JDBC Driver for Zoho CRM

Build 24.0.8963


Retrieves all the files attached to a specified module.

Table-Specific Information


The 本製品 uses the Zoho CRM API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The rest of the filter is executed client-side within the 本製品.

  • ModuleName supports the '=' operator.

For example, the following queries are processed server side:

SELECT * FROM ModuleAttachedFiles WHERE ModuleName = "Leads"

Note: The UploadFile and DownloadFile stored procedures will not work as expected if executed in regards to a custom field. They only upload or download files in the "Attachments" section of the module. Uploading and deleting files from a custom field of type "fileupload" can be done only through the UI.


Name Type Description
FileId String Id of the file attached to the module.
FileName String Name of the file attached to the module.
AttachmentId [KEY] String Id of the attachment.
CreatorId String Id of the user who uploaded the attachment.
EntityId String Id of the entity.
DownloadUrl String URL to download the attachment.
PreviewUrl String URL to preview the attachmen.
FileSize String The size of the attachment.
FileExtension String Extension of the attachment.
ModuleName String Id of the module.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.8963