Query information regarding recent visits.
Name | Type | Description |
Id [KEY] | String | The Id of the visit. |
PageVisited | String | The name of the visited page. |
VisitedBy_Id | String | The Id of the visitor. |
VisitedBy_FirstName | String | The First Name of the visitor. |
VisitedBy_LastName | String | The Last Name of the visitor. |
IPAddress | String | The IP address of the visitor. |
TimeSpent(Minutes) | String | The time spent in minutes for the visit. |
Referrer | String | The referrer of the visitor. |
VisitedPageURL | String | The URL of the visited page. |
CreatedBy_Id | String | The Id of the object which created the visit. |
ModifiedBy_Id | String | The Id of the object which modified the visit. |
ModifiedBy_FirstName | String | The First Name of the object which modified the visit. |
ModifiedBy_LastName | String | The Last Name of the object which modified the visit. |
CreatedTime | Datetime | The date and time when the visit was created. |
ModifiedTime | Datetime | The date and time when the visit was modified. |
AttendedBy | String | Who attended the visit. |
UserDetails | String | The user details of the visit. |
Browser | String | The browser used for the visit. |
TimeVisited | Datetime | The date and time of the visit. |
VisitorType | String | The type of visitor for the visit. |
Revenue | Decimal | The revenue generated by the visit. |
NumberofPages | Int | The number of pages visited from the visit. |
PortalName | String | The name of the portal used for the visit. |
SearchKeyword | String | The search keyword used for the visit. |
SearchEngine | String | The search engine used for the visit. |
OperatingSystem | String | The operating system of the visitor. |
Gclid | String | The GCLID of the visitor. |
Keyword | String | The keyword used in the visit. |
ClickType | String | The click type of the visit. |
Devicetype | String | The type of the device of the visitor. |
AdNetwork | String | The ad network used in the visit. |
SearchPartnerNetwork | String | The search partner network for the visit. |
AdCampaignName | String | The ad campaign name of the visit. |
AdGroupName | String | The ad group name of the visit. |
Ad | String | The ad used for the visit. |
AdClickDate | Date | The date and time when the ad was clicked. |
VisitSource | String | The source of the visit. |
SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。
Name | Type | Description |
DuplicateCheckFields | String | The field/s to be used for checking in an upsert. |
CustomViewId | Long | The custom view Id to be used for filtering this record. Will work when useCOQL=false. |