
Date | Date | True | True | The date of the session formatted as YYYYMMDD. | |
Sessions | Integer | False | True | The number of sessions that began on the site or app. | |
EventsPerSession | Decimal | False | True | The average number of events per session. | |
Conversions | Integer | False | True | The count of conversion events. | |
EngagementRate | Decimal | False | True | The percentage of engaged sessions. | |
EngagedSessions | Integer | False | True | The number of sessions that lasted longer than ten seconds, had a conversion event, or had two or more screen views. | |
EventCount | Integer | False | True | The count of events. | |
TotalRevenue | Integer | False | True | The sum of revenue from purchases, subscriptions, and advertising. | |
TotalUsers | Integer | False | True | The total number of users. | |
UserEngagementDuration | Integer | False | True | The total amount of time (in seconds) the website or app was in the foreground of users |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似列フィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
PropertyId | String | The Property Id value to be used when querying this table. |
A predefined view that retrieves Acquisitions session default channel grouping report data.
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
SessionDefaultChannelGrouping | String | True | True | Channel groupings are rule-based definitions of your traffic sources. These default system definitions reflect Analytics current view of what constitutes each channel. | |
Date | Date | True | True | The date of the session formatted as YYYYMMDD. | |
Conversions | Integer | False | True | The count of conversion events. | |
EventsPerSession | Decimal | False | True | The average number of events per session. | |
EngagementRate | Decimal | False | True | The percentage of engaged sessions. | |
EngagedSessions | Integer | False | True | The number of sessions that lasted longer than ten seconds, had a conversion event, or had two or more screen views. | |
EventCount | Integer | False | True | The count of events. | |
TotalRevenue | Integer | False | True | The sum of revenue from purchases, subscriptions, and advertising. | |
TotalUsers | Integer | False | True | The total number of users. | |
UserEngagementDuration | Integer | False | True | The total amount of time (in seconds) the website or app was in the foreground of users |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似列フィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
PropertyId | String | The Property Id value to be used when querying this table. |
A predefined view that retrieves Acquisitions session medium report data.
The Cloud uses the Google Analytics API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsSessionMediumReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsSessionMediumReport WHERE SessionMedium = 'test' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsSessionMediumReport WHERE Date = '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsSessionMediumReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 AND SessionMedium = 'test' AND Date = '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsSessionMediumReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' AND <= '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsSessionMediumReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsSessionMediumReport WHERE Date <= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsSessionMediumReport WHERE Date > '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsSessionMediumReport WHERE Date < '01/01/2022'
CustomChannelGroups are added as dimension columns. We can query customChannelGroup in the following way:
SELECT SessionCustomChannelGroupName, SessionDefaultChannelGrouping, Conversions FROM AcquisitionsSessionMediumReport WHERE SessionMedium = 'test'
NOTE: CustomChannelGroupName is for reference purpose only. The exact value will depend on the channelGroupName added. The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the Cloud.
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
SessionMedium | String | True | True | The Channel that referred the user | |
Date | Date | True | True | The date of the session formatted as YYYYMMDD. | |
Sessions | Integer | False | True | The number of sessions that began on the site or app. | |
EventsPerSession | Decimal | False | True | The average number of events per session. | |
Conversions | Integer | False | True | The count of conversion events. | |
EngagementRate | Decimal | False | True | The percentage of engaged sessions. | |
EngagedSessions | Integer | False | True | The number of sessions that lasted longer than ten seconds, had a conversion event, or had two or more screen views. | |
EventCount | Integer | False | True | The count of events. | |
TotalRevenue | Integer | False | True | The sum of revenue from purchases, subscriptions, and advertising. | |
TotalUsers | Integer | False | True | The total number of users. | |
UserEngagementDuration | Integer | False | True | The total amount of time (in seconds) the website or app was in the foreground of users |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似列フィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
PropertyId | String | The Property Id value to be used when querying this table. |
A predefined view that retrieves Acquisitions session source medium report data.
The Cloud uses the Google Analytics API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsSessionSourceMediumReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsSessionSourceMediumReport WHERE FirstUserGoogleAdsAdGroupName = 'Test' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsSessionSourceMediumReport WHERE Date = '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsSessionSourceMediumReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 AND FirstUserGoogleAdsAdGroupName = 'Test' AND Date = '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsSessionSourceMediumReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' AND <= '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsSessionSourceMediumReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsSessionSourceMediumReport WHERE Date <= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsSessionSourceMediumReport WHERE Date > '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsSessionSourceMediumReport WHERE Date < '01/01/2022'
CustomChannelGroups are added as dimension columns. We can query customChannelGroup in the following way:
SELECT SessionCustomChannelGroupName, SessionDefaultChannelGrouping, Conversions FROM AcquisitionsSessionSourceMediumReport
NOTE: CustomChannelGroupName is for reference purpose only. The exact value will depend on the channelGroupName added. The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the Cloud.
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
SessionMedium | String | True | True | Channel that referred the user | |
SessionSource | String | True | True | The source that initiated a session on your website or app. | |
Date | Date | True | True | The date of the session formatted as YYYYMMDD. | |
Sessions | Integer | False | True | The number of sessions that began on the site or app. | |
EventsPerSession | Decimal | False | True | The average number of events per session. | |
Conversions | Integer | False | True | The count of conversion events. | |
EngagementRate | Decimal | False | True | The percentage of engaged sessions. | |
EngagedSessions | Integer | False | True | The number of sessions that lasted longer than ten seconds, had a conversion event, or had two or more screen views. | |
EventCount | Integer | False | True | The count of events. | |
TotalRevenue | Integer | False | True | The sum of revenue from purchases, subscriptions, and advertising. | |
TotalUsers | Integer | False | True | The total number of users. | |
UserEngagementDuration | Integer | False | False | The total amount of time (in seconds) the website or app was in the foreground of users |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似列フィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
PropertyId | String | The Property Id value to be used when querying this table. |
A predefined view that retrieves Acquisitions session source platform report data.
The Cloud uses the Google Analytics API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsSessionSourcePlatformReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsSessionSourcePlatformReport WHERE FirstUserGoogleAdsAdGroupName = 'Test' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsSessionSourcePlatformReport WHERE Date = '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsSessionSourcePlatformReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 AND FirstUserGoogleAdsAdGroupName = 'Test' AND Date = '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsSessionSourcePlatformReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' AND <= '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsSessionSourcePlatformReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsSessionSourcePlatformReport WHERE Date <= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsSessionSourcePlatformReport WHERE Date > '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsSessionSourcePlatformReport WHERE Date < '01/01/2022'
CustomChannelGroups are added as dimension columns. We can query customChannelGroup in the following way:
SELECT SessionCustomChannelGroupName, SessionDefaultChannelGrouping, Conversions FROM AcquisitionsSessionSourcePlatformReport
NOTE: CustomChannelGroupName is for reference purpose only. The exact value will depend on the channelGroupName added. The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the Cloud.
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
SessionSourcePlatform | String | True | True | The source platform of the session | |
Date | Date | True | True | The date of the session formatted as YYYYMMDD. | |
Conversions | Integer | False | True | The count of conversion events. | |
EventsPerSession | Decimal | False | True | The average number of events per session. | |
EngagementRate | Decimal | False | True | The percentage of engaged sessions. | |
EngagedSessions | Integer | False | True | The number of sessions that lasted longer than ten seconds, had a conversion event, or had two or more screen views. | |
EventCount | Integer | False | True | The count of events. | |
TotalRevenue | Integer | False | True | The sum of revenue from purchases, subscriptions, and advertising. | |
TotalUsers | Integer | False | True | The total number of users. | |
UserEngagementDuration | Integer | False | False | The total amount of time (in seconds) the website or app was in the foreground of users |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似列フィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
PropertyId | String | The Property Id value to be used when querying this table. |
A predefined view that retrieves Acquisitions session source report data.
The Cloud uses the Google Analytics API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsSessionSourceReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsSessionSourceReport WHERE FirstUserGoogleAdsAdGroupName = 'Test' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsSessionSourceReport WHERE Date = '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsSessionSourceReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 AND FirstUserGoogleAdsAdGroupName = 'Test' AND Date = '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsSessionSourceReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' AND <= '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsSessionSourceReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsSessionSourceReport WHERE Date <= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsSessionSourceReport WHERE Date > '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM AcquisitionsSessionSourceReport WHERE Date < '01/01/2022'
CustomChannelGroups are added as dimension columns. We can query customChannelGroup in the following way:
SELECT SessionCustomChannelGroupName, SessionDefaultChannelGrouping, Conversions FROM AcquisitionsSessionSourceReport
NOTE: CustomChannelGroupName is for reference purpose only. The exact value will depend on the channelGroupName added. The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the Cloud.
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
SessionSource | String | True | True | The source that initiated a session on your website or app. | |
Date | Date | True | True | The date of the session formatted as YYYYMMDD. | |
Sessions | Integer | False | True | The number of sessions that began on the site or app. | |
EventsPerSession | Decimal | False | True | The average number of events per session. | |
Conversions | Integer | False | True | The count of conversion events. | |
EngagementRate | Decimal | False | True | The percentage of engaged sessions. | |
EngagedSessions | Integer | False | True | The number of sessions that lasted longer than ten seconds, had a conversion event, or had two or more screen views. | |
EventCount | Integer | False | True | The count of events. | |
TotalRevenue | Integer | False | True | The sum of revenue from purchases, subscriptions, and advertising. | |
TotalUsers | Integer | False | True | The total number of users. | |
UserEngagementDuration | Integer | False | False | The total amount of time (in seconds) the website or app was in the foreground of users |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似列フィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
PropertyId | String | The Property Id value to be used when querying this table. |
A base view that retrieves Active Users data.
Retrieves data for ActiveUsers report. At least one metric must be specified in the query. This endpoint uses the realtime report API endpoint to get more up to date data than the standard reporting endpoint. The realtime reporting API supports a maximum of four dimensions compared to the standard nine for the standard report API.
The following is an example query:
SELECT ActiveUsers, Platform FROM ActiveUsers
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
AppVersion | String | True | The app versionName (Android) or short bundle version (iOS). | ||
City | String | True | The city from which the user activity originated. | ||
Country | String | True | The country from which the user activity originated. | ||
DeviceCategory | String | True | The type of device: Desktop, Tablet, or Mobile. | ||
Platform | String | True | True | The platform on which your app or website ran. | |
AudienceName | String | True | The given name of an Audience. | ||
UnifiedScreenName | String | True | The page title (web) or screen name (app) on which the event was logged. | ||
ActiveUsers | Integer | False | True | The total number of active users. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似列フィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
PropertyId | String | The Property Id value to be used when querying this table. |
A predefined view that retrieves Demographics UserAgeBracket data.
The Cloud uses the Google Analytics API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM DemographicAgeReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 SELECT * FROM DemographicAgeReport WHERE UserAgeBracket = '18-24' SELECT * FROM DemographicAgeReport WHERE Date = '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM DemographicAgeReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 AND Date = '01/05/2023' AND UserAgeBracket = '18-24' SELECT * FROM DemographicAgeReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' AND <= '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM DemographicAgeReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM DemographicAgeReport WHERE Date <= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM DemographicAgeReport WHERE Date > '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM DemographicAgeReport WHERE Date < '01/01/2022'The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the Cloud.
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
UserAgeBracket | String | True | True | User age brackets. | |
Date | Date | True | True | The date of the session formatted as YYYYMMDD. | |
Conversions | Integer | False | True | The count of conversion events. | |
EngagementRate | Decimal | False | True | The percentage of engaged sessions. | |
EngagedSessions | Integer | False | True | The number of sessions that lasted longer than ten seconds, had a conversion event, or had two or more screen views. | |
NewUsers | Integer | False | True | The number of users who interacted with the site or launched the app for the first time. | |
TotalRevenue | Integer | False | True | The sum of revenue from purchases, subscriptions, and advertising. | |
TotalUsers | Integer | False | True | The total number of users. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似列フィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
PropertyId | String | The Property Id value to be used when querying this table. |
A predefined view that retrieves Demographics City data.
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
City | String | True | True | The City from which user activity originated. | |
Date | Date | True | True | The date of the session formatted as YYYYMMDD. | |
Conversions | Integer | False | True | The count of conversion events. | |
EngagementRate | Decimal | False | True | The percentage of engaged sessions. | |
EngagedSessions | Integer | False | True | The number of sessions that lasted longer than ten seconds, had a conversion event, or had two or more screen views. | |
NewUsers | Integer | False | True | The number of users who interacted with the site or launched the app for the first time. | |
TotalRevenue | Integer | False | True | The sum of revenue from purchases, subscriptions, and advertising. | |
TotalUsers | Integer | False | True | The total number of users. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似列フィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
PropertyId | String | The Property Id value to be used when querying this table. |
A predefined view that retrieves Demographics Country data.
The Cloud uses the Google Analytics API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM DemographicCountryReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 SELECT * FROM DemographicCountryReport WHERE Country = 'America' SELECT * FROM DemographicCountryReport WHERE Date = '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM DemographicCountryReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 AND Date = '01/05/2023' AND Country = 'America' SELECT * FROM DemographicCountryReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' AND <= '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM DemographicCountryReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM DemographicCountryReport WHERE Date <= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM DemographicCountryReport WHERE Date > '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM DemographicCountryReport WHERE Date < '01/01/2022'The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the Cloud.
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
Country | String | True | True | The Country from which user activity originated. | |
Date | Date | True | True | The date of the session formatted as YYYYMMDD. | |
Conversions | Integer | False | True | The count of conversion events. | |
EngagementRate | Decimal | False | True | The percentage of engaged sessions. | |
EngagedSessions | Integer | False | True | The number of sessions that lasted longer than ten seconds, had a conversion event, or had two or more screen views. | |
NewUsers | Integer | False | True | The number of users who interacted with the site or launched the app for the first time. | |
TotalRevenue | Integer | False | True | The sum of revenue from purchases, subscriptions, and advertising. | |
TotalUsers | Integer | False | True | The total number of users. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似列フィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
PropertyId | String | The Property Id value to be used when querying this table. |
A predefined view that retrieves Demographics UserGender data.
The Cloud uses the Google Analytics API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM DemographicGenderReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 SELECT * FROM DemographicGenderReport WHERE UserGender = 'Female' SELECT * FROM DemographicGenderReport WHERE Date = '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM DemographicGenderReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 AND Date = '01/01/2022' AND UserGender = 'Female' SELECT * FROM DemographicGenderReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' AND <= '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM DemographicGenderReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM DemographicGenderReport WHERE Date <= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM DemographicGenderReport WHERE Date > '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM DemographicGenderReport WHERE Date < '01/01/2022'The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the Cloud.
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
UserGender | String | True | True | User gender. | |
Date | Date | True | True | The date of the session formatted as YYYYMMDD. | |
Conversions | Integer | False | True | The count of conversion events. | |
EngagementRate | Decimal | False | True | The percentage of engaged sessions. | |
EngagedSessions | Integer | False | True | The number of sessions that lasted longer than ten seconds, had a conversion event, or had two or more screen views. | |
NewUsers | Integer | False | True | The number of users who interacted with the site or launched the app for the first time. | |
TotalRevenue | Integer | False | True | The sum of revenue from purchases, subscriptions, and advertising. | |
TotalUsers | Integer | False | True | The total number of users. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似列フィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
PropertyId | String | The Property Id value to be used when querying this table. |
A predefined view that retrieves Demographics BrandingInterest data.
The Cloud uses the Google Analytics API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM DemographicInterestsReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 SELECT * FROM DemographicInterestsReport WHERE BrandingInterest = 'Marketing' SELECT * FROM DemographicInterestsReport WHERE Date = '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM DemographicInterestsReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 AND Date = '01/05/2023' AND BrandingInterest = 'Marketing' SELECT * FROM DemographicInterestsReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' AND <= '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM DemographicInterestsReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM DemographicInterestsReport WHERE Date <= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM DemographicInterestsReport WHERE Date > '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM DemographicInterestsReport WHERE Date < '01/01/2022'The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the Cloud.
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
BrandingInterest | String | True | True | Interests demonstrated by users who are higher in the shopping funnel. Users can be counted in multiple interest categories. | |
Date | Date | True | True | The date of the session formatted as YYYYMMDD. | |
Conversions | Integer | False | True | The count of conversion events. | |
EngagementRate | Decimal | False | True | The percentage of engaged sessions. | |
EngagedSessions | Integer | False | True | The number of sessions that lasted longer than ten seconds, had a conversion event, or had two or more screen views. | |
NewUsers | Integer | False | True | The number of users who interacted with the site or launched the app for the first time. | |
TotalRevenue | Integer | False | True | The sum of revenue from purchases, subscriptions, and advertising. | |
TotalUsers | Integer | False | True | The total number of users. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似列フィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
PropertyId | String | The Property Id value to be used when querying this table. |
A predefined view that retrieves Demographics Language data.
The Cloud uses the Google Analytics API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM DemographicLanguageReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 SELECT * FROM DemographicLanguageReport WHERE Language = 'English' SELECT * FROM DemographicLanguageReport WHERE Date = '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM DemographicLanguageReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 AND Date = '01/05/2023' AND Language = 'English' SELECT * FROM DemographicLanguageReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' AND <= '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM DemographicLanguageReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM DemographicLanguageReport WHERE Date <= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM DemographicLanguageReport WHERE Date > '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM DemographicLanguageReport WHERE Date < '01/01/2022'The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the Cloud.
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
Language | String | True | True | The Language setting for the device from which activity originated. | |
Date | Date | True | True | The date of the session formatted as YYYYMMDD. | |
Conversions | Integer | False | True | The count of conversion events. | |
EngagementRate | Decimal | False | True | The percentage of engaged sessions. | |
EngagedSessions | Integer | False | True | The number of sessions that lasted longer than ten seconds, had a conversion event, or had two or more screen views. | |
NewUsers | Integer | False | True | The number of users who interacted with the site or launched the app for the first time. | |
TotalRevenue | Integer | False | True | The sum of revenue from purchases, subscriptions, and advertising. | |
TotalUsers | Integer | False | True | The total number of users. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似列フィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
PropertyId | String | The Property Id value to be used when querying this table. |
A predefined view that retrieves Demographics Region data.
The Cloud uses the Google Analytics API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM DemographicRegionReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 SELECT * FROM DemographicRegionReport WHERE Region = 'California' SELECT * FROM DemographicRegionReport WHERE Date = '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM DemographicRegionReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 AND Date = '01/05/2023' AND Region = 'California' SELECT * FROM DemographicRegionReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' AND <= '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM DemographicRegionReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM DemographicRegionReport WHERE Date <= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM DemographicRegionReport WHERE Date > '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM DemographicRegionReport WHERE Date < '01/01/2022'The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the Cloud.
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
Region | String | True | True | The Geographic region from which activity originated. | |
Date | Date | True | True | The date of the session formatted as YYYYMMDD. | |
Conversions | Integer | False | True | The count of conversion events. | |
EngagementRate | Decimal | False | True | The percentage of engaged sessions. | |
EngagedSessions | Integer | False | True | The number of sessions that lasted longer than ten seconds, had a conversion event, or had two or more screen views. | |
NewUsers | Integer | False | True | The number of users who interacted with the site or launched the app for the first time. | |
TotalRevenue | Integer | False | True | The sum of revenue from purchases, subscriptions, and advertising. | |
TotalUsers | Integer | False | True | The total number of users. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似列フィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
PropertyId | String | The Property Id value to be used when querying this table. |
A base view that retrieves Demographics data.
Retrieves data for Demographics report. At least one metric must be specified in the query. In the query you can also specify up to nine dimensions.
The following is an example query:
SELECT Conversions, TotalRevenue FROM Demographics
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
Date | Date | True | The date of the session formatted as YYYYMMDD. | ||
Year | Integer | True | The year of the session. A four-digit year from 2005 to the current year. | ||
Month | Integer | True | The month of the session. An integer from 01 to 12. | ||
Week | Integer | True | The week of the session. A number from 01 to 53. Each week starts on Sunday. | ||
Day | Integer | True | The day of the month. A number from 01 to 31. | ||
DayOfWeekName | String | True | The day of the week in English. This dimension has values of Sunday, Monday, etc. | ||
IsoWeek | Integer | True | ISO week number, where each week starts on Monday. Example values include 01, 02, 53. | ||
IsoYear | Integer | True | The ISO year of the event. Example values include 2022 2023. | ||
IsoYearIsoWeek | Integer | True | The combined values of isoWeek and isoYear. Example values include 201652 and 201701. | ||
YearMonth | Integer | True | The combined values of year and month. Example values include 202212 or 202301. | ||
YearWeek | Integer | True | The combined values of year and week. Example values include 202253 or 202301. | ||
Hour | Integer | True | An hour of the day ranging from 00-23 in the timezone configured for the account. This value is also corrected for daylight savings time. | ||
BrandingInterest | String | True | Interests demonstrated by users who are higher in the shopping funnel. Users can be counted in multiple interest categories. | ||
Country | String | True | True | Country from which user activity originated. | |
City | String | True | City from which user activity originated. | ||
Language | String | True | Language setting for the device from which activity originated. | ||
UserAgeBracket | String | True | User age brackets. | ||
UserGender | String | True | User gender. | ||
Region | String | True | Geographic region from which activity originated. | ||
Conversions | Integer | False | True | The count of conversion events. | |
EngagementRate | Decimal | False | True | The percentage of engaged sessions. | |
EngagedSessions | Integer | False | True | The number of sessions that lasted longer than 10 seconds, or had a conversion event, or had 2 or more screen views. | |
EngagedSessionsPerUser | Decimal | False | True | Average number of engaged sessions per user. | |
EventCount | Integer | False | True | The count of events. | |
NewUsers | Integer | False | True | The number of users who interacted with the site or launched the app for the first time. | |
TotalRevenue | Integer | False | True | The sum of revenue from purchases, subscriptions, and advertising. | |
TotalUsers | Integer | False | True | The total number of users. | |
StartDate | String | Start date for fetching Analytics data. Either a date string or a relative date (e.g., today, yesterday, or #daysAgo). | |||
EndDate | String | End date for fetching Analytics data. Either a date string or a relative date (e.g., today, yesterday, or #daysAgo). | |||
Dimensions | String | A comma-separated list of dimensions to retrieve in addition to the columns defined in the schema. Set to empty string to retrieve no dimensions. | |||
Metrics | String | A comma-separated list of metrics to retrieve in addition to the columns defined in the schema. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似列フィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
PropertyId | String | Property ID value to be used when querying this table. |
A predefined view that retrieves Ecommerce purchase item brand data.
The Cloud uses the Google Analytics API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemBrandReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemBrandReport WHERE ItemBrand = 'test' SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemBrandReport WHERE Date = '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemBrandReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 AND ItemBrand = 'test' AND Date = '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemBrandReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' AND <= '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemBrandReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemBrandReport WHERE Date <= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemBrandReport WHERE Date > '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemBrandReport WHERE Date < '01/01/2022'The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the Cloud.
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
ItemBrand | String | True | True | The Brand name of the item. | |
Date | Date | True | True | The date of the session formatted as YYYYMMDD. | |
ItemsAddedToCart | Integer | False | True | The number of times users added items to their shopping carts. Since AddToCarts is not compatible with item-scoped dimensions, this is the replacement for the AddToCarts metric. | |
CartToViewRate | Integer | False | True | The number of users who added a product(s) to their cart divided by the number of users who viewed the same product(s). | |
EcommercePurchases | Integer | False | The number of times users completed a purchase. This metric is not compatible with item-scoped dimensions. | ||
PurchaseToViewRate | Decimal | False | True | The total cost of shipping. | |
ItemsPurchased | Decimal | False | True | The total amount of tax. The ItemPurchaseQuantity metric has been renamed to this metric. | |
ItemRevenue | Decimal | False | True | The total revenue from items only. Item revenue is the product of its price and quantity. | |
ItemsViewed | Integer | False | True | The number of units viewed for a single item. This metric counts the quantity of items in 'view_item' events. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似列フィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
PropertyId | String | The Property Id value to be used when querying this table. |
A predefined view that retrieves Ecommerce purchase item category data.
The Cloud uses the Google Analytics API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemCategory2Report WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemCategory2Report WHERE ItemCategory2 = 'Apparel' SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemCategory2Report WHERE Date = '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemCategory2Report WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 AND ItemCategory2 = 'Apparel' AND Date = '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemCategory2Report WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' AND <= '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemCategory2Report WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemCategory2Report WHERE Date <= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemCategory2Report WHERE Date > '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemCategory2Report WHERE Date < '01/01/2022'The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the Cloud.
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
ItemCategory2 | String | True | True | A Hierarchical category in which the item is classified. For example, in Apparel/Mens/Summer/Shirts/T-shirts, Mens is the item category. | |
Date | Date | True | True | The date of the session formatted as YYYYMMDD. | |
ItemsAddedToCart | Integer | False | True | The number of times users added items to their shopping carts. Since AddToCarts is not compatible with item-scoped dimensions, this is the replacement for the AddToCarts metric. | |
CartToViewRate | Integer | False | True | The number of users who added a product(s) to their cart divided by the number of users who viewed the same product(s). | |
EcommercePurchases | Integer | False | The number of times users completed a purchase. This metric is not compatible with item-scoped dimensions. | ||
PurchaseToViewRate | Decimal | False | True | The total cost of shipping. | |
ItemsPurchased | Decimal | False | True | The total amount of tax. The ItemPurchaseQuantity metric has been renamed to this metric. | |
ItemRevenue | Decimal | False | True | The total revenue from items only. Item revenue is the product of its price and quantity. | |
ItemsViewed | Integer | False | True | The number of units viewed for a single item. This metric counts the quantity of items in 'view_item' events. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似列フィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
PropertyId | String | The Property Id value to be used when querying this table. |
A predefined view that retrieves Ecommerce purchase item category data.
The Cloud uses the Google Analytics API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemCategory3Report WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemCategory3Report WHERE ItemCategory3 = 'Apparel' SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemCategory3Report WHERE Date = '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemCategory3Report WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 AND ItemCategory3 = 'Apparel' AND Date = '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemCategory3Report WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' AND <= '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemCategory3Report WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemCategory3Report WHERE Date <= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemCategory3Report WHERE Date > '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemCategory3Report WHERE Date < '01/01/2022'The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the Cloud.
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
ItemCategory3 | String | True | True | A Hierarchical category in which the item is classified. For example, in Apparel/Mens/Summer/Shirts/T-shirts, Summer is the item category3. | |
Date | Date | True | True | The date of the session formatted as YYYYMMDD. | |
ItemsAddedToCart | Integer | False | True | The number of times users added items to their shopping carts. Since AddToCarts is not compatible with item-scoped dimensions, this is the replacement for the AddToCarts metric. | |
CartToViewRate | Integer | False | True | The number of users who added a product(s) to their cart divided by the number of users who viewed the same product(s). | |
EcommercePurchases | Integer | False | The number of times users completed a purchase. This metric is not compatible with item-scoped dimensions. | ||
PurchaseToViewRate | Decimal | False | True | The total cost of shipping. | |
ItemsPurchased | Decimal | False | True | The total amount of tax. The ItemPurchaseQuantity metric has been renamed to this metric. | |
ItemRevenue | Decimal | False | True | The total revenue from items only. Item revenue is the product of its price and quantity. | |
ItemsViewed | Integer | False | True | The number of units viewed for a single item. This metric counts the quantity of items in 'view_item' events. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似列フィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
PropertyId | String | The Property Id value to be used when querying this table. |
A predefined view that retrieves Ecommerce purchase item category data.
The Cloud uses the Google Analytics API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemCategory4Report WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemCategory4Report WHERE ItemCategory4 = 'Apparel' SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemCategory4Report WHERE Date = '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemCategory4Report WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 AND ItemCategory4 = 'Apparel' AND Date = '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemCategory4Report WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' AND <= '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemCategory4Report WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemCategory4Report WHERE Date <= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemCategory4Report WHERE Date > '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemCategory4Report WHERE Date < '01/01/2022'The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the Cloud.
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
ItemCategory4 | String | True | True | A Hierarchical category in which the item is classified. For example, in Apparel/Mens/Summer/Shirts/T-shirts, Shirts is the item category4. | |
Date | Date | True | True | The date of the session formatted as YYYYMMDD. | |
ItemsAddedToCart | Integer | False | True | The number of times users added items to their shopping carts. Since AddToCarts is not compatible with item-scoped dimensions, this is the replacement for the AddToCarts metric. | |
CartToViewRate | Integer | False | True | The number of users who added a product(s) to their cart divided by the number of users who viewed the same product(s). | |
EcommercePurchases | Integer | False | The number of times users completed a purchase. This metric is not compatible with item-scoped dimensions. | ||
PurchaseToViewRate | Decimal | False | True | The total cost of shipping. | |
ItemsPurchased | Decimal | False | True | The total amount of tax. The ItemPurchaseQuantity metric has been renamed to this metric. | |
ItemRevenue | Decimal | False | True | The total revenue from items only. Item revenue is the product of its price and quantity. | |
ItemsViewed | Integer | False | True | The number of units viewed for a single item. This metric counts the quantity of items in 'view_item' events. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似列フィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
PropertyId | String | The Property Id value to be used when querying this table. |
A predefined view that retrieves Ecommerce purchase item category data.
The Cloud uses the Google Analytics API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemCategory5Report WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemCategory5Report WHERE ItemCategory4 = 'Apparel' SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemCategory5Report WHERE Date = '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemCategory5Report WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 AND ItemCategory5 = 'Apparel' AND Date = '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemCategory5Report WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' AND <= '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemCategory5Report WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemCategory5Report WHERE Date <= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemCategory5Report WHERE Date > '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemCategory5Report WHERE Date < '01/01/2022'The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the Cloud.
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
ItemCategory5 | String | True | True | A Hierarchical category in which the item is classified. For example, in Apparel/Mens/Summer/Shirts/T-shirts, T-shirts is the item category5. | |
Date | Date | True | True | The date of the session formatted as YYYYMMDD. | |
ItemsAddedToCart | Integer | False | True | The number of times users added items to their shopping carts. Since AddToCarts is not compatible with item-scoped dimensions, this is the replacement for the AddToCarts metric. | |
CartToViewRate | Integer | False | True | The number of users who added a product(s) to their cart divided by the number of users who viewed the same product(s). | |
EcommercePurchases | Integer | False | The number of times users completed a purchase. This metric is not compatible with item-scoped dimensions. | ||
PurchaseToViewRate | Decimal | False | True | The total cost of shipping. | |
ItemsPurchased | Decimal | False | True | The total amount of tax. The ItemPurchaseQuantity metric has been renamed to this metric. | |
ItemRevenue | Decimal | False | True | The total revenue from items only. Item revenue is the product of its price and quantity. | |
ItemsViewed | Integer | False | True | The number of units viewed for a single item. This metric counts the quantity of items in 'view_item' events. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似列フィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
PropertyId | String | The Property Id value to be used when querying this table. |
A predefined view that retrieves Ecommerce purchase item category data.
The Cloud uses the Google Analytics API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemCategoryReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemCategoryReport WHERE ItemCategory = 'Apparel' SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemCategoryReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 AND ItemCategory = 'Apparel' AND Date = '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemCategoryReport WHERE Date = '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemCategoryReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' AND <= '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemCategoryReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemCategoryReport WHERE Date <= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemCategoryReport WHERE Date > '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemCategoryReport WHERE Date < '01/01/2022'The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the Cloud.
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
ItemCategory | String | True | True | A Hierarchical category in which the item is classified. For example, in Apparel/Mens/Summer/Shirts/T-shirts, Apparel is the item category. | |
Date | Date | True | True | The date of the session formatted as YYYYMMDD. | |
ItemsAddedToCart | Integer | False | True | The number of times users added items to their shopping carts. Since AddToCarts is not compatible with item-scoped dimensions, this is the replacement for the AddToCarts metric. | |
CartToViewRate | Integer | False | True | The number of users who added a product(s) to their cart divided by the number of users who viewed the same product(s). | |
EcommercePurchases | Integer | False | The number of times users completed a purchase. This metric is not compatible with item-scoped dimensions. | ||
PurchaseToViewRate | Decimal | False | True | The total cost of shipping. | |
ItemsPurchased | Decimal | False | True | The total amount of tax. The ItemPurchaseQuantity metric has been renamed to this metric. | |
ItemRevenue | Decimal | False | True | The total revenue from items only. Item revenue is the product of its price and quantity. | |
ItemsViewed | Integer | False | True | The number of units viewed for a single item. This metric counts the quantity of items in 'view_item' events. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似列フィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
PropertyId | String | The Property Id value to be used when querying this table. |
A predefined view that retrieves Ecommerce purchase item category data.
The Cloud uses the Google Analytics API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemCategoryReportCombined WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemCategoryReportCombined WHERE ItemCategory = 'Apparel' SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemCategoryReportCombined WHERE ItemCategory2 = 'Mens' SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemCategoryReportCombined WHERE ItemCategory3 = 'Summer' SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemCategoryReportCombined WHERE ItemCategory4 = 'Shirts' SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemCategoryReportCombined WHERE ItemCategory5 = 'T-shirts' SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemCategoryReportCombined WHERE Date = '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemCategoryReportCombined WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 AND ItemCategory = 'Apparel' AND Date = '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemCategoryReportCombined WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' AND <= '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemCategoryReportCombined WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemCategoryReportCombined WHERE Date <= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemCategoryReportCombined WHERE Date > '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemCategoryReportCombined WHERE Date < '01/01/2022'The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the Cloud.
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
ItemCategory | String | True | True | A Hierarchical category in which the item is classified. For example, in Apparel/Mens/Summer/Shirts/T-shirts, Apparel is the item category. | |
ItemCategory2 | String | True | True | A Hierarchical category in which the item is classified. For example, in Apparel/Mens/Summer/Shirts/T-shirts, Mens is the item category2 | |
ItemCategory3 | String | True | True | A Hierarchical category in which the item is classified. For example, in Apparel/Mens/Summer/Shirts/T-shirts, Summer is the item category3. | |
ItemCategory4 | String | True | True | A Hierarchical category in which the item is classified. For example, in Apparel/Mens/Summer/Shirts/T-shirts, Shirts is the item category4. | |
ItemCategory5 | String | True | True | A Hierarchical category in which the item is classified. For example, in Apparel/Mens/Summer/Shirts/T-shirts, T-shirts is the item category5. | |
Date | Date | True | True | The date of the session formatted as YYYYMMDD. | |
ItemsAddedToCart | Integer | False | True | The number of times users added items to their shopping carts. Since AddToCarts is not compatible with item-scoped dimensions, this is the replacement for the AddToCarts metric. | |
CartToViewRate | Integer | False | True | The number of users who added a product(s) to their cart divided by the number of users who viewed the same product(s). | |
EcommercePurchases | Integer | False | The number of times users completed a purchase. This metric is not compatible with item-scoped dimensions. | ||
PurchaseToViewRate | Decimal | False | True | The total cost of shipping. | |
ItemsPurchased | Decimal | False | True | The total amount of tax. The ItemPurchaseQuantity metric has been renamed to this metric. | |
ItemRevenue | Decimal | False | True | The total revenue from items only. Item revenue is the product of its price and quantity. | |
ItemsViewed | Integer | False | True | The number of units viewed for a single item. This metric counts the quantity of items in 'view_item' events. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似列フィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
PropertyId | String | The Property Id value to be used when querying this table. |
A predefined view that retrieves Ecommerce purchase item data.
The Cloud uses the Google Analytics API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemIdReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemIdReport WHERE ItemId = '1234' SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemIdReport WHERE Date = '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemIdReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 AND ItemId = '1234' AND Date = '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemIdReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' AND <= '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemIdReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemIdReport WHERE Date <= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemIdReport WHERE Date > '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemIdReport WHERE Date < '01/01/2022'The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the Cloud.
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
ItemId | String | True | True | ID of the item. | |
Date | Date | True | True | The date of the session formatted as YYYYMMDD. | |
ItemsAddedToCart | Integer | False | True | The number of times users added items to their shopping carts. Since AddToCarts is not compatible with item-scoped dimensions, this is the replacement for the AddToCarts metric. | |
CartToViewRate | Integer | False | True | The number of users who added a product(s) to their cart divided by the number of users who viewed the same product(s). | |
EcommercePurchases | Integer | False | The number of times users completed a purchase. This metric is not compatible with item-scoped dimensions. | ||
PurchaseToViewRate | Decimal | False | True | The total cost of shipping. | |
ItemsPurchased | Decimal | False | True | The total amount of tax. The ItemPurchaseQuantity metric has been renamed to this metric. | |
ItemRevenue | Decimal | False | True | The total revenue from items only. Item revenue is the product of its price and quantity. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似列フィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
PropertyId | String | The Property Id value to be used when querying this table. |
A predefined view that retrieves Ecommerce purchase item data.
The Cloud uses the Google Analytics API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemNameReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemNameReport WHERE ItemName = 'test' SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemNameReport WHERE Date = '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemNameReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 AND ItemName = 'test' AND Date = '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemNameReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' AND <= '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemNameReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemNameReport WHERE Date <= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemNameReport WHERE Date > '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM EcommPurchasesItemNameReport WHERE Date < '01/01/2022'The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the Cloud.
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
ItemName | String | True | True | The name of the item. | |
Date | Date | True | True | The date of the session formatted as YYYYMMDD. | |
ItemsAddedToCart | Integer | False | True | The number of times users added items to their shopping carts. Since AddToCarts is not compatible with item-scoped dimensions, this is the replacement for the AddToCarts metric. | |
CartToViewRate | Integer | False | True | The number of users who added a product(s) to their cart divided by the number of users who viewed the same product(s). | |
EcommercePurchases | Integer | False | The number of times users completed a purchase. This metric is not compatible with item-scoped dimensions. | ||
PurchaseToViewRate | Decimal | False | True | The total cost of shipping. | |
ItemsPurchased | Decimal | False | True | The total amount of tax. The ItemPurchaseQuantity metric has been renamed to this metric. | |
ItemRevenue | Decimal | False | True | The total revenue from items only. Item revenue is the product of its price and quantity. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似列フィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
PropertyId | String | The Property Id value to be used when querying this table. |
A base view that retrieves Engagement data
Retrieves data for Engagement report. At least one metric must be specified in the query. In the query you can also specify up to 9 dimensions.
The following are example queries:
SELECT NewUsers, TotalRevenue FROM Engagement
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
Date | Date | True | The date of the session formatted as YYYYMMDD | ||
Year | Integer | True | The year of the session. A four-digit year from 2005 to the current year. | ||
Month | Integer | True | The month of the session. A two digit integer from 01 to 12. | ||
Week | Integer | True | The week of the session. A two-digit number from 01 to 53. Each week starts on Sunday. | ||
Day | Integer | True | The day of the month. A two-digit number from 01 to 31. | ||
DayOfWeekName | String | True | The day of the week in English. This dimension has values of Sunday, Monday, etc. | ||
IsoWeek | Integer | True | ISO week number, where each week starts on Monday. Example values include 01, 02, 53. | ||
IsoYear | Integer | True | The ISO year of the event. Example values include 2022 2023. | ||
IsoYearIsoWeek | Integer | True | The combined values of isoWeek and isoYear. Example values include 201652 and 201701. | ||
YearMonth | Integer | True | The combined values of year and month. Example values include 202212 or 202301. | ||
YearWeek | Integer | True | The combined values of year and week. Example values include 202253 or 202301. | ||
Hour | Integer | True | A two-digit hour of the day ranging from 00-23 in the timezone configured for the account. This value is also corrected for daylight savings time. | ||
ContentGroup | String | True | A category that applies to items of published content | ||
EventName | String | True | The name of the event | ||
UnifiedPageScreen | String | True | The page path (web) or screen class (app) on which the event was logged | ||
UnifiedScreenClass | String | True | True | The page title (web) or screen class (app) on which the event was logged | |
UnifiedScreenName | String | True | The page title (web) or screen name (app) on which the event was logged | ||
PagePath | String | True | The portion of the URL between the hostname and query string for web | ||
PageTitle | String | True | The web page titles used on your site | ||
Conversions | Integer | False | True | The count of conversion events | |
EngagedSessionsPerUser | Decimal | False | True | Average number of engaged sessions per user | |
EventCount | Integer | False | True | The count of events | |
EventCountPerUser | Decimal | False | True | Average number of events triggered by each user | |
NewUsers | Integer | False | True | The number of users who interacted with the site or launched the app for the first time | |
ScreenPageViews | Integer | False | True | The number of app screens or web pages the users viewed. Repeated views of a single page or screen are counted. | |
TotalRevenue | Integer | False | True | The sum of revenue from purchases, subscriptions, and advertising | |
TotalUsers | Integer | False | True | The number of distinct users who visited the site or app | |
userEngagementDuration | Integer | False | True | The total amount of time (in seconds) the website or app was in the foreground of users' device | |
ViewsPerUser | Decimal | False | True | Average number of screens viewed by each user | |
SessionsPerUser | Decimal | False | False | The average number of sessions per user (Sessions divided by Active Users). | |
StartDate | String | Start date for fetching Analytics data. Either a date string or a relative date (e.g., today, yesterday, or #daysAgo). | |||
EndDate | String | End date for fetching Analytics data. Either a date string or a relative date (e.g., today, yesterday, or #daysAgo). | |||
Dimensions | String | A comma-separated list of dimensions to retrieve in addition to the columns defined in the schema. Set to empty string to retrieve no dimensions. | |||
Metrics | String | A comma-separated list of metrics to retrieve in addition to the columns defined in the schema |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似列フィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
PropertyId | String | Property ID value to be used when querying this table |
A predefined view that retrieves Engagement Content Group Report data.
The Cloud uses the Google Analytics API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM EngagementContentGroupReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 SELECT * FROM EngagementContentGroupReport WHERE ContentGroup = 'CData Test' SELECT * FROM EngagementContentGroupReport WHERE Date = '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM EngagementContentGroupReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 AND ContentGroup = 'CData Test' AND Date = '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM EngagementContentGroupReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' AND <= '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM EngagementContentGroupReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM EngagementContentGroupReport WHERE Date <= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM EngagementContentGroupReport WHERE Date > '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM EngagementContentGroupReport WHERE Date < '01/01/2022'The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the Cloud.
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
ContentGroup | String | True | True | A category that applies to items of published content. | |
Date | Date | True | True | The date of the session formatted as YYYYMMDD. | |
Conversions | Integer | False | True | The count of conversion events. | |
EventCount | Integer | False | True | The count of events. | |
NewUsers | Integer | False | True | The number of users who interacted with the site or launched the app for the first time. | |
ScreenPageViews | Integer | False | True | The number of app screens or web pages the users viewed. Repeated views of a single page or screen are counted. | |
TotalRevenue | Integer | False | True | The sum of revenue from purchases, subscriptions, and advertising. | |
TotalUsers | Integer | False | True | The number of distinct users who visited the site or app. | |
UserEngagementDuration | Integer | False | True | The total amount of time (in seconds) the website or app was in the foreground of users device. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似列フィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
PropertyId | String | The Property Id value to be used when querying this table. |
A predefined view that retrieves Engagement conversions data.
The Cloud uses the Google Analytics API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM EngagementConversionsReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 SELECT * FROM EngagementConversionsReport WHERE EventName = 'page_view' SELECT * FROM EngagementConversionsReport WHERE Date = '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM EngagementConversionsReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 AND EventName = 'page_view' AND Date = '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM EngagementConversionsReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' AND <= '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM EngagementConversionsReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM EngagementConversionsReport WHERE Date <= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM EngagementConversionsReport WHERE Date > '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM EngagementConversionsReport WHERE Date < '01/01/2022'The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the Cloud.
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
EventName | String | True | True | The name of the event. | |
Date | Date | True | True | The date of the session formatted as YYYYMMDD. | |
Conversions | Integer | False | True | The count of conversion events. | |
EventCountPerUser | Decimal | False | True | Average number of events triggered by each user. | |
EventCount | Integer | False | True | The count of events. | |
TotalRevenue | Integer | False | True | The sum of revenue from purchases, subscriptions, and advertising. | |
TotalUsers | Integer | False | True | The number of distinct users who visited the site or app. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似列フィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
PropertyId | String | The Property Id value to be used when querying this table. |
A predefined view that retrieves Engagement events data.
The Cloud uses the Google Analytics API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM EngagementEventsReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 SELECT * FROM EngagementEventsReport WHERE EventName = 'page_view' SELECT * FROM EngagementEventsReport WHERE Date = '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM EngagementEventsReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 AND EventName = 'page_view' AND Date = '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM EngagementEventsReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' AND <= '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM EngagementEventsReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM EngagementEventsReport WHERE Date <= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM EngagementEventsReport WHERE Date > '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM EngagementEventsReport WHERE Date < '01/01/2022'The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the Cloud.
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
EventName | String | True | True | The name of the event. | |
Date | Date | True | True | The date of the session formatted as YYYYMMDD. | |
EventCountPerUser | Decimal | False | True | Average number of events triggered by each user. | |
EventCount | Integer | False | True | The count of events. | |
TotalRevenue | Integer | False | True | The sum of revenue from purchases, subscriptions, and advertising. | |
TotalUsers | Integer | False | True | The number of distinct users who visited the site or app. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似列フィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
PropertyId | String | The Property Id value to be used when querying this table. |
A predefined view that retrieves Engagement Pages path report data.
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
PagePath | String | True | True | The portion of the URL between the hostname and query string for web. | |
Date | Date | True | True | The date of the session formatted as YYYYMMDD. | |
Conversions | Integer | False | True | The count of conversion events. | |
EventCount | Integer | False | True | The count of events. | |
NewUsers | Integer | False | True | The number of users who interacted with the site or launched the app for the first time. | |
ScreenPageViews | Integer | False | True | The number of app screens or web pages the users viewed. Repeated views of a single page or screen are counted. | |
TotalRevenue | Integer | False | True | The sum of revenue from purchases, subscriptions, and advertising. | |
TotalUsers | Integer | False | True | The number of distinct users who visited the site or app. | |
UserEngagementDuration | Integer | False | True | The total amount of time (in seconds) the website or app was in the foreground of users device. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似列フィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
PropertyId | String | The Property Id value to be used when querying this table. |
A predefined view that retrieves Engagement Pages title and screen class data.
The Cloud uses the Google Analytics API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM EngagementPagesTitleAndScreenClassReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 SELECT * FROM EngagementPagesTitleAndScreenClassReport WHERE UnifiedScreenClass = 'CData Test' SELECT * FROM EngagementPagesTitleAndScreenClassReport WHERE Date = '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM EngagementPagesTitleAndScreenClassReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 AND UnifiedScreenClass = 'CData Test' AND Date = '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM EngagementPagesTitleAndScreenClassReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' AND <= '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM EngagementPagesTitleAndScreenClassReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM EngagementPagesTitleAndScreenClassReport WHERE Date <= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM EngagementPagesTitleAndScreenClassReport WHERE Date > '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM EngagementPagesTitleAndScreenClassReport WHERE Date < '01/01/2022'The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the Cloud.
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
UnifiedScreenClass | String | True | True | The page title (web) or screen class (app) on which the event was logged. | |
Date | Date | True | True | The date of the session formatted as YYYYMMDD. | |
Conversions | Integer | False | True | The count of conversion events. | |
EventCount | Integer | False | True | The count of events. | |
NewUsers | Integer | False | True | The number of users who interacted with the site or launched the app for the first time. | |
ScreenPageViews | Integer | False | True | The number of app screens or web pages the users viewed. Repeated views of a single page or screen are counted. | |
TotalRevenue | Integer | False | True | The sum of revenue from purchases, subscriptions, and advertising. | |
TotalUsers | Integer | False | True | The number of distinct users who visited the site or app. | |
UserEngagementDuration | Integer | False | True | The total amount of time (in seconds) the website or app was in the foreground of users device. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似列フィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
PropertyId | String | The Property Id value to be used when querying this table. |
A predefined view that retrieves Engagement Pages Title And ScreenName data.
The Cloud uses the Google Analytics API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM EngagementPagesTitleAndScreenNameReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 SELECT * FROM EngagementPagesTitleAndScreenNameReport WHERE UnifiedScreenName = 'CData Test' SELECT * FROM EngagementPagesTitleAndScreenNameReport WHERE Date = '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM EngagementPagesTitleAndScreenNameReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 AND UnifiedScreenName = 'CData Test' AND Date = '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM EngagementPagesTitleAndScreenNameReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' AND <= '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM EngagementPagesTitleAndScreenNameReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM EngagementPagesTitleAndScreenNameReport WHERE Date <= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM EngagementPagesTitleAndScreenNameReport WHERE Date > '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM EngagementPagesTitleAndScreenNameReport WHERE Date < '01/01/2022'The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the Cloud.
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
UnifiedScreenName | String | True | True | The page title (web) or screen name (app) on which the event was logged. | |
Date | Date | True | True | The date of the session formatted as YYYYMMDD. | |
Conversions | Integer | False | True | The count of conversion events. | |
EventCount | Integer | False | True | The count of events. | |
NewUsers | Integer | False | True | The number of users who interacted with the site or launched the app for the first time. | |
ScreenPageViews | Integer | False | True | The number of app screens or web pages the users viewed. Repeated views of a single page or screen are counted. | |
TotalRevenue | Integer | False | True | The sum of revenue from purchases, subscriptions, and advertising. | |
TotalUsers | Integer | False | True | The number of distinct users who visited the site or app. | |
UserEngagementDuration | Integer | False | True | The total amount of time (in seconds) the website or app was in the foreground of users device. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似列フィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
PropertyId | String | The Property Id value to be used when querying this table. |
A base view that retrieves Event data
Retrieves data for Events reports. At least one metric must be specified in the query. This endpoint uses the real-time report API endpoint to get more up-to-date data than the standard reporting endpoint. The real-time reporting API supports a maximum of four dimensions compared to nine for the standard report API.
The following is an example query:
SELECT EventCount, Platform FROM Events
Since PagePath and PlatTitle dimensions are not available in the runRealReport endpoint, use the connection property ReportType = reports to leverage the result with these dimensions.
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
AppVersion | String | True | The application's versionName (Android) or short bundle version (iOS) | ||
City | String | True | The city from which the user activity originated | ||
Country | String | True | The country from which the user activity originated | ||
DeviceCategory | String | True | The type of device: Desktop, Tablet, or Mobile | ||
Platform | String | True | The platform on which your app or website ran | ||
AudienceName | String | True | The given name of an Audience | ||
UnifiedScreenName | String | True | The page title (web) or screen name (app) on which the event was logged | ||
EventName | String | True | True | The name of the event | |
PagePath | String | True | The portion of the URL between the hostname and query string for web. This works when connection propertyReportType=reports;. | ||
PageTitle | String | True | The web page titles used on your site. This works when connection property ReportType=reports; | ||
EventCount | Integer | False | True | Number of times an individual event was triggered | |
Conversions | Integer | False | True | The count of conversion events |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似列フィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
PropertyId | String | The Property Id value to be used when querying this table. |
A base view that retrieves Games Reporting data.
Retrieves data for GamesReporting report. At least one metric must be specified in the query. In the query you can also specify up to 9 dimensions.
The following is an example query:
SELECT AveragePurchaseRevenue, AverageRevenuePerUser FROM GamesReporting
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
Date | Date | True | The date of the session formatted as YYYYMMDD. | ||
Year | Integer | True | The year of the session. A four-digit year from 2005 to the current year. | ||
Month | Integer | True | The month of the session. A two digit integer from 01 to 12. | ||
Week | Integer | True | The week of the session. A two-digit number from 01 to 53. Each week starts on Sunday. | ||
Day | Integer | True | The day of the month. A two-digit number from 01 to 31. | ||
DayOfWeekName | String | True | The day of the week in English. This dimension has values of Sunday, Monday, etc. | ||
IsoWeek | Integer | True | ISO week number, where each week starts on Monday. Example values include 01, 02, 53. | ||
IsoYear | Integer | True | The ISO year of the event. Example values include 2022 2023. | ||
IsoYearIsoWeek | Integer | True | The combined values of isoWeek and isoYear. Example values include 201652 and 201701. | ||
YearMonth | Integer | True | The combined values of year and month. Example values include 202212 or 202301. | ||
YearWeek | Integer | True | The combined values of year and week. Example values include 202253 or 202301. | ||
Hour | Integer | True | A two-digit hour of the day ranging from 00-23 in the timezone configured for the account. This value is also corrected for daylight savings time. | ||
AudienceName | String | True | The given name of an Audience. | ||
FirstUserCampaignName | String | True | Name of the marketing campaign that first acquired the user. | ||
FirstUserCreativeId | String | True | The campaign creative ID that first acquired the user. | ||
FirstUserGoogleAdsAdGroupId | String | True | The Ad Group Id in Google Ads that first acquired the user. | ||
FirstUserGoogleAdsAdGroupName | String | True | The Ad Group Name in Google Ads that first acquired the user. | ||
FirstUserGoogleAdsAdNetworkType | String | True | The advertising network that first acquired the user. | ||
FirstUserMedium | String | True | True | The medium that first acquired the user to the website or app. | |
FirstUserSource | String | True | The source that first acquired the user to the website or app. | ||
AveragePurchaseRevenue | Decimal | False | True | The average purchase revenue in the transaction group of events. | |
AveragePurchaseRevenuePerPayingUser | Decimal | False | True | Average revenue per paying user (ARPPU) is the total purchase revenue per active user that logged a purchase event. The summary metric is for the time period selected. | |
AverageRevenuePerUser | Decimal | False | True | Average revenue per active user (ARPU). The summary metric is for the time period selected. | |
EngagedSessionsPerUser | Decimal | False | True | Average number of engaged sessions per user. | |
FirstTimeBuyersPerNewUsers | Decimal | False | True | Percentage of unique new users to the game who made their first in-app purchase. | |
FirstTimePurchasers | Integer | False | True | The number of users that completed their first purchase event. | |
NewUsers | Integer | False | True | The number of users who interacted with the site or launched the app for the first time. | |
StartDate | String | Start date for fetching Analytics data. Either a date string or a relative date (e.g., today, yesterday, or #daysAgo). | |||
EndDate | String | End date for fetching Analytics data. Either a date string or a relative date (e.g., today, yesterday, or #daysAgo). | |||
Dimensions | String | A comma-separated list of dimensions to retrieve in addition to the columns defined in the schema. Set to empty string to retrieve no dimensions. | |||
Metrics | String | A comma-separated list of metrics to retrieve in addition to the columns defined in the schema. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似列フィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
PropertyId | String | Property ID value to be used when querying this table. |
Retrieves data for all the available dimensions and metrics.
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
achievementId | String | True | The achievement Id in a game for an event. Populated by the event parameter achievementid. | ||
adFormat | String | True | Describes the way ads looked and where they were located. Typical formats include Interstitial, Banner, Rewarded, and Native advanced. | ||
adSourceName | String | True | The source network that served the ad. Typical sources include AdMob Network, Liftoff, Facebook Audience Network, and Mediated house ads. | ||
adUnitName | String | True | The name you chose to describe this Ad unit. Ad units are containers you place in your apps to show ads to users. | ||
appVersion | String | True | The apps versionName (Android) or short bundle version (iOS). | ||
audienceId | String | True | The numeric identifier of an Audience. Users are reported in the audiences to which they belonged during the reports date range. Current user behavior does not affect historical audience membership in reports. | ||
audienceName | String | True | The given name of an Audience. Users are reported in the audiences to which they belonged during the report's date range. Current user behavior does not affect historical audience membership in reports. | ||
brandingInterest | String | True | Interests demonstrated by users who are higher in the shopping funnel. Users can be counted in multiple interest categories. | ||
browser | String | True | The browsers used to view your website. | ||
campaignId | String | True | The identifier of the marketing campaign. Present only for conversion events. Includes Google Ads Campaigns, Manual Campaigns, and other Campaigns. | ||
campaignName | String | True | The name of the marketing campaign. Present only for conversion events. Includes Google Ads Campaigns, Manual Campaigns, and other Campaigns. | ||
character | String | True | The player character in a game for an event. Populated by the event parameter character. | ||
city | String | True | The city from which the user activity originated. | ||
cityId | String | True | The geographic Id of the city from which the user activity originated, derived from their IP address. | ||
cohort | String | True | The cohorts name in the request. A cohort is a set of users who started using your website or app in any consecutive group of days. If a cohort name is not specified in the request, cohorts are named by their zero based index: cohort_0, cohort_1, etc. | ||
cohortNthDay | String | True | Day offset relative to the firstSessionDate for the users in the cohort. For example, if a cohort is selected with the start and end date of 2020-03-01, then for the date 2020-03-02, cohortNthDay is 0001. | ||
cohortNthMonth | String | True | Month offset relative to the firstSessionDate for the users in the cohort. Month boundaries align with calendar month boundaries. For example, if a cohort is selected with the start and end date in March 2020, then for any date in April 2020, cohortNthMonth is 0001. | ||
cohortNthWeek | String | True | Week offset relative to the firstSessionDate for the users in the cohort. Weeks start on Sunday and end on Saturday. For example, if a cohort is selected with the start and end date in the range 2020-11-08 to 2020-11-14, then for the dates in the range 2020-11-15 to 2020-11-21, cohortNthWeek is 0001. | ||
contentGroup | String | True | A category that applies to items of published content. Populated by the event parameter content_group. | ||
contentId | String | True | The identifier of the selected content. Populated by the event parameter content_id. | ||
contentType | String | True | The category of the selected content. Populated by the event parameter content_type. | ||
continent | String | True | The continent from which the user activity originated. For example, Americas or Asia. | ||
continentId | String | True | The geographic Id of the continent from which the user activity originated, derived from their IP address. | ||
country | String | True | The country from which the user activity originated. | ||
countryId | String | True | The geographic Id of the country from which the user activity originated, derived from their IP address. Formatted according to ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standard. | ||
date | String | True | The date of the event, formatted as YYYYMMDD. | ||
dateHour | String | True | The combined values of date and hour formatted as YYYYMMDDHH. | ||
dateHourMinute | String | True | The combined values of date, hour, and minute formatted as YYYYMMDDHHMM. | ||
day | String | True | The day of the month, a two-digit number from 01 to 31. | ||
dayOfWeek | String | True | The integer day of the week. It returns values in the range [0,6] with Sunday as the first day of the week. | ||
dayOfWeekName | String | True | The day of the week in English. This dimension has values of Sunday, Monday, etc. | ||
defaultChannelGroup | String | True | The conversion's default channel group is based primarily on source and medium. | ||
deviceCategory | String | True | The type of device: Desktop, Tablet, or Mobile. | ||
deviceModel | String | True | The mobile device model (example: iPhone 10,6). | ||
eventName | String | True | The name of the event. | ||
fileExtension | String | True | The extension of the downloaded file (for example, pdf or txt). Automatically populated if Enhanced Measurement is enabled . | ||
fileName | String | True | The page path of the downloaded file . Automatically populated if Enhanced Measurement is enabled. | ||
firstSessionDate | String | True | The date the user's first session occurred, formatted as YYYYMMDD. | ||
firstUserCampaignId | String | True | Identifier of the marketing campaign that first acquired the user. Includes Google Ads Campaigns, Manual Campaigns, and other Campaigns. | ||
firstUserCampaignName | String | True | Name of the marketing campaign that first acquired the user. Includes Google Ads Campaigns, Manual Campaigns, and other Campaigns. | ||
firstUserDefaultChannelGroup | String | True | The default channel group that first acquired the user. Default channel group is based primarily on source and medium. | ||
firstUserGoogleAdsAccountName | String | True | The Account name from Google Ads that first acquired the user. | ||
firstUserGoogleAdsAdGroupId | String | True | The Ad Group Id in Google Ads that first acquired the user. | ||
firstUserGoogleAdsAdGroupName | String | True | The Ad Group Name in Google Ads that first acquired the user. | ||
firstUserGoogleAdsAdNetworkType | String | True | The advertising network that first acquired the user. | ||
firstUserGoogleAdsCampaignId | String | True | Identifier of the Google Ads marketing campaign that first acquired the user. | ||
firstUserGoogleAdsCampaignName | String | True | Name of the Google Ads marketing campaign that first acquired the user. | ||
firstUserGoogleAdsCampaignType | String | True | The campaign type of the Google Ads campaign that first acquired the user. Campaign types determine where customers see your ads and the settings and options available to you in Google Ads. Campaign type is an enumeration that includes: Search, Display, Shopping, Video, Discovery, App, Smart, Hotel, Local, and Performance Max. | ||
firstUserGoogleAdsCreativeId | String | True | The Id of the Google Ads creative that first acquired the user. Creative IDs identify individual ads. | ||
firstUserGoogleAdsCustomerId | String | True | The Customer Id from Google Ads that first acquired the user. Customer IDs in Google Ads uniquely identify Google Ads accounts. | ||
firstUserGoogleAdsKeyword | String | True | The matched keyword that first acquired the user. Keywords are words or phrases describing your product or service that you choose to get your ad in front of the right customers. | ||
firstUserGoogleAdsQuery | String | True | The search query that first acquired the user. | ||
firstUserManualAdContent | String | True | The ad content that first acquired the user. Populated by the utm_content parameter. | ||
firstUserManualTerm | String | True | The term that first acquired the user. Populated by the utm_term parameter. | ||
firstUserMedium | String | True | The medium that first acquired the user to your website or app. | ||
firstUserSource | String | True | The source that first acquired the user to your website or app. | ||
firstUserSourceMedium | String | True | The combined values of the dimensions firstUserSource and firstUserMedium. | ||
firstUserSourcePlatform | String | True | The source platform that first acquired the user. Please do not depend on this field returning Manual for traffic that uses UTMs; this field will update from returning Manual to returning (not set) for an upcoming feature launch. | ||
fullPageUrl | String | True | The hostname, page path, and query string for web pages visited | ||
googleAdsAccountName | String | True | The Account name from Google Ads for the campaign that led to the conversion event. Corresponds to customer.descriptive_name in the Google Ads API. | ||
googleAdsAdGroupId | String | True | The ad group id attributed to the conversion event. | ||
googleAdsAdGroupName | String | True | The ad group name attributed to the conversion event. | ||
googleAdsAdNetworkType | String | True | The advertising network type of the conversion. | ||
googleAdsCampaignId | String | True | The campaign Id for the Google Ads campaign attributed to the conversion event. | ||
googleAdsCampaignName | String | True | The campaign name for the Google Ads campaign attributed to the conversion event. | ||
googleAdsCampaignType | String | True | The campaign type for the Google Ads campaign attributed to the conversion event. Campaign types determine where customers see your ads and the settings and options available to you in Google Ads. Campaign type is an enumeration that includes: Search, Display, Shopping, Video, Discovery, App, Smart, Hotel, Local, and Performance Max. | ||
googleAdsCreativeId | String | True | The Id of the Google Ads creative attributed to the conversion event. Creative IDs identify individual ads. | ||
googleAdsCustomerId | String | True | The Customer Id from Google Ads for the campaign that led to conversion event. Customer IDs in Google Ads uniquely identify Google Ads accounts. | ||
googleAdsKeyword | String | True | The matched keyword that led to the conversion event. Keywords are words or phrases describing your product or service that you choose to get your ad in front of the right customers. | ||
googleAdsQuery | String | True | The search query that led to the conversion event. | ||
groupId | String | True | The player group Id in a game for an event. Populated by the event parameter group_id. | ||
hostName | String | True | Includes the subdomain and domain names of a URL; for example, the Host Name of is | ||
hour | String | True | The two-digit hour of the day that the event was logged. This dimension ranges from 0-23 and is reported in your property's timezone. | ||
isConversionEvent | String | True | The string 'true' if the event is a conversion. Events are marked as conversions at collection time; changes to an event's conversion marking apply going forward. You can mark any event as a conversion in Google Analytics, and some events (i.e. first_open, purchase) are marked as conversions by default. | ||
isoWeek | String | True | ISO week number, where each week starts on Monday. Example values include 01, 02, and 53. | ||
isoYear | String | True | The ISO year of the event. Example values include 2022 and 2023. | ||
isoYearIsoWeek | String | True | The combined values of isoWeek and isoYear. Example values include 201652 and 201701. | ||
itemAffiliation | String | True | The name or code of the affiliate (partner/vendor if any) associated with an individual item. Populated by the 'affiliation' item parameter. | ||
itemBrand | String | True | Brand name of the item. | ||
itemCategory | String | True | The hierarchical category in which the item is classified. For example, in Apparel/Mens/Summer/Shirts/T-shirts, Apparel is the item category. | ||
itemCategory2 | String | True | The hierarchical category in which the item is classified. For example, in Apparel/Mens/Summer/Shirts/T-shirts, Mens is the item category 2. | ||
itemCategory3 | String | True | The hierarchical category in which the item is classified. For example, in Apparel/Mens/Summer/Shirts/T-shirts, Summer is the item category 3. | ||
itemCategory4 | String | True | The hierarchical category in which the item is classified. For example, in Apparel/Mens/Summer/Shirts/T-shirts, Shirts is the item category 4. | ||
itemCategory5 | String | True | The hierarchical category in which the item is classified. For example, in Apparel/Mens/Summer/Shirts/T-shirts, T-shirts is the item category 5. | ||
itemId | String | True | The Id of the item. | ||
itemListId | String | True | The Id of the item list. | ||
itemListName | String | True | The name of the item list. | ||
itemListPosition | String | True | The position of an item (e.g., a product you sell) in a list. This dimension is populated in tagging by the index parameter in the items array. | ||
itemLocationID | String | True | The physical location associated with the item (e.g. the physical store location). It is recommended to use the [Google Place ID] that corresponds to the associated item. A custom location Id can also be used. This field is populated in tagging by the location_id parameter in the items array. | ||
itemName | String | True | The name of the item. | ||
itemPromotionCreativeName | String | True | The name of the item-promotion creative. | ||
itemPromotionCreativeSlot | String | True | The name of the promotional creative slot associated with the item. This dimension can be specified in tagging by the creative_slot parameter at the event or item level. If the parameter is specified at both the event and item level, the item-level parameter is used. | ||
itemPromotionId | String | True | The Id of the item promotion. | ||
itemPromotionName | String | True | The name of the promotion for the item. | ||
itemVariant | String | True | The specific variation of a product. e.g., XS, S, M, L for size; or Red, Blue, Green, Black for color. Populated by the item_variant parameter. | ||
landingPage | String | True | The page path associated with the first pageview in a session. | ||
landingPagePlusQueryString | String | True | The page path + query string associated with the first pageview in a session. | ||
language | String | True | The language setting of the user's browser or device. e.g. English | ||
languageCode | String | True | The language setting (ISO 639) of the user's browser or device. e.g. en-us | ||
level | String | True | The players level in a game. Populated by the event parameter level. | ||
linkClasses | String | True | The HTML class attribute for an outbound link | ||
StartDate | String | Start date for fetching Analytics data. Either a date string or a relative date (e.g., today, yesterday, or #daysAgo). | |||
EndDate | String | End date for fetching Analytics data. Either a date string or a relative date (e.g., today, yesterday, or #daysAgo). |
Retrieves metadata information for standard and custom dimensions or metrics.
Retrieves metadata information for standard and custom dimensions / metrics. If PropertyID connection property not set, dimensions and metrics common to all properties will be retrieved.
The following is an example query:
SELECT * FROM Metadata
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
ApiName | String | The API name for the dimension / metric. | |||
CustomDefinition | Boolean | Whether the dimension / metric is custom. | |||
Description | String | Description of how the dimension / metric is used and calculated. | |||
Type | String | Datatype of the dimension or metric. | |||
FieldType | String | Whether the field is a dimension or metric. | |||
UIName | String | The dimension or metric name within the Google Analytics user interface. |
A base view that retrieves Monetization data.
Retrieves data for Monetization report. At least one metric must be specified in the query. In the query you can also specify up to nine dimensions.
The following is an example query:
SELECT ItemsAddedToCart, CartToViewRate FROM Monetization
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
Date | Date | True | The date of the session formatted as YYYYMMDD. | ||
Year | Integer | True | The year of the session. A four-digit year from 2005 to the current year. | ||
Month | Integer | True | The month of the session. An integer from 01 to 12. | ||
Week | Integer | True | The week of the session. A number from 01 to 53. Each week starts on Sunday. | ||
Day | Integer | True | The day of the month. A number from 01 to 31. | ||
DayOfWeekName | String | True | The day of the week in English. This dimension has values of Sunday, Monday, etc. | ||
IsoWeek | Integer | True | ISO week number, where each week starts on Monday. Example values include 01, 02, 53. | ||
IsoYear | Integer | True | The ISO year of the event. Example values include 2022 2023. | ||
IsoYearIsoWeek | Integer | True | The combined values of isoWeek and isoYear. Example values include 201652 and 201701. | ||
YearMonth | Integer | True | The combined values of year and month. Example values include 202212 or 202301. | ||
YearWeek | Integer | True | The combined values of year and week. Example values include 202253 or 202301. | ||
Hour | Integer | True | An hour of the day ranging from 00-23 in the timezone configured for the account. This value is also corrected for daylight savings time. | ||
Country | String | True | The country of users, derived from IP addresses. | ||
City | String | True | The cities of property users, derived from IP addresses. | ||
AdFormat | String | True | Format of the ad(e.g., text, image, video). | ||
AdSourceName | String | True | Demand source that provided the ad. | ||
AdUnitName | String | True | Space on the website or app that displayed the ad. | ||
ItemBrand | String | True | Brand name of the item. | ||
ItemCategory | String | True | Hierarchical category in which the item is classified. For example, in Apparel/Mens/Summer/Shirts/T-shirts, Apparel is the item category. | ||
ItemCategory2 | String | True | Hierarchical category in which the item is classified. For example, in Apparel/Mens/Summer/Shirts/T-shirts, Mens is the item category2 | ||
ItemCategory3 | String | True | Hierarchical category in which the item is classified. For example, in Apparel/Mens/Summer/Shirts/T-shirts, Summer is the item category3. | ||
ItemCategory4 | String | True | Hierarchical category in which the item is classified. For example, in Apparel/Mens/Summer/Shirts/T-shirts, Shirts is the item category4. | ||
ItemCategory5 | String | True | Hierarchical category in which the item is classified. For example, in Apparel/Mens/Summer/Shirts/T-shirts, T-shirts is the item category5. | ||
ItemId | String | True | ID of the item. | ||
ItemListId | String | True | The ID of the item list. | ||
ItemListName | String | True | The name of the item list. | ||
ItemName | String | True | True | The name of the item. | |
ItemPromotionCreativeName | String | True | The name of the item-promotion creative. | ||
ItemPromotionId | String | True | ID of the item promotion. | ||
ItemPromotionName | String | True | Name of the promotion for the item. | ||
OrderCoupon | String | True | Code for the order-level coupon. | ||
UnifiedPageScreen | String | True | The page path (web) or screen class (app) on which the event was logged. | ||
TransactionId | String | True | The ID of the ecommerce transaction. | ||
adUnitExposure | Integer | False | The amount of time the ad unit was exposed to the user. This metric is not compatible with item-scoped dimensions. | ||
ItemsAddedToCart | Integer | False | True | The number of times users added items to their shopping carts. Since AddToCarts is not compatible with item-scoped dimensions, hence this is the replacement of the AddToCarts metric. | |
CartToViewRate | Integer | False | True | The number of users who added a product(s) to their cart divided by the number of users who viewed the same product(s). | |
ItemsCheckedOut | Integer | False | True | Number of times users started the checkout process. Since Checkouts is not compatible with item-scoped dimensions, hence this is the replacement of the Checkouts metric. | |
EcommercePurchases | Integer | False | The number of times users completed a purchase. This metric is not compatible with item-scoped dimensions. | ||
EventCount | Integer | False | The count of events. This metric is not compatible with item-scoped dimensions. This metric is not compatible with item-scoped dimensions. | ||
FirstTimePurchasers | Integer | False | True | The number of users that completed their first purchase event. | |
ItemsClickedInList | Integer | False | True | The number of times users clicked an item when it appeared in a list. Since ItemListClicks is not compatible with item-scoped dimensions, hence this is the replacement of the ItemListClicks metric. | |
ItemListClickThroughRate | Decimal | False | True | Rate at which users clicked the item in an item list to view the item details. | |
ItemsViewedInList | Integer | False | True | The number of times the item list was viewed. Since ItemListViews is not compatible with item-scoped dimensions, hence this is the replacement of the ItemListViews metric. | |
PromotionClicks | Integer | False | The number of times an item promotion was clicked. ItemPromotionClicks metric has been renamed to this metric. | ||
ItemPromotionClickThroughRate | Decimal | False | The number of users who selected a promotion(s) divided by the number of users who viewed the same promotion(s). | ||
PromotionViews | Integer | False | The number of times an item promotion was viewed. ItemPromotionViews metric has been renamed to this metric. | ||
ItemsPurchased | Decimal | False | The total amount of tax. ItemPurchaseQuantity metric has been renamed to this metric. | ||
ItemRevenue | Decimal | False | The total revenue from items only. Item revenue is the product of its price and quantity. | ||
ItemsViewed | Integer | False | The number of times the item details were viewed. ItemViews metric has been renamed to this metric. | ||
PublisherAdClicks | Integer | False | The number of times an ad was clicked on the publisher's site. | ||
PublisherAdImpressions | Integer | False | The number of times an ad was displayed on the publisher's site. | ||
PurchaseToViewRate | Decimal | False | The total cost of shipping. | ||
TotalAdRevenue | Integer | False | Sum of all advertising revenue. | ||
StartDate | String | Start date for fetching Analytics data. Either a date string or a relative date (e.g., today, yesterday, or #daysAgo). | |||
EndDate | String | End date for fetching Analytics data. Either a date string or a relative date (e.g., today, yesterday, or #daysAgo). | |||
Dimensions | String | A comma-separated list of dimensions to retrieve in addition to the columns defined in the schema. Set to empty string to retrieve no dimensions. | |||
Metrics | String | A comma-separated list of metrics to retrieve in addition to the columns defined in the schema. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似列フィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
PropertyId | String | Property ID value to be used when querying this table. |
A predefined view that retrieves publisher ads page ad format data.
The Cloud uses the Google Analytics API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM MonetizationPublisherAdsAdFormatReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 SELECT * FROM MonetizationPublisherAdsAdFormatReport WHERE AdFormat = 'image' SELECT * FROM MonetizationPublisherAdsAdFormatReport WHERE Date = '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM MonetizationPublisherAdsAdFormatReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 AND AdFormat = 'image' AND Date = '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM MonetizationPublisherAdsAdFormatReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' AND <= '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM MonetizationPublisherAdsAdFormatReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM MonetizationPublisherAdsAdFormatReport WHERE Date <= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM MonetizationPublisherAdsAdFormatReport WHERE Date > '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM MonetizationPublisherAdsAdFormatReport WHERE Date < '01/01/2022'The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the Cloud.
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
AdFormat | String | True | True | Format of the ad(e.g., text, image, video). | |
Date | Date | True | True | The date of the session formatted as YYYYMMDD. | |
PublisherAdImpressions | Integer | False | True | The number of times an ad was displayed on the publishers site. | |
adUnitExposure | Integer | False | True | The amount of time the ad unit was exposed to the user. | |
PublisherAdClicks | Integer | False | True | The number of times an ad was clicked on the publisherss site. | |
TotalAdRevenue | Integer | False | True | Sum of all advertising revenue. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似列フィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
PropertyId | String | The Property Id value to be used when querying this table. |
A predefined view that retrieves publisher ads ad source data.
The Cloud uses the Google Analytics API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM MonetizationPublisherAdsAdSourceReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 SELECT * FROM MonetizationPublisherAdsAdSourceReport WHERE AdSourceName = 'test' SELECT * FROM MonetizationPublisherAdsAdSourceReport WHERE Date = '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM MonetizationPublisherAdsAdSourceReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 AND AdSourceName = 'test' AND Date = '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM MonetizationPublisherAdsAdSourceReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' AND <= '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM MonetizationPublisherAdsAdSourceReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM MonetizationPublisherAdsAdSourceReport WHERE Date <= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM MonetizationPublisherAdsAdSourceReport WHERE Date > '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM MonetizationPublisherAdsAdSourceReport WHERE Date < '01/01/2022'The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the Cloud.
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
AdSourceName | String | True | True | Demand source that provided the ad. | |
Date | Date | True | True | The date of the session formatted as YYYYMMDD. | |
PublisherAdImpressions | Integer | False | True | The number of times an ad was displayed on the publishers site. | |
adUnitExposure | Integer | False | True | The amount of time the ad unit was exposed to the user. | |
PublisherAdClicks | Integer | False | True | The number of times an ad was clicked on the publishers site. | |
TotalAdRevenue | Integer | False | True | Sum of all advertising revenue. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似列フィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
PropertyId | String | The Property Id value to be used when querying this table. |
A predefined view that retrieves publisher ads ad unit data.
The Cloud uses the Google Analytics API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM MonetizationPublisherAdsAdUnitReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 SELECT * FROM MonetizationPublisherAdsAdUnitReport WHERE AdUnitName = 'Test' SELECT * FROM MonetizationPublisherAdsAdUnitReport WHERE Date = '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM MonetizationPublisherAdsAdUnitReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 AND AdUnitName = 'Test' AND Date = '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM MonetizationPublisherAdsAdUnitReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' AND <= '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM MonetizationPublisherAdsAdUnitReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM MonetizationPublisherAdsAdUnitReport WHERE Date <= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM MonetizationPublisherAdsAdUnitReport WHERE Date > '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM MonetizationPublisherAdsAdUnitReport WHERE Date < '01/01/2022'The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the Cloud.
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
AdUnitName | String | True | True | Space on the website or app that displayed the ad. | |
Date | Date | True | True | The date of the session formatted as YYYYMMDD. | |
PublisherAdImpressions | Integer | False | True | The number of times an ad was displayed on the publishers site. | |
adUnitExposure | Integer | False | True | The amount of time the ad unit was exposed to the user. | |
PublisherAdClicks | Integer | False | True | The number of times an ad was clicked on the publishers site. | |
TotalAdRevenue | Integer | False | True | Sum of all advertising revenue. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似列フィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
PropertyId | String | The Property Id value to be used when querying this table. |
A predefined view that retrieves publisher ads page path data.
The Cloud uses the Google Analytics API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM MonetizationPublisherAdsPagePathReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 SELECT * FROM MonetizationPublisherAdsPagePathReport WHERE PagePath = '/' SELECT * FROM MonetizationPublisherAdsPagePathReport WHERE Date = '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM MonetizationPublisherAdsPagePathReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 AND PagePath = '/' AND Date = '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM MonetizationPublisherAdsPagePathReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' AND <= '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM MonetizationPublisherAdsPagePathReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM MonetizationPublisherAdsPagePathReport WHERE Date <= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM MonetizationPublisherAdsPagePathReport WHERE Date > '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM MonetizationPublisherAdsPagePathReport WHERE Date < '01/01/2022'The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the Cloud.
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
PagePath | String | True | True | The portion of the URL between the hostname and query string for web. | |
Date | Date | True | True | The date of the session formatted as YYYYMMDD. | |
PublisherAdImpressions | Integer | False | True | The number of times an ad was displayed on the publishers site. | |
adUnitExposure | Integer | False | True | The amount of time the ad unit was exposed to the user. | |
PublisherAdClicks | Integer | False | True | The number of times an ad was clicked on the publishers site. | |
TotalAdRevenue | Integer | False | True | Sum of all advertising revenue. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似列フィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
PropertyId | String | The Property Id value to be used when querying this table. |
Lists all Properties to which the user has access.
SELECT * FROM Properties WHERE Id = '54516992' SELECT * FROM Properties WHERE Parent = 'accounts/54516992'
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
CreateTime | Datetime | Time the property was created. | |||
CurrencyCode | String | The currency type used in reports involving monetary values. | |||
DisplayName | String | Display name for the property. | |||
IndustryCategory | String | Industry associated with the property. | |||
Id | Integer | Property Id. | |||
Parent | String | Name of the property's logical parent. | |||
TimeZone | String | Reporting Time Zone. | |||
UpdateTime | Datetime | Time the property was last modified. |
Lists all data streams under a property to which the user has access. Attribute Parent (e.g: 'properties/123') or Name (e.g: 'properties/123/webDataStreams/456') is required to query the table.
The Cloud uses the Google Analytics API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:
SELECT * FROM PropertiesDataStreams WHERE Parent = 'properties/123' SELECT * FROM PropertiesDataStreams WHERE Name = 'properties/123/webDataStreams/456'The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the Cloud.
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
CreateTime | Datetime | Time the stream was created. | |||
DisplayName | String | Display name for the data stream. | |||
Name | String | Web data stream name. | |||
Parent | String | Name of the web data stream's logical parent. | |||
Type | String | Name of the web data stream's logical parent. | |||
webStreamData | String | Data specific to web streams. | |||
androidAppStreamData | String | Data specific to Android app streams. | |||
iosAppStreamData | String | Data specific to iOS app streams. | |||
UpdateTime | Datetime | Time the stream was last modified. | |||
PropertyId | Integer | The Property Id value to be used when querying this table. |
Lists all FirebaseLinks on a property to which the user has access.
Lists all FirebaseLinks on a property to which the user has access. The provider uses the GoogleAnalytics4 API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the Parent column and the = operator. Queries are processed server-side.
The following is an example query:
SELECT * FROM PropertiesFirebaseLinks WHERE Parent = 'properties/54516992'
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
CreateTime | Datetime | Time the FirebaseLink was created. | |||
MaximumUserAccess | String | Maximum user access to the property allowed to admins of the linked Firebase project. | |||
Name | String | FirebaseLink name. | |||
Parent | String | Name of the FirebaseLink's logical parent. | |||
Project | String | Firebase project resource name. | |||
PropertyId | Integer | The Property Id value to be used when querying this table. |
Lists all GoogleAdsLinks on a property to which the user has access.
Lists all GoogleAdsLinks on a property to which the user has access.
The provider will use the GoogleAnalytics4 API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the Parent column with the = operator.
Queries are processed server-side, and a value for the attribute Parent is required to query this table. The following is an example query:
SELECT * FROM PropertiesGoogleAdsLinks WHERE Parent = 'properties/54516992'The rest of the filter is executed client-side within the provider.
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
CanManageClients | Boolean | Whether the link if for a Google Ads manager account. | |||
AdsPersonalizationEnabled | Boolean | Whether to enable personalized advertising. | |||
CreateTime | Datetime | Time the link was created. | |||
CustomerId | String | Google Ads customer ID. | |||
EmailAddress | String | Email address of the user that created the link. | |||
Name | String | GoogleAdsLinks name. | |||
Parent | String | Name of the GoogleAdsLink's logical parent. | |||
UpdateTime | Datetime | Time the link was last modified. | |||
PropertyId | Integer | The Property Id value to be used when querying this table. |
A base view that retrieves Tech data.
Retrieves data for Tech report. At least one metric must be specified in the query. In the query you can also specify up to nine dimensions.
The following is an example query:
SELECT Conversions, EngagementRate, EventCount FROM Tech
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
Date | Date | True | The date of the session formatted as YYYYMMDD. | ||
Year | Integer | True | The year of the session. A four-digit year from 2005 to the current year. | ||
Month | Integer | True | The month of the session. An integer from 01 to 12. | ||
Week | Integer | True | The week of the session. A number from 01 to 53. Each week starts on Sunday. | ||
Day | Integer | True | The day of the month. A number from 01 to 31. | ||
DayOfWeekName | String | True | The day of the week in English. This dimension has values of Sunday, Monday, etc. | ||
IsoWeek | Integer | True | ISO week number, where each week starts on Monday. For details, see Example values include 01, 02, 53. | ||
IsoYear | Integer | True | The ISO year of the event. For details, see Example values include 2022 2023. | ||
IsoYearIsoWeek | Integer | True | The combined values of isoWeek and isoYear. Example values include 201652 and 201701. | ||
YearMonth | Integer | True | The combined values of year and month. Example values include 202212 or 202301. | ||
YearWeek | Integer | True | The combined values of year and week. Example values include 202253 or 202301. | ||
Hour | Integer | True | An hour of the day ranging from 00-23 in the timezone configured for the account. This value is also corrected for daylight savings time. | ||
AppVersion | String | True | Version of the app. | ||
Browser | String | True | True | Browser used to engage with the site. | |
DeviceCategory | String | True | Type of device used to engage with the site/app: Desktop, Tablet, or Mobile. | ||
DeviceModel | String | True | Model of the device used to engage with the site/app. | ||
OperatingSystem | String | True | Operating systems used by visitors to the app or website. | ||
OperatingSystemVersion | String | True | Version of the operating systems used by visitors to the app or website. | ||
OperatingSystemWithVersion | String | True | Operating system name and version. | ||
Platform | String | True | Platform for the app or site (Android, iOS, Web). | ||
ScreenResolution | String | True | Resolution of the screen used to engage with the site/app. | ||
Conversions | Integer | False | True | The count of conversion events. | |
EngagementRate | Decimal | False | True | The percentage of engaged sessions. | |
EngagedSessions | Integer | False | True | The number of sessions that lasted longer than 10 seconds, or had a conversion event, or had 2 or more screen views. | |
EventCount | Integer | False | True | The count of events. | |
NewUsers | Integer | False | True | The number of users who interacted with the site or launched the app for the first time. | |
TotalRevenue | Integer | False | True | The sum of revenue from purchases, subscriptions, and advertising. | |
TotalUsers | Integer | False | True | The total number of users. | |
StartDate | String | Start date for fetching Analytics data. Either a date string or a relative date (e.g., today, yesterday, or #daysAgo). | |||
EndDate | String | End date for fetching Analytics data. Either a date string or a relative date (e.g., today, yesterday, or #daysAgo). | |||
Dimensions | String | A comma-separated list of dimensions to retrieve in addition to the columns defined in the schema. Set to empty string to retrieve no dimensions. | |||
Metrics | String | A comma-separated list of metrics to retrieve in addition to the columns defined in the schema. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似列フィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
PropertyId | String | Property ID value to be used when querying this table. |
A predefined view that retrieves Tech App Version data.
The Cloud uses the Google Analytics API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM TechAppVersionReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 SELECT * FROM TechAppVersionReport WHERE AppVersion = 'test' SELECT * FROM TechAppVersionReport WHERE Date = '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM TechAppVersionReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 AND AppVersion = 'test' AND Date = '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM TechAppVersionReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' AND <= '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM TechAppVersionReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM TechAppVersionReport WHERE Date <= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM TechAppVersionReport WHERE Date > '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM TechAppVersionReport WHERE Date < '01/01/2022'The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the Cloud.
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
AppVersion | String | True | True | Version of the app. | |
Date | Date | True | True | The date of the session formatted as YYYYMMDD. | |
Conversions | Integer | False | True | The count of conversion events. | |
EngagementRate | Decimal | False | True | The percentage of engaged sessions. | |
EngagedSessions | Integer | False | True | The number of sessions that lasted longer than ten seconds, had a conversion event, or had two or more screen views. | |
EventCount | Integer | False | True | The count of events. | |
NewUsers | Integer | False | True | The number of users who interacted with the site or launched the app for the first time. | |
TotalRevenue | Integer | False | True | The sum of revenue from purchases, subscriptions, and advertising. | |
TotalUsers | Integer | False | True | The total number of users. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似列フィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
PropertyId | String | The Property Id value to be used when querying this table. |
A predefined view that retrieves Tech Browser data.
The Cloud uses the Google Analytics API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM TechBrowserReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 SELECT * FROM TechBrowserReport WHERE Browser = 'chrome' SELECT * FROM TechBrowserReport WHERE Date = '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM TechBrowserReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 AND Browser = 'chrome' AND Date = '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM TechBrowserReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' AND <= '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM TechBrowserReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM TechBrowserReport WHERE Date <= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM TechBrowserReport WHERE Date > '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM TechBrowserReport WHERE Date < '01/01/2022'
The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the Cloud.
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
Browser | String | True | True | Browser used to engage with the site. | |
Date | Date | True | True | The date of the session formatted as YYYYMMDD. | |
Conversions | Integer | False | True | The count of conversion events. | |
EngagementRate | Decimal | False | True | The percentage of engaged sessions. | |
EngagedSessions | Integer | False | True | The number of sessions that lasted longer than ten seconds, had a conversion event, or had two or more screen views. | |
EventCount | Integer | False | True | The count of events. | |
NewUsers | Integer | False | True | The number of users who interacted with the site or launched the app for the first time. | |
TotalRevenue | Integer | False | True | The sum of revenue from purchases, subscriptions, and advertising. | |
TotalUsers | Integer | False | True | The total number of users. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似列フィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
PropertyId | String | The Property Id value to be used when querying this table. |
A predefined view that retrieves Tech Device Category data.
The Cloud uses the Google Analytics API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM TechDeviceCategoryReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 SELECT * FROM TechDeviceCategoryReport WHERE DeviceCategory = 'desktop' SELECT * FROM TechDeviceCategoryReport WHERE Date = '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM TechDeviceCategoryReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 AND DeviceCategory = 'desktop' AND Date = '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM TechDeviceCategoryReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' AND <= '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM TechDeviceCategoryReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM TechDeviceCategoryReport WHERE Date <= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM TechDeviceCategoryReport WHERE Date > '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM TechDeviceCategoryReport WHERE Date < '01/01/2022'The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the Cloud.
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
DeviceCategory | String | True | True | Type of device used to engage with the site/app: Desktop, Tablet, or Mobile. | |
Date | Date | True | True | The date of the session formatted as YYYYMMDD. | |
Conversions | Integer | False | True | The count of conversion events. | |
EngagementRate | Decimal | False | True | The percentage of engaged sessions. | |
EngagedSessions | Integer | False | True | The number of sessions that lasted longer than ten seconds, had a conversion event, or had two or more screen views. | |
EventCount | Integer | False | True | The count of events. | |
NewUsers | Integer | False | True | The number of users who interacted with the site or launched the app for the first time. | |
TotalRevenue | Integer | False | True | The sum of revenue from purchases, subscriptions, and advertising. | |
TotalUsers | Integer | False | True | The total number of users. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似列フィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
PropertyId | String | The Property Id value to be used when querying this table. |
A predefined view that retrieves Tech Device Model data.
The Cloud uses the Google Analytics API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM TechDeviceModelReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 SELECT * FROM TechDeviceModelReport WHERE DeviceModel = 'test' SELECT * FROM TechDeviceModelReport WHERE Date = '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM TechDeviceModelReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 AND DeviceModel = 'test' AND Date = '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM TechDeviceModelReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' AND <= '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM TechDeviceModelReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM TechDeviceModelReport WHERE Date <= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM TechDeviceModelReport WHERE Date > '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM TechDeviceModelReport WHERE Date < '01/01/2022'The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the Cloud.
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
DeviceModel | String | True | True | Model of the device used to engage with the site/app. | |
Date | Date | True | True | The date of the session formatted as YYYYMMDD. | |
Conversions | Integer | False | True | The count of conversion events. | |
EngagementRate | Decimal | False | True | The percentage of engaged sessions. | |
EngagedSessions | Integer | False | True | The number of sessions that lasted longer than ten seconds, had a conversion event, or had two or more screen views. | |
EventCount | Integer | False | True | The count of events. | |
NewUsers | Integer | False | True | The number of users who interacted with the site or launched the app for the first time. | |
TotalRevenue | Integer | False | True | The sum of revenue from purchases, subscriptions, and advertising. | |
TotalUsers | Integer | False | True | The total number of users. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似列フィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
PropertyId | String | The Property Id value to be used when querying this table. |
A predefined view that retrieves Tech os system data.
The Cloud uses the Google Analytics API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM TechOSSystemReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 SELECT * FROM TechOSSystemReport WHERE OperatingSystem = 'Windows' SELECT * FROM TechOSSystemReport WHERE Date = '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM TechOSSystemReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 AND OperatingSystem = 'Windows' AND Date = '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM TechOSSystemReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' AND <= '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM TechOSSystemReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM TechOSSystemReport WHERE Date <= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM TechOSSystemReport WHERE Date > '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM TechOSSystemReport WHERE Date < '01/01/2022'The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the Cloud.
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
OperatingSystem | String | True | True | Operating systems used by visitors to the app or website. | |
Date | Date | True | True | The date of the session formatted as YYYYMMDD. | |
Conversions | Integer | False | True | The count of conversion events. | |
EngagementRate | Decimal | False | True | The percentage of engaged sessions. | |
EngagedSessions | Integer | False | True | The number of sessions that lasted longer than ten seconds, had a conversion event, or had two or more screen views. | |
EventCount | Integer | False | True | The count of events. | |
NewUsers | Integer | False | True | The number of users who interacted with the site or launched the app for the first time. | |
TotalRevenue | Integer | False | True | The sum of revenue from purchases, subscriptions, and advertising. | |
TotalUsers | Integer | False | True | The total number of users. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似列フィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
PropertyId | String | The Property Id value to be used when querying this table. |
A predefined view that retrieves Tech Os version data.
The Cloud uses the Google Analytics API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM TechOSVersionReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 SELECT * FROM TechOSVersionReport WHERE OperatingSystemVersion = '10' SELECT * FROM TechOSVersionReport WHERE Date = '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM TechOSVersionReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 AND OperatingSystem = '10' AND Date = '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM TechOSVersionReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' AND <= '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM TechOSVersionReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM TechOSVersionReport WHERE Date <= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM TechOSVersionReport WHERE Date > '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM TechOSVersionReport WHERE Date < '01/01/2022'The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the Cloud.
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
OperatingSystemVersion | String | True | True | Version of the operating systems used by visitors to the app or website. | |
Date | Date | True | True | The date of the session formatted as YYYYMMDD. | |
Conversions | Integer | False | True | The count of conversion events. | |
EngagementRate | Decimal | False | True | The percentage of engaged sessions. | |
EngagedSessions | Integer | False | True | The number of sessions that lasted longer than ten seconds, had a conversion event, or had two or more screen views. | |
EventCount | Integer | False | True | The count of events. | |
NewUsers | Integer | False | True | The number of users who interacted with the site or launched the app for the first time. | |
TotalRevenue | Integer | False | True | The sum of revenue from purchases, subscriptions, and advertising. | |
TotalUsers | Integer | False | True | The total number of users. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似列フィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
PropertyId | String | The Property Id value to be used when querying this table. |
A predefined view that retrieves Tech platform device category data.
The Cloud uses the Google Analytics API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM TechPlatformDeviceCategoryReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 SELECT * FROM TechPlatformDeviceCategoryReport WHERE Platform = 'web' SELECT * FROM TechPlatformDeviceCategoryReport WHERE Date = '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM TechPlatformDeviceCategoryReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 AND DeviceCategory = 'desktop' SELECT * FROM TechPlatformDeviceCategoryReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 AND Platform = 'web' SELECT * FROM TechPlatformDeviceCategoryReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' AND <= '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM TechPlatformDeviceCategoryReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM TechPlatformDeviceCategoryReport WHERE Date <= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM TechPlatformDeviceCategoryReport WHERE Date > '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM TechPlatformDeviceCategoryReport WHERE Date < '01/01/2022'The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the Cloud.
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
DeviceCategory | String | True | True | Type of device used to engage with the site/app: Desktop, Tablet, or Mobile. | |
Platform | String | True | True | Platform for the app or site (Android, iOS, Web). | |
Date | Date | True | True | The date of the session formatted as YYYYMMDD. | |
Conversions | Integer | False | True | The count of conversion events. | |
EngagementRate | Decimal | False | True | The percentage of engaged sessions. | |
EngagedSessions | Integer | False | True | The number of sessions that lasted longer than ten seconds, had a conversion event, or had two or more screen views. | |
EventCount | Integer | False | True | The count of events. | |
NewUsers | Integer | False | True | The number of users who interacted with the site or launched the app for the first time. | |
TotalRevenue | Integer | False | True | The sum of revenue from purchases, subscriptions, and advertising. | |
TotalUsers | Integer | False | True | The total number of users. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似列フィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
PropertyId | String | The Property Id value to be used when querying this table. |
A predefined view that retrieves Tech platform data.
The Cloud uses the Google Analytics API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM TechPlatformReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 SELECT * FROM TechPlatformReport WHERE Platform = 'web' SELECT * FROM TechPlatformReport WHERE Date = '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM TechPlatformReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 AND Platform = 'web' AND Date = '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM TechPlatformReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 AND Platform = 'web' SELECT * FROM TechPlatformReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' AND <= '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM TechPlatformReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM TechPlatformReport WHERE Date <= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM TechPlatformReport WHERE Date > '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM TechPlatformReport WHERE Date < '01/01/2022'The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the Cloud.
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
Platform | String | True | True | Platform for the app or site (Android, iOS, Web). | |
Date | Date | True | True | The date of the session formatted as YYYYMMDD. | |
EngagementRate | Decimal | False | True | The percentage of engaged sessions. | |
EngagedSessions | Integer | False | True | The number of sessions that lasted longer than ten seconds, had a conversion event, or had two or more screen views. | |
EventCount | Integer | False | True | The count of events. | |
NewUsers | Integer | False | True | The number of users who interacted with the site or launched the app for the first time. | |
TotalRevenue | Integer | False | True | The sum of revenue from purchases, subscriptions, and advertising. | |
TotalUsers | Integer | False | True | The total number of users. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似列フィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
PropertyId | String | The Property Id value to be used when querying this table. |
A predefined view that retrieves Tech Screen Resolution data.
The Cloud uses the Google Analytics API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM TechScreenResolutionReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 SELECT * FROM TechScreenResolutionReport WHERE ScreenResolution = '1920x1080' SELECT * FROM TechScreenResolutionReport WHERE Date = '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM TechScreenResolutionReport WHERE PropertyId = 342020667 AND ScreenResolution = '1920x1080' AND Date = '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM TechScreenResolutionReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' AND <= '01/05/2023' SELECT * FROM TechScreenResolutionReport WHERE Date >= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM TechScreenResolutionReport WHERE Date <= '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM TechScreenResolutionReport WHERE Date > '01/01/2022' SELECT * FROM TechScreenResolutionReport WHERE Date < '01/01/2022'The rest of the filter is executed client-side in the Cloud.
Name | Type | Dimension | DefaultMetric | DefaultDimension | Description |
ScreenResolution | String | True | True | Resolution of the screen used to engage with the site/app. | |
Date | Date | True | True | The date of the session formatted as YYYYMMDD. | |
Conversions | Integer | False | True | The count of conversion events. | |
EngagementRate | Decimal | False | True | The percentage of engaged sessions. | |
EngagedSessions | Integer | False | True | The number of sessions that lasted longer than ten seconds, had a conversion event, or had two or more screen views. | |
EventCount | Integer | False | True | The count of events. | |
NewUsers | Integer | False | True | The number of users who interacted with the site or launched the app for the first time. | |
TotalRevenue | Integer | False | True | The sum of revenue from purchases, subscriptions, and advertising. | |
TotalUsers | Integer | False | True | The total number of users. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似列フィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
PropertyId | String | The Property Id value to be used when querying this table. |
ストアドプロシージャはファンクションライクなインターフェースで、Google Analytics の単純なSELECT 処理にとどまらずCloud の機能を拡張します。
ストアドプロシージャは、パラメータのリストを受け取り、目的の機能を実行し、プロシージャが成功したか失敗したかを示すとともにGoogle Analytics から関連するレスポンスデータを返します。
Name | Description |
CreateCustomSchema | Creates a custom schema file based on the specified Dimensions and Metrics. |
GetSignalsSettings | Get Settings values for Google Signals. |
Creates a custom schema file based on the specified Dimensions and Metrics.
Creates a custom schema file based on the specified Dimensions and Metrics.
A custom schema may be used for a more tailored approach to your data. Custom options may include comma-separated lists for specific data.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
TableName | String | True | The name for the new table. |
Description | String | False | An optional description for the table. |
WriteToFile | String | False | Whether to write to an output file. Defaults totrue and must be set to false to write to FileStream or FileData. |
Dimensions | String | False | A comma-separated list of dimensions to include in the schema file. Here is a list of the possible values: |
Metrics | String | False | A comma-separated list of metrics to include in the schema file. Here is a list of the possible values: |
PropertyId | String | False | The Property Id to retrieve data from. If not specified, dimensions and metrics common to all properties will be retrieved. |
ReportyType | String | False | The type of report to be created using this custom schema. Available values are: 'RealTime' and 'Standard' (default) |
Name | Type | Description |
Success | String | Whether the schema was created successfully. |
SchemaFile | String | The generated schema file. |
FileData | String | The generated schema encoded in base64. Only returned if WriteToFile set to false and FileStream is not set. |
Get Settings values for Google Signals.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
PropertyId | String | False | The Id of the property for which Google signals settings to retrieve. Format:PropertyId=1234 |
Name | Type | Description |
Name | String | Resource name of this setting. |
State | String | Status of this setting. |
Consent | String | Terms of Service acceptance. |
以下のテーブルは、Google Analytics のデータベースメタデータを返します。
SELECT * FROM sys_catalogs
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | データベース名。 |
SELECT * FROM sys_schemas
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | データベース名。 |
SchemaName | String | スキーマ名。 |
SELECT * FROM sys_tables
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | テーブルまたはビューを含むデータベース。 |
SchemaName | String | テーブルまたはビューを含むスキーマ。 |
TableName | String | テーブル名またはビュー名。 |
TableType | String | テーブルの種類(テーブルまたはビュー)。 |
Description | String | テーブルまたはビューの説明。 |
IsUpdateable | Boolean | テーブルが更新可能かどうか。 |
次のクエリは、Traffic テーブルのカラムとデータ型を返します。
SELECT ColumnName, DataTypeName FROM sys_tablecolumns WHERE TableName='Traffic'
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | テーブルまたはビューを含むデータベースの名前。 |
SchemaName | String | テーブルまたはビューを含むスキーマ。 |
TableName | String | カラムを含むテーブルまたはビューの名前。 |
ColumnName | String | カラム名。 |
DataTypeName | String | データ型の名前。 |
DataType | Int32 | データ型を示す整数値。この値は、実行時に環境に基づいて決定されます。 |
Length | Int32 | カラムのストレージサイズ。 |
DisplaySize | Int32 | 指定されたカラムの通常の最大幅(文字数)。 |
NumericPrecision | Int32 | 数値データの最大桁数。文字データおよび日時データの場合は、カラムの長さ(文字数)。 |
NumericScale | Int32 | カラムのスケール(小数点以下の桁数)。 |
IsNullable | Boolean | カラムがNull を含められるかどうか。 |
Description | String | カラムの簡単な説明。 |
Ordinal | Int32 | カラムのシーケンスナンバー。 |
IsAutoIncrement | String | カラムに固定増分値が割り当てられるかどうか。 |
IsGeneratedColumn | String | 生成されたカラムであるかどうか。 |
IsHidden | Boolean | カラムが非表示かどうか。 |
IsArray | Boolean | カラムが配列かどうか。 |
IsReadOnly | Boolean | カラムが読み取り専用かどうか。 |
IsKey | Boolean | sys_tablecolumns から返されたフィールドがテーブルの主キーであるかどうか。 |
SELECT * FROM sys_procedures
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | ストアドプロシージャを含むデータベース。 |
SchemaName | String | ストアドプロシージャを含むスキーマ。 |
ProcedureName | String | ストアドプロシージャの名前。 |
Description | String | ストアドプロシージャの説明。 |
ProcedureType | String | PROCEDURE やFUNCTION などのプロシージャのタイプ。 |
次のクエリは、CreateCustomSchema ストアドプロシージャのすべての入力パラメータについての情報を返します。
SELECT * FROM sys_procedureparameters WHERE ProcedureName='CreateCustomSchema' AND Direction=1 OR Direction=2
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | ストアドプロシージャを含むデータベースの名前。 |
SchemaName | String | ストアドプロシージャを含むスキーマの名前。 |
ProcedureName | String | パラメータを含むストアドプロシージャの名前。 |
ColumnName | String | ストアドプロシージャパラメータの名前。 |
Direction | Int32 | パラメータのタイプに対応する整数値:input (1)。input/output (2)、またはoutput(4)。input/output タイプパラメータは、入力パラメータと出力パラメータの両方になれます。 |
DataTypeName | String | データ型の名前。 |
DataType | Int32 | データ型を示す整数値。この値は、実行時に環境に基づいて決定されます。 |
Length | Int32 | 文字データの場合は、許可される文字数。数値データの場合は、許可される桁数。 |
NumericPrecision | Int32 | 数値データの場合は最大精度。文字データおよび日時データの場合は、カラムの長さ(文字数)。 |
NumericScale | Int32 | 数値データの小数点以下の桁数。 |
IsNullable | Boolean | パラメータがNull を含められるかどうか。 |
IsRequired | Boolean | プロシージャの実行にパラメータが必要かどうか。 |
IsArray | Boolean | パラメータが配列かどうか。 |
Description | String | パラメータの説明。 |
Ordinal | Int32 | パラメータのインデックス。 |
次のクエリは、Traffic テーブルの主キーを取得します。
SELECT * FROM sys_keycolumns WHERE IsKey='True' AND TableName='Traffic'
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | キーを含むデータベースの名前。 |
SchemaName | String | キーを含むスキーマの名前。 |
TableName | String | キーを含むテーブルの名前。 |
ColumnName | String | キーカラムの名前 |
IsKey | Boolean | カラムがTableName フィールドで参照されるテーブル内の主キーかどうか。 |
IsForeignKey | Boolean | カラムがTableName フィールドで参照される外部キーかどうか。 |
PrimaryKeyName | String | 主キーの名前。 |
ForeignKeyName | String | 外部キーの名前。 |
ReferencedCatalogName | String | 主キーを含むデータベース。 |
ReferencedSchemaName | String | 主キーを含むスキーマ。 |
ReferencedTableName | String | 主キーを含むテーブル。 |
ReferencedColumnName | String | 主キーのカラム名。 |
SELECT * FROM sys_foreignkeys WHERE ForeignKeyType = 'FOREIGNKEY_TYPE_IMPORT'
名前 | タイプ | 説明 |
CatalogName | String | キーを含むデータベースの名前。 |
SchemaName | String | キーを含むスキーマの名前。 |
TableName | String | キーを含むテーブルの名前。 |
ColumnName | String | キーカラムの名前 |
PrimaryKeyName | String | 主キーの名前。 |
ForeignKeyName | String | 外部キーの名前。 |
ReferencedCatalogName | String | 主キーを含むデータベース。 |
ReferencedSchemaName | String | 主キーを含むスキーマ。 |
ReferencedTableName | String | 主キーを含むテーブル。 |
ReferencedColumnName | String | 主キーのカラム名。 |
ForeignKeyType | String | 外部キーがインポート(他のテーブルを指す)キーかエクスポート(他のテーブルから参照される)キーかを指定します。 |
SELECT * FROM sys_primarykeys
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | キーを含むデータベースの名前。 |
SchemaName | String | キーを含むスキーマの名前。 |
TableName | String | キーを含むテーブルの名前。 |
ColumnName | String | キーカラムの名前。 |
KeySeq | String | 主キーのシーケンス番号。 |
KeyName | String | 主キーの名前。 |
SELECT * FROM sys_indexes WHERE IsPrimary='false'
Name | Type | Description |
CatalogName | String | インデックスを含むデータベースの名前。 |
SchemaName | String | インデックスを含むスキーマの名前。 |
TableName | String | インデックスを含むテーブルの名前。 |
IndexName | String | インデックス名。 |
ColumnName | String | インデックスに関連付けられたカラムの名前。 |
IsUnique | Boolean | インデックスが固有の場合はTrue。そうでない場合はFalse。 |
IsPrimary | Boolean | インデックスが主キーの場合はTrue。そうでない場合はFalse。 |
Type | Int16 | インデックスタイプに対応する整数値:statistic (0)、clustered (1)、hashed (2)、またはother (3)。 |
SortOrder | String | 並べ替え順序:A が昇順、D が降順。 |
OrdinalPosition | Int16 | インデックスのカラムのシーケンスナンバー。 |
このテーブルをクエリする際は、config 接続文字列を使用する必要があります。
SELECT * FROM sys_connection_props WHERE Value <> ''
Name | Type | Description |
Name | String | 接続プロパティ名。 |
ShortDescription | String | 簡単な説明。 |
Type | String | 接続プロパティのデータ型。 |
Default | String | 明示的に設定されていない場合のデフォルト値。 |
Values | String | 可能な値のカンマ区切りリスト。別な値が指定されていると、検証エラーがスローされます。 |
Value | String | 設定した値またはあらかじめ設定されたデフォルト。 |
Required | Boolean | プロパティが接続に必要かどうか。 |
Category | String | 接続プロパティのカテゴリ。 |
IsSessionProperty | String | プロパティが、現在の接続に関する情報を保存するために使用されるセッションプロパティかどうか。 |
Sensitivity | String | プロパティの機密度。これは、プロパティがロギングおよび認証フォームで難読化されているかどうかを通知します。 |
PropertyName | String | キャメルケースの短縮形の接続プロパティ名。 |
Ordinal | Int32 | パラメータのインデックス。 |
CatOrdinal | Int32 | パラメータカテゴリのインデックス。 |
Hierarchy | String | このプロパティと一緒に設定する必要がある、関連のある依存プロパティを表示します。 |
Visible | Boolean | プロパティが接続UI に表示されるかどうかを通知します。 |
ETC | String | プロパティに関するその他のさまざまな情報。 |
Cloud がデータソースにオフロードできるSELECT クエリ処理について説明します。
SQL 構文の詳細については、SQL 準拠 を参照してください。
以下はSQL 機能のサンプルデータセットです。 SELECT 機能のいくつかの側面がサポートされている場合には、カンマ区切りのリストで返されます。サポートされていない場合、カラムにはNO が入ります。
名前 | 説明 | 有効な値 |
COUNT | COUNT 関数がサポートされているかどうか。 | YES, NO |
IDENTIFIER_QUOTE_OPEN_CHAR | 識別子をエスケープするための開始文字。 | [ |
IDENTIFIER_QUOTE_CLOSE_CHAR | 識別子をエスケープするための終了文字。 | ] |
SUPPORTED_OPERATORS | サポートされているSQL 演算子。 | =, >, <, >=, <=, <>, !=, LIKE, NOT LIKE, IN, NOT IN, IS NULL, IS NOT NULL, AND, OR |
GROUP_BY | GROUP BY がサポートされているかどうか。サポートされている場合、どのレベルでサポートされているか。 | NO, NO_RELATION, EQUALS_SELECT, SQL_GB_COLLATE |
OUTER_JOINS | 外部結合がサポートされているかどうか。 | YES, NO |
SUBQUERIES | サブクエリがサポートされているかどうか。サポートされていれば、どのレベルでサポートされているか。 | NO, COMPARISON, EXISTS, IN, CORRELATED_SUBQUERIES, QUANTIFIED |
REPLICATION_SKIP_TABLES | レプリケーション中にスキップされたテーブルを示します。 | |
REPLICATION_TIMECHECK_COLUMNS | レプリケーション中に更新判断のカラムとして使用するかどうかを、(指定された順に)チェックするカラムのリストを含む文字列の配列。 | |
IDENTIFIER_PATTERN | 識別子としてどの文字列が有効かを示す文字列値。 | |
SUPPORT_TRANSACTION | プロバイダーが、コミットやロールバックなどのトランザクションをサポートしているかどうかを示します。 | YES, NO |
DIALECT | 使用するSQL ダイアレクトを示します。 | |
KEY_PROPERTIES | Uniform データベースを特定するプロパティを示します。 | |
SUPPORTS_MULTIPLE_SCHEMAS | プロバイダー用に複数のスキームが存在するかどうかを示します。 | YES, NO |
SUPPORTS_MULTIPLE_CATALOGS | プロバイダー用に複数のカタログが存在するかどうかを示します。 | YES, NO |
DATASYNCVERSION | このドライバーにアクセスするために必要な、CData Sync のバージョン。 | Standard, Starter, Professional, Enterprise |
DATASYNCCATEGORY | このドライバーのCData Sync カテゴリ。 | Source, Destination, Cloud Destination |
SUPPORTSENHANCEDSQL | API で提供されている以上の、追加SQL 機能がサポートされているかどうか。 | TRUE, FALSE |
SUPPORTS_BATCH_OPERATIONS | バッチ操作がサポートされているかどうか。 | YES, NO |
PREFERRED_CACHE_OPTIONS | 使用したいcacheOptions を指定する文字列値。 | |
ENABLE_EF_ADVANCED_QUERY | ドライバーがEntity Framework の高度なクエリをサポートしているかどうかを示します。サポートしていなければ、クエリはクライアントサイドで処理されます。 | YES, NO |
PSEUDO_COLUMNS | 利用可能な疑似カラムを示す文字列の配列。 | |
MERGE_ALWAYS | 値がtrue であれば、CData Sync 内でMerge Model が強制的に実行されます。 | TRUE, FALSE |
REPLICATION_MIN_FUNCTION | サーバーサイドでmin を実行するために使用する式名を、プロバイダーが指定できるようになります。 | |
REPLICATION_START_DATE | レプリケート開始日を、プロバイダーが指定できるようになります。 | |
REPLICATION_MAX_FUNCTION | サーバーサイドでmax を実行するために使用する式名を、プロバイダーが指定できるようになります。 | |
IGNORE_INTERVALS_ON_INITIAL_REPLICATE | 初回のレプリケートで、レプリケートをチャンクに分割しないテーブルのリスト。 | |
CHECKCACHE_USE_PARENTID | CheckCache 構文を親キーカラムに対して実行するかどうかを示します。 | TRUE, FALSE |
CREATE_SCHEMA_PROCEDURES | スキーマファイルの生成に使用できる、ストアドプロシージャを示します。 |
次のクエリは、WHERE 句で使用できる演算子を取得します。
WHERE 句では、個々のテーブルの制限や要件が異なる場合がありますので注意してください。詳しくは、データモデル セクションを参照してください。
Name | Type | Description |
NAME | String | SQL 構文のコンポーネント、またはサーバー上で処理できる機能。 |
VALUE | String | サポートされるSQL またはSQL 構文の詳細。 |
次のクエリは、バッチ処理で変更された行のId を取得します。
SELECT * FROM sys_identity
Name | Type | Description |
Id | String | データ変更処理から返された、データベース生成Id。 |
Batch | String | バッチの識別子。1 は単一処理。 |
Operation | String | バッチ内の処理の結果:INSERTED、UPDATED、またはDELETED。 |
Message | String | SUCCESS、またはバッチ内の更新が失敗した場合のエラーメッセージ。 |
プロパティ | 説明 |
AuthScheme | Google Analytics に接続する際に使用する認証の種類。 |
Schema | 使用するスキーマの種類。 |
Profile | Google アナリティクスビュー(プロファイル)。 |
プロパティ | 説明 |
OAuthJWTCert | JWT 証明書のストア。 |
OAuthJWTCertType | JWT 証明書を格納するキーストアの種類。 |
OAuthJWTCertPassword | OAuth JWT 証明書のパスワード。 |
OAuthJWTCertSubject | OAuth JWT 証明書のサブジェクト。 |
OAuthJWTIssuer | Java Web Token の発行者。 |
OAuthJWTSubject | アプリケーションからデリゲートアクセスの要求対象となるユーザーサブジェクト。 |
プロパティ | 説明 |
SSLServerCert | TLS/SSL を使用して接続するときに、サーバーが受け入れ可能な証明書。 |
プロパティ | 説明 |
Verbosity | ログファイルの記述をどの程度の詳細さで記載するかを決定するverbosity レベル。 |
プロパティ | 説明 |
BrowsableSchemas | このプロパティは、使用可能なスキーマのサブセットにレポートされるスキーマを制限します。例えば、BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA,SchemaB,SchemaC です。 |
ApiVersion | UniversalAnalytics で使用するAPI バージョンを指定します。 |
プロパティ | 説明 |
DefaultFilter | すべてのクエリに適用されるデフォルトのフィルタ。 |
IgnorePermissionsException | Whether to ignore exceptions related to insufficient permissions for a specific profile. |
IncludeEmptyRows | この接続プロパティは、V4 API を使用している場合にのみ設定できます。false に設定すると、取得したすべての指標が0に等しい場合、プロバイダーには行が含まれません。デフォルトはtrue で、これらの行が含まれます。 |
MaxRows | クエリで集計またはGROUP BY を使用しない場合に返される行数を制限します。これはLIMIT 句よりも優先されます。 |
Pagesize | Google Analytics から返されるページあたりの結果の最大数。 |
PropertyId | Property ID value to be used when querying reports views in V4 schema. |
PseudoColumns | このプロパティは、テーブルのカラムとして疑似カラムが含まれているかどうかを示します。 |
ReportType | The type of Reports to get results in case of Events and ActiveUsers view. |
SamplingLevel | 希望のサンプリングレベル。この値を設定することで、精度を犠牲にして実行速度を上げたり、クエリ実行速度を下げる代わりに精度を高めることができます。 Note:このプロパティは、 Schema がUniversalAnalytics に設定されている場合にのみ適用されます。 |
SupportEnhancedSQL | This property enhances SQL functionality beyond what can be supported through the API directly, by enabling in-memory client-side processing. |
Timeout | タイムアウトエラーがスローされ、処理をキャンセルするまでの秒数。 |
UseResourceQuotas | This connection property can be set only when using the V4 API. |
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なAuthentication プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
AuthScheme | Google Analytics に接続する際に使用する認証の種類。 |
Schema | 使用するスキーマの種類。 |
Profile | Google アナリティクスビュー(プロファイル)。 |
Google Analytics に接続する際に使用する認証の種類。
利用可能なスキーマは、UniversalAnalytics およびGoogleAnalytics4 です。なお、UniversalAnalytics API はGoogle 側で非推奨となっており、2023年半ばにサポートが終了します。
Google アナリティクスビュー(プロファイル)。
プロファイルのID またはWeb サイトURL のいずれかを設定することができます。指定しない場合は、返されたすべてのプロファイルが使用されます。
これは、UniversalAnalytics スキーマにのみ使用されます。
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なJWT OAuth プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
OAuthJWTCert | JWT 証明書のストア。 |
OAuthJWTCertType | JWT 証明書を格納するキーストアの種類。 |
OAuthJWTCertPassword | OAuth JWT 証明書のパスワード。 |
OAuthJWTCertSubject | OAuth JWT 証明書のサブジェクト。 |
OAuthJWTIssuer | Java Web Token の発行者。 |
OAuthJWTSubject | アプリケーションからデリゲートアクセスの要求対象となるユーザーサブジェクト。 |
JWT 証明書のストア。
OAuthJWTCertType フィールドは、OAuthJWTCert により指定された証明書ストアの種類を指定します。 ストアがパスワードで保護されている場合は、OAuthJWTCertPassword でパスワードを指定します。
OAuthJWTCert は、OAuthJWTCertSubject フィールドとともにクライアント証明書を指定するために使われます。 OAuthJWTCert に値がある場合で、OAuthJWTCertSubject が設定されている場合は、証明書の検索が始まります。 詳しくは、OAuthJWTCertSubject フィールドを参照してください。
Windows の共通のユーザとシステム証明書ストアの指定は以下のとおりです。
MY | 個人証明書と関連付けられた秘密キーを格納している証明書ストア。 |
CA | 証明機関の証明書。 |
ROOT | ルート証明書。 |
SPC | ソフトウェア発行元証明書。 |
証明書ストアの種類がPFXFile の場合は、このプロパティにファイル名を設定します。 PFXBlob の場合は、このプロパティをPFX ファイルのバイナリコンテンツ(例えば、PKCS12証明書ストア)に設定する必要があります。
JWT 証明書を格納するキーストアの種類。
USER | Windows の場合、現在のユーザーにより所有された証明書ストアであることを指定します。 Note:この種類はJava では利用できません。 |
MACHINE | Windows の場合、この証明書ストアがシステムストアであることを指定します。 Note:この種類はJava では利用できません。 |
PFXFILE | この証明書ストアは、証明書を含むPFX(PKCS12)ファイルの名前です。 |
PFXBLOB | この証明書ストアは、PFX(PKCS12)形式の証明書ストアを表すBase-64でエンコードされた文字列です。 |
JKSFILE | この証明書ストアは、証明書を含むJava key store(JKS)ファイルの名前です。 Note:この種類はJava のみで利用できます。 |
JKSBLOB | この証明書ストアは、Java key store(JKS)形式の証明書ストアを表すBase-64でエンコードされた文字列です。 Note:この種類はJava のみで利用できます。 |
PEMKEY_FILE | この証明書ストアは、秘密キーと任意の証明書を含むPEM でエンコードされたファイルの名前です。 |
PEMKEY_BLOB | この証明書ストアは、秘密キーと任意の証明書を含むBase-64でエンコードされた文字列です。 |
PUBLIC_KEY_FILE | この証明書ストアは、PEM またはDER でエンコードされた公開キーの証明書を含むファイルの名前です。 |
PUBLIC_KEY_BLOB | この証明書ストアは、PEM またはDER でエンコードされた公開キーの証明書を含むBase-64でエンコードされた文字列です。 |
SSHPUBLIC_KEY_FILE | この証明書ストアは、SSH 公開キーを含むファイルの名前です。 |
SSHPUBLIC_KEY_BLOB | この証明書ストアは、SSH 公開キーを含むBase-64でエンコードされた文字列です。 |
P7BFILE | この証明書ストアは、証明書を含むPKCS7 ファイルの名前です。 |
PPKFILE | この証明書ストアは、PuTTY 秘密キー(PPK)を含むファイルの名前です。 |
XMLFILE | この証明書ストアは、XML 形式の証明書を含むファイルの名前です。 |
XMLBLOB | この証明書ストアは、XML 形式の証明書を含む文字列の名前です。 |
GOOGLEJSON | この証明書ストアは、サービスアカウント情報を含むJSON ファイルの名前です。Google サービスに接続する場合にのみ有効です。 |
GOOGLEJSONBLOB | この証明書ストアは、サービスアカウントのJSON を含む文字列です。Google サービスに接続する場合にのみ有効です。 |
OAuth JWT 証明書のパスワード。
GOOGLEJSON OAuthJWTCertType を使用する場合は必要ありません。Google JSON キーは暗号化されていません。
OAuth JWT 証明書のサブジェクト。
"*" に設定すると、証明書ストアの1番目の証明書が選択されます。
証明書のサブジェクトは識別の名前フィールドおよび値のカンマ区切りのリストです。 例えば、", OU=test, C=US, [email protected]"。共通のフィールドとその説明は以下のとおりです。
フィールド | 説明 |
CN | 共通名。一般的には、 のようなホスト名です。 |
O | 法人名 |
OU | 法人の部署名 |
L | 法人の住所(市町村名) |
S | 法人の住所(都道府県) |
C | 国名 |
E | Eメールアドレス |
Java Web Token の発行者。
Java Web Token の発行者。 委任されたユーザーのE メールアドレスの値を入力します。
GOOGLEJSON OAuthJWTCertType を使用する場合は必要ありません。Google JSON キーには、発行者アカウントのコピーが含まれています。
Java Web Token の発行者。 委任されたユーザーのE メールアドレスの値を入力します。
GOOGLEJSON OAuthJWTCertType を使用する場合は必要ありません。Google JSON キーには、発行者アカウントのコピーが含まれています。
アプリケーションからデリゲートアクセスの要求対象となるユーザーサブジェクトです。 サービスアカウントE メールの値を入力します。
アプリケーションからデリゲートアクセスの要求対象となるユーザーサブジェクトです。 サービスアカウントE メールの値を入力します。
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なSSL プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
SSLServerCert | TLS/SSL を使用して接続するときに、サーバーが受け入れ可能な証明書。 |
TLS/SSL を使用して接続するときに、サーバーが受け入れ可能な証明書。
TLS/SSL 接続を使用する場合は、このプロパティを使用して、サーバーが受け入れるTLS/SSL 証明書を指定できます。コンピュータによって信頼されていない他の証明書はすべて拒否されます。
説明 | 例 |
フルPEM 証明書(例では省略されています) | -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIChTCCAe4CAQAwDQYJKoZIhv......Qw== -----END CERTIFICATE----- |
証明書を保有するローカルファイルへのパス。 | C:\cert.cer |
公開鍵(例では省略されています) | -----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY----- MIGfMA0GCSq......AQAB -----END RSA PUBLIC KEY----- |
MD5 Thumbprint (hex 値はスペースおよびコロン区切り) | ecadbdda5a1529c58a1e9e09828d70e4 |
SHA1 Thumbprint (hex 値はスペースおよびコロン区切り) | 34a929226ae0819f2ec14b4a3d904f801cbb150d |
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なLogging プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
Verbosity | ログファイルの記述をどの程度の詳細さで記載するかを決定するverbosity レベル。 |
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なSchema プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
BrowsableSchemas | このプロパティは、使用可能なスキーマのサブセットにレポートされるスキーマを制限します。例えば、BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA,SchemaB,SchemaC です。 |
ApiVersion | UniversalAnalytics で使用するAPI バージョンを指定します。 |
このプロパティは、使用可能なスキーマのサブセットにレポートされるスキーマを制限します。例えば、BrowsableSchemas=SchemaA,SchemaB,SchemaC です。
スキーマをデータベースからリストすると、負荷がかかる可能性があります。接続文字列でスキーマのリストを提供すると、 パフォーマンスが向上します。
UniversalAnalytics で使用するAPI バージョンを指定します。
Google Analytics v3 API を使用する場合はV3、Google Analytics v4 API を使用する場合はV4 に設定します。
Note: ApiVersion is specific to UniversalAnalytics Schema only.
Note: ApiVersion v4 is not supported for these views Accounts, WebProperties, Segments, Profiles and Goals. So, the driver will make a request with V3 for mentioned views even if you have specified v4 in the ApiVersion connection property.
このセクションでは、本プロバイダーの接続文字列で設定可能なMiscellaneous プロパティの全リストを提供します。
プロパティ | 説明 |
DefaultFilter | すべてのクエリに適用されるデフォルトのフィルタ。 |
IgnorePermissionsException | Whether to ignore exceptions related to insufficient permissions for a specific profile. |
IncludeEmptyRows | この接続プロパティは、V4 API を使用している場合にのみ設定できます。false に設定すると、取得したすべての指標が0に等しい場合、プロバイダーには行が含まれません。デフォルトはtrue で、これらの行が含まれます。 |
MaxRows | クエリで集計またはGROUP BY を使用しない場合に返される行数を制限します。これはLIMIT 句よりも優先されます。 |
Pagesize | Google Analytics から返されるページあたりの結果の最大数。 |
PropertyId | Property ID value to be used when querying reports views in V4 schema. |
PseudoColumns | このプロパティは、テーブルのカラムとして疑似カラムが含まれているかどうかを示します。 |
ReportType | The type of Reports to get results in case of Events and ActiveUsers view. |
SamplingLevel | 希望のサンプリングレベル。この値を設定することで、精度を犠牲にして実行速度を上げたり、クエリ実行速度を下げる代わりに精度を高めることができます。 Note:このプロパティは、 Schema がUniversalAnalytics に設定されている場合にのみ適用されます。 |
SupportEnhancedSQL | This property enhances SQL functionality beyond what can be supported through the API directly, by enabling in-memory client-side processing. |
Timeout | タイムアウトエラーがスローされ、処理をキャンセルするまでの秒数。 |
UseResourceQuotas | This connection property can be set only when using the V4 API. |
すべてのクエリに適用されるデフォルトのフィルタ。すべてのクエリにデフォルトのDimensions、StartDate、EndDate、およびSegments を設定するための便利な方法です。これらの値は、クエリで設定されると上書きされます。値の例:Dimensions='Year' AND EndDate='Today'
Whether to ignore exceptions related to insufficient permissions for a specific profile.
Whether to ignore exceptions related to insufficient permissions for a specific profile.
この接続プロパティは、V4 API を使用している場合にのみ設定できます。false に設定すると、取得したすべての指標が0に等しい場合、プロバイダーには行が含まれません。デフォルトはtrue で、これらの行が含まれます。
TRUE | プロバイダーには、取得したすべての指標が0に等しい行が含まれます。 |
FALSE | プロバイダーには、取得したすべての指標が0に等しい行が含まれません。 |
Note that it is still possible for no rows to be returned with this set to TRUE depending on the dimensions included in the query. This property will only work when the cardinality of the dimension is known over the date range (such as with the Date dimension). If the cardinality is unknown or not defined, such as with the ProductName dimension on the Ecommerce table, no results would be returned.
クエリで集計またはGROUP BY を使用しない場合に返される行数を制限します。これはLIMIT 句よりも優先されます。
クエリで集計またはGROUP BY を使用しない場合に返される行数を制限します。これはLIMIT 句よりも優先されます。
Google Analytics から返されるページあたりの結果の最大数。
Pagesize プロパティは、Google Analytics から返されるページあたりの結果の最大数に影響を与えます。より大きい値を設定すると、1ページあたりの消費メモリが増える代わりに、パフォーマンスが向上する場合があります。
Property ID value to be used when querying reports views in V4 schema.
Property ID value to be used when querying reports views in V4 schema.
Entity Framework ではテーブルカラムでない疑似カラムに値を設定できないため、この設定はEntity Framework で特に便利です。この接続設定の値は、"Table1=Column1, Table1=Column2, Table2=Column3" の形式です。"*=*" のように"*" 文字を使用して、すべてのテーブルとすべてのカラムを含めることができます。
The type of Reports to get results in case of Events and ActiveUsers view.
The ReportType available are RealtimeReports and Reports. For the Events and ActiveUsers view
RealtimeReports | Driver will use runRealtimeReport endpoint. |
Reports | Driver will use runReport endpoint. |
希望のサンプリングレベル。この値を設定することで、精度を犠牲にして実行速度を上げたり、クエリ実行速度を下げる代わりに精度を高めることができます。 Note:このプロパティは、 Schema がUniversalAnalytics に設定されている場合にのみ適用されます。
DEFAULT | 速度と精度のバランスがとれたサンプルサイズで応答を返します。 |
FASTER | V3 API を使用している場合にのみ使用可能です。サンプルサイズを小さくして、高速で応答を返します。 |
HIGHER_PRECISION | V3 API を使用している場合にのみ使用可能です。大きなサンプルサイズを使用して精度の高い応答を返しますが、応答が遅れる可能性があります。 |
SMALL | FASTER と似ていますが、V4 API 用です。 |
This property enhances SQL functionality beyond what can be supported through the API directly, by enabling in-memory client-side processing.
When SupportEnhancedSQL = true, the Cloud offloads as much of the SELECT statement processing as possible to Google Analytics and then processes the rest of the query in memory. In this way, the Cloud can execute unsupported predicates, joins, and aggregation.
When SupportEnhancedSQL = false, the Cloud limits SQL execution to what is supported by the Google Analytics API.
The Cloud determines which of the clauses are supported by the data source and then pushes them to the source to get the smallest superset of rows that would satisfy the query. It then filters the rest of the rows locally. The filter operation is streamed, which enables the Cloud to filter effectively for even very large datasets.
The Cloud uses various techniques to join in memory. The Cloud trades off memory utilization against the requirement of reading the same table more than once.
The Cloud retrieves all rows necessary to process the aggregation in memory.
When SupportEnhancedSQL = true, the Cloud offloads as much of the SELECT statement processing as possible to Google Analytics and then processes the rest of the query in memory. In this way, the Cloud can execute unsupported predicates, joins, and aggregation.
When SupportEnhancedSQL = false, the Cloud limits SQL execution to what is supported by the Google Analytics API.
The Cloud determines which of the clauses are supported by the data source and then pushes them to the source to get the smallest superset of rows that would satisfy the query. It then filters the rest of the rows locally. The filter operation is streamed, which enables the Cloud to filter effectively for even very large datasets.
The Cloud uses various techniques to join in memory. The Cloud trades off memory utilization against the requirement of reading the same table more than once.
The Cloud retrieves all rows necessary to process the aggregation in memory.
Timeout が0に設定されている場合は、操作がタイムアウトしません。処理が正常に完了するか、エラー状態になるまで実行されます。
Timeout の有効期限が切れても処理が完了していない場合は、Cloud は例外をスローします。
This connection property can be set only when using the V4 API.
If set to true, the provider will include the useResourceQuotas header in each request. This header will enable resource based quotas for a given request.