Getting Started
Connecting from RAD Studio
The CData FireDAC Components for Google Analytics implement the standard FireDAC classes and integrate Google Analytics into RAD Studio wizards. You can access the components from the RAD Studio Tool Palette and use the components alongside standard FireDAC classes like TFDQuery, TFDManager, and TFDConnection.
Connecting from Google Analytics
See Establishing a Connection to connect with the Data Explorer and FireDAC Connection Editor wizards.
RAD Studio Version Support
RAD Studio 10.4 (Sydney) and above are supported.
Google Analytics Version Support
The component supports both Universal Analytics and Google Analytics 4 APIs. The component provides a relational view of the Google Analytics profiles in your Google account or across your Google Apps domain. The component includes tables that contain often-used dimensions and metrics as columns; additionally, you can customize the table schemas or write your own to combine any valid set of dimensions and metrics. The component exposes the columns available through the Google Analytics Management API (Universal Analytics), the Google Anlytics Core Reporting API (Universal Analytics), the Data API (Google Analytics 4) and the Admin API (Google Analytics 4). You must enable these APIs by creating a project in the Google Developers Console. See "Connecting to Google Analytics" for a guide to creating a project and authenticating to the APIs.Dependencies
CData FireDAC components require the 2010 version of the VC++ (x86/x64) redistributable package that matches the bitness of RAD Studio being used. You can download this from Microsoft:2010 VC++ Redistributable package download Note: The appropriate VC++ redistributable package requires distribution with the deployed application.
See Also
- See Creating VCL Applications to use the Form Designer to create a simple VCL application that queries Google Analytics.
- See Writing Data Access Code to create TFDConnection objects. See Connection Definitions for other ways to create connections, with TFDManager for example.
- See Using the FireDAC Components for Google Analytics-specific examples of executing prepared statements, discovering schemas, and writing other data access code.