FireDAC Components for Google Analytics

Build 23.0.8804


Retrieves data for all the available dimensions and metrics.


Name Type Dimension DefaultMetric DefaultDimension Description
achievementId String True The achievement Id in a game for an event. Populated by the event parameter achievementid.
adFormat String True Describes the way ads looked and where they were located. Typical formats include Interstitial, Banner, Rewarded, and Native advanced.
adSourceName String True The source network that served the ad. Typical sources include AdMob Network, Liftoff, Facebook Audience Network, and Mediated house ads.
adUnitName String True The name you chose to describe this Ad unit. Ad units are containers you place in your apps to show ads to users.
appVersion String True The apps versionName (Android) or short bundle version (iOS).
audienceId String True The numeric identifier of an Audience. Users are reported in the audiences to which they belonged during the reports date range. Current user behavior does not affect historical audience membership in reports.
audienceName String True The given name of an Audience. Users are reported in the audiences to which they belonged during the report's date range. Current user behavior does not affect historical audience membership in reports.
brandingInterest String True Interests demonstrated by users who are higher in the shopping funnel. Users can be counted in multiple interest categories.
browser String True The browsers used to view your website.
campaignId String True The identifier of the marketing campaign. Present only for conversion events. Includes Google Ads Campaigns, Manual Campaigns, and other Campaigns.
campaignName String True The name of the marketing campaign. Present only for conversion events. Includes Google Ads Campaigns, Manual Campaigns, and other Campaigns.
character String True The player character in a game for an event. Populated by the event parameter character.
city String True The city from which the user activity originated.
cityId String True The geographic Id of the city from which the user activity originated, derived from their IP address.
cohort String True The cohorts name in the request. A cohort is a set of users who started using your website or app in any consecutive group of days. If a cohort name is not specified in the request, cohorts are named by their zero based index: cohort_0, cohort_1, etc.
cohortNthDay String True Day offset relative to the firstSessionDate for the users in the cohort. For example, if a cohort is selected with the start and end date of 2020-03-01, then for the date 2020-03-02, cohortNthDay is 0001.
cohortNthMonth String True Month offset relative to the firstSessionDate for the users in the cohort. Month boundaries align with calendar month boundaries. For example, if a cohort is selected with the start and end date in March 2020, then for any date in April 2020, cohortNthMonth is 0001.
cohortNthWeek String True Week offset relative to the firstSessionDate for the users in the cohort. Weeks start on Sunday and end on Saturday. For example, if a cohort is selected with the start and end date in the range 2020-11-08 to 2020-11-14, then for the dates in the range 2020-11-15 to 2020-11-21, cohortNthWeek is 0001.
contentGroup String True A category that applies to items of published content. Populated by the event parameter content_group.
contentId String True The identifier of the selected content. Populated by the event parameter content_id.
contentType String True The category of the selected content. Populated by the event parameter content_type.
continent String True The continent from which the user activity originated. For example, Americas or Asia.
continentId String True The geographic Id of the continent from which the user activity originated, derived from their IP address.
country String True The country from which the user activity originated.
countryId String True The geographic Id of the country from which the user activity originated, derived from their IP address. Formatted according to ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standard.
date String True The date of the event, formatted as YYYYMMDD.
dateHour String True The combined values of date and hour formatted as YYYYMMDDHH.
dateHourMinute String True The combined values of date, hour, and minute formatted as YYYYMMDDHHMM.
day String True The day of the month, a two-digit number from 01 to 31.
dayOfWeek String True The integer day of the week. It returns values in the range [0,6] with Sunday as the first day of the week.
dayOfWeekName String True The day of the week in English. This dimension has values of Sunday, Monday, etc.
defaultChannelGroup String True The conversion's default channel group is based primarily on source and medium.
deviceCategory String True The type of device: Desktop, Tablet, or Mobile.
deviceModel String True The mobile device model (example: iPhone 10,6).
eventName String True The name of the event.
fileExtension String True The extension of the downloaded file (for example, pdf or txt). Automatically populated if Enhanced Measurement is enabled .
fileName String True The page path of the downloaded file . Automatically populated if Enhanced Measurement is enabled.
firstSessionDate String True The date the user's first session occurred, formatted as YYYYMMDD.
firstUserCampaignId String True Identifier of the marketing campaign that first acquired the user. Includes Google Ads Campaigns, Manual Campaigns, and other Campaigns.
firstUserCampaignName String True Name of the marketing campaign that first acquired the user. Includes Google Ads Campaigns, Manual Campaigns, and other Campaigns.
firstUserDefaultChannelGroup String True The default channel group that first acquired the user. Default channel group is based primarily on source and medium.
firstUserGoogleAdsAccountName String True The Account name from Google Ads that first acquired the user.
firstUserGoogleAdsAdGroupId String True The Ad Group Id in Google Ads that first acquired the user.
firstUserGoogleAdsAdGroupName String True The Ad Group Name in Google Ads that first acquired the user.
firstUserGoogleAdsAdNetworkType String True The advertising network that first acquired the user.
firstUserGoogleAdsCampaignId String True Identifier of the Google Ads marketing campaign that first acquired the user.
firstUserGoogleAdsCampaignName String True Name of the Google Ads marketing campaign that first acquired the user.
firstUserGoogleAdsCampaignType String True The campaign type of the Google Ads campaign that first acquired the user. Campaign types determine where customers see your ads and the settings and options available to you in Google Ads. Campaign type is an enumeration that includes: Search, Display, Shopping, Video, Discovery, App, Smart, Hotel, Local, and Performance Max.
firstUserGoogleAdsCreativeId String True The Id of the Google Ads creative that first acquired the user. Creative IDs identify individual ads.
firstUserGoogleAdsCustomerId String True The Customer Id from Google Ads that first acquired the user. Customer IDs in Google Ads uniquely identify Google Ads accounts.
firstUserGoogleAdsKeyword String True The matched keyword that first acquired the user. Keywords are words or phrases describing your product or service that you choose to get your ad in front of the right customers.
firstUserGoogleAdsQuery String True The search query that first acquired the user.
firstUserManualAdContent String True The ad content that first acquired the user. Populated by the utm_content parameter.
firstUserManualTerm String True The term that first acquired the user. Populated by the utm_term parameter.
firstUserMedium String True The medium that first acquired the user to your website or app.
firstUserSource String True The source that first acquired the user to your website or app.
firstUserSourceMedium String True The combined values of the dimensions firstUserSource and firstUserMedium.
firstUserSourcePlatform String True The source platform that first acquired the user. Please do not depend on this field returning Manual for traffic that uses UTMs; this field will update from returning Manual to returning (not set) for an upcoming feature launch.
fullPageUrl String True The hostname, page path, and query string for web pages visited
googleAdsAccountName String True The Account name from Google Ads for the campaign that led to the conversion event. Corresponds to customer.descriptive_name in the Google Ads API.
googleAdsAdGroupId String True The ad group id attributed to the conversion event.
googleAdsAdGroupName String True The ad group name attributed to the conversion event.
googleAdsAdNetworkType String True The advertising network type of the conversion.
googleAdsCampaignId String True The campaign Id for the Google Ads campaign attributed to the conversion event.
googleAdsCampaignName String True The campaign name for the Google Ads campaign attributed to the conversion event.
googleAdsCampaignType String True The campaign type for the Google Ads campaign attributed to the conversion event. Campaign types determine where customers see your ads and the settings and options available to you in Google Ads. Campaign type is an enumeration that includes: Search, Display, Shopping, Video, Discovery, App, Smart, Hotel, Local, and Performance Max.
googleAdsCreativeId String True The Id of the Google Ads creative attributed to the conversion event. Creative IDs identify individual ads.
googleAdsCustomerId String True The Customer Id from Google Ads for the campaign that led to conversion event. Customer IDs in Google Ads uniquely identify Google Ads accounts.
googleAdsKeyword String True The matched keyword that led to the conversion event. Keywords are words or phrases describing your product or service that you choose to get your ad in front of the right customers.
googleAdsQuery String True The search query that led to the conversion event.
groupId String True The player group Id in a game for an event. Populated by the event parameter group_id.
hostName String True Includes the subdomain and domain names of a URL; for example, the Host Name of is
hour String True The two-digit hour of the day that the event was logged. This dimension ranges from 0-23 and is reported in your property's timezone.
isConversionEvent String True The string 'true' if the event is a conversion. Events are marked as conversions at collection time; changes to an event's conversion marking apply going forward. You can mark any event as a conversion in Google Analytics, and some events (i.e. first_open, purchase) are marked as conversions by default.
isoWeek String True ISO week number, where each week starts on Monday. Example values include 01, 02, and 53.
isoYear String True The ISO year of the event. Example values include 2022 and 2023.
isoYearIsoWeek String True The combined values of isoWeek and isoYear. Example values include 201652 and 201701.
itemAffiliation String True The name or code of the affiliate (partner/vendor if any) associated with an individual item. Populated by the 'affiliation' item parameter.
itemBrand String True Brand name of the item.
itemCategory String True The hierarchical category in which the item is classified. For example, in Apparel/Mens/Summer/Shirts/T-shirts, Apparel is the item category.
itemCategory2 String True The hierarchical category in which the item is classified. For example, in Apparel/Mens/Summer/Shirts/T-shirts, Mens is the item category 2.
itemCategory3 String True The hierarchical category in which the item is classified. For example, in Apparel/Mens/Summer/Shirts/T-shirts, Summer is the item category 3.
itemCategory4 String True The hierarchical category in which the item is classified. For example, in Apparel/Mens/Summer/Shirts/T-shirts, Shirts is the item category 4.
itemCategory5 String True The hierarchical category in which the item is classified. For example, in Apparel/Mens/Summer/Shirts/T-shirts, T-shirts is the item category 5.
itemId String True The Id of the item.
itemListId String True The Id of the item list.
itemListName String True The name of the item list.
itemListPosition String True The position of an item (e.g., a product you sell) in a list. This dimension is populated in tagging by the index parameter in the items array.
itemLocationID String True The physical location associated with the item (e.g. the physical store location). It is recommended to use the [Google Place ID] that corresponds to the associated item. A custom location Id can also be used. This field is populated in tagging by the location_id parameter in the items array.
itemName String True The name of the item.
itemPromotionCreativeName String True The name of the item-promotion creative.
itemPromotionCreativeSlot String True The name of the promotional creative slot associated with the item. This dimension can be specified in tagging by the creative_slot parameter at the event or item level. If the parameter is specified at both the event and item level, the item-level parameter is used.
itemPromotionId String True The Id of the item promotion.
itemPromotionName String True The name of the promotion for the item.
itemVariant String True The specific variation of a product. e.g., XS, S, M, L for size; or Red, Blue, Green, Black for color. Populated by the item_variant parameter.
landingPage String True The page path associated with the first pageview in a session.
landingPagePlusQueryString String True The page path + query string associated with the first pageview in a session.
language String True The language setting of the user's browser or device. e.g. English
languageCode String True The language setting (ISO 639) of the user's browser or device. e.g. en-us
level String True The players level in a game. Populated by the event parameter level.
linkClasses String True The HTML class attribute for an outbound link
StartDate String Start date for fetching Analytics data. Either a date string or a relative date (e.g., today, yesterday, or #daysAgo).
EndDate String End date for fetching Analytics data. Either a date string or a relative date (e.g., today, yesterday, or #daysAgo).

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Build 23.0.8804